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Vol. 8 ©ctofcer, 1928
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec.
1103, Act, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jan. 28, 1921.
Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing the study and
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
H. H. Smith
W. H. Vogel C. G. Schoewe Dr. H. L. Tilsner
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand W. W. Oilman
A. T. Newman Dr. A. L. Kastner
Dr. S. A. Barrett Dr. F. C. Rogers Dr. E. J. W. Notz
A. P. Kannenberg E. F. Richter Mrs. H. E. Koerner
VetalWinn L.R.Whitney Geo. A. West
W. C. McKern
G. M. Thome
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. S. A. Barrett, J. P. Schumacher, W. G. Mc-
Lachlan, Rev. F. S. Dayton, C. E. Brown, W. C. McKern, T. L.
Miller, A, W. Pond, C. W. Beemer, and Frank Thomlinson.
MOUND PRESERVATION— W. W. Gilman, Dr. F. C. Rogers, Dr.
A. L. Kastner, R. J. Kieckhefer, Mrs. Jessie R. Skinner, Louise
P. Kellogg, Mrs. H. A. Main, R. A. Maas, J. W. Norris, Mrs.i
F. R. Melcher, Dr. A. Gerend, and G. L. Pasco.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, Dr. G. L. Collie, A. C.
Neville, A. P. Kannenberg, E. P. Hamilton, William Horlick,
Mrs. H. A. Olson, Mrs. H. E. Koerner, R. S. Van Handel, Mrs.
E. T. Wiswall and T. M. N. Lewis.
MEMBERSHIP— C. G. Schoewe, A. P. Cloos, Dr. W. H. Brown, A. R.
Rogers, A. Sohrweide, Jr., Vetal Winn, C. G. Weyl, Mrs. Theo.
Koerner, W. P. Morgan, A. E. Koerner, Louis Pierron, C. Baer-
wald, D. S. Rowland, and Geo. Overton.
MAN MOUND PARK— E. A. Gilman, Miss Emma Richmond and
M. F. Hulburt.
AZTALAN MOUND PARK— R. P. Ferry, M. G. Troxell, and W. W.
PUBLICITY— A. O. Barton, Mrs. W. F. Bauchle, M. C. Richter, E. R.
Mclntyre and R. K. Coe.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeological Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologist" should be addressed to Charles E
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Museum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thome, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce. Mil-
Vol. 8, No. 1, New Series
Harry E. Cole 7
The Historic Brule, Louise P. Kellogg 10
Effigy Platform Pipe, Charles E. Brown 12
Importance of Skeletal Remains in Wisconsin Archeology,
Alton K. Fisher 14
The Reedsburg Cache, Milton F. Hulbert 18
The Ceramic Repository, Carl E. Guthe 20
The Importance of Pottery in Wisconsin Archeology, W. C. McKern 26
The Dickson Mound Builders' Tomb, Theodore T. Brown 29
Wisconsin Shell Beads, Anton Sohrweide 32
The Rockford Mound Group, Charles E. Brown 35
Family Names of Civilized Indians, Vetal WTinn 36
A "Lost Art" That Was Never Lost 39
Archeological Notes 41
Effigy Platform Pipe Frontispiece
Plate Facing Page
1. The Reedsburg Cache 18
2. Indian Burials in the Dickson Tomb 30
3. Rockford Mound Group __ 36
Albion Township, Dane County, Wisconsin.
Published Quarterly by the Wisconsin. Archeological Society
Vol. 8 MADISON, WIS., OCTOBER, 1928 No. 1
New Series
Harry E. Cole, for many years a very active member of
the Wisconsin Archeological Society, died at his home at
Baraboo, Wisconsin, on Friday, April 13, 1928. Mr. Cole
was a charter member of the state society and at different
times during the many years of his membership one of its
vice presidents and a member of its board of directors. At
the time of his death he was the chairman of its committee
on State Survey, an office which he had held for a number
of years. At the time of his death he was also the president
of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
"Mr. Cole was a native of Indiana. He was born on a
farm near Pierceton, his parents Thomas and Caroline Cole.
He finished his common school education at Pierceton high,
then took a course at DePauw, graduating in '92. The bril-
liant Beveridge was but one year before. For a time he was
principal of Pierceton high school, then, having determined
upon journalism as a life calling, he went to La Crosse in a
reportorial capacity, but, after about a year, bought the
Baraboo Daily News, in association with A. D. Dorsett, a
college classmate. That was 33 years ago. Since then he
was editor .for many years before Harlan K. Page pur-
chased a half interest, and also was business manager.
Twenty-five years ago last May Mr. Cole was married to
Miss Dorothy Matchett. The two were friends from child-
hood and attended the Pierceton high school together. Mr.
Cole was editor of his college paper, and a member of Delta
Upsilon; also he was a Pythian and a Kiwanian. His par-
ents were Methodists.
"Mr. Cole figured large in Baraboo affairs for more than
33 years, bringing the community distinction and many
notables — more by far than any other citizen in all the
history of the city. His interest in archaeology was sincere,
and due to his activities in a great measure do we have a
gratifying mapping of the mounds of Sauk and neighboring
counties. He likewise was especially fond of geology and
local history.
"His inclination was strongly historical, and early he
joined the Wisconsin State Historical Society, of which he
was president for three years. For many years he had been
a curator. Also he was a member of the Wisconsin Acad-
emy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, of the Baraboo humane
society, of the Sauk County Historical society, of the Bara-
boo Fortnightly club, which he organized and served as
president, of the Men's Book club, likewise organized by
him, of the Heart of the Hills Walking club, of the Friends
of Our Native Landscape, of which he was treasurer.
"These associations clearly indicate the trend of his
thoughts and his activities. In conjunction with Dr. A. B.
Stout, now of the New York Botanical Garden, Mr. Cole
was instrumental in securing the site of a mound four miles
east of Baraboo, where reclines the effigy of a giant 214 feet
long by 48 broad at the shoulders — a mystifying object of
unusual interest.
The work of Mr. Cole in the archeological field began with
Dr. Stout in making a survey of the Indian remains in the
eastern half of Sauk county. Some 700 mounds of various
types were mapped, village sites located, and other evidences
of aboriginal occupation recorded. Over a period of three
years Mr. Cole made a number of trips to Adams county
where a like survey was made and hundreds of mounds
listed. This was followed by a survey of the western half
of Sauk county, where more mounds were mapped, and one
trip was made up the Baraboo river valley with the late
Prof. A. S. Flint, some interesting remains being located.
More recently, in connection with Charles E. Brown, secre-
tary of the Wisconsin Archeological society, a survey of
Columbia county was made. Extensive reports have been
printed of the work completed.
Harry E. Cole.
"Bronze tablets have been placed on many mounds at
Madison, Delavan, Waukesha, Milwaukee, Devils Lake
State Park, Baraboo and elsewhere, Mr. Cole attending with
fidelity and often assisting with the accurate placing and
the unveiling. The fine bronze tablet which marks the
great bird effigy mound at Kirk's hotel in Devils Lake State
Park was one of his personal gifts to Wisconsin archaeol-
ogy. In recognition of his services, covering over 25 years,
the Lapham medal, bearing the following inscription, was
presented to Mr. Cole by the Wisconsin Archeological
Society :
MARCH 15, 1926
"The Sauk County Historical society was incorporated
more than 20 years ago and Mr. Cole always was its presi-
dent. Largely through his efforts a highly creditable mu-
seum was established in the Baraboo courthouse. Here are
placed some of the rare archaeological relics of the region
and objects of pioneer interest.
"Mr. Cole was the author of "Stage-coach and Tavern
Days in the Baraboo Region," "Baraboo, Dells and Devils
Lake Region," "Baraboo and Other Place Names in Sauk
County," "Baraboo Bear Tales," "The Quest of Life's
Meaning," and other books and brochures. The one relat-
ing to the Baraboo region has gone into the third edition.
This book is used largely by geologists and tourists who
come to see the unusual scenery, archaeological remains
and geology of the Baraboo valley. At the time of his death
Mr. Cole had finished an extended revision of his stagecoach
story, which he had expanded into an important volume of
several hundred pages, covering the entire state, — finished
except for printing.
"Numerous articles from his pen, usually historic, ap-
peared over many years in magazines and the press. Be-
fore the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
he spoke a number of times and at his death he was vice-
president of that organization.
"Mr. Cole had been to Europe twice, and was widely
traveled over his own country. One visit was made to
Alaska. Notable friends he had everywhere, and with
many he maintained a lively and intimate correspondence.
He had a wide knowledge of books, his library extensive and
of solid literary, historic, scientific and philosophic merit."*
The Wisconsin Archeological Society has never had a
more devoted, active or unselfish member than Harry E.
Cole. His interest in its undertakings and his activity in
its behalf never ceased until the day of his death. In years
past he frequently spoke at its Milwaukee meetings and
helped to organize its state field assemblies. He often ap-
peared before the committees of the state legislature in be-
half of its appropriation and other bills. To call on Harry
E. Cole for any public educational service was to secure his
assistance. The doors of his hospitable home at Baraboo
were ever open to archaeologists, historians, geologists and
nature lovers, and his automobile was ever at their com-
mand for expeditions into all parts of the state. The offi-
cers and members of the Wisconsin Archeological Society
especially mourn the loss of so great a friend as he was.
He sleeps in beautiful Walnut Hill cemetery at Baraboo,
near some of the men and women whose achievements his
ready pen has helped to perpetuate and within sight of the
beautiful Baraboo range whose scenic beauties, geology,
archaeology and history no man has ever known so well.
Far up in the northwest corner of Wisconsin, near the
western end of Lake Superior issues a small river, which
has had a long and varied history and has considerably in-
fluenced the destinies of Wisconsin. The headsprings of
this stream lie almost a hundred miles to the south where
The Wisconsin State Journal,April 14, 1928.
.The Historic Brule. 11
they interlock with those of the St. Croix River, a tributary
of the Mississippi. It is due to this fact that both the rivers
have become historic, for by following either and portaging
to the other the shortest way between the water systems of
the Great Lakes and the great river is found. ' The north-
ern stream makes a swift descent of over five hundred feet
to the waters of Lake Superior, forming it is said, two hun-
dred and forty distinct rapids, some of which are consider-
able cascades ; it is navigable only by the frail birch canoes
of the Indians. These skillful canoemen can run down the
river making only four portages; in ascending, however,
the portages and decharges1 are numerous and a birch bark
flotilla needed five or more days for the voyage.
This waterway was known to the redmen long before the
advent of the whites; through the thick bordering forest
they urged their frail craft, intent upon seeking game or
bent on a war expedition against their enemies. The first
Indians, who lived thereabouts were the Sioux tribesmen
and their name for the river was the Nemitsakouat, by that
name it is called in a letter of La Salle written in 1861.
The year before had taken place the first recorded jour-
ney of a white man along this river — no less a personage
than La Salle's great rival, Daniel Greysolon Sieur Duluth.
This brave adventurer had come to the far Northwest to
reconcile the Sioux Indians with their hereditary enemies,
the Chippewa, whose habitat lay at the eastern end of Lake
Superior. The rival war parties made all routes unsafe
either for hunting or for discovery. Duluth was very suc-
cessful in his pacification, having brought the chiefs of both
tribes together and held a peace council where the city now
stands that bears his name. "In June, 1680," he writes in
his journal, "not being satisfied with my exploration by land
I took two canoes, with a savage who was my interpreter,
and with four Frenchmen, to seek the means of making it
by water. For this purpose I entered into a river which
has its mouth eight leagues from the extremity of Lake
Superior on the south side, where after having cut down
some trees and broken through about one hundred beaver
1 A decharge is a place where only the load is taken from the canoe
and the craft itself poled through the rapid.
dams, I went up the said river, and then made a carry of
half a league to reach a lake, which emptied into a fine river,
which brought me to the Mississippi."
The French guarded this waterway by rudely built forts,
one on Madeline Island in Chequamegon Bay, one on an
island in the Mississippi, and a third was placed for a time
on upper Lake St. Croix. They were, however, obliged to
abandon this region because of the outbreak of the Chip-
pewa-Sioux war, the great battle of which was fought near
the falls of St. Croix, early in the eighteenth century. The
Chippewa won and drove the Sioux from these hunting
grounds. They renamed the river Wis-a-ko-da (Misacoda)
which means burnt pines; this the French translated to
Bois Brule from which is derived the modern name of Brule.
One other title was borne by this stream during the
eighteenth century when it was named Goddard's River for
an early fur trader by the famous Jonathan Carver, first
English traveler in Wisconsin. When he was here in July,
1767 he says "this [the river] was so scant of water we
were obliged to raise it with dams for passage."
Among the first Americans to visit this stream were
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft in 1831 and his party guarded by
Lieutenant James Allen of the Fifth United States Infan-
try with a number of troops. Schoolcraft, who was Indian
agent at Sault Ste. Marie came out to vaccinate the Chip-
pewa of this locality, among whom wras the famous Chief
Pezhicki, or Buffalo, who had visited President Monroe at
Washington and wore a silver medal on his breast bearing
the president's effigy. Schoolcraft speaks of moose hunting
on the Burntwood River, while Allen says "the river is ex-
ceedingly cold and clear and is filled with thousands of the
real mountain brook trout" — a fisherman's paradise a hun-
dred years ago. Allen, however, had hard work to descend
this rapid stream with awkward soldiers unaccustomed to
guiding canoes in strong water, the craft struck so often on
the rocks that the supply of gum to mend the birch bark was
exhausted, and part of the soldiers had to take to the woods
and clamber among the rocky steeps of the river's bank.
"Often," says Schoolcraft, "on looking down its channel
there are wreaths of foam constituting a brilliant vista.
Effigy Platform Pipe. 13
This stream might appropriately be called Rapid or Mad
Thus the many-named stream— Nemitsakouat, Wisakoda,
Bois Brule, Burntwood, Goddard, Brule or Mad River has
threaded the dark forests of northwest Wisconsin, an his-
toric stream, known formerly to a few, now of world wide
fame, as the summer home for the chief executive of the
nation. In 1803 it was the route of a French-Canadian fur-
trader who gives us some of the Indian names for localities.
He slept one night at "le petit Pakouijawin," a native term
for a bayou or lake just above the last quick water and not
far from Cedar Island lodge. Near by was "le grand Pa-
kouijawin" and from its head there ran an old Indian trail
to where Superior now stands.
Thus this river justifies its title of the historic Brule,
frequented in prehistoric times by the Sioux who were
driven thence by their rivals the Chippewa; traversed in
the seventeenth century by French discoverers and soldiers
of fortune; a well-known waterway in the eighteenth cen-
tury for British explorers and fur traders, it became in the
nineteenth century a lumberer's stream, until with more
leisurely days came the sportsmen and tourists who have
placed the historic Brule on the map of the world.
The very interesting Indian ceremonial pipe illustrated
in the frontispiece of this issue of The Wisconsin Arche-
ologist was plowed up in the year 1925 from a gravel hill
on the Atwood farm, in the Si/2 of Section 5, Albion Town-
ship, Dane County, Wisconsin.
The disk, with slightly concave surfaces, probably repre-
senting a discoidal stone, has in front of it a headless kneel-
ing female figure, both on a rather thick and broad plat-
form base.
This pipe has the following dimensions, and weight :
Height — 5% inches.
Length — 6% inches.
Base — Length 5% inches, width 23/4 inches, thickness T% to 1 inch.
Diameter of discoidal — 5% inches, thickness 2% inches.
Height of kneeling figure — 4% inches.
Weight — 5% pounds.
The bowl of this pipe is on the top of the discoidal. It is
conical in form, li/2 inches in diameter and 1% inches deep.
The "stemhole" is placed on the side of the disk at a dis-
tance of % of an inch beyond the edge of the bowl. It is of
about the same size and depth as the bowl. It is very prob-
able that the kneeling figure once possessed a head.
This pipe is one of the largest and heaviest pipes ever
found in Wisconsin. It is likewise one of a very small num-
ber of human effigy pipes found which are probably prehis-
toric. In a number of places it shows traces of a former
polish. The material from which it is fashioned is crinoidal
limestone of the same character as that of an outcrop of
this material which, according to geologists, occurs in south-
eastern and western Kentucky, southern Indiana, southern
Illinois and eastern Missouri. Its character indicates that
it was probably made by some one of the prehistoric Indian
tribes of the Middle Mississippi valley or of regions further
The kneeling figure is suggestive of some of the kneel-
ing effigy vessels obtained from mounds and stone graves
in the Middle Mississippi valley. This very interesting
pipe (A8954) is the property of the State Historical Mu-
seum at Madison.
In his monograph, "The Aboriginal Pipes of Wisconsin,"
George A. West, describes and figures some other effigy
One of the most interesting fields in the realm of arche-
ology is the Wisconsin region. Here the problems which
confront the investigator are many, but the means of solv-
ing these problems are often very meager and sometimes
apparently absent. This apparent absence of archeological
evidence is due in part, I believe, to the climate of this field.
In the spring the ground is saturated with water and in the
* Wis. Archeologist, v. 4, Nos. 3 and 4, 1905.
Skeletal Remains. 15
summer the soil sometimes hardens and cracks in the hot
sunshine. In the fall the soil is again reduced to mud and
the following winter, which is often severe, freezes the soil
below the depth at which archeological materials are fre-
quently found. Because of the great quantities of water in
the soil and because of the frequent temperature changes,
materials such as bones, pottery and plant fibers are often
reduced to such a state that identification of them is no
longer possible.
It is possible that the comparative abundance of stone
artifacts has led local archeologists to accumulate large and
valuable collections of arrow-points, and to neglect almost
entirely the rarer and less stable materials. Then too, small
potsherds and broken skulls do not make as interesting
exhibition pieces as do agate points or copper ear-spools.
However, if we are to make any progress in the solution
of our archeological problems we must collect and study the
crude and homely specimens as well as the beautiful ones.
It is practically impossible to determine the culture of a
people from the arrow-points that are found upon their
deserted campsites, but the neglected potsherds tell more
definite stories. Mound excavations result in the accumu-
lation of vast quantities of information regarding the cul-
ture of these prehistoric people, but it is only through the
actual examination of their skeletal remains that we can
ever hope to know what they were like as human beings,
and that information is just as important to anthropology
as data for any of its other divisions.
Climatic conditions, as has been stated before, are not
conducive to the preservation of bone materials in this re-
gion and consequently it is seldom possible to obtain skele-
tons or parts of skeletons in perfect condition. Very fre-
quently skeletons are found crushed by the pressure of the
soil above them, and it is a common occurrence in excavat-
ing a burial to find only portions of a few bones remaining,
the rest having entirely disintegrated. In view of these
facts one may consider himself fortunate if he finds a skele-
ton in good condition, and he may also consider it a good
find if any of the bones can be preserved for future exami-
nation. A skeleton in good condition is valuable to the phys-
ical anthropologist, but much information can be obtained
from a broken specimen. In the past, in fact, valuable dis-
coveries have resulted from the study of only fragments of
bone, and it is advisable for all who uncover skeletal mate-
rial to "save the pieces".
From the measurement of skeletal remains it is possible
to compute with a fair degree of accuracy the size of indi-
viduals in life, and if the number of skeletons measured is
great enough, one may be reasonably certain that if a par-
ticular size predominates, it is a physical characteristic of
the group under consideration. If the vast majority of in-
dividuals examined exhibit long, narrow heads, that too
may be a physical peculiarity of that group and it may prove
very valuable in determining the peculiar physical traits of
a cultural group. There are a great- number of measure-
ments to be taken which may be valuable in future work.
Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, the eminent physical anthropologist, says,
"There are none except natural limits to the number or
variety of measurements that can be legitimately practiced
on the human body or its remains." The measurements
taken may not be used by the present generation of scien-
tists nor the succeeding one, but who can positively say
that these measurements will never be used ?
Despite the fact that measurements are essential in an-
thropological work, the physical anthropologist does not de-
vote all of his attention to them, for he is also interested in
knowing what kind of lives this or that people lived, and
whether or not they were effected by the diseases which
effect modern people. Who knows whether or not the men
were more susceptible to the diseases of those prehistoric
days than were the women, or whether spinal arthritis was
a common affliction of the times? No one knowrs at the
present time because no one has tried to find it out, but
after making a thorough study of the skeletal remains it
will be possible to answer many of these questions.
Up to the present time little work regarding the pathol-
ogy of prehistoric people has been carried on in this coun-
try, and the first work to be undertaken, to my knowledge,
in investigating the pathology of the archaic folks of this
state is being conducted under the auspices of the Milwau-
kee Public Museum at the present time by Dr. Herbert
Kuhm, Dr. George Adami and myself. The present invest!-
Skeletal Remains. 17
gations are restricted to the jaws and teeth of available
specimens, and those specimens vary from complete skulls
with mandibles or lower jaw bones, to only small portions
of mandible and such small portions are just as important
as a complete skull. From the evidence obtained from only
one half of the lower jaw bone it is possible to determine
with a fair degree of accuracy the sex of the individual,
some of the pathological conditions which developed in the
jaws or teeth during his life, and his approximate age at
the time of his death. The teeth serve also as indicators,
to a certain extent, of the nature of the foods used by these
Although our investigations of the diseases of the jaws
and teeth of prehistoric Wisconsin Indians have only begun
we have already found evidences of many abscesses in the
bone, some resulting from infections in the teeth due orig-
inally to large cavities. Evidences have been found also of
pyorrhea and of other infections of the gums, of malocclu-
sions and malformations of the teeth and of unerupted
third molars or wisdom teeth, all of these facts being con-
trary to the popular opinion that the Indians and their an-
cestors were the possessors of only perfect teeth. As we
continue our investigations we may encounter new and in-
teresting conditions, and in recording our discoveries we
help to make more complete the slowly forming story of
those folks of long ago.
The Milwaukee Public Museum and the State Historical
Museum both have growing collections of osteological speci-
mens, and it is these specimens that are being examined as
the beginning of our study. However, these two collections
are unable to furnish sufficient material for the completion
of this research project. From them we can gain much in-
formation, but if our conception of this deceased people is
to be a true one, and if the conclusions drawn from this in-
vestigation are to be in any way positive, we must study a
much larger series of specimens that will include bone ma-
terials from all over the state of Wisconsin. In order to dc
this we must enlist the aid of those who are interested ir.
seeing Wisconsin's archeological riddles solved. It is pos<
sible that collections of bones may exist in various localities
but due to an apparent lack of interest or an unconscious-
ness of the importance of the subject little or nothing has
been said concerning them. We desire to borrow for study
purposes for only a short time all of the skulls or parts of
skulls available. We also desire detailed information to
accompany any specimens loaned to us regarding the exact
location where the burial was uncovered, and also the na-
ture or method of burial.
These bones should be packed in a substantial box and
addressed to the Department of Anthropology, Milwaukee
Public Museum. We will be very grateful to the reader for
any cooperation on this matter. After the examinations
have been completed the specimens will be sent back to the
owners in the same condition in which they were received.
If the reader can inform me of the whereabouts of any such
specimens his efforts will be greatly appreciated.
In May, 1927, Wm. Schuette, while digging a fence-post
hole, unearthed a collection of chipped flint blanks — seven-
teen in number — as shown in the accompanying photo-
graph. They were located together and at a depth of about
two feet below the present surface of the ground.
This cache was found near what is probably the site of
an ancient Indian village, near the north shore of the Bara-
boo River, in what is now a part of South Park Addition
to the city of Reedsburg, Wisconsin.
At this point, a few rods from the present river bank,
there is a tableland which is elevated about fifteen feet
above the water. From the surface, over a tract of an acre
or two of this tableland, a large number of flint implements
have been found from time to time since the land was first
cleared and cultivated by the whites. Hundreds of flint
knives, arrow and spear points — some perfect, finished
specimens and some broken or unfinished — together with
flint chisels and drills and a great number of flint chips and
fragments have been gathered from the locality. A few
grooved stone axes, celts and grinding stones have also been
Plate 1.
The Reedsburg1 Cache 19
The cache of chipped flints was located at the southern
edge of the area which has been so prolific in surface flints
of various kinds and of unknown antiquity.
The writer, on learning of the discovery of the cache, ob-
tained the specimens from Mr. Schuette, and now has them
in his collection.
The combined weight of the seventeen pieces is six
pounds ; the smallest one weighing 2 ounces, and the largest
specimen 2 pounds.
All of the specimens are of chert or hornstone of a dull
color, a variety of stone said to be plentiful in the adjoin-
ing county of Richland. At the spot where this cache was
found the land is quite level and probably has not been sub-
jected to rapid erosion, at least during recent geological
From the variety and great number of flint implements
and chips that have been found in this particular locality,
it is highly probable that it was, at some remote time, a
village site of Indians yet in the "Stone Age" whose only
vestiges in this instance are the flint implements that they
fashioned and used.
About eight rods to the southwest of these grounds, but
lying in the lowlands bordering the river, is an effigy
mound, 113 ft. in length, known as the "Mink Mound." Its
average width is about eight feet and the height is about
three feet. Its direction is nearly due north and south.
Whether this mound was constructed by the same primi-
tive inhabitants that formerly occupied the prehistoric vil-
lage site is, of course, speculative and uncertain. The
mound has never been excavated. Its contents are there-
fore unknown. When the mound was built, and by whom
constructed, are as profound mysteries as is the data rela-
tive to the chipped flints and the natives who, for a consid-
erable time, lived in their rude abodes on the adjacent up-
Another item of some interest in connection with this
mound and the evidences of the ancient native camping
grounds herein outlined, is the following:
In 1925, while excavating a cellar about twenty rods
north of the "Mink Mound", and in direct line with its gen-
eral axis, the workmen came upon a well defined circular
area of black dirt which was sharply outlined against the
surrounding earth, of a very different color and composi-
tion. It was evident that at some remote time in the dim
and misty past, a circular hole about four feet in diameter
and four or five feet deep had been dug into the ground and
that the excavation has subsequently become filled by in-
wash of the black surface soil. It is thought that it may
have been an ancient water hole or well in which water
accumulated by lateral seepage. This, however, is only a
conjecture. Maybe some of your readers may be able to
suggest a more plausible explanation.
The contrast was so well marked in color and character
of the dirt, and the outlines were so well defined, that it
plainly indicated the former work of human hands.
That the excavation was an ancient one was shown by
the marginal stellate coloration effected in the lapse of time
by chemical changes wrought by the organic matter of the
black fill with the mineral contents of the surrounding clay.
The Committee on State Archaeological Surveys, of the
Division of Anthropology and Psychology of the National
Research Council, at a meeting held in Chicago, recom-
mended and authorized the formation in the Museum of
Anthropology at the University of Michigan of a repository
for pottery fragments obtained in North America. This
has been approved by the Division and the Council.
The reason for the setting up of such a repository is
found in the ultimate purpose of archaeology, an historical
science which seeks to interpret extinct civilizations, and
thereby to arrive at conclusions regarding the forces which
mould the development of man and his cultures. The
archaeology of eastern North America is complex. In cer-
tain areas some of the archaeological remains are definitely
related to historic cultures which have since disappeared,
The Ceramic Repository. 21
while the remainder are associated with cultures which
clearly antedate the coming of the European. The problem
is further complicated in that each of these great classes of
remains may consist not of a single culture, but of a group
of cultures, whose relationships both in time and in space
are not understood, because of our present incomplete
knowledge of them. In several states, enthusiastic investi-
gators have been making rapid progress in ascertaining the
content of the cultures found within their respective com-
monwealths, and in isolating the problems which this mate-
rial presents. Yet, due to the restrictions caused by the
geographical limits within which in large degree they must
confine their efforts, many of these problems have not been
A reconstruction of the culture history of this region
rests upon the solution of comparative problems. This, in
turn, depends upon an adequate appreciation of the hori-
zontal and vertical distribution of the cultural material.
By discovering and plotting the localities in which a given
class of material occurs, a concrete knowledge is obtained
regarding its relative abundance, the extent of its distribu-
tion, and the geographical location of the culture to which
it belongs. By the laws of diffusion it is also possible to
gain information with regard to its relative antiquity in
comparison with associated cultures. Similarly, in those
localities in which stratification of deposits occurs, definite
data on the relative antiquity of successive cultures which
occupied the same site may be secured. By combining the
results obtained from these two forms of evidence, it should
be possible to reconstruct in outline the prehistory of east-
ern North America.
However, such conclusions are not reached in a short
time, but only after long and painstaking research work.
In order that this work may be valid, the data upon which
it depends must be as complete and accurate as possible. In
final analysis the whole superstructure of comparative re-
search in archaeology rests upon the data derived from ade-
quate and detailed field work and excavation. Specimens
are intrinsically of little value to the scientist. It is essen-
tial that they be accompanied by adequate information, giv-
ing the geographical locality and the associations in which
they were found. Therefore, the first and most important
step in the formation of the repository for pottery frag-
ments, and for that matter, in the solution of the general
archaeological problems of this area, is an insistence upon
proper field technique of 'observation and of excavation, and
a strong discouragement of the efforts of individuals inade-
quately equipped to pursue such investigations.
Satisfactory results of comparative research work depend
upon a minutely detailed knowledge of the material studied.
In this way alone is it possible to discover the minor varia-
tions of the material, and to evaluate their significance. A
knowledge of the more obvious variations may be obtained
from publications, but in the end the investigator will be
required actually to handle and study as many specimens as
possible. As knowledge of the material increases, certain
characteristics at first overlooked or ignored may be found
to be important. It is therefore essential that material once
handled may again be easily available as specialized knowl-
edge multiplies the technical aspects of the work. All forms
of archaeological evidence are susceptible to this kind of
treatment. The major antiquities, such as mounds, earth-
works, village sites, and workshops, will yield important in-
formation if studied in this manner. The many classes of
minor antiquities, of stone, shell, wood, and pottery, as well
as evidences of former customs, such as burial rites, all lend
themselves equally well to such comparative research work.
There are several reasons for inaugurating this compara-
tive research with a study of pottery. It is the most inde-
structible product of human culture, in that a specimen may
be shattered, yet the fragments, no matter how small, still
retain definite characteristics by which they may be classi-
fied. Again, pottery is capable of great variation ; in mate-
rial, in surface finish, in decorative technique and design,
and in form. With an adequate appreciation of the factors
involved, definite conclusions may be drawn from a study
of such variations. A third attribute of pottery is its uni-
versal distribution and its abundance, which causes it to
become the common denominator of the various cultures to
be studied. It is assumed, therefore, that by a special study
of pottery at least the major outlines of the prehistory of
eastern North America may be secured, a step which will
The Ceramic Repository. 23
facilitate the proper coordination of other archaeological
material in the general reconstruction of these extinct civ-
ilizations, which is of course, the ultimate aim of archae-
The function of the pottery repository is fourfold. Its
greatest value lies in the accumulation of a library of
shards which will serve as a permanent record, not only for
the present, but also for the future, when improved meth-
ods and new problems may require a restudy of the mate-
rial of which the library is composed. The concentration in
one laboratory of shards from widely distributed sites will,
of course, greatly facilitate the investigation of compara-
tive problems. Again, the repository will be a clearing
house, through correspondence and publication, for infor-
mation upon the material and problems involved/ By means
of the notes, photographs, and bibliography, which are an
essential part of the repository, it will be possible to aid the
research of students of related fields and subjects. Finally,
the formation of this library of shards will permit the in
auguration of loan collections, which may be sent to archae-
ologists working on detailed problems in their special areas,
for the solution of which it is necessary actually to handle
pottery from other localities.
The methods and facilities which will be used depend
somewhat upon the problems which must be solved; prob-
lems which may not become fully apparent until after the
repository is physically in existence. The material as it ar-
rives will be catalogued in the accession file and the serial
museum catalog, with a note that it is part of the National
Research Council repository. It will then be placed in trays
in the filing cabinets of the museum laboratories. These
trays are arranged in such a manner that immediate access
is possible. Accessory files, covering various subjects such
as geographical distribution, technical variations, field
notes accompanying collections, photographs, related col-
lections in other museums, and a bibliography, will be de-
veloped. It is planned to make the repository as accessible
as possible, and of real value to archaeologists everywhere
in the area. The arrangements in the museum building will
permit laboratory work in the rooms in which the filing
cases of specimens are situated. Facilities for undisturbed
prolonged research exist for those students of pottery who
care to work in the museum itself.
The Museum of Anthropology at the University of Michi-
gan was chosen as the custodian of this repository for three
reasons. Situated in the Great Lakes district within rela-
tively easy access of the entire Mississippi basin, it forms
a logical geographical center for the accumulation of such
a collection. A new museum building is now under con-
struction at the University, in which are incorporated the
most advanced ideas regarding research facilities. It is
planned to occupy the building in the spring of 1928.
Finally, the staff of the museum contains a specialist on pot-
tery, who, through field work in various regions, is equipped
to assume responsibility for the care and study of the mate-
rial which the repository will contain.
The formation of this library of pottery fragments by the
Committee on State Archaeological Surveys does not imply
any interference with the collection of specimens by any
other organization. The library will be composed primarily
of shards which would under other circumstances be dis-
carded. While the receipt of unbroken pottery objects will,
of course, be welcome, it should clearly be understood that
the primary purpose of the repository is the formation of a
study series, in contrast to an exhibition collection.
In selecting the material to be sent to the repository, no
attempt should be made to sort out the most interesting or
important fragments. In the course of excavation or col-
lection from the surface, a large quantity of shards will be
obtained, — good, bad and indifferent. It is urgently re-
quested that all the material be forwarded without sorting,
in order that a definite conception may be obtained of the
relative abundance of the different kinds of wares in the
locality from which the material was obtained. Detailed
study will undoubtedly bring into prominence numerous
variations in the pottery which are not now appreciated.
Obviously, if the shards are sorted too carefully at the pres-
ent time, the material retained might prove inadequate for
later investigation. Therefore, while rim-shards and shards
bearing designs are most needed, any other fragments asso-
ciated with them will be equally welcome.
Another important consideration is the information
The Ceramic Repository. 25
which should accompany the collections sent in. It is im-
perative that there be given an accurate geographic location
of the site from which the material was obtained. This in-
cludes not only the local name of the site, but also the name
of the owner of the land, the township and range, the
county, and state, in which the site occurs. Any references
to nearby land marks such as rivers or mountains should
also be included.
Mention should also be made of whether the material is
a result of excavation or of surface collection. If it is from
an excavation in which stratification occurs, care should be
used to keep the shards from each stratum separate, in or-
der that proper chronological weight may be given. In the
case of surface collections, a record should be made of the
amount of surface covered, the kind of surface, i. e.,
ploughed or pasture, and whether the collection consists of
all fragments seen. The record accompanying the material
should state the kind of remains from which the material
was obtained, i. e., a mound, an earthwork, a village site, a
grave, etc. Any notes regarding other minor antiquities
found in association with the pottery will aid in the study
of the shards sent.
The collections which are to be sent to the repository
should be packed in small boxes or cartons, in layers sepa-
rated by layers of excelsior or similar material. While it is
advisable to wrap each shard or group of shards in news-
papers, this is not absolutely essential. The primary re-
quirement is that the material should be packed in such a
manner that it will not rattle within the container nor in
any other way cause the various fragments to come into
contact and thereby have their edges spoiled. It is sug-
gested that the containers be of a size to permit sending
them by parcel post. Within the container should be placed
a record giving all necessary information for the proper
identification of the contents when the box is opened. At
the time of sending, a letter of transmittal should be mailed
to the same address.
In so far as we have any records, all the Indians of pre-
historic Wisconsin were pottery makers. Earthen vessels
were employed as cooking pots, water carriers and contain-
ers, storage receptacles, and were probably made to serve
in other capacities less easily ascertained. The introduc-
tion of copper, brass and iron vessels with the establish-
ment of trade contacts with the invading Europeans marked
the end of pottery development. Soon the native manufac-
ture of earthenware became a lost art, and to a large ex-
tent, the very memory of pottery vanished.
The historical knowledge which we possess regarding the
pottery of local tribes is of the briefest, amounting to little
more than the mere fact that pottery was made and used.
Ethnological research has resulted in the addition of but a
few facts to the meager stock of information available. The
result is that, for example, we can not say with any degree
of certainty what kind of pottery was made by the Menom-
ini, or what the difference between Menomini and Winne-
bago pottery might have been. To the archaeologist has
been left the problem of classifying, if possible, primitive
Wisconsin pottery.
In order to attack this problem at all, study specimens
are necessary. Occasional whole, or nearly whole pots have
been found from time to time at ancient campsites or in
mounds. These comprise our best materials for study, but
are so rare in occurrence that the student is hopelessly lim-
ited in his research. Not a few specimens from a few scat-
tered sites are required, but thousands of specimens from
every section of the state.
Specimens which are often neglected by the collector are
the ordinary potsherds. These occur in quantity at nearly
every primitive campsite, and yet it is difficult to find a good
representative lot of potsherds in any small, local collection,
or even in large collections outside the walls of museums.
This is not due to the fact that pottery is relatively unim-
portant to the student of archaeology. Earthenware is pli-
Wisconsin Earthenware. 27
able in the hands of the maker and, therefore, reflects the
maker's concepts of utility and art to a greater extent than
any other imperishable material available to primitive man.
Thus we find arrowpoints in Wisconsin much like those of
New York or Arizona, aside from materials and the pro-
portionate use of any one shape. In pottery, however, there
are radical differences between the types respectively found
in Wisconsin, among the Iroquois of New York and among
the Hopi of Arizona. One can pick up a potsherd and say
that it belongs to a certain archaic or historic culture area
with a comfortable degree of certainty. To what extent
can that be done with the chipped stone artifacts to be en-
countered in this district?
It is, therefore, unfortunately true that the specimens of
most importance in the solving of our local archaeological
problems, the artifacts that have the most understandable
story to tell, are being left rejected in the field, while the
relatively unimportant arrowpoint is seized upon with avid-
ity. By this I in no way infer that the arrowpoint has no
importance to the archaeologist, but rather that the pots-
herd is a much more apparent and reliable culture marker,
and that in a province such as Wisconsin, where we have as
yet neither defined and limited our archaic cultures nor defi-
nitely ascertained connections between these and historic
cultures, a study of pottery promises maximum results.
In attacking the problem of archaic definition, pottery
has already played a most important part, in Wisconsin as
well as in other fields. In New York, pottery alone often
identifies a site as of Iroquois or Algonkin occupation. The
determining of seven successive cultures in the Southwest
was primarily dependent upon a study of pottery. In Wis-
consin we have distinguished at least four mound-building
cultures, largely through pottery evidence: (1) the Effigy
Mound culture was basicly northwestern Woodland in type,
with pottery suggesting Algonkin affinities; (2) the Grand
River culture was basicly northwestern Woodland in type,
with pottery suggesting Siouan affinities; (3) the Aztalan
culture was basicly similar to that of the Cahokia district
centering in southwestern Illinois, as evidenced primarily
by the pottery; (4) the Hope well culture, first discovered
in Wisconsin by Cyrus Thomas in about 1890, rediscovered
and first identified as of Hopewell type this year in Trem-
pealeau County, was definitely marked by a Hopewell type'
of pottery. In every instance pottery has proved the most
important culture marker.
The problem of authorship of the effigy mounds, if it is
ever solved, will probably come to its solution through a
study of effigy mound pottery. Radin seems largely re-
sponsible for the general acceptance of the theory that the
Winnebago built the effigy mounds. His conclusions were
based solely upon a very limited quantity of ethnological
data. Radin also gives for the Winnebago one of the best
descriptions of primitive pottery ever recorded for a specific
Wisconsin tribe. Of it he says: "These vessels, most of
which were very large, with round bottoms, always hung
over the fire. The material used in their manufacture was
blue clay . . . mixed with shell shards, glue from the
sturgeon vertebrae, and the gelatinous substance in the
horns of deer."1
The pottery which Radin describes for the Winnebago is
Siouan in type, as might be expected, and corresponds very
closely to that found in mounds and campsites of the Grand
River culture. But when we come to examine the pottery
of the effigy mounds, we find something quite different.
These vessels, when of large size, are equipped with pointed
bottoms. The material used seems most generally to have
been yellow clay, and was invariably tempered not with
shell shards and glue, but with grit. How then does it hap-
pen that Winnebago pottery is not found in mounds said to
have been built by the Winnebago Indians? Either Radin
is mistaken about the authorship of the mounds, or he was
misinformed regarding the nature of Winnebago pottery.
From the above specific examples of discoveries and logi-
cal conclusions based upon knowledge of pottery, the impor-
tance of the Wisconsin potsherd is clearly apparent. It is,
therefore, to be hoped that the many collectors of archaeo-
logical materials in Wisconsin, who are rendering great
service to archaeologists, now and in future, by building
such collections, will be brought to see the importance of
the neglected potsherd and to materially enhance the value
1 Radin, Paul, The Winnebago Tribe, 37th Ann. Kept., B. A. E.,
p. 119, Washington, 1923.
The Dickson Mound Builders Tomb. 29
of such a collection through the including therein of repre-
sentative specimens of the pottery to be found in the dis-
trict which the collection illustrates. That potsherds are
less or more attractive than other materials is a matter of
opinion. That potsherds are of relatively high importance
in the solving of our archaeological problems is, far from
being a matter of opinion, a fact beyond all dispute.
A museum which is probably different from any other
museum in the United States is the so-called Dickson Mound
Builders' Tomb located at a distance of five miles southeast
of Lewistown, on a high bluff overlooking the picturesque
Illinois and Spoon river valleys, in west central Illinois.
A description of this very interesting mound and the story
of its exploration is given in an interesting illustrated pam-
phlet printed by Dr. Don F. Dickson, one of the owners, for
distribution to friends and visitors. From it this brief
description of the mound and its contents is largely drawn.*
The form of this great aboriginal earthwork was that of
a crescent, the points of which were on its eastern side.
The circumference of the mound (measured from one point
around the mound to the other point) was about 550 feet.
The maximum depth of this huge heap of earth was from
thirty to thirty-five feet. In its center, between the arms
of the crescent, was a deep basin. This contained a pool of
water throughout the year.
Twenty-seven years ago, Thomas C. Dickson, the father
of Dr. Don C. Dickson, selected this mound as the site for
his home. This he decided to erect in the basin or depres-
sion in its center. In order to fill it to a height suitable for
the foundation of the building he removed earth from the
surrounding mound. This entire surface had been used as
a burial place. In grading the crest he disinterred "hun-
dreds of skeletons."
The bones were heaped together and later hauled away
by wagon loads and reburied.
* The Dickson Mound Builders' Tomb.
During this grading between eight and ten thousand ab-
original artefacts were secured, among which were numer-
ous specimens of earthenware vessels, stone pipes, dis-
coidals, plummets, some polished stone celts, bone, flint arid
shell implements, and hundreds of strings of beads made
of shell. The number of earthenware vessels obtained is
reported to have been nearly one thousand, some of these
being very interestingly ornamented or colored. Many of
these specimens became the property of private collectors
and of state and national museums. A collection of several
thousand of the finest specimens became the property of the
well-known collector, Mr. Edward W. Payne of Springfield,
Long before Mr. Dickson began the erection of his home
other persons had at different times dug in this mound and
secured interesting specimens. Thus during the past fifty
years it has yielded a great harvest of aboriginal imple-
ments. Dr. Dickson has himself carried on explorations in
it at different times during the past twelve or fifteen years.
In February 1927 he began the excavating which led to the
founding of his present "museum". At this time he un-
covered three adult skeletons which he left in place in order
that others might view them and afterwards erected a shel-
ter over them to protect them from the rains. He then be-
gan work in a new location on the western slope of the cres-
cent and at this time has the large number of 188 skeletons
and all of the earthenware vessels, pipes, implements and
ornaments accompanying these burials completely exposed
to view. None of the burials have been moved, all are in
place just as they were found.
The work of exposing these burials has been most care-
fully done. 'The bones were very easily broken, due to
their age and to the absorption of moisture from the soil.
Great care was necessary to preserve them, and also the
implements, especially many implements made of thin pot-
tery, shell and bone. At first we used small knives, table
spoons, and small paint brushes, to remove the clay from
between the ribs and in other difficult places. After a few
months' work using these tools, we 'advanced' to the point
of using pointers' trowels, air bellows, brushes, small
The Dickson Mound Builders Tomb. 81
knives, and often testing the soil around the burials with
orange sticks."
The skeletons uncovered at the present time are for the
most part full length interments. Several are family burials
of a father, mother and child. There are other burials of
children. There are several "bundle" burials. Most of the
burials are accompanied by pottery vessels and with spoons
cut from clam shells. Some of the shells are plain uncut
unio valves. Some of the vessels are of bowl shapes with
or without handles, some are ladle-shaped, some are in effigy
forms, some are colored red or brown. There is one very
unusual double vessel. Small vessels accompany some of
the child burials.
Among the numerous interesting objects accompanying
these burials there may be mentioned strings of disk and
cylindrical shell beads, sea shells, perforated clam shells, a
clam shell receptacle containing bone awls and a sandstone
grinding stone, a string of pearl beads and baroques, a bone
fishhook, bone awls, a bone dagger, sheets of mica, platform
pipes, an effigy pipe with a representation of a human face,
a perforated stone discoidal, a large white flint knife, flint
triangular arrow-points, small obsidian points, a broken
rock crystal point, a large polished stone celt, a stone spade,
trophy jaws colored with hematite, a pottery trowel with
disk, a hematite plummet and a bell-shaped copper axe. Of
special interest are a limestone platform pipe in the stem
hole of which a piece of the point of a flint drill has been
broken off, a cut bear's tooth so cut as to sheathe a small
knife, and a large well-chipped red flint implement probably
used as a "smoother." This heavy specimen is about ten
inches long, five inches wide and four inches high.
The Dixon burials have been covered with a substantial
vitrolite block building. This is 76 feet long and 46 feet
wide. They are in a large pit protected by a wooden rail-
ing and surrounded by a walk. They may thus be viewed
from every side of the enclosure. Fastened to the walls of
the museum building are glass cases containing many hun-
dreds of other interesting and beautiful aboriginal artefacts
obtained from other mounds, graves and village sites about
Lewistown. Exposed to view in these cases are a hundred
or more pottery vessels of various shapes, large circular
sheets of mica, six pearl necklaces, a cache of blue horn-
stone turkey-tail points, a cache of fourteen barbed flint
spearpoints, large sea shells, animal jaw ornaments, four-
teen large bone daggers, perforated bears' teeth, sheet cop-
per imitation bears' teeth ornaments, copper beads, copper
axes, stone pipes, discoidals, plummets, earspools, beads and
gorgets, bone awls and flakers, and many other rare and
unusual specimens. In the vicinity of Lewistown at least
three aboriginal cultures are represented by mounds and
sites — the Cahokia-Lewistown, the Hopewell, and a hill-top
"hunter" culture, probably Algonkian.
The Dickson Mound Builders' Tomb is one of the historic
monuments of Illinois. It has already become a place of
pilgrimage for those interested in the State's archaeological
history. On the Sunday afternoon when the writer and Mr.
Charles E. Brown were present over one thousand visitors,
who came by automobile from many Illinois cities and vil-
lages, visited the Tomb and listened to the explanatory talks
given by Dr. Dickson and his assistant lecturers. The larg-
est number of visitors as yet entertained here on a single
day was eighteen hundred. Wisconsin archaeologists
should not fail to visit Lewistown.
The great variety of beautiful freshwater shells abound-
ing in the lakes and streams of Wisconsin served a useful
purpose in the daily life of the aborigine. They served as
food ; they gave binding strength to his vessels of clay ; the
innate beauty of their iridescent pearly interiors could not
be reproduced in stone, thus it would be strange indeed if
the natives did not utilize them for ornamentation when at
the same time they could be easily shaped and used as
Bearing in mind, then, its usefulness, there is small cause
for wonder that the archeologist oftimes finds village sites,
particularly among sedentary peoples, that are strewn with
broken mussels and occasional artifacts made from them,
Wisconsin Shell Beads. 33
remains that have escaped the ravages of time and the de-
stroying plowshare.
The shell bead is one of the most commonly found relics
of shell. It matters not whether they be of past or pre-
Columbian origin, information concerning shell beads of
both periods is quite unavailable.
Our present small knowledge concerning the origin and
method of manufacture of these beads finds its basis in
documentary evidence and in scholarly investigations of
Indian folklore.
In the 14th Annual Report of the Bureau of American
Ethnology (Part 2) Hoffman sums up what is known con-
cerning the source and mode of manufacture of these arti-
facts when he writes :
"These beads were evidently made from the thick por-
tions, or perhaps joints, of fresh-water mussels; they are
of the size of buckshot, with a perforation drilled from each
side toward the middle. The perforations being somewhat
of funnel shape, and showing marked striae, would indicate
that the drilling had been made with other than a metal in-
strument. On subsequent investigation respecting the man-
ufacture of articles requiring perforation, I was informed
that the Menomini used sharp-pointed pieces of quartz and
jasper, rotating these rude drills with the hands and fingers.
As regards the use of the bow-drill, either for making fire
or for drilling stone and shells, no definite information
could be ascertained as none of the more intelligent or aged
natives remembered having seen them in use."
Whether in post-Columbian times the white traders in-
troduced shell beads of European manufacture is not
known. Dr. Walter Hough, Head Curator of Anthropology
at the National Museum, states that he does not know the
sources of any European importations of shell beads, if
any. He is of the opinion that the Indians formerly made
their own beads for ornamentation and continued to do so
long after the advent of the white man in areas remote from
trading posts. This explanation perhaps accounts for the
presence of ancient shell beads on village sites where the
European colored glass bead is much in evidence.
With reference to the later trade in shell beads or wam-
pum after the advent of the whites on the eastern coast
Mr. Herbert W. Krieger, Curator of Ethnology at the
Smithsonian Institution, furnishes the following memo-
randum :
"The only place that comes to mind as a source of coun-
terfeit wampum in the United States is the little town of
Pascack, New Jersey. A white family continued to operate
a factory for more than 150 years to supply counterfeit
wampum for the Indian trade. There is in the National
Museum a quantity of stock material, of unfinished beads,
tubes, and ornamental objects in various states of comple-
tion obtained from the old site of this factory. From this
material it is apparent that conch shells from the Gulf
Coast were substituted for the more rare clam shells Venus
mercenaria from the Atlantic Coast. The more abundant
supply of conchs combined with the improved mechanical
devices at the disposal of the Pascack manufacturers en-
abled the white trader to flood the market, some of the
objects of this nature even reaching the Pacific Coast.
There are possibly other towns that added to the supply
of artificial or, rather, counterfeit wampum, but I cannot
name them."
The above known facts concerning the manufacture and
origin of shell beads in Wisconsin finds its basis largely in
the observations of Hoffman who spent some time in study-
ing the practices of the Menomini. It is perhaps safe to be-
lieve that the other Wisconsin tribes followed like, if not
the same, methods. The evidence, as Dr. Hough points out
seems to indicate that even after the introduction of Euro-
pean glass beads the Indian continued, though in lesser de-
gree, to manufacture these artifacts even as his people be-
fore him had done. It is due to this continued production
in post-Columbian times that we can account for the pres-
ence of primitive shell beads on village sites founded long
after intercourse with the whites had been established.
It is no exaggeration to say that from our present small
knowledge concerning the origin and manufacture of these
early artifacts little can be known in a definite and precise
way ; it is with generalities that we deal.
The Rockford Mound Group. 35
Members of the Wisconsin Archeological Society who
visit or pass through the City of Rockford in Illinois should
not fail to see the fine Indian mounds preserved in Beattie
Park, also known more commonly as Waterworks park.
These mounds are near the bank of the historic Rock river,
in the very heart of the city.
One of the four fine prehistoric mounds located in this
small, but very attractive, city park is a turtle effigy of the
type distributed through the Rock River region from Rock-
ford northward to beyond Lake Koshkonong in Wisconsin.
This effigy mound is nearly 6 feet high at its head. Its body
has a length of about 63 feet and its long tapering tail is
about 103 feet long. Near this mound is a tapering linear
mound, probably also an animal effigy, which is about 150
feet in length and about 3% feet high at its head. Beyond
the tip of the tail of the big turtle effigy is a conical mound
about 36 feet in diameter and 4 feet high at its middle, and
not far away another conical earthwork which is about 18
feet in diameter and about one foot high. These are paced
dimensions and of course not very accurate. The two effigy
mounds are very imposing monuments and stretch a con-
siderable way across the breadth of this small park. On
the north side of the Mound Avenue boundary of the park
another conical mound of this group is preserved on the
lawn of a residence property, and on the east side of Indian
Terrace, on the opposite side of the street, a remnant of a
linear ( ?) mound extends beneath the front of another resi-
Prof. T. H. Lewis mentions the former presence of a
mutilated bird effigy in this group (Wis. Archeo., 17, 1, p.
This fine group of Indian earthworks, so fortunately here
preserved to the public, should be marked with a descrip-
tive metal tablet in order that Rockford citizens and other
visitors to the park may understand and appreciate its
authorship and significance.
In Illinois very few of the mound groups or mounds
which are at present preserved in state or municipal parks
are marked with tablets. This should be done. The un-
informed visitors to these places see them and walk over
and around them without knowing what the nature of these
ancient monuments really is. In a park at Quincy a stair-
way leads to the top of a great mound located on the top of
a high Mississippi River bluff, and well-worn paths lead to
the top of several other as sightly monuments. Visitors
think these to be observatories erected for the purpose of
viewing the beautiful river valley and give no thought to
the fact that these heaps of earth from the top of which
they are viewing the landscape are ancient mortuary monu-
ments of the American Indian. Markers are sadly needed
also in Cahokia Mounds State Park.
As we have been pointing out for the past twenty years
or more that in our sister state of Illinois there is the great-
est need of the organization of a state archeological society
to actively interest itself in the preservation of the state's
priceless Indian memorials. With hundreds of archeologi-
cal investigators and prominent collectors distributed
throughout its length and breadth the perfecting of such a
state organization is now possible. Iowa, Indiana and Min-
nesota archeology are in the same state. Ohio, New York,
Michigan and Wisconsin all have state archeological
During the past few years considerable interest has been
shown in Indian place names. In several instances Indian
names which had been discarded or forgotten have been re-
vived and are again used to designate the same localities as
formerly. In some cases where the exact Indian name is
unknown or too cumbersome a substitute or derivative is
It has always seemed to^me rather unfortunate that the
early settlers so often gave the nanre of their former home
to the one they were founding. TVis predilection on the
part of the colonists was carried so far that today there is
Rockford, Illinois.
Plate 3.
Family Names of Civilized Indians. 37
scarcely a town in Great Britain that has not a namesake in
the United States, either with or without the prefix New,
and often duplicated many times. The cities of France and
Holland are nearly as well represented and also to a great
extent those of Ireland and Germany. These names of
course meant something to the settlers but to their descend-
ents they mean absolutely nothing. If each city and town
in this country had a name not duplicated by that of any
other city or town, it would be much better in a number of
During the same period that the various localities of the
country have gradually acquired permanent names, the In-
dians and their mixed-blood descendants have also assumed
or been given names which have gradually become family
These names may be divided into three classes viz : .
1. European names or names of European origin.
2. Indian names or names of Indian origin.
3. Names consisting of Indian ideas expressed in the
English language.
The first class of names, those of the European origin,
have been acquired by their bearers legitimately by inher-
itance or adoption and are eminently proper. Some ex-
amples may be given, as Spoon Decorah (De Kaury), Saba-
tis Perrote (Pierrot), Arthur S. Parker.
The second class, those of Indian origin are still better.
Examples are Paul Shabbema, Joe Wisconsin, Ben Ahque-
wee. If the future descendants of these people are as proud
of their Indian blood as are the present day descendants of
Pocahontas, they will surely be as proud of such names as
other people are of their treasured heirlooms.
. It is to the names of the third class to which I wish to call
your attention. Such names as Hollow Horn Bear, Amos
One-road, Joe Two-sticks, Jim Horse-go-long-way are ab-
surd and ridiculous.
The origin of such names is of course easily explained.
The early settler held the Indian either in contempt or fear
and seldom learned his language and usually called his In-
dian acquaintance by a nickname coined by himself or some
kind of translation of his Indian name. While the French
fraternized with the Indians more than the English and
Dutch, their treatment of Indian names was very similar.
Of course to the Indian of that day, it mattered nothing
what the white man called him. If it had, there was plenty
of other business between him and the white man to fully
occupy his attention.
The condition of affairs with the Indian of to-day is radi-
cally different. His status is changing more rapidly than
it ever has in the past and more rapidly than it ever will
again except during the next few years. Now if we look
ahead as far in time as we must look back to the first colo-
nists, we shall see the descendants of the Indians as average
citizens, many of them of nearly pure white blood whose
only connection with the Indians perhaps is a family tradi-
tion or an Indian name. Can you imagine Dr. J. Mont-
gomery Hair-sticks-four-ways, or Robert F. Two-horse-one-
cow as an attorney at law? Such names as George White-
fish or John Bear are not so bad, but even they fall in the
same class.
It seems to me that we should be doing a favor to numer-
ous citizens of future generations if we were to be instru-
mental in having some of these compound English-Indian
names eliminated. Of course we could not accomplish much
directly because we do not come in contact with the people
who bear the names. If, however, we could arouse the in-
terest of those who do come in contact with them, such as
Indian agents and especially teachers in the Indian schools,
much might be accomplished.
The young Indians who attend the government schools
are highly intelligent, and once their attention were called
to the matter, should be able at once to see the incongruity
of such names and it would be a simple matter to have them
changed before they become permanently fixed.
I think most of them have an Indian name by which they
were known among the Indians. Each should assume his
Indian name as a family name. If it is compounded of
many words as many Indian names are, several words or
syllables could be dropped and still the name would be of
Indian origin.
A "LostArt" That Was Never Lost. 39
Literary Digest, November 5, 1927
The hardening of copper, as practised by the ancients,
often spoken of as a "lost art," and so treated by Wendell
Philips in his celebrated lecture, was never so in reality,
declares William G. Schneider, a New York mining engi-
neer, in a research report to the Engineering Foundation.
Says Mr. Schneider, as quoted in a press bulletin issued by
the Foundation :
"Many persons spend a lifetime trying to rediscover an
art that never was lost. The tragedy occurs when they have
evolved a hard copper. They next endeavor to find some
use for it and then learn that, unless it has some special
properties, no market exists.
"Copper wire, hard drawn, has a tensile strength of about
65,000 pounds per square inch and an elongation in ten
inches of about 1 per cent, with a conductivity of about 97
per cent. This affords some basis on which to work when
endeavoring to develop the hardening of copper.
"If, for example, it were possible to harden copper so that
the tensile strength were materially increased above that
just stated, without reducing the conductivity, a worth-
while discovery would have been made.
"The fact is that our present-day metallurgists not only
understand how the ancients hardened their copper and
bronze, but also know how to produce copper and bronze
products that are even harder than those left to us, and
which represent the evidence of the so-called lost art of
hardening copper.
"Cutting edges developed on swords, daggers, knives and
other implements by the ancients were obtained by hammer-
ing the metal, or, in other words, cold-working. Those old
metal-workers not only hand-hammered their copper imple-
ments but also used the same means to harden their bronze
"The heating of many of these products in open fires re-
sulted in the formation of considerable copper oxid, which
alloyed with the copper and hardened it. One of the most
common mistakes of persons claiming to have rediscovered
'the lost art of hardening copper' is to heat it in a forge,
and in this way saturate it with copper oxid, which com-
bines with the copper to form a much harder and much
more brittle product.
"There are really two methods of hardening copper that
are regularly practised nowadays, just as centuries ago.
One consists in alloying the copper with some other metal
or several other metals such as zinc, tin, nickel, cadmium,
chromium, cobalt, silicon, aluminum, iron, beryllium, and
"The second method consists in cold-working the metal
or copper alloy. In fact, it is possible to work the metal to
such a stage of hardness that a slight amount of additional
work will cause it to break. The explanation of all copper
hardening may be attributed to one of these methods or a
combination of them.
"Microphotographs.of an ancient copper spearhead indi-
cate that it was extremely hard, and that apparently this
hardness had been obtained by cold-working.
"Copper scissors, knives, and other cutting tools may be
obtained. Unless, however, a special reason exists for their
use, they offer no advantages over tools made from steel.
Occasionally, however, it becomes necessary to use copper
or bronze tools, such as knives. Around a powder plant,
for instance, where all sparks must be avoided, bronze
knives are almost essential.
"Some recent methods of hardening copper by alloying
have, to a certain extent, come about as near to actually
'tempering' copper" as would seem possible. In these meth-
ods the metal, silicon, plays a most important part because
it forms silicides with other metals which in turn form
eutectics with the copper.
"The deoxidizing effect that silicon by itself exerts plays
no unimportant part in finally allowing the metal to be
worked and by heat treatment to develop a high strength,
with a relatively high conductivity. This latter, however,
is considerably below that of pure copper and second only,
speaking of alloys from the standpoint of both strength and
conductivity, to those of copper and cadmium.
"Alloys of copper with cadmium give, for a stated con-
ductivity, higher strengths than those with silicon."
Archeologlcal Notes. 41
Vice President Charles G. Schoewe presided at the meeting of the
Wisconsin Archeological Society .held on the evening of November 21,
1927, in the trustee hall of the Milwaukee Public Museum. There
were seventy members and guests in attendance at this first autumn
meeting. The program consisted cf a lecture by Dr. Herbert W.
Kuhm on the subject of "Wisconsin Indian Fishing — Primitive and
Modern". This was a fine presentation of a very interesting subject.
It was discussed by the Messrs. Louis Pierron, C. G. Schoewe, C. E.
Brown, and the Messrs. John Bear and Ulysses White, two Winne-
bago members of the Society who were present. Mr. John Bear gave
a very interesting account in Winnebago of the organization and cus-
toms of the Winnebago bear and wolf clans, Mr. White interpreting
his talk.
Secretary Brown announced the election to membership in the Soci-
ety by the Executive Board of the Messrs. Herbert W. Cornell and
Gustav Marx, Milwaukee; H. K. Thurston, Madison, and Mary Dunn,
Lena, Illinois. The Angie Williams Cox Library, Pardeeville, was
made an institutional member. Henry Damereau, Fairwater, was
elected a life member. Governor Fred R. Zimmerman, Dr. Paul B.
Jenkins, Williams Bay; Sheldon Bradt, New London; John Bear,
Mauston; and Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, Ann Arbor, Michigan, were elected
honorary members.
The deaths were announced of Messrs. Jacob Van Orden, Baraboo,
Charles F. Poster and Anthony Ballant, Milwaukee, members of the
Society, the Secretary giving a brief account of the life of each.
It was reported that a descriptive bronze tablet had been provided
for the marking of the Indian earthworks in Aztalan Mound Park.
This Mr.. Robert P. Ferry, chairman of the park committee, would
cause to be mounted on a suitable boulder. A brief report on the
archeological field work conducted during the summer was presented.
At the close of the meeting exhibits of interesting archeological and
ethnological materials were made by the Messrs. Kermit Freckman,
Edward F. Richter, C. G. Schoewe and the Milwaukee Public Museum.
President George A. West conducted the meeting of the Society
held at Milwaukee on Monday evening, December 19, 1927. One hun-
dred and fifty members and guests were present at this meeting,
every seat in the trustee hall being taken. The speaker was President
West, his subject being "The Antiquities of Egypt." In his lecture
he presented ar account of a visit made to this country by himself
and Mrs. West during the spring months of the year and during which
its major monuments and ancient sites were studied and photo-
graphed. His lecture was illustrated with an especially fine collec-
tion of lantern slides. It was greatly appreciated by the large audi-
ence of members and guests. President West has been for many years
very active in both the labors of the Wisconsin Archeological Society
and the Milwaukee Public Museum. For years he has given an annual
illustrated lecture to the members and friends of the Society.
The January 16, 1928 meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological Soci-
ety was directed by President West. Seventy members and visitors
were present. Mr. Huron H. Smith, ethiio-botanist and a vice presi-
dent of the Society, favored the members with a very interesting illus-
trated lecture on "Forest Conservation in Wisconsin". His colored
lantern slides were especially fine. The speaker gave a large amount
of valuable information on the uses formerly and still made of the
forest products by Wisconsin Indians in wigwam construction, canoe
manufacture, maple sugar making, vessel and utensil making, etc.
His lecture was discussed by President West and other members.
Secretary Brown announced the recent deaths of Mrs. Sherburn S.
Merrill of ^Milwaukee, a life member of the Society, and of the Rev.
Stanley E. Lathrop, Madison, for many years one of its active mem-
bers, and of Mr. N. L. Kaudy, of South Dakota, a former annual
The election of Dr. Bruce T. Best, Arlington Heights, Illinois, as
an annual member was reported. A letter received from Governor
Fred R. Zimmerman acknowledging his recent election as an honorary
member of the state society was read.
Exhibits of archeological specimens were made by T. M. N. Lewis,
C. G. Schoewe, T. T. Brown and T. L. Miller.
President West conducted the meeting held on February 20th. Mr.
Ira Edwards, geologist of the Milwaukee Museum, gave an illus-
trated lecture on "The Wreck of Mt. Mazama". In connection with
this lecture the Museum made an exhibit of Indian implements made
of volcanic tufa, basalt, obsidian and other volcanic rocks. There
were fifty members and guests present. At the meeting of the Execu-
tive Board Mr. John Blackhawk was elected an honorary, and Mr.
William M. Foster of Milwaukee an annual member.
A report was made by Dr. Barrett, chairman of the special commit-
tee appointed to consider the conferring of the Lapham Medal on
several members at the annual meeting. Mr. Smith, chairman of the
special committee on biographies of members, also offered a report.
The Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological Society was
held at the Milwaukee Public Museum on Monday evening, March 19,
1928. President George A. West presided. There were eighty mem-
bers and visitors present.
On the motion of Mr. W. W. Gilman the President appointed as a
nominating committee to select officers for the ensuing year the
Messrs. W. C. McKern, W. H. Vogel and R. S. Van Handel. This
committee presented its report which was accepted by the Society.
The following officers were unanimously elected: Mr. Huron H.
Smith, president; the Messrs. W. H. Vogel, C. G. Schoewe, Dr. H. L.
Tilsner, Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand, W. W. Gilman, A. T. Newman and
Dr. H. L. Kastner, vice-presidents, and Dr. S. A. Barrett, Dr. F. C.
Rogers, A. P. Kannenberg, E. F. Richter, Mrs. A. E. Koerner, Vetal
Winn, L. R. Whitney, G. A. West and W. C. McKern, directors. Mr.
C. E. Brown was elected secretary and Mr. G. M. Thorne, treasurer.
Secretary Brown and Treasurer Thorne presented annual reports.
President-elect Smith was honored for his ethno-botanical researches
and publications by having the Lapham Medal conferred upon him,
the presentation address being made by Vice President Winfield W.
Gilman. President Smith then assumed the chair and presided over
the remainder of the meeting.
The program of the meeting consisted of an illustrated address by
Dr. Barrett on "Hawaii, The Paradise of The Pacific", which he de-
livered in his usual interesting way and delighted the members and
visitors present.
The election to annual membership of Mr. Robert Harper of Reeds-
burg was announced Exhibits of specimens were made by the
Museum, and Mr. R. Van Handel.
President Huron H. Smith conducted the meeting of the Society
held at the Milwaukee Public Museum on April 16, 1928. In the ab-
sence of Secretary Brown in attendance with other officers and mem-
Archeological Notes. 43
bers at the funeral of Mr. Harry E. Cole, president of the Wisconsin
Historical Society, at Baraboo, Mr. W. C. McKern was appointed to
act as secretary.
Mr. George A. West delivered an illustrated lecture on "From Hol-
land to the Holy Land", in which he gave a further description of the
many interesting places visited by himself during his recent journey
to the Old World. This was greatly appreciated by the audience of
over one hundred members and visitors which filled the lecture hall.
President Smith appointed the Messrs. Oilman, Schoewe and Mc-
Kern an auditing committee to audit the Treasurer's books and report
at the May meeting.
The election to membership as an annual member of Mr. John P.
Bennett, Milwaukee, was announced. The Executive Board at its
meeting adopted a resolution requesting the Secretary to convey to
Mrs. H. E. Cole the condolences of the Society on the death of Mr.
Harry E. Cole, one of its charter members and for many years one
of its very active officers and workers.
The meeting of the Society, held at Milwaukee on Monday evening,
May 21, 1928, was conducted by President Huron H. Smith. There
were thirty-two members and ten visitors present.
Mr. S. J. Carter, city reference librarian, gave a talk on "Scientific
Browsing", this being a discussion of the anthropological books and
periodicals available to students in the Milwaukee Public Library.
This talk he illustrated with an exhibit cf some of the books and other
literature. Many of the members present afterward asked questions
to which the speaker replied.
Talks on "Fraudulent Indian Artifacts" were given by the Messrs.
C. E. Brown and Geo. A. West. Other members participated in the
discussion which followed. President Smith announced that he had
appointed a special committee of members, with Mr. Jos. Ringeisen
as its chairman, and to which questionable Indian implements might
be submitted. Mr. W. W. Gilman, chairman of the auditing commit-
tee, made a report in which he stated that his committee had exam-
ined and found the Treasurer's accounts to be substantially correct.
This report was adopted.
It was announced that Dr. S. A. Barrett would shortly leave for
East Africa with an expedition of the Milwaukee Museum. Dr. Bar-
rett briefly outlined the objects of the exploration party. William
Rath, president of the "Indian Re-search Club'', a ycung man's organ-
ization of Milwaukee, presented an account of its activities. Mr. Mc-
Kern reported on current anthropological literature.
The election by the Executive Board of Mrs. Anna French Johnson,
Prairie du Sac, Rev. O. M. Ziegler, St. Francis, and C. V. Hall, Mil-
waukee, as annual members, and of Albert B. Reagan, Quest, Oregon,
as an honorary member was announced. President Smith had ap-
pointed the Messrs. Miller, McKern, Brown, Ferry and Ringeisen a
committee to arrange for a dedication program at Aztalan Mound
Park during the month of October. The special committee appointed
to prepare biographies of members had submitted a sample biography.
Exhibits of fraudulent stone and metal implements were made by
the Messrs. McKern and E. F. Richter.
The seventh annual meeting cf the Central Section, American
Anthropological Association was held in the Logan Museum of
Archeology at Beloit College, on Friday and Saturday, March 2 and
3, 1928.
Members of the Wisconsin Archeological Society offered eight of
the twenty-four papers in the program, those participating being
W. C. McKern, C. R. Keyes, Huron H. Smith, H. W. Kuhm, C. E.
Brown, W. K. Moorehead, Alonzo Pond and Dr. S. A. Barrett. A
special exhibition of Aurignacian implements was made for the occa-
sion by the Logan Museum. The prog-ram was exceptionally inter-
esting, many of the papers being illustrated. The meetings were
largely attended. On Friday evening the members and visitors were
tendered a dinner at the Faculty Club by the Museum. On Sunday
a pilgrimage to visit Mr. H. L. Skavlem, veteran archeologist, at his
Janesville home was made.
The new officers elected at this meeting were: Dr. Carl E. Guthe,
president, Dr. Ralph Linton and Dr. J. E. Pearce, vice-presidents,
and George R. Fox, secretary-treasurer.
The annual Joint Meeting of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences,
Arts and Letters, the Wisconsin Archeological Society and the Mid-
west Museums Conference was held at I awrence College, Appleton,
on April 6 and 7, 1928. Members of the Wisconsin Archeological So-
ciety who offered papers were: Huron H. Smith, A. M. Fuller, J. B.
McHarg. R. N. Buckstaff, S. A. Barrett, Louise P. Kellogg, G. A.
West, Vetal Winn, C. E. Brown, Geo. Overton, M. K. Hulbert, T. T.
Brown, G. R. Fox, C. W. Beemer, F. S. Dayton, A. O. Barton and
Ira Edwards. The annual dinner was held on Friday evening at
Brokaw Hall. President Wriston of Lawrence College gave an ad-
dress at the dinner.
The Logan Museum of Beloit College has published Dr. George L.
Collie's very interesting monograph on "The Aurignacians and Their
Culture". "This bulletin has been prepared to aid the students of the
college to a better understanding of the Aurignacian people and their
culture and thus to stimulate appreciation of the large and repre-
sentative collection" of artifacts of the Aurignacian age now on ex-
hibition at the Logan Museum. The latter were assembled during the
museum expeditions to France and Algeria through the generous
financial and other support of Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logan. Copies
of the bulletin, which is fully illustrated, can be purchased of the
Museum. We trust that every Wisconsin archeologist will want one.
The explorations undertaken by Dr. Collie and Dr. Logan in the caves
and sites of Europe and Africa have made it possible for Wisconsin
students of archeology to study in the Logan Museum one of the
finest collections of Palaeolithic and Neolithic material to be found in
any museum in the United States.
The 1927 Yearbook of the Milwaukee Public Museum contains an
illustrated report by W. C. McKern on "Archeological Field Work in
Sheboygan and Dodge Counties". Dr. Barrett contributes several in-
teresting papers en the Hawaiian Islands in this same bulletin.
In the Museum bulletin entitled "Ethnobotany of the Meskwaki In-
dians", Huron H. Smith has made a fine contribution to our knowledge
of the plant lore of the Fox Indians located at Tama, Iowa.
The Wisconsin Historical Society has printed in its 1927 Proceed-
ings a paper on "Wisconsin Historical Landmarks", by Dr. Louise P.
Kellogg. In this very useful paper the Indian, pioneer and other
landmarks of the state are grouped by regions. "It is largely de-
signed to call attention to the historical sites in Wisconsin cities and
along its roads". An "Index to Landmarks" adds greatly to its use-
The April-June 1928 issue of the American Anthropologist con-
tains among others a paper on "Cremation and Preservation of the
Archeological Notes. 45
Dead in North America", by Edwin O. James; "The Lead Glaze Deco-
rated Pottery of the Pueblo Region", by Walter Hough; "A Prehis-
toric Village Site in Greenup County, Kentucky", by W. S. Webb, and
"A Peculiar Type of Stone Implement", by Julian H. Seward. Ed-
ward Conzemius contributes a paper on "Ethnographical Notes on the
Black Carib". In the July-September number Ralph Linton describes
the "Culture Areas in Madagascar". E. B, Delabarre has published
an article on "A Prehistoric Skeleton from Grassy Island" and George
Brinton Phillips one on "The Earliest Ornamental Metal Work". This
issue also contains a report on "Archeological Field Work in North
America During 1927". This report is made by Carl E. Guthe, chair-
man of the Committee on State Archeological Surveys of the Division
of Anthropology and Psychology of the National Research Council.
Secretary Geo. R. Fox has published the report on the meeting of the
Central Section, American Anthropological Association which was
held at Chicago on March 25, 1927.
In the July 1928 issue of Indian Notes of the Museum of the Amer-
ican Indian, Marshall H. Saville has written an interesting paper on
"Ceremonial Axes from Western Mexico". Some of these are of hu-
man and animal forms. M. R. Harrington writes of "A New Archeo-
logical Field in Texas", Melvin R. Gilmore describes "The Cattail
Game of Arikara Children", and Chas. O. Turbyfill an owl-shaped
steatite pipe from the old Cherokee Country in North Carolina.
The Museum has also published a valuable monograph on "The
Indians of Tierra del Fuego" by Dr. Samuel K. Lothrop, being the
result of a three months visit to the island during the summer of
The Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 35, consists of "Con-
tributions to Fox Ethnology", by Truman Michelson. Under this title
several interesting papers on the Fox Indians are introduced.
The American Association of Museums has printed a pamphlet re-
port on "Contributions of Museums to Outdoor Recreation", by Laur-
ence V. Coleman, its director.
The Wisconsin Chapter of the Friends of Our Native Landscape
has issued the April-July, 1928 number of "Our Native Landscape".
Franz A. Aust is the managing editor of this bulletin.
Several very interesting issues of "Arizona Old and New", the
Arizona Museum Journal, have recently appeared. This is issued by
the Arizona Museum, Phoenix, Arizona.
The Wisconsin Archeological Society has just published a Table of
Contents of Volumes 1-20, and Volumes 1-7, New Series of The Wis-
consin Archeologist, 1901-1928. This will enable members of the
Society and others to order such issues as they may require to com-
plete their files, or for other purposes. Copies of the Table may be
secured from the Secretary.
Research and Other Work
During the summer Messrs. George A. West and George R. Fox,
members of the Wisconsin Archeological Society, accompanied as
archeologists the McDonald-Massee expedition to the Isle Royale pre-
historic Indian copper mines. Among other valuable results of the
investigations of this expedition were the location of some thousands
of additional copper mining pits. W. C. McKern and a field party of
the Milwaukee Museum conducted explorations of Indian mounds at
Trempealeau, with good results. C. E. and T. T. Brown were en-
gaged in field work along the Rock river and in other parts of south-
ern Wisconsin. Dr. George L. Collie has returned to Beloit from the
scene of the Logan Museum investigations in north Africa. Alonzo
Pond has returned to his home at Janesville from Mongolia, Asia. He
has brought with him a collection of about 12,000 ancient stone and
other implements obtained in the interior of that continent as a mem-
ber of the Roy Chapman Andrews Expedition. Dr. Ralph Linton
formerly of the Field Museum of Natural History has joined the
faculty of the University of Wisconsin and will conduct a course in
anthropology. News has reached us of the death of Alvin H. Dewey,
archeologist and patron of archaeological research, of Rochester, New
York. The death is also reported of Wilkin C. Beemer of Kenosha,
one of the very active younger members of the Wisconsin Archeo-
logical Society. Beemer was conducting a survey of his home county
for the Society. He was the young investigator who obtained the
airplane photograph of the large water spirit effigy mound near Bur-
lington, Wisconsin.
Among other visitors at the State Historical Museum, at Madison,
during the summer were Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore,
Alonzo Pond, and Dr. Bruce T. Best and Enos Kiethly, Illinois arche-
Robert P. Ferry, chairman of Aztalan Mound Park, has erected a
boulder marker and made other welcome improvements at the state
archaeological park during the year. Members of the Society and
other friends who desire to contribute to the preservation of the great
mound group located at Frost's Woods Wild Life Sanctuary at Madi-
son may send their contributions to Mr. Albert O. Barton, secretary,
at Madison. Every dollar given will help save to save to posterity
one of the most interesting groups of prehistoric earthworks about
the Madison lakes,
At the close of the 1928 season all members of the Wisconsin Arche-
ological Society are requested to file with the Secretary reports of any
field work engaged in, or archeological discoveries, by themselves.
This in order also that a complete report may be made to the Execu-
tive Board at the beginning of the year 1929.
Vol. 8
January, 1929
. 2
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec.
1103, Act, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jan. 28, 1921.
3rcf)eologtcal S>oetetj> f
Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing the study and
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
H. H. Smith
W. H. Vogel C. G. Schoewe
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand W. W. Oilman
A. T. Newman Dr. A. L. Kastner
Dr. S. A. Barrett Dr. F. C. Rogers Dr. E. J. W. Notz
A. P. Kannenberg E. F. Richter Mrs. H. E. Koerner
Vetal Winn L. R. Whitney Geo. A. West
W. C. McKern
G. M. Thorne
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. S. A. Barrett, J. P. Schumacher, W. G. Mc-
Lachlan, Rev. F. S. Dayton, C. E. Brown, W. C. McKern, T. L.
Miller, A. W. Pond, and Frank Thomlinson.
MOUND PRESERVATION— W. W. Oilman, Dr. F. C. Rogers, Dr.
A. L. Kastner, R. J. Kieckhefer, Mrs. Jessie R. Skinner, Louise
P. Kellogg- Mrs. H. A. Main, R. A. Maas, J. W. Norris, Mrg.i
F. R. Melcher, Dr. A. Gerend, and G. L. Pasco.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, Dr. G. L. Collie, A. C.
Neville, A. P. Kannenberg, E. P. Hamilton, William Horlick,
Mrs. H. A. Olson, Mrs. H. E. Koerner, R. S. Van Handel, and
T. M. N. Lewis.
MEMBERSHIP— C. G. Schoewe, A. P. Cloos, Dr. W. H. Brown, A. R.
Rogers, A. Sohrweide, Jr., Vetal Winn, C. G. Weyl, Mrs. Theo.
Koerner, W. P. Morgan, A. E. Koerner, Louis Pierron, C. Baer-
wald, D. S. Rowland, and Geo. Overton.
MAN MOUND PARK— E. A. Gilmaii, Miss Emma Richmond and
M. F. Hulburt.
AZTALAN MOUND PARK— R. P. Ferry, M. G. Troxell, and W. W.
PUBLICITY— A. O. Barton, Mrs. W. F. Bauchle, M. C. Richter, E. R.
Mclntyre and R. K. Coe.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeological Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologist" should be addressed to Charles E.
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Museum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thorne, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Mil-
Vol. 8, No. 2, New Series
The Story of Aztalan, George A. West 51
Aztalan Literature _ 61
The Stockaded Village, Louise P. Kellogg 61
The Use of Earthenware Vessels by the old North-west Indians,
Charles E. Brown 69
Tablet at Aztalan Mound Park Frontispiece
Plate Facing Page
1. Mound Burial at Aztalan _ 54
2. Meeting at Aztalan Mound Park 62
3. Pottery Fragments from Aztalan 70
Cfje i^ificonstn 8rcf)eolog;tfit
Published Quarterly by the Wisconsin Archeolo^ical Soeiety
Vol. 8 MADISON. WIS., JANUARY, 1929 No. 3
New Series
George A. West
The "ancient city of Aztalan" located but 45 miles di-
rectly west of Milwaukee has long been known and often
referred to as one of the wonders of the western world.
When discovered, it certainly was the most extensive work
of antiquity within the state of Wisconsin. The good judg-
ment of its founders is indicated by the beautiful location
chosen, with its eastern exposure and gentle slope to the
placid stream now known as the Crawfish River. The high-
lands along its western border afforded an opportunity to
these early Americans of seeing the sunrise in all its glory,
they probably being worshipers of that orbit.
These works were discovered by N. F. Hyer in October,
1836 and a hasty survey made by him in January, 1837.
He later published a brief description of the enclosure, illus-
trated by a rude wood-cut, in the "Milwaukee Advertiser",
one of Wisconsin's earliest newspapers. At this time there
were no white settlements in the neighborhood.
The name "Aztalan" was given to this place by Mr. Hyer
because, according to Humboldt, the Axtecs of Mexico had
a tradition that their ancestors came from a country to the
North, called "Aztalan," which in Mexican means "near
water". Hence the natural inference that the country about
the Great Lakes was the ancient residence of the Aztec,
which of course in the light of our present knowledge is
not considered seriously.
A paper by a Mr. Taylor,* who obtained the information
from a friend who had made a visit to the works, accom-
panied by Mr. Hyer, was published in "Sillman's American
Journal", added but little to the knowledge of these ruins.
Stephen Taylor.
Messrs. Squier and Davis published a condensed report
in the first volume of the "Smithsonian Contributions",
with many suggestions which have proved to be merely
In 1838, the famous Edward Everett, then governor of
Connecticut, besought the President of the United States to
withdraw Aztalan from sale as a piece of public land, but
in vain; it was sold at $1,25 per acre and $22.00 added to
the Treasury. Then the settlers started plowing and sowing
turnips on the mounds. About this time, some trade orna-
ments of silver were found, resulting in a mad rush of
treasure hunters, who trenched the mounds and walls of
the enclosure in dozens of places.
In 1850 Dr. Increase A. Lapham, made a careful survey
of Aztalan and of the earthworks in the vicinity, and in
1855 there appeared a finely illustrated article on the en-
closure in his "Antiquities of Wisconsin".
This interesting enclosure, now almost obliterated by
many years of cultivation, is in the shape of an irregular
parallelogram, reported to contain 17% acres, surrounded
on three sides by an artificial ridge. The length of the
north wall Lapham gives as 631 feet, the west as 1419 and
the south as 700. The Crawfish River forms the fourth
side, on the east. Many exaggerated statements respecting
the brick walls have been made, all of which have little
foundation in truth. The wall was 22 feet wide, from one
to five feet in height and enlarged on the outside at almost
regular distances by mounds, often referred to as "but-
tresses or bastions". These projections were from 61 to
95 feet apart, about 40 feet in diameter and from two to
five feet high. On the inner side of the wall opposite many
of these mounds were found the remains of a sloping way
by which the wall was ascended from within. Near the
southwest angle of the great enclosure were two outworks
constructed in the same manner. The corners of these
walls are not rectangular and the embankment or ridge is
not straight. The earth of which the ridge was made was
doubtless scraped up from the surface of the adjoining
The alleged "walls of brick" have given to Azatalan a
great deal of undeserved notoriety. It is interesting to note
Aztalan. 53
the fondness with which many persons still cling to this
absurd bit of fiction, long exploded.
There is in fact little foundation for calling these "brick
walls". Clay mixed with grass seems to have been placed
on the surface of portions of these ridges and treated by
fire, probably to protect them against erosion and to furnish
a solid surface on which the natives might travel regardless
of the weather. Fragments of these so-called briquets are
still scattered about, in the vicinity of these ruins. With
these briquets were found fragments of broken pottery,
bits of charcoal and pieces of partly burned human bones,
which led Dr. Lapham to suggest that possibly the clay
mixed with straw was employed as a covering for sacrifices
which were burned on top of the walls. Fowke asserts that
they were simply the remains of the walls and roofs of
mud-plastered huts which have been destroyed by fire.
Similar remains of burned clay occur in the low flat mounds
of Missouri, Arkansas and Mississippi.
Within the wall, near the northwest corner, was a rect-
angular pyramidal mound, its level top measuring 60 by 65
i'eet. At its southeast corner was a sloping ascent. This
mound occupied the summit of a ridge and rose but little,
if any, above the top of the adjacent wall. It had been
partly destroyed, as Lapham stated, by persons curious in
antiquarian research, and by one who, it is said, had been
supernaturally convinced that a large amount of money
was deposited in it.
At the southwest corner, also within the wall, was a
square mound, the level area on its top being 53 feet wide
on the west side. It probably was originally square. This
was a terraced mound with two levels and a sloping way
from its top toward the east and. was the highest earth-
work within the wall, which it overlooked. The tops of
these mounds possibly supported structures of perishable
From the eastern side of the last mentioned mound, a
ridge with a number of projections, similar to those of the
wall of the enclosure, extended about two-thirds of the way
to the river, where it angled in a northwesterly direction,
being broken near its middle. Not far from and east of
this embankment was a second parallel ridge with projec-
tions distributed at various distances along its sides.
A short distance west of the enclosure and extending
along the front of the wall was a long mound of a famil-
iar tapering effigy type, an irregular line of conical
mounds, and a single linear mound. Several hundred feet
northwest of the enclosure, on the higher ground, was a
double line of seventy-four conical mounds of different
sizes, of which but ten remain.
Opposite, on the east bank of the river, is another, but
much smaller enclosure and with it a considerable number
of mounds, one of them a 600-foot panther type effigy.
These ancient earthworks were doubtless allied to the large
works on the west bank of the river.
Dr. Lapham's report indicates that he did some exca-
vating at Aztalan, — that a shaft was sunk in the sixth
mound from the northwest angle of the outer wall, and the
only finds were a fragment of galena and another of iron
ore, used as red paint. There was no burned clay on this
mound, which was built of a yellowish sandy loam, taken
from the sub-soil of adjacent grounds. Two smaller
mounds in the interior were also opened by him without
results of any interest.
The mound or buttress at the northwest angle of the
enclosure was excavated with interesting results. Frag-
ments of pottery were encountered just below the sod;
charcoal, half-burned human bones and numerous masses
of burned clay were met with for the first twelve inches
only ; at deeper levels fragments of clay, charcoal and fresh
water shells, badly decayed, were observed. Still deeper
a cavity was found, nearly filled with loose earth, in which
were indications of bones, in a bad state of preservation,
and charcoal. This was divided below into two other cy-
lindrical cavities, filled with some loose materials. He
believed that two bodies had undoubtedly been buried here
in a sitting posture.
Lapham examined several of the tumuli, exterior to the
enclosure, but with no very important results. The third
from the north end of the long row, as appears on his plat,
Skeleton of a woman showing1 belts of shell beads
Plate 1
Aztalan. 65
four feet high and thirty feet in diameter, was penetrated
to the bottom where a decayed post was encountered.
While working at Aztalan, he was also informed that,
"upon opening one of the larger mounds, some years ago,
the remains of a skeleton were found, enclosed with a rude
stone wall plastered with clay and covered with a -sort of
inverted vase of the same materials".
Mr. J. C. Brayton of Aztalan, in a letter to Dr. Lapham,
said : "Several feet below the surface of the square mound,
near the northwest corner of the enclosure, was found what
appeared to be the remains of cloth, apparently enveloping
a portion of a human skeleton. Its texture was open, like
the coarsest linen fabric, but the threads were so entirely
rotten as to make it quite uncertain as to what material
they were made". Sillman's Journal reported the finding
of a piece of cloth at Aztalan and which was sent by Dr.
King to the National Institute of Washington, which is
possibly the same specimen referred to by Mr. Brayton.
As Dr. Lapham reported, many artifacts as well as*
"numerous fragments of earthenware have been taken
from the mounds at different times; portions of broken
vessels, varying in size, (judging by the curve of the frag-
ments), from a few inches to three feet across the rim".
Mr. Brayton is authority for the statement that in one
instance, two loads of broken pots, uncovered by the plow,
were used for filling in mud-holes in the highway.
In the study of the American Indians, ethnologists have
found nothing more significant of aboriginal culture than
the designs and patterns used in aboriginal pottery decora-
tion. Unfortunately, Dr. Lapham failed to appreciate this
as he furnished no descriptions of the potsherds he so
plentifully discovered at Aztalan.
The works here are often referred to in such fanciful
terms as "sacred enclosure", "temple mounds", and "sacri-
ficial mounds", all tending to establish a belief that their
authors were not ordinary Indians, but religious fanatics
who worshipped the sun and offered human beings in
sacrifice to this luminary. In a concluding paragraph of his
description of these works, Dr. Lapham said:
"We may suppose it to have been a place of worship; the
pyramidal mounds being the places of sacrifice like the
teocalli of Mexico. From its isolated situation, there being
no similar structure for a great distance in any direction,
we may conjecture that this was a kind of Mecca, to which
a periodical pilgrimage was prescribed by their religion.
There may have been the annual feasts and sacrifices of a
whole nation. Thousands of persons from remote locations
may have engaged in mid-night ceremonies conducted by
priests. The temple, lighted by fires kindled on the great
pyramids and at every projection on the walls, on such
occasions would have presented an imposing spectacle, well
calculated to impress the minds of the people with awe and
Peet said : "There came a sense of awe as we looked
about. It was easy to imagine that the place was once
given to religious assemblies, and that the platforms or
pyramids were covered with temples and smoked with sac-
rificial fires, and to realize that 'the place was very sacred
to the people".
The flat-topped mounds, located within the enclosure,
and the finding by Lapham, while excavating, of ashes
mingled with charcoal and occasional fragments of human
bones probably caused more speculation as to the religious
significance of these works than anything else. That canni-
balism was not an uncommon practice among the early
Wisconsin Indians is shown by the accounts of early writ-
ers, and the finding of human bones showing the action of
fire may well be considered as the remains of cannibal
It has also been suggested that this enclosure might have
been occupied by a colony of Mexicans, such colonies being
sent out by those people at an early day.
However, practically every theory advanced thus far as
to the uses and authorship of these interesting remains was
based almost wholly on surface indications.
It was not until the spring of 1919 that the Milwaukee
Public Museum, appreciating the educational value of mod-
ern scientific research and the necessity of acting quickly
lest the plow should forever obliterate all remaining evi-
dences of the prehistoric life and culture of a people that
Aztalan. , 57
may, for hundreds of years, have occupied this site, sent its
Director, Dr. S. A. Barrett, with a number of his assistants,
to seek beneath the surface for information that might
solve the problem that has ever since its discovery caused
many wild theories to be advanced. It required two sum-
mers' work by the expedition to thoroughly excavate these
ancient works.
Summarizing the results, which were most gratifying:
Work was commenced on the west bank of the river. Dis-
covery was made that a low embankment, several hundred
feet in length and from four to ten feet in depth, along the
river bank, extending back a considerable distance, was in
reality a refuse heap, probably originally low ground,
where was dumped kitchen refuse and other discards,
from which were obtained many interesting objects.
Among them were potsherds, stone implements and wooden
posts, cut with primitive tools.
The various walls, including the enclosure, were exca-
vated, revealing post holes close together, indicating that
the site was a stockaded fort. Within the enclosure was
discovered a series of post holes, in which were undoubtedly
set posts for defensive purposes. Other post holes were
found that evidently had been used in the construction of
On the northeast side was discovered an entrance way,
leading through a very narrow alley, bordered on each side
by post holes, with twists and turns, constituting a trap,
making ingress for an enemy very difficult. This gateway
was defended on each side by bastions, around the outer
edge of which were palisades, as post holes indicated. In
fact, each of the projections of the outer wall was doubtless
used as an outlook and fortified by trunks of trees set into
the ground.
Not far from the entrance and toward the river, the
foundations of a number of dwellings were discovered. The
excavations produced many implements and ornaments in
stone, bone and copper, deer antlers and thousands of pearl
shells or mussels, they usually being perforated and prob-
ably used as hoes. Human remains were also encountered
as well as coarsely woven fabrics, but the most important
discovery was the large number of potsherds, the quality
and decoration being unique. Many of these were shell-
tempered, equipped with angular shoulders and decorated
below the rim by means of incised spirals, highly pol-
ished, beautifully shaped, representing the finest pottery
made by the ancient Wisconsin Indians, and probably to
be classed with the best ware of any American Indians,
north of Mexico. It is typical of 'the Aztalan site. Other
sherds were decorated with incised scrolls and geometrical
arrangements of incised lines. One fine specimen, a unique
find in the Wisconsin area, is a pottery ladle of hard, shell-
tempered, polished ware, shaped to represent a gourd.
Excavations of Aztalan have resulted in the discovery of
four distinct cultures, its earliest inhabitants having the
most advanced.
They were evidently a sedentary people, — pottery makers
and weavers, equal to any of the southeastern tribes in high
artistic attainments and military tactics.
Another very interesting find was a large number of
beautiful arrow-heads, containing three square notches, the
third being at the base. They are rarely found elsewhere
in Wisconsin, never in Ohio and the northeastern part of
the country, but are encountered in considerable numbers
in the South and East. These and other finds are indica-
tive of the southeast culture.
In one of the large mounds on the ridge near the highway
was discovered the remains of a post, which originally
probably extended far above the mound and was used for
ceremonial purposes. An adjoining mound contained noth-
ing excepting a peculiarly shaped boulder, which probably
had some religious significance.
In another mound nearby was found a skeleton of a young
woman, together with thousands of beads made from the
pearl shells or mussels found in the rivers of southwestern
Wisconsin. These beads seem to have been attached to
belts of some material, one of which was wound several
times around the neck, another around the body and a third
around the ankles.
While the Winnebago were the last to occupy this site,
they disclaimed any knowledge of its origin, which could be
expected from the fact that other cultures were discovered,
by excavation, below their own. All evidence at hand leads
Aztalan. 59
to the conclusion that the founders of Aztalan came from
the South or Southeast, and that for some unknown reason
their advance into Wisconsin territory seems to have been
extremely limited and their high state of culture not
adopted by the wilder tribes of this district. Who they
were is still an unsettled problem.
For sixty years the plow has kept steadily burying deeper
the secrets of this "City of Mystery". In 1905 the Land-
marks Committee of Lake Mills, the State Federation of
Women's Clubs and the Wisconsin Archeological Society
made a determined effort to interest the public and our
State legislature in the preservation of this site by securing
it for state park purposes. Much publicity was given the
matter, which was met with a deaf ear.
Again in 1920, a concerted movement was carried on all
over the state by archeological, historical, scientific and
memorial societies, led by the Landmarks Committee of
the State Historical Society and other organizations, under
the slogan, '"Save Aztalan", to urge the acquisition of the
property as a public park to be conducted by the Rural
Planning Committee of Jefferson County.
Dr. S. A. Barrett and the late P. V. Lawson gave illus-
trated lectures throughout Jefferson County, in order to
stimulate the project, resulting in the school children of
that county contributing a substantial part of the purchase
price of about three acres of the tract, containing a few of
the outlying mounds in what is now Aztalan Mound Park.
The County Board supplied the necessary balance of the
funds and presented the site to the Wisconsin Archeological
On October 20, 1928, a meeting of the Wisconsin Archeo-
logical Society and others fully interested in saving as
much as possible of this, Wisconsin's most famous ruin,
met at Aztalan for the unveiling "of a tablet in commemora-
tion of its departed glory. The bronze plate, attached to a
large granite' boulder, bears the following inscription:
Site of the famous prehistoric Indian stockade-protected
village known as Aztalan. First described by N. F. Hyer,
in the Milwaukee Advertiser in January, 1837. Described
by Dr. Increase A. Lapham in the "Antiquities of Wiscon-
sin" in 1855. Explored by the Milwaukee Public Museum
in 1919-21. Purchased by the citizens of Jefferson County
in 1922, and presented to the Wisconsin Archeological
Society. Marked by the Wisconsin Archeological Society
In recognition of the devoted services of Mr. Robert P.
Ferry, Chairman of the Park Committee, in improving and
protecting this sacred spot, his daughter, Miss Elizabeth
Ferry and her friend, Miss Elizabeth Tillotson, were ac-
corded the honor of unveiling this marker. Appropriate
addresses were made on this occasion by Miss Louise
Phelps Kellogg of the Wisconsin State Historical Society, on
"Indian stockade-protected villages" ; by Mr. John Jeske,
of the Milwaukee Public Museum, describing the excava-
tions by the Museum, and by Geo. A. West, of Milwaukee,
who gave both a historical account of the site and the
unveiling address.
Sadly, with feelings difficult of utterance, our party
wandered back and forth in the chilling wind, over the
long neglected wreck of this once most remarkable and
extensive ancient earthen structure of our state. Realizing
its priceless value from an educational, historical, and
scenic standpoint, we could not help but feel that the need-
less destruction of so rare an example of prehistoric re-
mains is a lasting disgrace to our state and a blot on the
career of our statesmen of the past, who had the oppor-
tunity to preserve it at a trifling cost and hand it down as
an heirloom to coming generations of Wisconsin people,
who will more appreciate it than we ourselves do.
Pleased we should be that the policy of our state officers
and law makers has changed. The securing of public parks
in upper Wisconsin is highly commendable, but thus far the
southern part of our state, in this respect, has not received
due consideration. Some place for recreation within a short
drive would accomodate the hundreds of thousands who
The Stockaded Village. 61
cannot afford or spare the time to go long distances for a
day's outing. Such a park should be provided and the site
of Ancient Aztalan is the most logical and desirable for
this purpose and the additional land required should be
purchased and the enclosure restored by the State of Wis-
consin without unnecessary delay.
In the course of years the Wisconsin Archeological So-
ciety has published a number of papers and articles on the
subject of the character and preservation of the Aztalan
enclosure. The first of these appears as a chapter in a
monograph, "The Indian Authorship of Wisconsin Antiqui-
ties", published in 1907, its author being Mr. George A.
West. Accompanying this is a reproduction of Dr. Lap-
ham's map of Aztalan. Other papers published since that
time are "The Pilgrimage to Aztalan," "The Ancient City
of Aztalan", by Publius V. Lawson ; "A Visit to Aztalan in
1838", by William T. Sterling; "Prehistoric Cannibalism in
America", by A. N. Somers; and "Aztalan Conveyed to
Wisconsin Archeological Park System". Dr. Barrett's re-
port on the investigations conducted by the- Milwaukee
Public museum has not yet appeared.
Recent improvements made at Aztalan Mound Park by
Chairman Robert P. Ferry consist of the enclosing of the
park with a substantial fence, the planting of trees, the
erection of roadside and other signs directing visitors to
the site, the erection of the boulder marker, and the erection
of a shelter with a permanent map and literature case.
Louise Phelps Kellogg
Nearly all the discoverers and first settlers of North
America mention the palisaded village as a feature of
Indian life. When Jacques Cartier in 1535 advanced up
the St. Lawrence to the site of Montreal he found there the
Huron village of Hochelaga, containing more than a thous-
and people, which was surrounded by a wooden palisade
in triple rows. This palisade was circular ; and on its inner
side ran a gallery on which the defenders stood. A picture
of this village appears in the collection of voyages by the
Italian, Ramusio, with an especial diagram of the palisade.
The three tiers of tree trunks met at the top in the form
of a pyramid; it was firmly bound together and of a very
strong construction.1
When th% French in the early years of the seventeenth
century returned to settle the St. Lawrence Valley, the
Hurons had removed to western Ontario, south of Georgian
Bay. There they had six fortified villages, with wooden
stakes in triple ranks interlaced, lined within with large
pieces of bark. These stockades were from eight to fifteen
or more feet high and reinforced underneath with great
trees laid on short, strong forks of tree trunks.2 Not-
withstanding these strong fortifications, when in 1648-9
the Iroquois raided the country of the Hurons they were
able to capture these stockades. One had a palisade of pine
trees fifteen to sixteen feet high with a deep ditch around
it; the Iroquois fell upon it and undermined it with blows
of their hatchets ; thus they made several breaches through
which they rushed and set on fire the cabins of their
The Iroquois also had stockaded villages; one of their
earliest Dutch visitors writes : "This [Onondaga] castle is
surrounded by three rows of palisades, six or seven feet
high so thick it is a wonder they could do it."-4 They ran a
trench several feet deep around five or six acres of land,
threw up the ground upon the inside, then set a continuous
row of stakes or palisades in this bank of earth, fixing them
at such an angle that they inclined over the trench. Some-
times a village was surrounded by a double, triple, or even
quadruple row of palisades. Within were the cabins and
without the cultivated fields.5
1 Jacques Garner's Voyages, (Biggar ed. Ottawa, 1924), 144-148,
'Samuel de Champlain, Oeuyres (Quebec, 1870) iv, 73; Sabriel
Sagard: Theodate Le Grande Voyage du Pays des Huron (Paris,
3 Jesuit Relations & Allied Documents (Thwaites ed. Cleveland,
1896-1901), xxxiv, 14, 123, 125.
4Arent Van Curlaer's journal in American Historical Association
Report, 1905, 90.
'Lewis Morgan, League of the Iroquois, (N. Y. 1901) I, 305-306.
Plate 2
The Stockaded Village. 63
Champlain gives us two illustrations of the stockaded
villages of the Iroquois: in his exploration of 1609 at the
severe encounter he had with the Mohawk not far from
Lake Champlain, the village shown in his picture was sur-
rounded by a stockade hexagonal in shape strongly inter-
woven with binding withes.6 Again in 1615 when the
explorer accompanied a party of Hurons, which attacked
an Oneida village, Champlain thus describes the enemies'
stronghold: "The village was enclosed by four good pali-
sades, which were made of great pieces of wood inter-
laced with each other with an opening of not more than
one-half a foot between two; it was thirty feet high with
galleries around the inside; there was a pond near and
gutters ran between each pair of palisades." Champlain's
party was not able to storm this strong fort even with the
aid of firearms and a moveable tower, which the besiegers
tried to push up to the walls. The picture Champlain gave
shows that this formidable palisade was six-sided.7 A still
older stockade was reported among the Seneca, which was
rectangular in shape and the outline of which could be
traced as late as the nineteenth century.8 Galinee in 1669
describes a Seneca village "with palisades thirteen feet
high, fastened together at the top and planted in the
ground, with great piles of wood the height of a man behind
these palisades, the curtains being not otherwise flanked
merely a simple enclosure, perfectly square." As a rule
only the older Iroquois villages were fortified. As the
confederacy spread its conquests in every direction and
consolidated its power, it no longer took the trouble to
stockade its villages.9
The Algonquian Indians of the Atlantic seaboard, who
were early met by European discoverers and explorers, had
the custom of planting stakes around their villages. In
Virginia we have these stockades pictured in the drawings
'Champlain's Voyages (Biggar ed., Toronto, 1922), ii, 134.
'Champlain's Voyages (Grant ed., N. Y. 1907), 291-295.
8 David I. Bushnell. "Native Villages and Villages Sites east of the
Mississippi;" Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 69. The writ-
er acknowledges her debt to this treatise, although her investigations
were conducted independently.
,- B Louise P. Kellogg, Early Narratives of the Northwest, (N. Y.
1917), 180. Morgan, op. cit. I, 306.
of John White, first English artist of America.10 "Their
Fortifications," writes one of the earliest historians of the
colony, "consist only of a palisado, of about ten to twelve
feet high, and when they would make themselves very safe
they treble the pale. They often encompass their whole
town ; but for the most part only their king's houses and as
many dwellings as they judge sufficient to harbor all their
people when an enemy comes against them."
Hariot, who accompanied Sir Walter's colony to Virginia
in 1585 wrote : "If they [the villages] be walled it is only
done with barks of trees made fast to stakes or else with
poles only fixed upright and close to one another."
Coming farther north we find that the Algonquian In-
dian village on Manhattan Island was "a castle or palisaded
village." Most of these Algonquian stockades were circular ;
but we have one picture of a rectangular stockade built by
the Mohican Indians, which was somewhere within the
limits of New Netherland. This was so regular in form that
it may have been rectified by the artist; it is, however,
interesting as an example of this shape on the eastern
borders of North America.
It is well known that the Pilgrims and Puritans of New
England encountered few Indians because of a recent pes-
tilence; some of the earlier visitors to this coast inform us
of stockaded towns. Champlain found one on Saco River,
which was a permanent village surrounded by palisades
formed of rather large trees placed one against another and
into this they retire when their enemies come to make war
against them."11
A Jesuit missionary to the Abnaki wrote that "their
cabins were ranged almost like houses in cities, an enclosure
of high and closely set stakes formed a sort of a wall which
protected them from the incursions of their enemies."12
Turning now to the Northwest, the region with which
we are most familiar, we find numerous references to
10 White was a member of Raleigh's colony on Roanoke Island ;
his drawings were engraved and published by the German collector
of voyages, Theodor de Bry. See reproduction of a circular village
palisade in Con way W. Sams, Conquest of Virginia: Forest Primeval
(N. Y. 1916), 128, 134.
11 Champlain' s Voyages (Biggar, ed.), i, 329.
12 Jesuit Relations (Thwaites ed), Ixvii, 135.
The Stockaded Village. ^ • 65
formidable palisades around the settled villages. The
Hurons who fled from the raids of the Iroquois made their
way in considerable numbers into Wisconsin, accompanied
by the Ottawa from the eastern shore o± Georgian Bay
and from Manitolin Island. At first both groups of
refugees lived upon the islands of Green Bay, but hear-
ing rumors of the approach of an Iroquois band, the
fugitives retired to the mainland and spent two years
erecting a fortification, which proved impregnable. The
Iroquois finally in 1653 arrived before it, but spent with
their journey they made no attempt to attack, and started
negotiaions for a peace. The envoys were drawn over
the palisade with ropes, and after some negotiations asked
for food. This the besieged party poisoned and threw
over the ramparts. The enemy retreated, vanquished by
the wiles of the defenders and their heavy palisade.13
The Hurons and Ottawa, none the less, were panic
stricken and continued their flight into the thickest of the
forests of northern Wisconsin. The Ottawa finally built
a village on Lac Court Oreilles, which Radisson notes was
without palisades;14 evidently these fugitives thought the
distance and the depth of the forest would protect them,
without the heavy labor of erecting a stockade. A half-
century later, however, when dwelling on the straits of
Mackinac they protected their permanent villages with
stockades which Lahontan describes and pictures.15 The
commandant of 1694-97, Sieur de Cadillac, thus describes
Mackinac: "These forts [of the Indians] are made of
stakes. Those of the outer row are as thick as one's thigh,
and about 'thirty feet high; the second row inside fs a
full foot from the first, and leans over at the top to sup-
port and prop it; the third row is four feet from the
second one, and consists of stakes 3% feet in diameter
standing 15 or 16 feet out of the ground. Now in this
row no space is left between the stakes; on the contrary
13 Wis. Hist. Colls, xvi, 7-13; Louise P. Kellogg, French Regime
in Wisconsin and the Northwest (Madison, 1925), 96-98.
14 Wis. Hist. Colls., xi, 94.
15 Lahontan' 's Voyages to North America (Thwaites ed. Chicago,
1905), 417. Lahontan is in this passage speaking in general, but
he' was familiar with the Mackinac villages and portrays them as
palisaded on his map. Wis. Hist. Colls, xvi, 136.
they are driven as closely tog-ether as possible, and loop
holes are cut at intervals. In the first two rows there is
a space of about 6 pounces [inches] between the stakes,
and by this means the first and second rows do not pre-
vent the enemy from being discovered; but there are
neither curtains nor bastions, and, properly speaking, it
is a mere fence."16 Yet one must conclude it was a fence
or fortification of great . strength, and must have im-
pressed all the tribesmen of the western country.
Whether these stockaded villages of the Hurons and
Ottawa at Mackinac were copied by the Algonquians of
Wisconsin is not certain ; yet there are evidences that
Wisconsin villages had some sort of protective stockades.
The Jesuits speak of "forts" both among the Outagamie
on Wolf River and for the Miami-Mascouten on the upper
Fox; a Seminary missionary of 1698 mentions the village
on Milwaukee River as "the fort of Milouakik."17 On
the other hand neither Marquette, La Salle, nor Tonty
mention any palisaded villages in the Mississippi Valley,
and it seems quite evident that the Illinois had no stock-
ades in the seventeenth century, when attacked by the
Iroquois. By the middle of the eighteenth century, how-
ever, they had learned to fortify their villages against the
attacks of the Foxes.18
At the time of the Fox Wars in the first decades of the
eighteenth century, we have many evidences of stockaded
forts and villages. Mackinac was abandoned by the
Hurons and Ottawa in 1700 and their forts were rebuilt
at Detroit and quickly surrounded by a double row of
palisades with good gates.19 Then when the Foxes at the
invitation of the French commandant removed to the
neighborhood of Detroit they also built fortifications,
within which in 1712 the first siege of the Fox Wars oc-
The few Foxes who were left after this disastrous
event fled back to Wisconsin, and there with their com-
18 Wis. Hist. Colls., xvi, 352-353.
"Kellogg, Early Narratives, 153, 155, 345.
15 Bushnell, Villages and Village Sites, 40.
19 Wis. Hist. Cotts., xvi, 368, 369.
"Ibid., 274, 278, 284, 293.
The Stockaded Village. 67
rades built on the banks of Lake Butte des Morts a for-
midable fort composed of triple oak stakes with curtains
at each corner.-1 There in 17161 they were besieged by a
French army, which advanced against this fort in regular
European style, planning mines and other ways of reduc-
ing it. A truce, however, was made before the fort sur-
rendered and the Foxes were left to occupy their stock-
ade for a time in peace.
( Lulled to security by French .promises the Foxes by
1727 had a village on Fox River without a palisade, and
when the next year the second French expedition mounted
that stream their enemies fled without standing siege.22
Taught their lesson by this surprise in 1730 they had two
strong forts and the Winnebago had one on an island not
far from Appleton.23 Then in the autumn of that year,
attempting to take refuge among the Iroquois, the Foxes
turned at bay and built in Illinois, fifty miles or more
south of Lake Michigan, a stockade in which they stood
siege for twenty-three days, and left its protection only
when hunger forced a sortie.24
At a later date in this same struggle the Foxes built
near the shore of Lake Pistakee, on Fox River of Illinois,
"a stockade fort with an earthern rampart inside the
height of a man, with a water-tower or block house above
it." And in 1734 they were fortified on the banks of the
Wapsipinicon River in Iowa.25
The Sauk Indians also had in 1732 a palisaded village
on the site of modern Green Bay, opposite the French post
on the west side of the stream; at the gate of this village
the French commandant was slain. This site of this Sauk
stockade is now marked with a tablet placed in 1918 on
the corner of the Beaumont hotel.26
After the close of the Fox Wars about 1738 we hear no
more of stockades around the villages of Wisconsin In-
dians. For that reason it seems to have been forgotten
that whenever serious danger threatened, the villagers
21 Wis. Hist. Colls., v, 79, 82.
22 Wis. Hist. Colls., xvii, 23, 100, 109, 129.
23 Ibid, 88-99.
"Ibid, 111, 115.
28 Ibid, 178, 208, 216, 218.
26 Wis. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 1927, 74.
had to resort to palisades. Yet no fact seems better es-
tablished by a survey of early literature.
There is one description by a writer of 1674 of a forti-
fied village in east Tennessee, probably of Cherokee origin,
that commands attention because of its evident similarity
to the remains at Aztalan. "This towne is seated on ye
river side, having ye clefts of ye river on ye one side
being very high for its defense, the other three sides trees
of two foot over, [in diameter] pitched on end, twelve
foot high, and on ye tops scafolds placed with parrapits
to defend the walls and offend theire enemies which men
stand on to fight . . . this forte is four square; 300
paces over and ye houses set in streets."-7 Some such
village must have existed at the site of Aztalan in pre-
historic times, whether marking the last stand of a more
civilized people who had made their way hither from the
south along the Mississippi and Rock rivers,28 or whether
the remains of a village built by the ancestors of our well-
known Wisconsin Indians at some time of stress and dan-
ger. Here was gathered a considerable population, with-
out the walls were the watch towers and tribal emblems.
Within the stockade a busy scene was enacted, food was
gathered and prepared for scores of people, refuse heaps
piled up, in all probability the usual incidents of savage
life continued, — courtship, marriage, birth, death, cere-
monial observances, feasts, dances, and orgies. Yet all
the time the watchers on the walls were vigilant, along
the parapets they paced, with keen eyes they watched the
distance, their cries of alarm or their assurances of safety
aroused or lulled the villagers. Within the stockaded
village was a reasoned safety and here a tribal group
abode in peace.
7 C. W. Alvprd and L. Bidgood, First Explorations of the Trans-
Allegheny Region (Cleveland, 1912) 213.
28 Paul Radin, The Story of the American Indian. (New York,
1927), 198.
The Use of Earthenware Vessels. 69
Charles E. Brown
All of the dozen or more Indian tribes whom the French
encountered in Wisconsin and adjoining states were
makers and users of earthenware vessels. Some, if not
all, also employed in their domestic activities vessels made
of bark, wood and shell. Frequent mention is made in
the historical records of that period of the use of earthen-
ware by the different tribes. Unfortunately these refer-
ences to the ceramic art of the natives are all too brief.
Of the source of the clay or the exact manner of manu-
facuring the clay pots very little is said. The testimony
of the early village sites is that pottery making must
have been going on in nearly all of them.
Pierre Esprit, sieur d'Radisson, mentions that the
Hurons and Ottawa journeyed to Lake Winnebago to ob-
tain from the Indians located there "light earthern pots,
girdles made of goat's hair and small sea shells."* Of
the Beef Sioux he says: "Their drums v/eare earthern
potts full of watter, covered with staggs-skin. The
sticks like hammers for ye purpose." *Father Marquette
mentions of the Illinois that they "cook in great earthern
jars which are very well made. They also have plates of
baked earth which they use in various ways." *Father
Allouez, however, mentions of the Outagami (Fox),
Miami and Mascouten gathered at Green Bay that they
were "unusually barbarous, and do not make even a bark
dish or a laddie; they commonly use sea shells." • This
statement is difficult to understand since all of these
tribes were potters in their home regions.*
Nicolas Perrot says 6f the Winnebago: "In former
times, the Puans were the masters of this bay (Green
Bay) and of a great extent of adjoining country. This
nation was a very populous one, very redoubtable, and
spared no one. If any stranger came among them he was
cooked in their kettles." He accuses them of having slain
*Wis. Hist. Colls., X-296; XI-92.
* Jesuit Relations, 59-157; 68-125.
and eaten a delegation of Illinois who visited them on a
humanitarian mission.* All of these Northwestern tribes
were cannibalistic on occasion and there are frequent ref-
erences in the French records of their cooking the flesh of
their enemies in their earthern kettles. When Perrot vis-
ited a Mascouten-Miami village thirty miles south of
Green Bay his party were received by "a venerable old
man" and "a woman carrying a clay pot filled with corn-
meal porridge.* He presented to the old men of the vrt-
lage his metal kettle, with the words: "I carry it every-
where without fear of breaking it" thus referring to the
destructable nature of their own earthenware kettles.*
Ke wa kons, a Chippewa chief, informed Henry R.
Schoolcraft in 1827 that at the time when the whites made
their appearance among his tribe they laid aside their
akeeks or clay cooking vessels and adopted the light brass
trade kettles.* He mentions that the Assiniboin, parties
of whom appear to have occasionally visited Minnesota
and Wisconsin in the French period, obtain their name
from their early custom of cooking by placing heated
stones in their vessels. He illustrates the Chippewa man-
ner of suspending an earthern pot from a tripod. Thomas
L. McKenny, 1827, gives the Chippewa name for their own
earthern vessels as wau' begun onaug' unun.*
Rev. Peter Jones says of the Chippewa, among whom
he early served as a missionary: "Their pipes are made of
soft stone, cut and carved in all sorts of shapes and fig-
ures. Some were made from baked clay or granite.
Their pots were made of the same materials and baked
thoroughly so hard as to stand the action of fire. The
Indians were well pleased to discard these for English pots
and kettles, which they find much more convenient." He
figures several potsherds, which are ornamented with
grooved and indented patterns rather than with cord-
impressions. The vessel which he figures has a rounded
base and incised (?) rim decoration.*
L. H. Bunnell states that: "Clay-colored pottery water
* Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi and Great Lakes, 295,
323, 331.
* Tour to the Lakes.
* Winona and its Environs, 84.
Plate 3
The Use of Earthenware Vessels. 71
jars, drums and other vessels were made by the Sioux of
the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers."*
Dr. W. J. Hoffman who engaged in a study of the Wis-
consin Menomini for the Bureau of American Ethnology
lid: "Earthernware is no longer made by the Menomini,
though some of the oldest women remember when pottery
making was engaged in/'*
Alanson Skinner, whose researches among these same
Indians extended over a period of eleven years, records the
following information: "Although pottery vessels have
not been made or used by the Menomini for over a hun-
dred years, the memory of the process, as described to
them by their parents, still lingers among some of the
older people. In 1911 the late Philip Naku'ti, then eighty-
four years of age, told the writer that the vessels were
made of selected clay, which was pounded and mixed with
pulverized shells of the freshwater clam (Unio sp.,) for
tempering. When the clay had been properly prepared,
more water was added, and it was kneaded into a stiff
paste. This was plastered by hand over a large ball of
basswood-bark twine, an opening being left out of which
protruded an end of the string. The clay was then
smoothed off with a stick, and the incipient vessel was set
in the sun to dry. In fact, sunshine was considered such
a necessary factor in the drying process that no one ever
attempted to make pottery on a dull day.
"When the coating was dry, the potter took hold of the
ball of twine, which had been left protruding from the
opening made for the purpose, and, pulling it, unwound
the ball within, leaving an earthern shell. Fresh clay
was daubed over the rough inside, and the outside was
again scraped smooth with a stick. The vessel was then
sized with a coating or wash of finer clay, and orna-
mented with designs marked with a sharpened stick.
Such was Naku'tis information, but archeological evidence
is to the effect that figures impressed by means of sticks
wrapped with cord predominate over incised designs.
After decorating the receptacles, holes were bored in the
* History of the Ojibway Indians, 74.
* 14 Bu. Am. Ethno, 257.
sides near the rim, for the purpose of affixing a bail of bass-
"The vessel was then dried again, arid is said to have
been ready for use. Naku'ti supposed it not to have been
fired but to have become hardened by the heat while in
use, but apparently memory or his information must be
at. fault in this particular, for not only does it seem im-
probable that an unfired vessel could have been made to
retain liquid without dissolving or coming apart, but all
the potsherds and vessels seen or collected by. the writer
from old Menomini sites show distinct evidence of firing.
Indeed they could not otherwise have withstood the ele-
ments for so many years. Possibly the theory that ves-
sels were used without this essential step is a "folk ex-
planation" of a now forgotten art. Archeological inves-
tigations show that the jars of the ancient Menomini are
of the old "pan-Algonkian" type with a pointed base (fig.
Of the decorative art of the Menomini. he says: "In em-
broidery, carving, and later in applique, however, floral
designs predominate over all others, whereas in pottery,
basketry, and in woven bags and mats, geometric figures
were preferred or dictated by custom, or, in some in-
stances more easily made."*
He gives the Menomini names for earthenware ves-
sels:— ma'nona a'ka, pottery (red clay) kettle; ota-
kakun, pottery kettle (lit. 'his kettle').* Skinner found
that some of the potsherds obtained by him from former
Menomini village sites on the west shore of Green Bay
were in all respects similar to the pottery obtained by him
from mounds on the Menomini Reservation. Skinner also
gives the following information concerning the manufac-
ture of pottery vessels by the Mascoutin or Prairie Pota-
"Clay was selected, kneaded, and mixed with an equal
proportion of burnt and pulverized stone as tempering.
Sometimes pulverized soap stone was used instead of burnt
crushed stone. A hole was next dug in the ground and the
clay put in it and trodden with the feet. A wooden model
* Material Culture of the Menomini, 282-284; 279, 309.
* Bull., Milw. Pub. Mus., 6-2, 294.
The Use of Earthenware Vessels. ' 73
of a vessel is alleged to have been carved and rubbed very
smooth. The wet clay of the consistency of dough was
then smeared over the form and polished with a slick
stone. It was also worked thin with a stick. The edge
around the rim was turned up and back with the fingers,
and the vessel together with the form was placed in the
fire in a pit dug for the purpose. It is said that the clay
gradually dried and heated until red hot, when the fire was
allowed to die out. The freshly baked pottery was kept
indoors to prevent drafts from cracking the vessel.
"In firing, the form was burned out. When cool, the
vessel was scraped with a stone on the inside. It was
then firm and hard and ready for use. It could not be
cracked by the action of cold water poured in it while
hot, it is asserted. Some of the jars were durable enough
to pack on horses.
"The writer doubts the practicability of burning a clay
vessel over a wooden form as described, and believes that
in part at least, this account is a "folk-reconstruction."
"Pottery pipes are said to have been made up to very
recent years in time of emergency. Common clay was
mixed with tallow, all being well kneaded together, to
keep the clay from cracking when fired. The grease was
sweated out by placing the pipe bowl near the fire. The
vessel was then put in the hot ashes, and another fire built
over it, which was kept up for a time and then allowed to
die out. The clay turned red and was harc(. [Sam] Bosley
himself once made a pipe of this nature which was shaped
like a Siouan pipe, but was heavier."
From Simon Kahquados Dr. Alphonse Gerend secured
the following brief statement of the method formerly
practiced by the Wisconsin Potawatomi in the manufac-
ture of clay vessels : "For pottery making, pure clay was
selected and worked over and mixed a long time. One
month well mixed. It was mixed in a hollowed log. For
the form a bowl was burned into a log and the clay pressed
about the sides. Half of the ware vessel was removed,
then the other half and the two joined. Pot sometimes
formed on [the] outside of mold."*
Wis. Archeologist, 19-2, 70.
Vol. 8, No. 2
Dr. Paul Radin has published an account of the manner
in which pottery vessels were made by the Winnebago:
"For cooking, clay pots were used. These vessels, most
of which were very large, with round bottoms, always
hung over the fire. The material used in their manufac-
ture was blue clay found at Green Bay, on or near the site
of St. Paul, Minn., mixed with shell shards, glue from
sturgeon vertebrae, and the gelatinous substance in the
horns of the deer. The addition of these ingredients
greatly increased the cohesiveness of the clay. The ma-
terial was either molded with the hands or in holes of the
desired shape dug in the ground and lined with leaves.
Finally the vessels were dried over a slow fire in small
kilns constructed for the purpose. None of the clay ves-
sels were provided with handles. Some were ornamented
with geometric patterns. The irregular incised designs
on some Winnebago vessels are the impressions of grass
blades with which the mold was lined."*
It is more than likely that when a careful study of the
potsherds from known Winnebago village sites in Wis-
consin is made that it will be found that this tribe em-
ployed both crushed shell and crushed rock (possibly also
sand and other ingredients) in the tempering of the clay
in pottery manufacture. J. V. Brower has shown such
to be the case with some of the pottery made by their
relatives the Sioux (Dakota) of Minnesota. In discuss-
ing a collection of Siouan potsherds from village sites in
the Itasca lake region he says: "Of these about two-thirds
of the rest are made of crushed shells, sand and clay, the
remainder being mostly of clay and sand with impressions
of grass, in one instance the charred fibre of the grass
still preserved. We find both here and at Mille Lacs in-
contestible instances of these two ingredients crushed stone
and shell in the same sherds. This, however, is not com-
mon, the most common ingredients being crushed granite
with clay and sand. It is observable here, as in other
places that the strongest sherds are composed of crushed
shells and sand, although at the same time thinner than
those that contain crushed rock; but the latter are often
more elaborately ornamented about the rim."*
* 37 Bu. AM. Ethno., 119.
The Use of Earthenware Vessels. 75.
"There is no evidence to show that (in Minnesota) the
Ojibwa, or any other aboriginal people than the Dakota,
made such articles. Since the Ojibwa entered the state
they have been continually in contact with European
traders, and they obtained by trade such earthen articles
as they needed for domestic use. There is no known in-
stance of the making of pottery within the state by the
"At each permanent village site there must have been
more or less of the practice of this art. So far as we
know, all the Dakota tribes (including therein the Omaha,
the Winnebago and the Iowa) usually cooked their food
with water made hot by placing hot stones in earthen pots
containing the food and the necessary amount of water."*
One of the interesting problems for students of Wis-
consin Indian ceramics to undertake to solve will be that
of ascertaining, if possible, to what extent the Siouan Win-
nebago, Dakota and Iowa of Wisconsin adopted in their
pottery manufacture the decorative patterns of the intrud-
ing Algonkian tribes. Also whether the presence of some
Iroquois sherds in Wisconsin is due to actual early resi-
dence of people of this stock west of Lake Michigan or
whether it was brought here or made here by some of
these former New York Algonkians.
The late Alanson Skinner once pointed out to the writer
that among the potsherds collected from the site of the
Aztalan enclosure the characteristic Siouan, Algonkian,
Iroquoian, Middle Mississippi Valley, and Gulf States
earthenware were all represented.
* The Aborigines of Minnesota, 437-444.
W. 8 iaprtl, 1929 J2o. 3
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fncorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing the Ptur»y arid
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
H. H. Smith
C. G. Schoewe Mrs. Theo. Koerner
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand W. W. Oilman
A. T. Newman Dr. A. L. Kastner
A. P. Kannenberg-
Dr. S. A. Barrett Dr. F. C. Rogers Dr. E. J. W. Notz
M. C. Richter E. F. Richter Mrs. A. E. Koerner
VetalWinn L.R.Whitney Geo. A. West
W. C. McKern
G. M. Thorne
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. S. A. Barrett, J. P. Schumacher, W. G. Mc-
Lachlan, Rev. F. S. Dayton, C. E. Brown, W. C. McKern, T. L.
Miller, A. W. Pond, and Frank Thomlinson.
MOUND PRESERVATION— W. W. Oilman, Dr. F. C. Rogers, Dr.
A. L. Kastner, R. J. Kieckhefer, Mrs. Jessie R. Skinner, Louise
P. Kellogg, Mrs. H. A. Main, R. A. Maas, J. W. Norris, Mrs.'
F. R. Melcher, Dr. A. Gerend, and G. L. Pasco.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, Dr. G. L. Collie, A. C.
Neville, A. P. Kannenberg, E. P. Hamilton, William Horlick,
Mrs. H. A. Olson, Mm A. E. Koerner, R. S. Van Handel, and
T. M. N. Lewis.
MEMBERSHIP— C. G. Schoewe, A. P. Cloos, Dr. W. H. Brown, A. R.
Rogers, A. Sohrweide, Jr., Vetal Winn, C. G. Weyl, Mrs. Theo.
Koerner, W. P. Morgan, A. E. Koerner, Louis Pierron, C. Baer-
wald, D. S. Rowland, and Geo. Overton.
MAN MOUND PARK— E. A. Gllman, Miss Emma Richmond and
M. F. Hulburt.
AZTALAN MOUND PARK— R. P. Ferry, M. G. Troxell, and W. W.
Gil man.
PUBLICITY— A. O. Barton, Mrs. W. F. Bauchle, M. C. Richter, E. R.
Mclntyre and R. K. Coe.
BIOGRAPHY— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, C. G. Schoewe and H. H. Smith.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeological Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologist" should be addressed to Charles E.
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Museum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thome, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Mil-
Vol. 8, No. 3, New Series
Checklist of Wisconsin Indian Implements, Charles E. Brown 81
An Ancient Village Site in Winnebago County, George Overton__ 94
Prehistoric Torquoise Mines 100
An Abraham Lincoln Indian Medal, Theodore T. Brown 103
The Winnebago Indians and the Mounds, John Blackhawk 106
Prairie Smoke 107
Archeological Notes 110
Abraham Lincoln Indian Medal Frontispiece
Published Quarterly by the Wisconsin Archeologrical Society
Vol. 8 MADISON, WIS., APRIL, 1920 No. 3
New Series
Charles E. Brown
No attempt has heretofore been made to provide students
and investigators of Wisconsin archeological history with a
checklist or catalogue of the clay, stone, bone, shell, metal and
other implements, utensils and ornaments of the prehistoric
and early historic Indian inhabitants of the state. The pre-
liminary checklist now offered is based on the records of the
Wisconsin Archeological Society, and on the contents of the
public museums and private collections of the state.
In the back issues of The Wisconsin Archeologist there
have appeared fifty illustrated articles and monographs on
the various classes of stone, metal and other implements and
ornaments of Wisconsin. Their authors are Geo. A. West,
C. E. Brown, P. V. Lawson, Dr. A. Gerend, H. P. Hamilton,
W. A. Titus, V. Winn, A. H. Sanford, H. A. Crosby, I. M.
Buell, G. E. Laidlaw and other present and former members
of the state society. Descriptions and classifications of Wis-
consin implements are also published in "The Stone Age in
North America", in "Stone Ornaments of the American In-
dian", and in "Prehistoric Implements", three books pub-
lished by Prof. Warren K. Moorehead.
The Committee on State Archaeological Surveys, National
Research Council, has in view the preparation of a catalogue
of the Indian implements of the Middle West states.
Arrow and Spearpoints
1. Leaf -shape.
2. Triangular (some with base notched).
3. Lozenge-shape.
4. Stemmed.
5. Notched (some with several pairs of notches).
6. Barbed (some with barbs truncated).
7. Beveled.
8. Serrated.
Harpoon Points
1. Asymetric (points so classed may have been employed as harpoon
2. Unilaterally barbed.
3. Bilaterally barbed.
1. Flake.
2. Leaf-shape.
Pointed at one end, base rounded.
Pointed at one end, base straight.
Pointed at one end, base indented.
Pointed at both ends.
3. Oval.
Both ends rounded, edges curved or straight.
Both ends square (straight), edges curved or straight.
4. Semi-lunar.
One edge curved, one straight.
One edge broadly curved, one straight or slightly curved (wo-
man's knife).
5. Curved.
Base notched, curved blade.
6. Lozenge-shape.
Some with diagonally-opposite edges beveled.
7. Dagger-shape.
Leaf -shape blade provided with short handle.
See dagger-shape knives.
Ceremonial Knives
Large, broad leaf-shape blades narrowing toward a straight or
slightly rounded base, (jgee 13-4 Wis. Archeologist, 176-181)
1. Flake (some with one or several notches on edges).
2. Oval, circular, crescent, square or rectangular.
3. Spoon-shape, scraping edge at broad extremity.
4. Oval or circular blade with stem. .
5. Re-chipped broken arrow and spearpoints (bunts).
Perforators or Drills
1. Flake, one extremity pointed, or flake with small projecting point.
2. Straight bar, one or both ends pointed.
3. Stemmed, blade with straight or curved edges, expanding base.
4. Notched stem (base) .
Some drills were very probably employed as reamers.
Flakes with one serrated edge.
Checklist of Wisconsin Indian Implements. 83
Not common in Wisconsin. Some polished or partly polished.
Notched, double-bitted. Not common in Wisconsin.
Single specimen known, similar in form to those listed under pecked
and ground stone implements.
1. Unnotched oval or square blades.
2. Notched, with rounded blade.
3. Notched base, with pointed blade.
1. Oval.
2. Elliptical, both ends rounded.
3. Elliptical, both ends pointed.
4. Leaf -shape, base rounded, blade pointed.
5. Bell-shape blade.
Indian origin of most or all is doubtful.
Made of native flint.
Small flint objects probably intended to represent birds and animals.
Oval, or leaf -shape form. Frequently found in caches or hoards of
a few or many.
Pieces of flint from which numbers of flakes have been removed,
often of conical form.
These chipped implements are fashioned from flint
(chert), hornstone, chalcedony, agate, jasper, rhyolite,
quartz, quartzite, sandstone, silicified wood, limestone,
obsidian and other materials.
1. Triangular.
2. Wedge-shape.
3. Rectangular.
4. Chisel-shape.
5. Bell-shape.
6. Adze-celts.
7. Fluted or ornamented.
1. Ordinary forms.
2. Handled (blade with handle).
1. Triangular.
2. Adze-celts.
1. Base partly or wholly excavated.
2. With shallow groove crossing over the back.
3. Knobbed back.
4. Knobbed head, shallow groove.
1. Rude, unnotched, with cutting edge.
2. Notched.
3. Grooved, completely encircled by groove.
4. Grooved, groove encircles three sides.
5. Centrally grooved, one end with cutting edge.
6. Double-bitted.
7. Oval.
8. Long-bladed (adze-axes).
9. Fluted or ornamented.
10: Double grooved (two grooves).
11. Curious forms.
Pointed at one or both ends.
1. Broad blade, short handle.
2. Broad blade, long handle.
1. Natural spherical or oval stones.
2. Shaped by pecking and grinding.
Hammer Stones
1. Pebble, battered by use.
2 Shape altered by pecking and grinding.
3 With finger-holds.
Checklist of Wisconsin Indian Implements. 86
Pecking Hammers
Flint nodules employed in dressing surfaces of stone implements.
1. Axe-shape, with encircling groove, blunt cutting edge.
2. Ornamented with fluting.
Club Heads
Spherical or oval stones encircled by a groove.
1. Heavy stones, battered in use.
2. Heavy stones, grooved for attachment to a handle.
Heavy stones used as anvils.
Small pieces of sandstone or gritty stone with grooves, for sharpen-
ing bone awls and other implements. Sometimes cut in square and
rectangular forms for convenience in holding.
Grinding Stones
Pieces of sandstone used in the grinding of the surfaces of axes,
celts and other stone implements.
Arrowshaft Grinders
Sandstone implements with a single longitudinal groove.
Elliptical implements, circular in section, pointed at both extremi-
ties. Unknown use.
Pottery Slicks
ited at both er
used in smoothing the surfaces of clay vessels.
Flattish implements, pointed at both ends. Thought to have been
Stones, sometimes conical or hemispherical in form, used in grind-
ing shell, clay, stone and other substances.
1. Conical.
2. Bell-shaped.
3. Roller, tapering toward both ends, circular in section.
4. Rectangular, with rounded ends, square in section.
5. Tapering.
Boulders or rocks with shallow cavities.
1. Boulder, with cavity.
2. Bowl-shaped.
3. Flat stone.
Nut Stones
Sandstone or other stone with one or a number of small circular
Paint Stones
Pitted stones supposed to have been used for grinding paint.
Dishes or Cups
Record of a single specimen.
Drill Weights
Stones supposed to have been used as weights for fire-drills.
Net Weights
1. Pebble, flat, two opposite edges notched.
2. Ditto, shallow groove connecting the notches.
! 3. Ditto, notched on four edges.
4. Oval pebble, grooved.
5. Cylindrical, notched on two opposite edges.
Large stones of irregular form with an encircling groove.
Among the rocks employed by the Indians in the manu-
facture of these classes of the heavier stone implements
were diorite, greenstone, granite, syenite, porphyry, horn-
blende, basalt, rhyolite, quartz, quartzite, sandstone, mica
schist, calcite and limestone. For the manufacture of orna-
ments, pipes and ceremonials banded slate, catlinite (pipe-
stone), steatite, chlorite and calcite were favorite materials.
Some of the foregoing rocks were also employed for this
1. Spherical. 2. Tubular. 3. Disk
1. Circular and oval. 4. Effigy.
2. Square and rectangular. 5. Other forms.
3. Triangular.
Checklist of Wisconsin Indian Implements. 87
1. Circular. 6. Wedge-shape.
2. Oval. 7. Reel-shape.
3. Square. 8. Spud-shape.
4. Rectangular. 9. Peculiar forms.
5. Triangular.
Some with two or more perforations.
1. Bar or saddle-shape. 4. Bird-form, with eye disks.
2. Bird-form, without eyes. 5. Other forms.
3. Bird-form, with eyes.
1. Curved top, flat base. Some with transverse central groove on top.
2. Curved, flat or ridged top, concave base.
1. Square. 7. Double-bitted axe.
2. Rectangular. 8. Crescent.
3. Oval. 9. Double-crescent.
4. Pick-shape. 10. Knobbed crescent.
5. Reel-shape. 11. Bayonet-shape.
6. Butterfly.
1. Without groove.
2. With groove at one end. Some with incised ornamentation.
3. With groove at both ends.
1. Circular, with flat sides.
2. Circular, with convex sides.
3. Circular, with concave sides.
4. Circular, flat sides with small central depression.
5. Circular, concave sides with central circular ring.
6. Circular, concave sides with central perforation.
7. Barrel-shape.
1. Conical.
2. Conical, top flattened.
Hemispherical stones.
* Problematical Forms.
1. Pebble. 10. Micmac.
2. Ovoid. 11. Disk
3. Square. 12. Monitor, straight base.
4. Lens-shape. 13. Monitor, curved base.
5. Conoidal. 14. Handled.
6. Vase-shape. 15. Effigy.
7. Keel-shape. 16. Portrait.
8. Right-angled (elbow). 17. Other forms.
9. Siouan.
1. Tubular (cylindrical). 3. Conoidal.
2. Oval. 4. Hourglass.
Stone carvings of men and animals.
Inscribed Stones
Stones bearing pictographs.
Arrow and Spearpoints
1. Leaf-shape.
2. Stemmed.
3. Stemmed, bevelled blade.
4. Stemmed, ridged blade.
5. Stemmed, with eye (rivet hole ?) in end of tang.
6. Stem expanded at base with one or two projections.
7. Stem notched.
8. Stem serrated (toothed).
9. Spatula-shape ("rat-tail").
10. Triangular blade long, short pointed tang.
11. Same, with barbs.
12. Socketted, back of blade ridged.
13. Socketted, back of blade flat, rivet hole in socket.
14. Socketted, blade ornamented with punch marks.
15. Conical.
Harpoon Points
Unilaterally Barbed.
1. Short, flat, with single barb.
2. Long, tapering, pointed rod, with single barb.
3. Thick, triangular in section, with a number of barbs.
Toggle Form.
1. Conical, hollow or with socket. Some with perforation for the
attachment of a line.
2. Similar but with a barb near the point.
1. Resembling a socketted copper spearpoint but with a barb.
Checklist of Wisconsin Indian Implements.
1. Straight blade, pointed tang.
2. Curved blade.
3. Straight blade, with handle (dagger-shape).
4. Straight blade, with socket tang.
5. Blade ornamented with punch marks.
Broad blade, pointed tang.
Awls or Perforators
1. Straight, one end pointed.
2. Straight, both ends pointed.
3. Middle expanded, one or both ends pointed.
Some awls are square, some circular in section.
Pikes and Punches
1. Straight, one or both ends pointed.
2. Tapering form, both ends pointed.
3. Tapering, one end blunt, the other pointed.
4. Tapering, one end pointed, one hooked.
1. Without eye.
2. With eye.
Axes (Celts)
1. Triangular.
2. Wedge-shape.
3. Rectangular.
4. Bell-shape.
5. Wedge-shape, blade surfaces depressed.
6. Grooved axes.
1. Elongated triangular.
2. Rectangular.
Under surface partly or wholly excavated,
Curved implements excavated for their entire length.
1. Square or rectangular.
2. Socket constricted.
3. Back ornamented with punch marks.
Sword or Sickle
Long knife with curved blade, and handle.
1. Ordinary form.
2. With notch at end of shank.
3. Large, stout hooks (gaff-hooks?).
Made of sheet copper.
Copper socket or handle for an implement, hollow.
1. Tubular.
2. Rolled (spherical).
3. Perforated.
Bangles, Pendants, and Gorgets
Circular, oval, triangular and other forms, generally perforated for
suspension. One in bird effigy form.
1. Canoe-shape.
2. Canoe-shape, upper edge straight.
3. Canoe-shape, lower edge with crescent indentation.
4. Canoe-shape, two prongs projecting from near center of upper
5. Same as foregoing, prongs joined at top by a bar.
6. Canoe-shape, a pointed prong projecting upward from ends.
7. Canoe-shape, prongs at ends turning inward and meeting to form
a point.
8. Crescent-shape, several types.
Ornaments made to represent bird claws, one end bent to form an
eye to permit stringing with copper beads in a necklace.
Finger Rings and Earrings
Copper wire coiled once or several times.
Bracelets, Armlets and Anklets
Bent copper rod or flat strip of copper.
Spool-shaped ear ornaments of copper, or of stone sheathed or
partly sheathed with sheet copper.
Small conical fringe ornaments.
Strips of sheet copper with perforations at the ends.
Specimens found in Crawford county mound group.
Checklist of Wisconsin Indian Implements. 91
Butterfly form, rare.
Double crescent, very rare.
Cones and Plummets
Similar in form to those made of stone. Of very rare occurrence.
Arrowpoint and Knife
Similar in form to copper artifacts. Made of Lake Superior silver.
Wooden ear ornaments sheathed with silver foil.
Beads (perforated disks).
Bangles or pendants (circular).
Turtle Effigies. Rude representations of turtles.
Pipes, probably recent.
Pipes made of stone, lead inlaid ornamentation. Recent.
Galena crystals or pieces, on many sites and in mounds.
Celts. Hemispheres.
Axes, grooved. Balls.
Pendants. Paint stones.
Gorgets. Tubes.
Plummets. Pipes.
Ball or hand-hammer.
Pieces, from fire-making sets?
Sheet ornament, Lake Koshkonong mound.
Awls. Flakers.
Needles. Pins.
Weaving-needles. Hoes.
Arrowpoints. Celts.
Spearpoints. Tool handles.
* Harpoon points. Fishhooks.
Knives. Paint bones (for applying paint) .
Beads. Combs.
Pendants. Roach-spreaders.
Cranial disks. Ring ( ? )
Other Bone Artefacts
Dice. Tubes.
Whistles. Medicine tubes.
Rattles (notched rib bones) . Engraved bones.
Arrowpoints, conical form. Counters.
Harpoon points. Pendant.
Awls. Pipes.
Celts. Carved antler.
Picks. Flakers.
Punch, flint flaking.
Pipe (buffalo horn). Medicine container.
Bear-tooth ornaments. Eagle-claw ornaments.
Elk and buffalo tooth ornaments. Bear-claw ornaments.
Alligator-tooth pendant. Beaver-tooth cutting implements.
Other animal tooth ornaments.
Fresh Water Mussel Shells.
Beads, disk.
Pendants, fish-shaped and other.
Beads, pearl.
Spoons, Unio valve.
Hoes, perforated Unio valve.
Unio valves, cut.
Sea Shells
Beads, perforated small shells.
Beads, spherical, cut from columella of large shells
Pendants, cut from columella of large shells.
Pins, ditto.
Gorgets, circular, engraved or unornamented.
Vessels, large sea shells cut or unaltered.
Ladles, parts of large shells.
Large shell implement, cut columella, pointed.
Checklist of Wisconsin Indian Implements. 93
Beads. Jars.
Earspools. Kettles.
Disks, circular sherds, perfo- Ladles.
rated. Canteen. (?)
Tubes. Toy vessels.
Pipes. Effigy.
Stamps. Balls.
Trowels ("Anvils"). Briquets (Aztalan votive offer-
Cups, ings?).
Bowls. Lumps.
The early Wisconsin Indians also made numerous imple-
ments, weapons and utensils of wood and bark. Because of
the very perishable character of these materials very few
of them have been recovered from old village sites or in
mounds or graves. Some continue to be made and used by
the descendants of these natives.
Bowls. Clubs.
Ladles. Whips.
Spoons. Pipes and pipestems.
Stirring paddles. Traps.
Pot-hooks. Snares.
Mortars and pestles. Deer calls.
Bark kettles. Seine floats.
Trays. Feather cases.
Bark mococks. Bark and log canoes.
Sap troughs. Canoe paddles.
Sap buckets. Canoe forks.
Sap spiles. Snowshoes.
Scoops. Children's bark sleds.
Digging sticks. Sleds.
Shovels. Earspools (prehistoric).
Rakes. Drums.
Bow-drills. Rattles.
Fire-making sets. Flutes.
Bark torches. Whistles.
Bark and splint baskets. Hoops.
Winnowing trays. Snow snake.
Beating sticks. Ice arrow.
Tobacco driers. Lacrosse sticks.
Bark bags. Lacrosse balls.
Beacjtwork looms. Shinny sticks.
Netting needles. Tops.
Cradles. Game counters.
Bows. Calendar sticks.
Arrows. Images.
Spears. Dolls.
Fish-pinning spears. Bark song records.
The checklist of Wisconsin Indian implements here pre-
sented lists 21 classes and 41 types of chipped stone imple-
ments, 28 classes and 50 types of pecked and ground stone
implements, 10 classes and 39 types of stone ornaments and
ceremonials, 4 classes and 21 types of pipes, tubes and other
stone artifacts not elsewhere included. Total, 63 classes.
Of native copper implements, ornaments and ceremonials
there are listed 36 classes with 61 recognized types. Of
native silver, lead, hematite, bone, antler, horn, shell and
clay and other implements and ornaments 100 classes are
A list of 62 wooden implements is given. This is doubt-
less very incomplete.
George Overtoil
This old village site was located on that part of the
of Section 34, Winneconne Township (T. 19 — R. 15 E.) that
lies east of the Fox river. This land was taken up by Rob-
ert Grignon, nephew of old Augustine Grignon, in about
1835 and occupied by him as a trading-post and residence
during the remainder of his life. This was the Lieut. Rob-
ert Grignon who, while convalescing at Ft. Winnebago from
wounds received in the Black Hawk War, negotiated the
surrender of the fugitive Black Hawk. Credit for this cap-
ture has since been claimed by others. His old farm is still
known as the Robert Grignon place. He is buried on the old
The village was about two miles by river above the junc-
tion of the Fox with the Wolf. A tapering sandy point juts
north from the mainland into the Big Butte des Morts
marsh and ends in a beautiful ridge on the east bank of the
Fox river. This point for a quarter of a mile along the
river and a bayou has an abruptly rounding bank ranging
from six to fifteen feet above the water. Between this es-
carpment and the river is a gently sloping shelf from two to
An Ancient Village Site in Winnebago County. 95
six rods wide, making an ideal landing place. Back of the
bank the point is level or slightly sloping toward the east.
It is from a few rods wide at the apex on the river to about
half a mile wide near the mainland, and is about three quar-
ters of a mile long. A low hay ridge extends from its east-
ern side across the marsh to Lake Butte des Morts a mile
and a quarter to the east. A much used trail, later used for
a time as a U. S. Mail route, led down the river bank and
along hay ridges in the big marsh to The Grand Butte, two
miles to the northeast.
The hard ledge of rock at the outlet of Lake Winnebago
caused the Fox river to reach bed level. The spring fresh-
ets and silt from the upper river made this a shifting
stream. Many different channels were formed in the
twenty-five miles above Lake Winnebago, as are in evidence
by numerous bayous. One such old bayou extends, crescent-
shaped, along the escarpment on which this old village was
located. When this old bayou was the main river a perfect
location for a water faring people was formed. In more
recent times the bayou was, and still is, navigable for a
quarter of a mile, even in low water, along the village site.
This was a village of comfort and plenty as is shown by the
quantity, variety and elegance of recovered artifacts and
utensils. The marsh and river supplied an abundance of
easily procurable waterfowl, muskrats and fish. Wild rice
grew near on thousands 'of acres. The soil near the village
was easily tilled and to this day produces excellent crops
which mature early.
Hundreds of pieces of copper have been picked up on such
parts of the site as are now in farm land. Most of the
larger pieces have been disposed of by their finders or car-
ried away by searching relic hunters. Of these we have
only the hearsay evidence of the people living near. Luckily
these collectors were content only with the better pieces,
leaving the crude and partly fashioned pieces together with
the workshop debris, for us who followed. We combed the
fields on hands and knees, up one corn row and down the
other until cramps and blisters compelled a stop. No piece
that showed a speck of green was too small to be picked up.
The smallest was one-fourth inch long by one-sixteenth of
an inch wide.
, — . —
Here was found a distinct departure from the commonly
accepted notion of the form in which crude copper was
transported from the mines. Generally crude or "float" cop-
per is in chunks practically pure, flat with rounded edges,
weighing from a few pounds to as large as a man could lift.
One piece in the Sawyer Museum weighs more than ninety
pounds. We found many pieces just as it was pounded out
of the rocks. Very many were small and irregularly shaped.
Nearly all showed some attempt at fabrication. Some were
merely slightly flattened. Others clearly indicated they
were scraps broken off in hammering larger pieces, and
others were rejects which at the time did not work out to
suit the artizan for the purpose he had in mind.
In making an awl or any other slender piece these old
artizans followed the same steps in their process that a good
blacksmith would follow in forging a similar piece. They
beat the piece to a square cross section and then drew it out
to the desired length and diameter. They then pounded
down the corners and rolled it round. Many of the com-
pleted pieces still show the marks of having been finished
with an abrading stone and are needlelike in sharpness.
I firmly believe they understood annealing by heating and
plunging in water. Continued pounding in the drawing out
process would crystalize the metal. No sign of this appears
in the finished pieces, yet a partly finished piece was very
A very common type of copper implement found here, of
which I have seen fifteen and heard of dozens of others, is a
so-called fish hook. Some are exactly similar to a straight-
shanked barbless hook, others are more crude but might
serve the purpose very well. Except one which is square in
cross section, all are round, sharply pointed at the hook end
and more crudely pointed at the other, and range, measured
around the bend, from one and three-quarters to three
inches long, and generally average one-eighth of an inch in
diameter. One gaff hook found here was six inches long and
one-quarter inch in diameter.
We have a dozen specimens of a double-pointed awl, or
perhaps a fish hook in the making. Some are fine examples
of the aboriginal coppersmith's art. They range from two
inches long and one-sixteenth inch in diameter to four and
An Ancient Village Site in Winnebago County. 97
one-half inches long and three thirty-seconds of an inch in
diameter. These awls have a very uniform cross section,
are slightly tapered, and near the ends are brought gradu-
ally to a very fine point at one end and the other more
crudely to a point, as though the maker selected the 'best end
and ground it to a point, and merely sharpened the other
A smaller type of this artifact is made in the same way,
rolled round with one end sharpened and the other blunt or
unfinished. These are from three-fourths of an inch to two
inches long and average one-eighth of an inch in diameter.
Others of this same size are sharpened at both ends. These
might have been gorge hooks, but lack any notch or groove
in the middle for fastening the line.
A small awl or punch similar to the one just described,
but having a square cross section most of its length, with
the point ground round and sharp, is quite common among
the finds on this site.
Arrow heads seen and identified from descriptions were
of both the flat tang and the socket type.
Large pieces — spears, knives, celts and hatchets, have
been found in some abundance. My lowest estimate is at
least twenty. From my talks with nearby residents my con-
clusion is that they were similar to the common run of such
The Indian artizan was very careful of his precious metal.
He fabricated the smaller pieces into trinkets and orna-
ments. A small piece was pounded thin and narrow and
then bent around till it formed a bead. A triangular piece
of thin metal was bent into a hollow cone with an opening
at the small end, evidently for a pendant. One example of a
long bead was made of a thin strip seven-sixteenths of an
inch wide which was twisted around like a coil spring to
make a bead or pendant, one and three-eighths of an inch
long and three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter. A few
massive beads, one-half inch in diameter and one-half an
inch long, were perforated in some manner as no sign of
joining is visible.
Gorgets, breastplates and earbobs were mentioned as
found here, but we could not locate any for verification and
My original purpose was to write of this interesting spot
as a copper workshop site. On looking over the material
available and interviewing people who have occupied this
iand, I feel that mention ought to be made of the wealth of
flint and stone that was left or lost here by the aboriginal
Mr. Mike Place, whose father cleared part of the site, said
when he as a boy was sent out to work on the land, he would
come home at noon and night with pockets bulging full of
only perfect pieces. He at one time had a cheese-box full of
flints ranging from tiny arrow points and delicate drills to
spears from six to eight inches long. These were dissipated"
piecemeal and later he found practically as many more. He
reported one tomahawk pipe and several pipes and frag-
ments of others, made of catlinite, steatite and white lime.
Several stone axes and as many more celts, together with
numerous mealing stones and bushels of hammer stones
were also found.
Delbert Martin, who was raised on the Grignon homesite,
reports having at one time a bushel and a half of specimens,
largely flints, with half a dozen axes and as many celts. At
one time he had two mortars, one fourteen inches and the
other twelve inches in diameter. They were pecked into
shape and the top and rim ground smooth. The polished de-
pressions were about one and a half inches deep. Four flint
spears were from five to six inches long. A beautifully
formed copper knife with a flat 'tang extending about one-
third its length, was seven inches long. Probably a hundred
pieces of copper of various kinds; fish-hooks, awls, arrow
points, beads, pendants and partly worked pieces were
found. A gaff hook (noted before) was six inches long.
A Siouan calumet of grey stone, an ovoid pipe of white
lime and several others, in a damaged or fragmentary con-
dition, were recovered.
Mr. Martin also reports that the Edick family made ex-
tensive finds, among them several fine copper implements
and numbers of choice flints.
An Ancient Village Site in Winnebago County.
The Arthur P. Kannenberg collection contains many
specimens from this site. Many were obtained from Mr.
Place and Delbert Martin, others from Mr. Kunda and Chas.
Koennemann, who have a farm south of the site. The re-
mainder are personal finds.
9 Copper fish hooks, perfect or very good.
1 Fish spear. 6%" by iV. Square, tapered and pointed.
6 Rolled awls. 3" to 41/£" long, pointed at both ends.
20 Rolled awls. %" to 2" long. Some pointed at both ends, others
blunt at one end, pointed at the other.
11 Square awls. 1" to 3" long, pointed at one end, blunt at the other.
100 Pieces partly finished, — rejects, scraps and pieces of copper ore.
3 Arrow head, flat tang, 2" long by about 1" broad.
1 Arrow head, socket tang, and 3 arrow head blanks.
I have about sixty pieces of all kinds, about half of which
are finished, the result of two days search.
The Kannenberg collection contains the following flint
artefacts :
Flint plummet. Flat, 2&" by 1%".
1 slender arrow point. .2%" by %", notched^ with serrated edges.
50 Good arrow points. All kinds and shapes including a point made
of Flint Ridge flint.
2 Winged hand-drills. 3" long, wing 2^" long at one side.
1 Perfect hand drill. 3%" long by l1^" wide at the base.
34 Other drills. About 50% of these are broken.
Clam-shell gorget. Broken at one end. It had two perforations.
1 Siouan bone bead. 2%" by &".
Many pieces of wampum.
The following Trade materials :
1 Tine of a sturgeon spear. 13" long and Vz" diam., 2 bilateral
barbs, base bent for insertion in side of shaft.
1 Medallion ring.
7 Band rings of silver and brass.
1 Ring, green stones in bezil.
1 Brass signet ring. On a finger bone.
1 U. S. Army coat button. Flying eagle above the U. S., wreath
1 U. S. Army coat button. Eagle with shield on breast, branch and
arrows in claws.
2 U. S. Army vest or sleeve buttons. Same design as above.
2 Gents' silver coat buttons, plain.
1 Liberty head medallion in jet.
1 Set of steelyards.
Part of a balance scale, Flint-lock from old Northwest gun, parts
of forged traps, many glass beads, many Venetian beads. A
dancing bell, blade of a fencing foil, a heart-shaped piece of
conch shell, with hieroglyphics inscribed on the smooth side,
and many other specimens.
Who the ancient inhabitants of this site were can only be
a matter of conjecture. No mounds have been found within
miles of this site. The early Winnebago occupied all of
Winnebago County. It was unoccupied at the time of the
visits of Nicolet and Allouez to the village of the Mascoutin,
twelve miles further up the river.
The Outagamies must have lived here at times, for this
was their rallying point after the burning of their village at
Petite Butte des Morts by Morand and his Menomini allies.
Here was fought the second battle of Butte des Morts, which
decisive defeat drove them out of the country. The terri-
tory of the Menomini, who received the land of the Outa-
gami, was not supposed to extend beyond the Fox river, but
as they used the river for travel they probably camped on
this spot. After the treaty of 1833 the Menomini regularly
camped there. When the road, now Federal Highway 110,
was relocated to coincide with the plat of the Village of
Butte des Morts, Thos. Petford, then a small boy, stated that
—"the road passed thru the Indian burying ground. The
Indians hurriedly came and dug up all the bones they could
find and left them piled up alongside the road in heaps and
boxes for a few days. Early one morning they gathered
them all up and took them up the river in canoes." They
were reinterred at Grignon's farm.
All these later people had contact with the whites and had
trade goods.
All kinds of stone implements of every type common to
Wisconsin has been found on this site. The patina on many
of the pieces is very thick, indicating great antiquity. Not
one, but many peoples must have made this their home
mingling the relics of their culture with that of those gone
In an archaeological bulletin recently issued by The San
Diego Museum* Malcolm J. Rogers presents a very inter-
esting account of the results of an examination made by
* Report of An Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Mohave Sink
Prehistoric Torquoise Mines. 101
himself and a party of assistants of the prehistoric tor-
quoise mines of San Bernardino County, California. We
take the liberty of quoting a few extracts from his report :
"The mineral torquoise, which was so highly prized and
indefatigably sought for by the sedentary peoples of the
Southwest, occurs in San Bernardino County, California,
within a more or less definite zone extending from west to
east through the north-central part. The most westerly oc-
currence known to the author is at Granite Wells, twenty-
two miles east of Johannesburg. Pursuing the strike of this
lode to the east, the mineral is next encountered in abund-
ance in the Torquoise Mountains, ten miles northeast of Sil-
ver Lake. It is next found in quantity in the Crescent
Mountains, Clark County, Nevada, and again, northeast of
Searchlight. Across the Colorado River, ancient torquoise
workings of the same nature are to be found in Mohave
County, Arizona, east of Eldorado. The most easterly group
of which I know is in the Cerbat Mountains, Arizona.
"Throughout this extensive terrain of two hundred miles,
the writer has seldom found an outcropping of torquoise
without finding distinct evidence of the mineral having been
mined by the aborigines, as evidenced by open cuts, pits, and
stone hammers. In cases where he has failed to find such
evidence he has usually been assured by modern miners that
it did exist prior to its obliteration by modern mining. One
can not become familiar with the magnitude of this work
and the crude means employed without realizing that he is
witnessing another monumental attestation of the diligence
of early man in America."
In the Torquoise Mountains, "there are three large
groups of ancient mines. The west and east groups, which
have been patented and worked by Americans, are known as
the Toltec and Himalaya groups, respectively, and are situ-
ated eight miles apart, with an unnamed intermediate group
lying three miles east of the Toltec group/'
A Mr. James Hyten, who "discovered these mines about
thirty-eight years ago" "was later employed to clean out
some of the ancient diggings of the Himalaya group." "It
took him and four other miners several months to muck out
the largest pit, which is now known as the Tiffany mine.
He gives the dimensions of this aboriginal working as being
thirty feet long, twelve feet wide and twelve feet deep.
From this main pit, numerous short drifts or "gopher
holes" extended, where the Indians had pursued promising
veins. There is practically no soil on this site and the entire
excavation was conducted in bedrock."
Mr. Rogers examined an undisturbed prehistoric mine
west of the Tiffany mine. In excavating these old diggings
"numerous carapaces of the native tortoise were found.
These were thought "to have been used by the Indians for
scoops in carrying out the muck." The shoulder blade of a
large animal was also found. "It had been ground in the
form of a shovel." At the Himalaya group pits were sunk
in the filled-in pits of the early native miners.
"At all the torquoise sites visited, stone mauls, picks, and
axes, were found in varying numbers." Puebloan type pots-
herds were found "about the undisturbed mines at the Him-
alaya group." "No Mohave sherds were found at any of the
mines." Two spear points were found here also.
"All of the few water-holes to be found in the Torquoise
mountains, and many caves, were visited, with the expecta-
tion of proving a permanent occupation of the region by the
torquoise workers, but with scant success. Cave excavation
produced a nonescript culture chiefly characterized by a
paucity of artefacts. Flaked stone, an occasional broken
metate, animal bones, and plain brown and grey sherds we
could find, besides some interesting beds, composed of ar-
rowweed, carriso, and galleta grass. Only the grass is now
found in these mountains. No torquoise was found in any
of the cave shelters." »
"Water is not attainable at any of the mines." The near-
est water was about five miles away from the Himalaya
"On all the open sites of the region, archaeological mate-
rial is extremely scarce, making interpretation extremely
difficult. Then too this is virgin ceramic area of which
nothing is known." Of all the sherds found, only a very
small percent could be identified. These were Puebloan,
Mohave, and Archaic Lower Colorado types.
In the summary of his report Mr. Rogers says : "Al-
though the extensive torquoise mining industry is in itself
confirmatory of a Puebloan people having either visited this
An Abraham Lincoln Indian Medal. 103
region intermittently over a long period, or having lived
permanently in the region an equal length of time, it has not
yielded, as yet, sufficient cultural material to properly place
it in the scheme of Southwestern chronology."
Several interesting plates and a map illustrate this re-
port. At least one small piece of torquoise has been re-
ported as found on a Wisconsin Indian site.
Theodore T. Brown
This medal was obtained by Rev. E. P. Wheeler during
the summer of 1928 at Odanah, on the Bad River Indian
Reservation, from John Cloud, Zah-buh-deece, a Chippewa
Indian, whose grandfather had obtained it from President
Abraham Lincoln. His grandfather, A-duh-wih-gee-zhig,
was a chief of the La Pointe band of Chippewa. His name
signifies "on both sides of the sky or day." His father was
Mih-zieh, meaning a "fish without scales." The chieftain-
ship of A-duh-wih-gee-zhig was certified to by the U. S.
Commissioner of Indian Affairs on March 22, 1880.
His father, Mih-zieh, was one of the three chiefs who led
the original migration of the Chippewa to Chequamegon
Bay, the others being Uh-jih-jahk, the Crane, and Gih-chih-
way-shkeenh, or the "Big Plover." The latter was also
sometimes known as Bih-zih-kih, or the "Buffalo."
A-duh-wih-gee-zhig was a member of the delegation of
Lake Superior Chippewa chiefs who went to Washington
to see President Lincoln under the guidance of Benjamin G.
Armstrong, during the winter of 1861. The account of their
journey, as dictated by Armstrong, is published by Thomas
P. Wentworth in his book "Early Life Among the Indians-
Reminiscences from the Life of Benj. G. Armstrong",
printed at Ashland, in 1892.
"Agent Webb, myself and others had frequent talks over the general
outlook for Indian troubles and it was finally decided to take a dele-
gation on a trip through the states and to Washington, as such a trip
would give the delegation a rare chance to see the white soldiers and
to thus impress on their minds the futility of any further recourse to
arms on their part. Agent Webb arranged the matter and it was di-
rected to have me select the delegation. I selected a party of nine
chiefs from the different reservations, made up as follows : Ahmoose
[Ah-mose], or 'Little Bee', from Lac du Flambeau reservation; Kish-
ke-taw-ug [Geesh-kih-tuh-wug], or 'Cut Ear', Bad River reservation;
Ba-quas [Bay-goosh], or 'He Sews', Lac Court O Reilles reservation;
Ah-do-ga-zik [ A-duh-wih-gee-zhig] , or 'Last Day', Bad River reserva-
tion; O-be-quot, or 'Firm', Fond du Lac reservation; Shing-quak-onse,
or 'Little Pine', and Ja-ge-gwa-yo or 'Cant Tell', La Pointe reserva-
tion; Na-gon-ab [Na-ga-nub], or 'He Sits Ahead', Fond du Lac reser-
vation, and O-mah-shin-a-way, or 'Messenger', Bad River reservation.
[Little Pine, a mixed blood from Bayfield, was the interpreter.]
"We set out about December 1st., 1861, going from Bayfield, Wis.,
to St. Paul, Minn., by trail, and from St. Paul to La Crosse, Wis., by
stage, and by rail the balance of the way to Washington. Great
crowds of soldiers were seen at all points east of La Crosse, besides
train loads of them all along the route. Reaching Washington I
showed them 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers in camp and they witnessed a
number of drills and parades, which had a salutory effect upon their
ideas of comparative strength with their white brothers. Being con-
tinually with them I frequently heard remarks passing between them
that showed their thoughts respecting the strength of the white race.
'There is no end to them', said one. 'They are like the trees in the
forest', said another. I was furnished with a pass to take them to the
navy yard and to visit the barracks of the Army of the Potomac, at
which place one of them remarked that the great father had more sol-
diers in Washington alone than there were Indians in the northwest,
including the Chippewas and Sioux, and that ammunition and provi-
sions never gave out.
"We remained in the city about forty days and had interviews with
the Indian Commissioner and the President, and I was allowed the
privilege of a partial examination into the records, showing the annui-
ties due the Indians on annuity arrearages, but the excitement inci-
dent to the war precluded any extended examination which would lead
to a settlement of the arrearages at that time. The President made a
short speech to the Indians at one of ,these interviews, at which he
" 'My children, when you are ready, go home and tell your people
what the great father said to you; tell them that as soon as the
trouble with my white children is settled I will call you back and see
that you are paid every dollar that is your due, provided I am here to
attend to it, and in case I am not here to attend to it myself, I shall
instruct my successor to fulfill the promises I make you here to-day.'
"All of the chiefs of the delegation received silver medals bearing
the portrait of President Lincoln.
"After visiting all places of interest in Washington, and about a
week after our last interview with the President, we set out on our
home journey, going by way of New York City, where we stayed two
or three days purchasing goods and presents for the chiefs to take
home to their families and relatives, in all amounting to $1500, which
had been placed in my hands by the government for that purpose.
An Abraham Lincoln Indian Medal. 105
This was in all probability the most pleasant stop of the trip. We
stopped two days at Chicago on our return, from there going to La
Crosse by rail, where we took boat for St. Paul. We were compelled
to take trail from St. Paul and arrived in Bayfield about the middle
of April, 1862."
Benjamin G. Armstrong, a Southerner, came to Hudson,
in St. Croix County in 1840 and later became a trader
among the Chippewa Indians of the Lake Superior shore
region. He married an Indian woman, a granddaughter of
Chief Crane. He was the adopted son of Chief Buffalo, and
was probably the best friend and counsellor that the Chip-
pewa have ever had. The name given to him by his Indian
friends was Zhah-bahsh-kung, or "the man who goes
through." It implies persistency and thoroughness. He
also conducted a similar Indian delegation to Washington in
1852 to adjust Chippewa financial troubles with the Govern-
This Abraham Lincoln medal is of solid silver and is 2T%
inches in diameter and slightly over one-eighth inch in
thickness at the rim. The obverse bears a profile of Presi-
dent Lincoln facing to the right. It bears the encircling
legend "Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States"
and the date 1862. The reverse face of the medal has in a
central circle, li/2 inches in diameter, a figure of an Indian
plowing, and in the background, children playing ball, a hill
with a schoolhouse, and a church and other buildings be-
yond. Between this inner circle and the rim of the medal,
following the curve, there are (at the top) a figure of an
Indian scalping another; and below, the head of an Indian
woman weeping, and on one side (left) a quiver with ar-
rows, on the other (right) a bow and calumet. Below the
plowing figure there appears in minute letters the name of
the designer of the medal, "J. Willson. DEL. & SC."
In 1861 U. S. Indian Agents in the Northwest were in-
structed to obtain from Indian chiefs all British medals and
to present Abraham Lincoln medals to their possessors.
The Lincoln medal was coined in both silver and bronze.
The specimen described in this paper is the first Lincoln
medal which was recovered from any Wisconsin Indian. It
has been placed in the State Historical Museum at Madison.
John Blackhawk
The Winnebagoes, who lived in what is now Wisconsin
long before the coming of the white man, built earthen
mounds. These they constructed according to the animal
symbols of their various clans or gens. For the Thunder or
Bird clans the design was one of a bird, for the Water-spirit
clan, an elongated animal. The Buffalo, Bear, Deer, Dog,
Snake and various other clans had each their animal symbol.
The War clan, or militaristic party of the tribe, had for
their symbol a representation of the human form.
My Grandfather once told of an occasion where he saw a
bird mound being built in front of a chieftain's lodge. This,
was perhaps, the last occasion of the use of this old tribal
custom. He noted that it was placed to the east of the lodge
or lodges.
It was not, however, alone the custom to build mounds as
clan symbols, the dreams or visions of the Indians were also
thus commemorated.
A noted chief, Ho-min-ka (translated, he who lies in a
hill), leader of the Water-spirit clan, had a village at or
near where the city of Madison now stands. He had a vision
of an immense Buffalo which arose out of a lake in a mist.
The blessing given to Ho-min-ka by the spirit Buffalo was
such that his village enjoyed seven years of prosperity and
there was no death among his people during that time. The
tradition of this happening does 'not state that mound was
built by this chief in memory of this event, but it is quite
probable that this was done.
The round mounds, which are numerous in Wisconsin,
particularly along the banks of the Mississippi River and its
tributaries, are said to be the remains of earth lodges. In
a period when a long and relentless war was being waged it
was unsafe to live in ordinary lodges and the Winnebagoes
with their allied tribes constructed earth dwellings for the
purpose of defense from surprise attacks. The dwelling
was substantially framed within to hold enough earth to
* Recent explorations have discovered Algonkian earthenware in
effigy mounds.
The Winnebago Indians and the Mounds. 107
cover it in such thickness to withstand any attacks. In
nearly all cases two and more families occupied one lodge,
when more Indians lived together the lodge was built larger
and much stronger.
There is a tradition that a strange tribe lived in and
among the cliffs, principally along the upper part of the
Mississippi River. Their leaders were very wise and the
warriors fierce and courageous. The nomadic tribes once
decided to make war on these cliff-dwellers on account of
their acts of treachery and all the tribes gathered for this
purpose. As they were greatly outnumbered by their ene-
mies the cliff-dwellers were annihilated after a series of
Some of the younger members of our tribe (the Winne-
bago) were of the belief that these people also built mounds
and attributed the larger Indian earthworks like Aztalan,
the Cahokia mounds, and others, to them. Tradition says
that they were very intelligent and displayed a skill in
earthwork construction unknown to their enemy tribes.
However, the fact remains that the Winnebago built
effigy mounds such as those that abound in what was for-
merly Winnebago territory. Although a tribe of hunters
and fishermen they were dependent upon agriculture for a
considerable part of their food, and planting grounds were
to be found at all of their permanent villages.
The above is the title of a very interesting book of Plains
Indian history, customs and folklore just published by the
widely-known American ethnologist-botanist, Dr. Melvin R.
.Gilmore (Pahok), until recently a member of the scientific
staff of the Museum of the American Indian, New York.
"The title of this book is suggested by one of the popular
names of a flower which is the subject of one of the stories
of this volume. This flower, the earliest to bloom in
springtime over all the northern prairies, has a number of
popular names which are 'pasque flower', 'gosling flower',
and 'prairie smoke'. The latter name is suggested by the
nebulous appearance presented by a patch of the bluish
blossoms upon a prairie hillside in early spring, while all
the other vegetation is still brown and dead. At such a
time, with all the flowers trembling in the spring wind,
they appear like a pulsing cloud of grayish-blue smoke
hovering low over the ground."
The information and stories contained in Dr. Gilmore's
book were obtained by him during his investigations of the
plant lore of the Dakota, Omaha, Arikara, Pawnee, Man-
dan, Hidatsa and other Plains tribes. Its contents are ar-
ranged under six sections bearing the titles, "Mother
Earth", "Lodge and Tipi", "The Tribes of Men", "Four-
footed Tribes", "Tribes of the Air", and "The Plant
Tribes". Included in these sections are some forty tales
and legends some of which are — "The Water Spring of the
Holy Man", "The Legend of Standing Rock", "The Holy
Hill Pahok", "The Wonderful Basket", "Escape of a War
Party", "An Omaha Ghost Story", "The Coyote's Box-
elder Knife", "The Bean Mouse", "How the Meadow Lark
Won the Race", "Gratitude of the Bean Mouse", "The Song
of the Old Wolf", "The Song of the Wren", "The Lost Baby
and the Upland Plover", "The Friendly Corn", "The For-
gotten Ear of Corn", "The Prairie Rose", and "The Sun-
flower". One of the stories describes a mysterious water
monster which the Dakota people believed lived in the wa-
ters of the Missouri River. It was a terrible animal and
was but seldom seen by human beings. It was greatly
dreaded by the Indians and misfortune befell those who
saw it. In the springtime this monster moved up the river
breaking up the ice as he moved against the current. This
evidently refers to the same malevolent water spirit,
horned panther or monstrous serpent which our Winne-
bago, Menomini and other tribes speak of in their legends
as having once inhabited many lakes and water courses in
The author has added greatly to the interest and charm
of the book by introducing at the beginning of its several
sections articles giving information about Plains Indian
environment, life and customs. Some of these treat of the
Indians "Love of the Homeland", "A Boy's Education",
the origin of "The Earth Lodge", the construction of "The
Tipi", "Indian Personal Names", and "False Notions
Prairie Smoke. 109
About Indians". Especially instructive are several de-
voted to a consideration of "Early Indian Agriculture",
"Trading Between Tribes", "Indian Ideas of Property",
and "Tribal Boundary Lines".
"The Arikaras and Mandans on the upper Missouri were
the great agricultural tribes of their region. Omaha
legend credits the Arikaras with first having corn and with
having distributed it to other tribes. The common picto-
graph to represent the Arikaras among all the surround-
ing tribes was a conventionalized ear of corn." The Ari-
karas and their relatives, the Pawnees were "the pioneers
in agriculture in all the Plains region," and "had been the
teachers of the art and science of agriculture to all of the
other tribes of that region which practiced it. They also
taught them the Caddoan architecture, pottery, and other
arts. The products of Caddoan agriculture were eagerly
sought by the tribes dwelling on the high plains west of
them, and in the Rocky Mountains beyond, in neither of
which regions could agriculture be carried on." The west-
ern Dakotas brought dried tipsin roots and dried wild
fruits to trade to the Arikaras, the Cree and Chippewas
dried moose meat, furs, skins and maple sugar, salt came
from the distant country of the Otos and Kansas, the Chey-
ennes brought plant and mineral products, Osage orange
wood for bows came from Oklahoma and southwestern
Arkansas, and dentalium shells from the Pacific coast.
"The various tribes were free and independent self de-
termining nations, each holding dominion over a definite
area claimed as its own country and so recognized by
neighboring tribes. And each such national territory was
delimited by boundary lines, usually established by treaty-
making conventions of the nations concerned, and marked
usually by topographic features, such as streams, hills and
Dr. Gilmore is well known in Wisconsin and many mem-
bers and friends of the Wisconsin Archeological Society
will wish to possess copies of his book. It is printed by the
Columbia University Press, New York. The illustrations
are by Louis Schellbach.
A meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological Society was held at the
Public Museum at Milwaukee on Monday evening, November 19,
1928, President Huron H. Smith in the chair. Attendance about
one hundred.
Secretary Charles E. Brown offered a report on a field meeting of
members and friends held at Aztalan Mound Park, on Saturday, Oc-
tober 20, at which a tablet marker was unveiled. The dedication
address was delivered by Mr. George A. West, the other speakers
being Dr. Louise P. Kellogg and Mr. John A. Jeske. Mr. Robert P.
Ferry, chairman of the Park Committee, directed the exercises. An
opportunity was given to see the new park pavillion and other im-
provements made under Mr. Ferry's direction. About 250 persons
were present. Mr. Brown also announced the restoration and per-
manent preservation of a fine group of effigy mounds and a linear
mound located in Forest Hill cemetery at Madison. For these a
tablet should be provided. He also urged the marking with a tablet
of a single conical mound located on the State Fish Hatchery
grounds near Madison. Steps had been taken to apprehend the pro-
prietors of the fake Indian implement "factory" located at Cumber-
land City, Kentucky.
Mr. W. C. McKern made a report on the progress of archeological -
investigation in other Middle West states.
Mr. George A. West gave an illustrated lecture on "Aztalan, the
Most Ancient City in Wisconsin". He strongly urged the appropria-
tion by the State of the funds needed to purchase the remainder of
the Aztalan site, and the restoration of the stockade wall and other
earthworks in its vicinity. In the discussion which followed various
members and guests took part. An exhibition of Aztalan material
was made by the Museum.
At the meeting of the Executive Board, which preceded the meet-
ing, there were elected as annual members of the Society, Mr. E. A.
Fuchsel, Neenah; Mr. Arthur J. Wyseman, Manitowoc; Mrs. H. E.
Cole, Baraboo; Mr. Walter W. Maier, Milwaukee; Mr. Enos Kiethly,
Dixon, Illinois, and Mr. Nain Grute, New York City. Prof. Julius
E. Olson, Madison, was elected an honorary member of the Society.
The recent deaths of Dr. H. L. Tilsner, a vice president of the
Society, and of Mr. Alvin H. Dewey, Rochester, New York, for many
years one of it's members, were announced.
The December 17, 1928 meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological So-
ciety was held in the trustee room of the Milwaukee Public Museum.
There were sixty-eight members and visitors present. President
Smith directed the meeting.
The gift to the State by Mrs. H. Terry Andrae of Milwaukee of a
tract of land on the Lake Michigan shore, south of Sheboygan, was
announced by Secretary Brown. This includes a part of the noted
Black River Indian village sites long a favorite collecting ground of
local archeologists. Mr. Walter J. Kohler of Kohler is the owner of
the remainder of these dunelands, which he is also administering as
a preserve.
Mr. McKern presented resolutions on the death of Vice President
Dr. H. L. Tilsner, which were adopted.
Mr. McKern gave an illustrated lecture on "Mound Explorations
at Trempealeau." Especially interesting among the results of these
excavations was the discovery in one of the mounds of remains of a
Archeological Notes. Ill
character similar to those designated in Ohio as the Hopewell cul-
ture. Other evidences of this mound culture had been found in pre-
vious years in certain mound groups in Crawford County by Dr.
Cyrus Thomas.
Exhibits of specimens were made by Charles G. Schoewe, E. F.
Richter and other members.
At the meeting of the directors of the Society, Rev. 0. Warren
Smith, Oconomowoc, was elected a life member. Col. Marshall Cou-
sins, Eau Claire, and Mr. Charles E. Hard, Milwaukee, were ac-
cepted as annual members. The recent death of Mr. William Haer-
tel, a former member, was announced. A special committee on pro-
gram projects consisting of the Messrs. McKern, West, Brown and
Kuhm was appointed. Plans for the annual joint meeting of the
Society and the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences were discussed by
Secretary Brown. A special committee on biographies of members
consisting of the Messrs. Notz, Schoewe and Smith was also ap-
pointed. This committee to undertake the duty of collecting facts
concerning the life history of the members of the Society.
President Smith conducted the meeting of the Wisconsin Archeo-
logical Society held at Milwaukee on Monday evening, January 21,
1929. Dr. E. J. W. Notz, chairman of the special committee on biog-
raphies of members, announced that a questionaire had been mailed
to all members. Mr. McKern, chairman of the program projects
committee, reported that a meeting of the committee (Messrs. West,
Brown, Smith and himself being present), had been held and a pro-
gram for future meetings prepared. Secretary Brown announced
the election by the Executive Board of Mr. A. E. Hollister, Tomah,
as a life member of the Society. Mr. Gilbert Hacker, Sheboygan,
and Mrs. Walter K. Richards, Milwaukee, were elected as annual
members. Members were urged to send in the titles of papers to be
read at the Joint Meeting to be held at Williams Bay on April 12
and 13. He read a letter from an Indiana dealer in fraudulent In-
dian relics, giving the prices at which such articles as pipes, dis-
coidals and ceremonial forms could be purchased.
Mr. Huron H. Smith gave an illustrated lecture on "Among the
Winnebago," in which he presented an account of the home life and
ceremonies of members of the Wisconsin members of that tribe.
Mr. Charles G. Schoewe exhibited a fine series of wooden bowls,
dishes, ladles and spoons collected from the Wisconsin Potawatomi
Fifty-three members and visitors were present at this meeting.
A meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological Society was held at the
Milwaukee Museum on Monday evening, February 18, 1929. Presi-
dent Smith occupied the chair. There were fifty-five members and
visitors present.
Mr. George A. West gave an illustrated lecture on "The Prehis-
toric Indian Copper Miners of Isle Royale". He presented an inter-
esting account of the last year's McDonald-Masse expedition to this
Lake Superior island, which he and Mr. George R. Fox accompanied
as archeologists, and which resulted in the discovery of a large num-
ber of additional copper mining pits, of several village sites and
burial places, and other features of interest. Mr. Vetal Winn made
an exhibit of copper implements.
Secretary Brown announced the deaths of two members of the
Society, Mr. Caspar Whitney, of Irvington-on-Hudson, New York,
and Mr. Oskar Korthals, Milwaukee, and spoke briefly of both men.
At the meeting of the directors of the Society there had been elected
as annual members, the Messrs. Dr. E. B. McDonald, Little Rock,
Arkansas, Clarence Sorenson, New Lisbon, and S. J. Carter, C. C.
"Johnson and H. A. Moussa, Milwaukee. The biographical committee
reported that good progress was being made in its work.
The Wisconsin Archeological Society held its Annual Meeting in
the trustee hall of the Public Museum at Milwaukee, on Monday
evening, March 18, 1929, President Smith presiding. There were
ninety members and visitors present.
Secretary Brown announced the deaths of three members of the
Society — these being, Mr. William H. Vogel, a vice president at the
time of his demise, Mr. George E. Copeland of Milwaukee, and Mr.
Rudolph Kuehne of Sheboygan. All were old members of the organ-
ization and their loss was greatly regretted. Dr. Ralph Linton, Mad-
ison, and Mr. Alfred Korth, Fairwater, had been elected annual
members by the Executive Board. Mr. Albert Thunder, Kilbourn,
had been made an honorary member. The Messrs. Dr. Notz, Dr.
Kastner and Mr. West had been appointed a committee to prepare
resolutions on the death of Vice President Vogel. The annual report
of the Secretary was read and adopted.
A nominating committee to select officers for the ensuing year was
appointed. This committee, consisting of the Messrs. Winfield W.
Gilman, G. M. Thorne and W. C. McKern, retired to an adjoining room
and on its return nominated the following offices : President — Huron
H. Smith; Vice Presidents— Charles G. Schoewe, Mrs. E. H. Van Os-
trand, Aden T. Newman, Winfield W. Gilman, Dr. Alfred L. Kastner,
Mrs. Theodore Koerner, and Arthur P. Kannenberg; Directors — Dr.
S. A. Barrett, Milo C. Richter, Vetal Winn, Dr. F. C. Rogers, E. F.
Richter, L. R. Whitney, Dr. E. J. W. Notz, Geo. A. West, W. C. Mc-
Kern and Mrs. A. E. Koerner; Secretary — Charles E. Brown; Treas-
urer— G.M. Thorne. These officers were unanimously elected.
Mr. John G. Gregory delivered a very interesting lecture on "Early
Milwaukee", in which he described the visits to the site of the present
city of the early French explorers and missionaries, the early Pota-
watomi and Menomini Indian villages and early fur-trading posts.
The Messrs. West, Gregory and Brown were appointed a special
committee to report on the desirability of marking the sites of the
early Indian villages of Milwaukee with appropriate tablets.
The Annual Joint Meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological Society,
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, and Midwest Muse-
ums Conference was held at Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, on
Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13, 1929. Members of the Wis-
consin Archeological Society who presented papers in the program
were Dr. Paul B. Jenkins, Dr. Louise P. Kellogg, George Overton, Dr.
Albert B. Reagan, Geo. A. West, Geo. R. Fox, Chas. E. Brown, Dr.
O. W. Smith, Alton K. Fisher and Dr. H. W. Kuhm, and Huron H.
Smith. The annual dinner was held at the Rose Lane Resort on Fri-
day evening. Members of the Society came to the meeting from Apple-
ton, Ripon, Milwaukee, Elkhorn, Madison, Beloit, Janesville and other
Wisconsin cities.
A meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological Society was held at Mil-
waukee on April 22, 1928. Called to order by President Smith. Sixty
were in attendance.
Secretary Brown made a report on the results of a meeting of the
Executive Board. He described briefly the six early Milwaukee In-
dian villages which it was desired to mark with tablets. A report of
the Joint Meeting held at Williams Bay, on April 12 and 13, was pre-
Archeological Notes. 113
Mr. T. L. Miller read a paper describing the method in use by the
Milwaukee Museum in making mound group surveys. This he illus-
trated with several lantern slides. This was discussed at length by
the Messrs. Dr. E. J. W. Notz, Milo C. Richter, Paul Joers, Geo. A.
West, W. C. McKern, Dr. S. A. Barrett, C. E. Brown and others pres-
ent. Other methods were shown to have been employed by Dr. Lap-
ham, W. H. Canfield, L. L. Sweet, pioneer archeologists and practical
surveyors, and others by Prof. Cyrus Thomas, Moses Strong, Jr., Prof.
T. H. Lewis, Dr. S. D. Peet, Ira M. Buell, Dr. Louis Falge, G. R. Fox,
G. A. West, W. A. Titus, Alonzo Pond, and others. Dr. A. B. Stout
had employed a very simple method, which H. E. Cole, H. L. Skavlem
and others had followed with good results. Sometimes the services of
professional civil engineers had been employed. The Museum's method
was thought by some to be too intricate for the use of some amateur
contributing members. Printed report forms and cross-hatched paper
for use in surveys were exhibited. Dr. Stout was the first to make use
of the latter. It was shown that in the thirty years of its life the
Society had endeavored to systematize more and more the character
of all field work. During the State Survey of 1911-15 supplies of
cross-section paper and other necessary supplies and full instructions
for field work had been furnished by the Committee on Survey, Re-
search and Record. Mr. Brown called attention to the fact that the
Committee on State Archaeological Surveys of the National Research
Council was proposing to soon print a short manuscript dealing with
the essentials of archeological record. By this means it was desired
to secure a certain degree of uniformity of work in all states. A large
field manual of archeology would probably follow.
Mr. Robert J. Kieckhefer exhibited a series of three films illustrat-
ing the results of several long canoe journeys through the beautiful
streams and lakes of northern Ontario, during which Indian sites,
platform burials, pictographs and other aboriginal landmarks were
encountered. The introductory descriptions of all of these interesting
and beautiful films were given by Dr. E. J. W. Notz, his associate on
these pilgrimages.
Mr. C. G. Schoewe exhibited an interesting stone celt, Mr. E. F.
Richter a small fluted stone hammer and Mr. Paul Joers an Indian
Indian Notes, the quarterly publication of the Museum of the
American Indian, April 1929, contains, among others, an interesting
paper by Frank G. Speck, on "Boundaries and Hunting Groups of the
River Desert Algonquin", of Quebec.
A book, "History, Tradition and Adventure in the Chippewa Val-
ley", by Wm. W. Bartlett, is printed by The Chippewa Printery, Chip-
pewa Falls. It is a very interesting contribution to northern Wiscon-
sin history.
Charles C. Adams, director of the New York State Museum, Albany,
is the author of a pamphlet, "The Importance of Preserving Wilder-
ness Conditions." In this publication, John Muir, Wisconsin-bred, is
lauded as "our first and greatest champion" of the nature sanctuary.
Two recent issues of the North Dakota Historical Quarterly contain
a very interesting paper by Louis A. Tohill on "Robert Dickson, Brit-
ish Fur Trader on the Upper Mississippi."
In a recent issue of the University of California Publications, E. W.
Gifford contributes a very interesting paper on "Pottery-Making in
the Southwest". Among a number of pottery trowels (which he desig-
nates as "anvils"), are several specimens from Aztalan, Wisconsin.
A Logan Museum bulletin (Vol. 1, No. 2), entitled "A Contribution
to the Study of Prehistoric Man in Algeria, North Africa", is by
Alonzo Pond, assistant curator of the Museum. Copies can be ob-
tained through Dr. George L. Collie, Beloit.
In the bulletin, Research Records of the Rochester Municipal Mu-
seum, William A. Ritchie describes the results of the excavation of
"An Algonkian Village Site Near Levanna, New York". It is illus-
trated with ten plates and a map.
A publication of which some of our friends may have failed to ob-
tain a copy is Dr. W. B. Hinsdale's illustrated booklet on "The Indians
of Washtenaw County, Michigan."
Edith L. Watson contributes to the April-June issue of the Ameri-
can Anthropologist a paper on "Caves of the Upper Gila River, New
Mexico," and W. C. McKern an article on "A Hopewell Type of Cul-
ture in Wisconsin".
The January— March issue of the American Journal of Archaeology
contains, among other papers, one on "The Genesis of the Greek Black
Glaze", by Charles F. Binns and A. D. Fraser, and one a "Preliminary
Report on the Excavations at Olynthos", by David M. Robinson.
Members can obtain from the U. S. Smithsonian Institution a sepa-
rate of a paper, "The Interpretation of Aboriginal Mounds by Means
of Creek Indian Customs", by John R. Swanton.
An interesting catalogue of the Nature Guide School of the School
of Education of Western Reserve University for the summer session
of 1929 can be obtained by addressing 2060 Stearns Road, Cleveland,
A booklet of "Paul Bunyan Tales", offered as a contribution to
American folklore, by C. E. and T. T. Brown, can be obtained by ad-
dressing 2011 Chadbourne Ave., Madison. Cost 30 cents.
All members and friends of the Wisconsin Archeological Society are
invited to assist in its field work during the season of 1929. It is de-
sired that as many as possible will do so. Instruction and assistance
will be given when desired. Reports and all other information should
be filed with the Secretary. Descriptions of collections and specimens,
and photographs and drawings of the same will be acceptable.
W. 8 HFulp, 1929 J?o. 4
Accepted for mailing- at special rate of postage provided for in Sec
1103, Act, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jan. 28, 1921.
Wtecontftn Srcfjeologtcal
Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing- the study and
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
H. H. Smith
C. G. Schoewe Mrs. Theo. Koerner
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand W. W. Oilman
A. T. Newman Dr. A. L. Kastner
A. P. Kannenberg
Dr. S. A. Barrett
M. C. Richter
Vetal Winn
Dr. F. C. Rogers
E. P. Richter
L. R. Whitney
W. C. McKern
Dr. E. J. W. Notz
Mrs. A. E. Koerner
Geo. A. West
G. M. Thome
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. S. A. Barrett, J. P. Schumacher, W. G. Mc-
Lachlan, Rev. F. S. Dayton, C. E. Brown, W. C. McKern, T. L.
Miller, A. W. Pond, Geo. Overton, Frank Thomlinson, T. M. N.
Lewis and M. F. Hulburt.
MOUND PRESERVATION— W. W. Gilman, Dr. F. C. Rogers, Dr.
A. L. Kastner, R. J. Kieckhefer, Mrs. Jessie R. Skinner, Louise
P. Kellogg, Mrs. H. A. Main, R. A. Maas, J. W. Norris, Mrs.
F. R. Melcher, Dr. A. Gerend, and G. L. Pasco.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, Dr. G. L. Collie, A. C.
Neville, A. P. Kannenberg, E. P. Hamilton, William Horlick,
Mrs. H. A. Olson, Mrs. A. E. Koerner and R. S. Van Handel.
MEMBERSHIP— C. G. Schoewe, Dr. W. H. Brown, A. R. Rogers, A.
Sohrweide, Jr., Vetal Winn, C. G. Weyl, Mrs. Theo. Koerner, W.
P. Morgan, A. E. Koerner, Louis Pierron, C. Baerwald and D. S.
MAN MOUND PARK— M. F. Hulburt, E. A. Gilman and Miss Emma
AZTALAN MOUND PARK— R. P. Ferry, M. G. Troxell, and W. W.
PUBLICITY— A. O. Barton, Mrs. W. F. Bauchle, M. C. Richter, E. R.
Mclntyre and R. K. Coe.
BIOGRAPHY— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, C. G. Schoewe and H. H. Smith.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeological Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologist" should be addressed to Charles E.
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Museum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thorne, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Mil-
Vol. 8, No. 4, New Series
Archaeology as a Human Interest, Clark Wissler 119
Winnebago County Indian Earthenware, Arthur P. Kannenberg__ 124
Cartographic Symbols for Archeological Survey Maps, Charles E.
Brown 129
American Indian Cross-bow, Paul B. Jenkins 132
Some Methods and Results of the Iowa Archeological Survey,
Charles R. Keyes 135
Plants Used by the White Mountain Apache Indians of Arizona,
Albert B. Reagan 143
Archeological Notes _ 152
Croatan Cherokee Cross-bow Frontispiece
Facing Page
Plate 1. Winnebago County Pottery Vessel, Oshkosh Public
Museum . 126
Croatan Cherokee Cross-bow.
Wisconsin grcijeologtst
Published Quarterly by the Wisconsin Archeological Society
Vol. 8 MADISO1V, WIS., JULY, 1929 No. 4
New Series
Clark Wissler, Ph.D.
Curator-in-chief, Division of Anthropology, American Museum of
Natural History, New York.
The matter of state archeological surveys is presented
here from the point of view of the layman rather than the
specialist. The interest in mounds, stone implements, etc.,
is universal and spontaneous. Every man is interested in
the past of his race. The farmer or the boy scout picking
up an arrowhead is spontaneously carried back in imagina-
tion to a life different from now; at this spot, he says, a
man once hunted the deer, or perhaps launched an arrow
at his enemy. In brief, the old, whether it be historic or
prehistoric, makes a spontaneous appeal. So by the nature
of the subject, state archaeology touches one of the basic in-
terests in human life. Whenever, therefore, we take up a
survey or any study of a state's archeology, we touch a uni-
versal human interest.
It is well to bear in mind that history and archaeology are
inseparable in the public mind. The Indian was on the
ground when the explorers came upon the scene. The pio-
neers, traders, trappers, and settlers, dispossessed the In-
dian, and in the clash that followed, local history was made.
So the place where the Indians lived, the sites of first settle-
ment, old trails, etc., are all objects of spontaneous interest.
Mounds, stone implements, prehistoric graves, are all asso-
ciated with the Indian, because his ancestors near and re-
mote were responsible for them. There is no more inspiring
and romantic period in our history than the settlement of the
great valley of the Mississippi. It thrills everyone to think
of the great forests and plains, the hidden dangers that
lurked therein, and the fearless, heroic, forward movement
of our forefathers into this region. There are to be placed
at convenient points along the Old National Road, extend-
ing from Cumberland, Maryland, to St. Louis, a series of
statues commemorating the pioneer woman, my great-
grand-mother and doubtless yours also. These statues are
symbolic of the future regard for the outstanding events of
the pioneer period and we shall be blamed if we neglect to
make adequate record of these events before trace of them
is lost.
The Indian is a part of this pioneer picture; he is the
human element in the background against which the achieve-
ments of our great-grandparents are projected. Without
them and without due regard to the life of their ancestors,
the true life of the pioneer can never be shown.
The historical and archeological background of a state is
one of its great cultural and educational assets. It pos-
sesses recreational possibilities also. The rapid advance in
the mechanization of modern life has left men and especially
women, with time on their hands. We have made wonder-
ful provision for the education of our children, but when
they leave school and settle down to the round of life, the
doors of the school are closed to them. There may be a li-
brary accessible, but no personal leadership. Women's
clubs have in part solved the problem for the woman, but
in recent years our educational leaders have come to recog-
nize the need of something more for the adult, The prob-
lem is to find his spontaneous interests and to draw them
out. Everyone agrees that the best adult education is that
which calls for the least teaching and the most learning on
the part of the student — that which leads him to follow a
real interest.
The conservation movement is another expression of this
deep interest. What we hear now is, preserve these antiqui-
ties, they are the culture heritage of the State. The mere
Archaeology as a Human Interest 121
fact that people rise in protest when antiquities are removed
or destroyed is sufficient proof of the culture value of such
things. Conservation is here, is taking care of itself, as
evidenced in the rapidly increasing number of state parks
in the Mississippi Valley. What is now needed, what the
time is ripe for, is real leadership in interpreting the things
The preceding speakers have stressed the need for tak-
ing stock of your antiquities, to interpret them, to sketch
the outline of the prehistory of this country. That must
be done, even to conserve wisely the antiquities you have;
but in the doing of it is the opportunity to give intellectual
leadership to the spontaneous interest of your people, and
especially to the amateur archaeologists and historians in
every community. A survey must be a cooperative effort;
to succeed such an effort must be led.
Already several states in the Mississippi Valley have de-
veloped systems of State Parks deserving of study. The
incessant public demand for more state and national parks
is registered in bills now pending in Congress and in the
legislatures of many states. For one thing, a park is a
place for recreation, but it is more. Our people demand
that each park contain something inspiring and informing,
as objects of natural and historical interest. As popula-
tions increase and highways become better and better, more
such parks will be established. The experience of Ohio
shows that archaeological antiquities are eminently suitable
materials for state parks. Further, the tendency is now to
make our parks centers of inspirational and educational in-
terest, to so staff them and equip them that they will be
recreational in the highest sense. Again experience proves
that the mass of the people are eager to see historical
and archaeological evidences of past happenings. In the
archaeological assets of the country are to be found rich
materials for such a program.
Lewis H. Morgan, one of America's great social students,
was impressed by the fact that every people regarded some
land as their own placed its possession above everything else.
He went even farther, by pointing out that national feeling
is chiefly the emotion that arises with the memory of events
and objects in that homeland. We in this Mississippi Val-
ley first of all feel that here is home, the base upon which
all our activities rest. But we, as a people, have not been
here long; we are still strangers in this land. To know a
land well, we must know its past. We were transplanted
here from Europe and still think of her history as our his-
tory. Yet the land we took over had a long history of its
own. People preceded us not unacquainted with great
deeds. Just across the river from here [St. Louis] lies the
great Cahokia. No child's play produced that. Go to Fort
Ancient in Ohio and marvel at what you see. No mules, no
steam shovels, aided in these works. Go to our museums
and see the pottery and stone carvings of these Prehistoric
folk ; there were artists in those days. To say that all this
is the work of the Indian and his ancestors is commonplace ;
but seldom do we consider in how far we are like the Indian
in all that is truly American. In our pride of 100% Ameri-
canism, we make large claims for originality and efficiency ;
we have good ground for congratulating ourselves upon the
past, but we may claim too much. If we ask what the In-
dian contributed to our civilization and through us to the
world, the first thought may be nothing but misery and
trouble; the atrocities of border warfare come at once to
mind. Yet if we take stock of the things distinctively Amer-
ican, we are obliged to credit the Indian with a respectable
number of them. For one thing, our language contains
many concepts borrowed from the Indian, — war path, war
paint, scalping, peace pipe, burying the hatchet, scouting,
etc. Of more material things ; moccasins, snowshoes, birch
canoes, toboggans, lacrosse, totem, wigwam, tipi, and so on.
The very art of woodcraft was learned from the Indian and
followed by the pioneer; and is still the technique of scout
and other outdoor organizations. In the matter of place
and river names, Indian words are found on every hand, as
Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Chicago, etc. Many more In-
dian names lie behind such translations as Buck Creek,
Moose Jaw, Devil's Lake, Pipestone, etc. Finally, note may
be taken of the great economic gifts from Indian cultures.
Archaeology as a Human Interest. 123
Even the man who counts everything in dollars must bow
to the Indian. It is not merely that we took the Indian's
land ; we acquired tobacco, maize, potatoes, peanuts, toma-
toes, and some forty additional food plants. The yearly
value of these products produced in the United States alone,
when stated in dollars, is incomprehensibly large. Even in
terms of pounds and bushels the statistics are meaningless ;
Maize _ __2,700,000,000 bu.
Tobacco 1,200,000,000 Ibs.
Potatoes 400,000,000 bu.
Peanuts 860,000,000 Ibs.
If all the maize raised in the United States alone were
placed in bushel baskets and these set in a row, the row
would be about 1,000,000 miles long, reaching about forty
times around the earth. If the peanuts raised, in the United
States were placed in pound paper bags and set in a row,
the row would circle the earth twice. All this and more
rests upon the gifts of the Indians to the white man.
But you say we would have found these plants in the wild
state and reduced them to cultivation? That is doubtful.
Remember that the wild ancestors of several of these plants
are still in doubt. They were developed by ages of patient
study and cultivation ; whereas our pioneers had them tossed
into their laps. Let us try to imagine what would be the
nature of these United States today if Columbus had found
an uninhabited land. No Indian with cigars would have
greeted Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh's servant would not
have drenched his master with the swill pail, Queen Eliza-
beth would not have experienced a kick from the first pipe-
full. But you say, we would have discovered tobacco in
time; maybe, but it took the Indians centuries to develop
the art and the plant. Maize, the economic backbone of
agriculture in the Mississippi Valley, would have remained
undiscovered for a long time at least; think what a differ-
ent country this would be, if corn were out of the picture.
But we have not considered all that the Indian gave ; it was
native Indian trade that enriched Europe and made the
rapid development of our country possible. The Indian
was a consumer of goods, eager to buy and to pay extrava-
gently in furs and other products. In truth, it may be said
riscoNsiN ARCH:
that the American Indian put the white man on the map.
He certainly laid the foundation to the economic greatness
of the United States.
So we see ourselves the inheritors of the best that was in
Indian culture ; we have incorporated this heritage into our
own culture. The original cultures of the Indian were
slowly worked out as an adjustment to climate, flora, fauna
and the topography of America; an adjustment perfected
by time. Our pioneer fathers needed but to learn what this
culture had to offer and to choose according to their needs.
All this you know already ; my reason for reviewing it, how-
ever, is lest we forget that the very subject you are now dis-
cussing deals with the existing records of that Indian cul-
ture to which we owe so much. The American people have
taken up the job of the Indian; to make this America an
ever better place to live in. Though the Indian may have*
been no more conscious of the fact than you are, he also was
striving to make America a better place to live in.
There seems then good reason why some serious atten-
tion should be given to the facts of Indian culture, as part of
the background to which we and those who come after us,
must look for inspiration and wisdom.
Finally, it all comes down to this. We all want to know
how the Indian came here before us; what place he had on
the family tree; we yearn for a glimpse of his history; we
want to know more about the mounds and earthworks ; how
the Indian discovered corn and learned to put four grains in
a hill; and where he first discovered the joys of the pipe.
These and many other things not only haunt us but they are
parts of our ill-assimiliated heritage. A large part of the
answer lies in the ground and it is the retrieving of this
record that we advocate, that it may be an inspiration to
succeeding generations.
Arthur P. Kannenberg
Winnebago County is located in what might be termed
the heart of Wisconsin. It is bounded on the east by the
beautiful shores of Lake Winnebago, on the west by Wau-
Winnebago County Earthenware. 12.">
shara and Green Lake Counties, on the south by Fond du
Lac County and on the north by Outagamie and Waupaca
Counties. It is a county with a number of inland lakes and
rivers, chief among the rivers, are the Wolf and the Fox.
At the coming of the white man to Wisconsin, Winnebago
County was inhabited by various tribes of Indians, who
made their homes on the shores of these waters.
The Winnebago tribe, from whom this county derived its
name, was by far the largest. Other tribes such as the
Menomini, Sac and Fox, Potawatomi, and others are known
to have lived within the boundaries of Winnebago County.
Numerous Indian villages and camp sites are visible and
open to investigators.
Most common among the artifacts found on these sites
are the fragments of earthenware vessels. This depart-
ment of archeology, has been somewhat neglected from the
point of study and observation. It is most important in de-
termining the culture of the early Indians.
Pottery, to my idea, is at the pinnacle of aboriginal art.
I am convinced that it ranks above pictographic art. The
pottery makers' industry was a very difficult one, investi-
gation shows.
The right kind of materials to be used in pottery making
had to be obtained. These consisted of clay, coarse sand,
disintegrated granite, clam shells, and of a kind of glue-like
substance to hold the entire mass in shape, before being
baked in the kiln.
I have come to the conclusion that this method must have
been used. Possibly the pitch from the pine trees, or the
sap from almost any kind of bush, shrub or plant, from
which a sticky substance could have been drawn. It is also
stated that the blood from animals was used for this pur-
The pottery maker had no molds or forms of any kind,
the pots, bowls and other vessels being shaped entirely by
hand. A hole may have been made in the earth or sand,
in which the piece to be made was started. The vessels
were left in position until they were dry enough to be hand-
led. A larger hole, sometimes round, sometimes square,
was then dug into the earth, a small fire was built at the
bottom of this pit. The finished bowl was placed on the
hot embers and burnt until it became hard and firm. Such
kilns are still to be found on the Menomini Indian Reserva-
tion. .
The lower part of the bowl usually was a smooth surface,
and in most cases is thinner at the bottom than at the top.
Starting at the very base, the thickness usually runs from
one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch, that tapers upward
to the rim of the bowl to a thickness of from one-quarter to
one-half of an inch.
The larger bowls or pots average from one to five gallons
capacity. These were storage vessels for food, and were
placed in graves to aid the departed on his journey to the
spirit world.
The smaller vessels were used for domestic purposes and
in some instances, were placed in the grave, as were the
large vessels.
In making a bowl, the manufacturer would select a smooth
red or dark clay. Clam shells, disintegrated granite, coarse
sand, or, as suggested by a prominent archeologist, a par-
ticular kind of micaceous shale, would be pulverized and
thoroughly mixed with the clay. As this mixture would
not stand up under the slightest pressure or weight from
the rim and part of the shoulders, a fluid composition of
either gum, pitch or blood, would be absolutely necessary
to make the composition tough and elastic enough to allow
handling possible, while under construction.
The decorations were applied by various methods.
Finger-tip indentations for scalloping was the most com-
mon method used. Braided grass or twisted-cord, bark-
marked, stick-marked and perforated decorations are com-
mon types. These are found extensively in Winnebago
County. We have approximately one hundred and twenty-
five different types of decoration represented in body sherds
and rims in the Oshkosh Public Museum. They are of
seven distinct colors of clay.
Potsherds can be collected by the peck on the various
camp and village sites in Winnebago County. Several thou-
sand specimens are now a part of the collections in the Osh-
kosh Public Museum. There are hundreds of other speci-
mens in private collections.
\Yinm-bag-o County Karthrn\y;irr. 127
The most noteworthy discovery of pottery vessels, was
made in 1922, by Mr. Walter Karow, on his farm five miles
north of the city of Oshkosh on the Lake Shore Road. While
plowing a new piece of land, located in the northeast quar-
ter of Section 30, Township 19 North, Range 17 East, Mr.
Karow found in a sandy kiln which runs parallel with the
west shore of Lake Winnebago, a very old burial. Several
ribs, vertebrae and a broken bowl came to the surface. As
several very interesting surface finds had been made in this
region, Mr. Karow hurried back to the house for a spade, to
excavate this grave. While at the house he called me by
telephone and told me of his discovery. I asked him to
wait and not do any digging until I came. I told him he
might miss valuable material and lose interesting data. Al-
though I hurried out to his farm as fast as I could, Mr.
Karow had dug out most of the material and the remains of
the Indians, when I arrived. There were two bodies in
separate shallow graves. They were buried lying flat on
their backs, heads to the west. There were two large flat
bowls, bottoms of both were burned black, as though they
had been used over a fire. They are rather heavy at the
base and taper up to about a thickness of one-quarter of an
inch at the rim. One of these bowls has a straight handle
or lug on each side extending out from the side about one
and one-half inches and about three-quarters of an inch
below the rim. It is made of a reddish clay, tempered with
crushed clam shells. A deep incised line encircles the en-
tire bowl. Between this center line horizontal short lines
run from the rim to the center line, also from the center
line to the curve of the bottom. The rim itself, is plain.
The other large bowl is of the same form, except that the
lugs or handles are absent. The rim of this bowl is
notched in diamond shape. Each of these bowls weighs
about five pounds.
Two small cups were also found. These are in perfect
condition. The decoration on these is the same as on the
large bowls.
Another round, rather flat bowl, was also found. This
has a flanged rim and is very heavy for its size. It holds
about a quart. Another flat dish was found. The one
which was broken by the plow was reconstructed. It bears
the greatest amount of decoration. The rim is notched
and vertical lines run from the rim to the base.
Sixteen pipes, seven of them made of pottery, were found
with these burials; besides a large number of bone imple-
ments, several copper specimens and many prehistoric
artifacts. It is considered the most valuable archeological
find made in Winnebago county to date.
The genuineness of these bowls or pots was questioned by
the late Alanson Skinner on account of their peculiar forms.
I am absolutely sure of their genuiness. I agree with oth-
ers, that they are a southern type of vessel.
The location in which this find was made, is the village
site of the Winnebago Chief Wild Cat, or Pescheu. Hopo-
koekau (Glory of the Morning), the Winnebago princess
famed in history and drama, also lived on this spot.
Undoubtedly these bowls were brought from a long dis-
tance as a gift, or in barter with the Winnebago. Several
obsidian, jasper, and artifacts made of other foreign ma-
terials were found on this village site, which appears to
indicate that these articles were brought to Winnebago
County by roving Indian bands of another tribe.
Another very large pot was uncovered on the Lake Shore
Road in Section 33, Township 17 North, Range 17 East, on
the Warren Bessey farm, about seven miles south of Osh-
kosh. Workmen hauling sand from a pit, came upon a
burial containing a very large pot. It was broken to pieces
with a shovel, while trying to get it out. About forty
pieces with a part of the beautiful rim are now in my col-
A fine bowl was uncovered with a camp burial disturbed
near the city of Menasha. It was broken in getting it out,
but was restored to its original form. It is of three gallons
An elaborately decorated bowl was found with a burial
while excavating for a basement in the city of Neenah. It
was recovered intact, but was slightly damaged before
thoroughly dry, by a bystander who wanted to examine it.
It was secured by the late P. V. Lawson of Menasha, a
former active member of the Wisconsin Society, and is now
in the Oshkosh Public Museum.
A very odd shaped handled pot was uncovered while dig-
Cartographic Symbols. 129
ging a trench for a drain on the Charles Kempf property
in the Town of Poygan, on the south shore of Lake Poy-
gan. It was broken in many pieces, but reconstructed,
with a very few pieces missing. Both handles are in per-
fect condition. This bowl is in my collection.
While excavating for a garage in the city of Oshkosh, on
the McCauley property on the Lake Drive, workman uncov-
ered several Indian burials. A number of stone artifacts
and a large pottery vessel were obtained. As usual, the
pot was broken in many pieces. For this reason, the work-
man paid slight attention to it, and it was shoveled into a
wheelbarrow and dumped on a rubbish heap. Several
hours later, I learned of this discovery and immediately
went to the scene and recovered what I could find of the
pieces. This was evidently a very large pot, artistically
An elk's horn was also found, with every prong cut off
square. One quite similar was found in Omro township
several years ago; both are in my collection.
We expect to carry on extensive excavation work near
this spot within a short time and it is hoped other burials
may be found.
It is more than likely that many pottery vessels have been
found in Winnebago county by persons who did not appre-
ciate their value, and for that reason, their existence was
never recorded. Many more will be found, without a
We are on the lookout for these. Contractors have all
been requested to report these finds to us, so that they may
be preserved for the benefit of future Wisconsin archeolo-
Charles E. Brown
The late Prof. Cyrus Thomas was among the first inves-
tigators to make use of cartographic symbols in the prep-
aration of archeological survey maps. In the introductory
pages of his "Catalogue of Prehistoric Works East of the
Rocky Mountains," which was published by the Bureau of
American Ethnology in 1891, he presents "a scheme of con-
ventions adopted for Archeologic Cartography of North
America." This table contains a total of 59 symbols and
which are employed on the maps accompanying this report.
Of this number 23 designate different types of aboriginal
habitations such as village sites, wood lodges, earth lodges,
stone lodges, igloo lodges, cliff lodges, cave lodges, towers,
and groups of these. Twelve designate various classes of
earthworks, such as round or conical mounds, effigy
mounds, domicilary mounds, assembly mounds, mounds
with stone graves, and enclosures, and groups of all of
these. Six designate different types of interment in
graves, such as ordinary graves, stone graves, cave burials
and ossuaries, and groups of these. The remainder are in
use in locating such other archeologic features as quarries,
mines, shell heaps, refuse heaps, sculptures, cairns, pits,
reservoirs, trails, and undefined antiquities. His symbols
appear to be very well chosen and nearly all American
archeologists who have since found it desirable or neces-
sary to construct archeologic maps of any state or region
have adopted some or many of his cartographic symbols.
In the fine "Archeological Atlas of Ohio" prepared by him
and published by the Ohio State Archeological and Histori-
cal Society in 1914, Dr. William C. Mills has employed only
thirteen symbols. In his cartographic table the symbols
which he employs to locate enclosures (square), graves,
cemeteries, petroglyphs, flint quarries and caches are iden-
tical with those used by Professor Thomas, and are no
doubt adopted from his table of these. Dr. Mills, how-
ever, employs devices to designate the locations of mounds,
effigy mounds and village sites which are different from
those employed by Thomas. He also has symbols for en-
closures (circular), enclosures (cresent), and rockshelters,
none of which Indian remains Thomas designates in his
maps. To designate the courses of trails Dr. Mills uses lines
consisting of alternate dots and dashes, whereas Thomas
uses dotted lines. Dr. Mills maps are very easily under-
stood because all of his symbols and trails appear on them
in red.
Alanson Skinner and Max Schrabisch in their "Prelimi-
nary Report of the Archaeological Survey of the State of
New Jersey," published in 1913, employ seven symbols to
designate as many different classes of Indian remains.
These, which are printed on the map in red, are the least in-
tricate of any. Thus a solid red circle represents a village
site, a solid red square a burial ground, a solid red triangle
a camp site, an open or ordinary square a shell heap, an
open triangle, a rockshelter, an open circle a cache, and a
St. Andrews cross scattered finds.
In a report on the "Archaeology of Warren and Hunter-
don Counties", of New Jersey, published in 1917, its author,
Max Schrabisch, employs four symbols on his map. A
solid red circle (dot) represents a camp site, an irregular
oblique oval a village site, a double-barred cross a burial
ground and a Y-shaped figure a rock shelter.
Archaeological maps of other states and regions east of
the Mississippi River show these and other symbols in use
in designating the locations of Indian remains.
In 1923 a bulletin of information entitled "State and Lo-
cal Archaeological Surveys", containing suggestions in
method and technique was prepared by Dr. Clark Wissler,
then chairman of the Committee on State Archaeological
Surveys of the Division of Anthropology and Psychology of
the National Research Council. This was printed for the
Committee by the State Historical Society of Iowa. In-
cluded in this pamphlet is a figure showing "conventional
signs for use in field maps", these being adapted from
Mills' "Archeological Atlas of Ohio", and Parker's
"Archaeological History of New York." The symbols sug-
gested for use are only 22 in number and are intended to
represent such archaeological remains as mound groups of
several classes, village sites, camp and workshop sites,
lodge circles, garden plots, enclosures of several kinds,
boulder effigies, burials, cemeteries, shell heaps, rockshel-
ters, quarries, petroglyphs, caches or pits, Indian springs,
and trails. This report was re-printed by permission of the
Iowa Society, by the National Research Council, in the same
This bulletin has well served its purpose. If it is re-
published or a large and more complete archaeological
field manual is printed, which appears to be now highly de-
sirable, the cartographic table recommended for the use of
archaeological investigators, should be made much more
complete than it now is. For instance if a separate sym-
bol is assigned to designate each one of a number of dis-
tinct classes of mounds, as is done in the 1923 bulletin,
there is every reason why the same should be done to des-
ignate the different kinds of aboriginal stone quarries, as—
flint, quartzite, quartz, rhyolite, pipestone, steatite, etc.;
of mines, as — copper, lead, hematite, mica, etc. ; of Indian
springs, as — sacred, medical, salt, etc.; of shrines, as—
spirit stones, sculptured rocks, pictograph rocks, etc.; of
pits, as—fire pits, refuse pits, game traps, threshing pits,
etc., and of trails as main trails, minor trails (laterals),
water trails, etc.
There can be no real objection to the number of symbols
employed in the preparation of a state or regional archaeo-
logical atlas or map as long as the classification of archaeo-
logical features thus designated is a proper one, and if a
cartographic table of these accompanies the atlas or map.
Paul B. Jenkins
American Indian cross-bow, made and used by the Croa-
tan (pronounced Croa-tan) branch of the Cherokees.
Dimensions: Center of butt to front end of stock, 341/2
inches. Bow, tip to tip, 36 1/2 inches. Center of butt to
center of front face of trigger, 13 inches. Weight, 3
pounds, 12 ounces. Stock of oak; bow, hickory. Bow-
string, twisted raw-hide. No sights of any kind.
The arrows used with these bows were of light, stiff
reeds or of dogwood and similar common arrow-shaft ma-
terial. Arrow-points were of flint or merely the shaft
* "Passing reference should be made to the cross-bow in the Vir-
ginia tidewater area where its introduction by Europeans among the
Indians of colonial times parallels what happened northward as far
as the Montagnis Nascapi. It is reported among the mixed Indian
groups as far south as the Carolinas." Frank G. Speck, "Chapters
on the Ethnology of the Powhatan Tribes of Virginia," bulletin of the
Museum of the American Indian, Monographs, v. 1, No. 5, 1928.
His illustration of this cross-bow shows a slightly curved bow and
a straight stick-like stock, with a groove and simple "trigger". The
length of this weapon is given as 32 inches.
American Indian Cross-Bow. 133
sharpened to a point and hardened by fire. Effective
range, up to 30 yards.
With these bows there were used true Indian arrows—
as the length and construction of the arrow-groove indi-
cates— and not an entirely different projectile, like the
"bolt" of perhaps the majority of mediaeval cross-bows.
It will be noted that the operation of the simple pivoted
trigger of this weapon — whose rear face simply shoves the
drawn cord up and out of the notch to which it is pulled
back — is totally different from the revolving "nut" or catch,
and separate trigger, of the English and Continental cross-
bows. (It seems to the writer very doubtful whether such
"mechanical ingenuity" as the American Indian ever pos-
sessed, was capable of copying exactly the more compli-
cated mechanism of the trigger-and-"nut" cord-release of
the mediaeval cross-bow.)
The hump directly above the trigger and cord-notch is
a fixture for preventing the released cord from jumping,
on its release from the notch, so high as to fail to strike
the rear end of the waiting arrow.
The entire weapon — save the bow-string — is of wood,
not a piece of metal having been originally employed in its
construction (though the mentioned hump has at some time
been broken and repaired with small nails, which may be
seen in the photograph.)
In the use of the weapon an increased or decreased ten-
sion of the bow — with corresponding changed velocity and
power of the arrow — was effected by winding or unwind-
ing the raw-hide bow-string from one end (in this case,
the right-hand) of the bow.
The Croatan Cherokees have lived since the discovery of
America in eastern North Carolina, where the majority
of them, probably some eight thousand in number, con-
stitute nearly the entire population of a tract along the
Lumber River, in Robeson County, a portion of which is a
Government reservation. They and their leading white
protagonists have long claimed that the famous "Lost Col-
ony" of Roanoke Island in 1587, one of several expeditions
organized by Sir Walter and whose complete disappearance
by 1591 has ever since remained an historic mystery, joined
the ancestral tribe near by, and intermarried and merged
with it. While it is undeniable that there has occurred in
the past, and is still practiced, a considerable infusion of
white (and negro) mixture with their people, their claim
to descent from the "Lost Colony" has, however, received
scant acceptance from leading historians. Among the
principal evidences offered in support of the allegation are
(1) the recorded finding by a would-be rescuing party in
1591, of the name of the tribe carved in English letters on
a tree on the site of the vanished colony; (2) their long-
standing family-names, of which not less than 60 are iden-
tical with known names of members of the "Lost Colony,"
(3) some apparently old-English words still current among
them ; and (4) the manufacture and use of these cross-bows,
which are known to have been in use by them for long in
the past, and up to 1870, or probably even later.
It is indisputable that the manufacture and use of the
cross-bow must have been learned by their ancestors from
European arrivals. The cross-bow was in use in England
for shooting deer up to 1621, on the Continent to 1635, for
birds and small game as late as 1720, and for sport and tar-
get-shooting until even much later. It is thus entirely pos-
sible.for their use to have been acquired at any period be-
tween 1590 and the early part of the eighteenth century.
The distinctly gun-shaped butt and grip of the weapon
shown is, however, a very late development of cross-bow
construction, not earlier than the late seventeenth century ;
and in the case of this arm was certainly copied directly
from the stock of a gun, to which it bears every resem-
blance of form, line and proportion.
One of the leading elders of the tribe today (Mr. Calvin
Lowrey of near Pembroke, Robeson County,) is authority
(1929) for the statement that the weapon shown is be-
lieved to have been made between an hundred and an hun-
dred and fifty years ago, and at the time of its construc-
tion to have been copied from others of then great antiq-
uity. It was recently secured for the Museum of the
North Carolina Historical Commission, at Raleigh. The
photograph was secured through the courtesy of Col. Fred
|U\YH Archrolcig-iral Survey. 135
Olds, in charge of the Museum. A duplicate is still in the
possession of the recognized head-chief of the Croatans.
Owing to the present modernization of the younger mem-
bers of the tribe and the remoteness of residence of many of
the older people with their reverence for their relics of the
past, the existence and one-time use of these arms has been
practically unknown until recent years.
Whatever be the true story of the origin of these arms,
they certainly constitute the most unique and remarkable
weapon known to have been made and used by any Ameri-
can Indians, and they possessed qualities and an efficiency
which sufficed to retain their use side by side with early
firearms, for many years.
Charles R. Keyes*
In the fall of 1921, the writer was asked by Dr. Benj. F.
Shambaugh, Superintendent of the State Historical Society
of Iowa, Iowa City, to direct for the Society an archeological
survey of the State. After conferences with Dr. Sham-
baugh, Dr. Clark Wissler, then chairman of the National
Research Council Committee on state archeological surveys,
Mr. Edward K. Putnam, Director of the Davenport Acad-
emy of Science, and others, it was decided that the survey
should be preliminary in character and that work should be-
gin as early as possible in 1922. Summer seasons and such
other time as was available were to be devoted to the in-
By a preliminary survey was meant the collecting of all
possible existing information rather than the intensive
study of a few sites. This meant of course the gathering
of all possible published data and the locating of the largest
possible number of people capable of making any contribu-
tion of facts.
As preparation for the survey activities, it was decided
that a personal visit to places in nearby states where arche-
* Prof. Charles R. Keyes of Cornell College, Iowa, is the director
of a preliminary archeological survey of Iowa for The State Histori-
cal Society of Iowa, Iowa City.
136 \Vlsm.\Sl.\ ARCHEOLOGIST. Vol. ,X, No. I
ological work was being carried on would be highly desir-
able and profitable. Accordingly, in March of 1922, visits
were made to Madison, Wisconsin, to consult with Mr.
Charles E. Brown, Chief of the State Historical Museum;
to Milwaukee to confer with. Dr. S. A. Barrett, Director,
and Mr. Alanson Skinner, Curator of Anthropology, of the
Milwaukee Public Museum ; to Columbus, Ohio, to interview
Dr. Wm. C. Mills, Director, and Mr. H. C. Shetrone, Cura-
tor of Archeology, of the Ohio State Museum. On the first
trip, the Field Museum in Chicago and the Historical Com-
mission in Indianapolis were also visited. Later, as the sur-
vey progressed, trips were made also into Nebraska, South
Dakota, and Minnesota, as well as return trips to the states
first mentioned. Incidentally too a number of libraries and
museums in eastern states have been visited and used.
The first product of the survey was a bibliography of sev-
eral hundred titles. This included newspaper items and
articles so far as these were accessible without the expendi-
ture of an inordinate amount of time. In general the litera-
ture, with the exception of the articles and notes in the
early volumes of Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of
Sciences and the extensive manuscripts of "The Northwest-
ern Archaeological Survey" (conducted by Hill and Lewis
from St. Paul as a base, 1881-1895) found in the State His-
torical Society library at St. Paul, Minnesota, proved rather
barren, though of course many items are valuable in them-
selves or provide a starting point for subsequent investiga-
tion. Most of the early work fell far short of scientific
standards and all of it together was insufficient to give any
idea of the prehistoric culture areas of the State. While the
writer is glad to have in manuscript a rather extensive bib-
liography of the antiquities of Iowa, he feels like advising
those who may contemplate a similar undertaking to collect
the pertinent titles as a by-product of the survey rather
than to devote a considerable amount of time exclusively to
the quest.
Efforts to find those persons within the State and outside
of it who possess unpublished information have been fairly
successful. Some fifteen hundred letters mailed in Janu-
ary, 1924, to members of the State Historical Society and
others produced the unexpectedly large return of about one
Archeological Survey.
hundred answers, many of these with new and valuable in-
formation concerning mound groups, village sites, names of
collectors, and the like. A considerable amount of news-
paper publicity was comparatively barren of results. Evi-
dently people did not take newspaper appeals very seriously.
Much the largest part of the substantial information
possessed by the Iowa survey has been gathered through some
six seasons of personal contact with the field. Each of the
ninety-nine counties has been visited, some of them several
times, and the number of contacts with persons capable of
giving real assistance has been built up to exceed five hun-
dred. As was anticipated, the collectors, with their collec-
tions, were most prolific of information, although other pos-
sible informants, especially the county agents and the coun-
ty engineers, were also canvassed. A fortunate finding of the
survey has been the fact that the great majority of the col-
lectors are interested in local specimens only and thus are
not burdened with a mass of uncataloged ancL worthless
specimens obtained by exchange or purchase. Many are
farm collectors whose finds are made on their own land only
or at most extend no farther than the lands of their im-
mediate neighbors. Others have gone a little farther afield
and are able to tell of neighboring mound groups, cemeter-
ies, cave deposits, and other antiquities. And even though
the collector was not always aware of the existence of a
village or camp site nearby, the presence in his collection of
such objects as scrapers, hand mullers, and potsherds was
often enough to point the way to these all-important loca-
tions. With these collectors hundreds of miles have been
traversed by almost every known method of land travel.
Many miles were covered on foot or in boats in places where
other means of transport did not avail.
In several localities where cultural boundaries were es-
pecially difficult to surmise from the collections studied or
other indications found, excavations were carried out to a
limited extent, in a few cases entire mounds being carefully
examined, in most cases test excavations only being made.
From the first all evidences uncovered were carefully noted
and if possible collected for the survey: Artifacts of all
kinds ; skeletal materials ; flint chips and other stone refuse ;
kitchen refuse, including especially the potsherds. The sur-
vey possesses materials from one hundred thirty-eight pot-
tery-producing sites (village sites, mounds, cemeteries, cave
deposits) and has examined materials which include pot-
sherds from more than fifty others. On the basis of these,
supplemented by the evidence furnished by the numerous
collections and by the published accounts, it is believed pos-
sible at this time to outline roughly the prehistoric culture
areas of the State.
The available evidence indicates, first of all, that the pre-
historic culture of most of the State, nine-tenths of it pos-
sibly, was of the Western Woodland type. This seems sur-
prising, perhaps, in view of Iowa's reputation as a prairie,
not a timberland state. As a matter of fact, however,
nearly all of the Iowa streams originally carried more or
less extensive belts of timber, and the lake margins also
were nearly always furnished with their groves of oak and
other native trees. The village sites, generally covering
only an acre or two each, are situated (1) on the terraces
of streams, both large and small; (2) on sandy ridges or
knolls close to the streams; and (3) on the margins of the
numerous lakes of the north central portion. A fourth
type of inhabited site is to be found in the numerous rock
shelters of the Niagara dolomite cliffs of the east central
portion, some sixty of which are now known. All these
inhabited sites produce potsherds of a type generally re-
garded as characteristic of the Algonkian, roughly de-
scribed as a rather soft, porous unpolished ware of a
brown or red color; tempered with rather coarsely crushed
granite; ornamented with fabric impressions, stamped,
punched, rouletted, and occasionally incised designs; fash-
ioned into vessels that usually have a rounded or round-
pointed base. The vessels seem never to be supplied with
handles, though occasionally small protuberences on the
rims may have served as lugs. Smoothly drilled holes, the
purpose of which is none too clear, are frequently found
perforating either the rims or the bowls. In his Neale and
McClaughry Mound Groups, McKern, without committing
himself as to authorship of this type of pottery, which he
says is also the type most common in Wisconsin, describes
it in detail and designates it as Type I. Other criteria
found on the inhabited sites, as well as on the adjoining
Iowa Archeological Survej^. 139
fields, also indicate the Algonkian type of culture : weak de-
velopment of bone artifacts; strong development of work
fn stone, this last resulting in a great number of types of
chipped implements, ground-stone implements, and prob-
lematical forms. A statement to the effect that all these
woodland sites, as well as the wide spaces that lie between
them, were actually occupied and controlled at some time
by people of the Algonkian stock would be premature at
present for. two reasons: 1) Algonkian criteria are not set-
tled beyond all doubt for the Central Algonkian area and
2) certain Siouan tribes, especially the Winnebago and the
loway of the Chiwere group, are known to have been much
under Algonkian influence and may have had a material
culture not always distinguishable from the Algonkian.
The Winnebago presumably had little to do with prehistoric
Iowa, but all accounts agree that the loway had much to do
with it. Up to the present, unfortunately, little is certain
as to the loway prehistoric culture.
All of the so-called "Algonkian" area, with the exception
of a few counties in southwestern Iowa that are practically
barren of tree growth, is plentifully provided with mounds.
These are generally conical in shape, a few are oval, and a
considerable number are linear. Of great interest are sev-
en groups in the Des Moines valley between Ft. Dodge and
Boone, where numerous linears are found mingled with the
conicals. The mounds usually stand in groups on the
stream terraces or the bluffs overlooking streams — never,
apparently, on the village sites themselves, but rather in
proximity thereto. A rough estimate would place the num-
ber of known mounds at about 8000. Their size is gen-
erally moderate, ranging for the conicals from 25x25x2
feet to 80x80x8 feet and for the linears from 12x60x1 1/2
feet to 18x120x3 feet, approximately. The burials thus
far encountered have been of the bundle reburial or flexed
primary types, ordinarily without artifacts, though rather
often accompanied by numbers of potsherds.
Two comparatively small areas in Iowa, the area of the
effigy mounds, running along the Mississippi bluffs and
terraces from near the Minnesota line to the Dubuque line,
and the Hopewell area, extending similarly from Bellevue
in Jackson county to Toolesboro in Louisa county, appear
also to belong to the woodland culture, the one separating
itself from general Algonkian criteria (as these are now
understood) only in respect to effigy-mound forms and the
other only in respect to mound contents. The effigy -mound
area shows many mounds of the effigy type, the bear and
the bird predominating, intermingled with linear and coni-
cal mounds, while the sizes and locations of village sites,
the village-site criteria, and the mound contents (bundle
reburials and flexed burials, generally without artifacts)
are not thus far distinguishable from the "Algonkian" of
most of the State. A rough estimate would place the num-
ber of mounds of all kinds in the effigy area at about 2000.
The Hopewell area shows the same mound types, without
enclosures, and the same village-site criteria as the wood-
land part of the State generally, but the mounds have pro-
duced materials very similar to those of the type region of
southern Ohio : copper axes and ornaments, curved-base,
plain and effigy-bowl pipes, pearl beads, and extended, log-
enclosed burials. The number of known Hopewell mounds
is about 100, though other mounds within the limited area
noted may well prove to belong to the same culture. A sin-
gle mound on the upper Turkey river in Fayette county
near Clermont produced Hopewell materials, while neigh-
boring mounds produced bundle reburials only. Elsewhere
in eastern Iowa also there are suggestions of the Hopewell
which await fuller investigation.
A very distinctive culture that occupied solidly the val-
ley of the Upper Iowa river in Allamakee county, the north-
eastern county in the State, is unidentified up to this time
and is called for the present the Oneota, after the old name
of the river where its remains are most continuous. In
addition to the valley of the Upper Iowa, several village
sites overlook the Little Sioux river in Dickinson and Clay
counties ; again, the Little Sioux is occupied almost continu-
ously for some five miles south of Correctionville in Wood-
bury county; a very large site overlooks the Big Sioux in
the northwest corner of the State in Lyon county ; another
stands on the Des Moines river bluffs in Warren county;
and finally a large site is found on the Mississippi bluffs
adjacent to the Hopewell mounds at Toolesboro in Louisa
county. In a general way this strange distribution cor-
lo\va Arrheolog-ical Survey.
responds to what we know of the wanderings of the loway ;
but, if these sites are those of the loway, then their pre-
historic culture was far removed from the Algonkian. The
sites themselves, covering from ten to a hundred acres each,
are much larger than the Algonkian and also their situa-
tion is very different. Instead of being hidden away in
the timber belts, they stand out in the open on high river
terraces or broad, rounded bluffs of prairie type. They
produce quantities of shell-tempered, unpolished potsherds,
generally light brown in color, with plain decorations of
trailed or punctate designs, and with the finger-imprinted
rims either vertical or recurved. The vessels generally
have either two or four handles set in the angle between
the rim and the bowl. Hand mullers of granite and
grooved hammers and mauls of the same material abound ;
celts far out-number the rather crude all-round grooved
axes; small triangular flint arrowheads and flake scrapers
are the usual and simple types; and bone implements are
plentiful. Both conical and oblong mounds, also enclosures
of various sizes and shapes (square, round, elliptical, and
irregular) originally stood on or near the village sites;
but, as the sites were in the open, these works have suf-
fered much from cultivation. Drawings of some of them
may be seen in Thomas, Twelfth Annual Report. About a
dozen Oneota enclosures are on record and some 500
mounds appear to belong to the culture. Burials both in
the mounds and in the nearby cemeteries are primary, us-
ually extended, and often accompanied by artifacts : small
mortuary pots of globular shape, diminutive Siouan and
disk-stem pipes, tub.ular beads of thin copper, bone awls,
and other objects. Petroglyphs on nearby cliffs of Jordan
sandstone, and incised pictographs on small polished slabs
of catlinite, these last usually field finds, appear to be prod-
ucts of this culture.
Another very distinctive culture, also an unknown, is
found in northwestern Iowa. On the Little Sioux and two
of its tributaries, Waterman's creek and Mill creek, begin-
ning in the northwest corner of Buena Vista county, cross-
ing the southeast corner of O'Brien county, and running
southward nearly across Cherokee county, are thirteen
compact village sites of from one to two acres each, situ-
ated, except for a single hill-top site, on the edge of the
second terrace next to creek or river and surrounded by a
broad, shallow ditch. Two of the sites which have not
been cultivated show plainly the circular depressions of
large earth lodges, one a fourteen-lodge village, the other
twenty-two. A single site of the same culture stands on
Broken Kettle creek in Plymouth county about a mile
from its confluence with the Big Sioux. The village
refuse is deep and consists of great quantities of
potsherds and other artifacts, fire-place stones, clam shells,
animal bones, ash beds, and other debris. Broadly speak-
ing the artifacts, except the pottery, parallel to a degree
those of the Oneota. A larger proportion of the small
triangular arrowheads have notched bases, the celt seems
to displace the grooved ax even more completely, bone im-
plements appear to be even more numerous, and there are
other minor differences. A few discoidal stones are found
and also a few shell and pottery animal effigies. The type
of pipe most characteristic is uncertain, as but few speci-
mens of any kind have been found. The pottery is dis-
tinctive, with rather hard, fine texture ; tempering of finely
crushed granite; gray or black color; globular bowls of
small to medium size, often showing polish on one or both
surfaces; vertical and recurved rims, which may be plain,
provided with handles, or surmounted by small animal-head
effigies. Further, the rims often show cross hatching or
shallow notches at the top and designs of diagonal, incised
lines on their outer surfaces. The bowls are either plain
or encircled by parallel trailed lines. Some 200 rather
small conical mounds are found on the neighboring hills
and ridges, which apparently belong to the culture; how-
ever, as only a small amount of amateur work has been
done on these, their characteristics remain uncertain. The
village sites themselves call to mind at once the Mandan
villages of the Upper Missouri ; the artifacts, however, in-
cluding the pottery, appear not to support very strongly a
theory of Mandan origin.
In several parts of Iowa there are suggestions of cultures
which, on fuller examination, may well prove to differ from
any of those to which reference is made above. Time se-
quences are entirely unsolved, as no undoubted case of
Apache Plant Uses. . 143
stratification has been discovered. There are several
claims to mound building within historic times, but none
appears to be proven beyond all question of doubt. The
absence of inclusive deposits of objects of white manufac-
ture indicates that the mounds are all, or nearly all, of pre-
historic origin.
Albert B. Reagan, Ph.D.
The White Mountain Apache region in Arizona may be
divided into four distinct plant zones, according to altitude :
1. This zone includes all the lands of the region above
5,800 feet, It is well timbered, the principal trees being
pine and fir.
2. This zone includes all the lands whose altitude is be-
tween 4,900 and 5,800 feet. In it the common juniper,
Juniper occidentalis (cedar), pinyon, and cactus flourish,
and grass grows fairly well.
3. All the lower Canyon creek, Cherry creek and Salt
river canyons, the foothills of the Apache mountains, and
the region of the Hinton (Tertiary) formation included be-
tween the altitudes of 3,500 and 4,900 feet are known as the
zone of Cactus, Agave, "Oboine," and Artemisia (grease-
wood and sagebrush). It is further characterized by the
fact that its grass (Filaree and Grama), with few excep-
tions, is poor, the soil on which it grows being derived
from granite or late volcanic rocks.
4. This is the zone of Cactus (Cereus giganteus, predom-
imating), Yucca, and Agave (mescal, most nearly related
to Agave decipiens). The altitude of this zone is from
3,000 to 3,500 feet. It has a scanty vegetation, scarcely
any grass at all ; but where there is water, a most luxuriant
vegetation springs up.
Below are some of the uses the Apaches made of the
plants of the region.
The Apaches, for the most part, live in tepees (which are
also termed wickiups). They are somewhat dome-shaped,
sometimes with conical top. They are of a framework of
poles and limbs tied together, over which matting of brush,
yucca leaves, rushes or flags are placed. Over this a can-
vas is stretched, or yucca leaves, bark and flags are placed
in thatch-work. The edifice is open at the top for the es-
cape of smoke. The door is a low opening on one side,
over which a blanket or a piece of skin is stretched. The
fire is built in the center of the tepee. Also in summer the
family often lives out doors within a circular, brush wind-
break. They also sometimes set posts in the ground in the
form of an oblong, on which they tie horizontal poles. They
cover the inclosure over with a brush roof. Also, on the
side poles they intertwine twigs and brush in a thatch-lat-
tice work. Such a house, called a "wick-e-up," makes cozy
quarters in summer. Sometimes only the posts are set in
the ground and only a brush roof is made, forming an open
In the summer wick-e-up, wooden frames are sometimes
made with a pole base some two or three feet above the
ground and on this, brush and dry grass are placed, over
which blankets are spread for a bed. Sometimes the young
men will also have a "fiddle" made out of a mescal stalk,
on which they play "tunes" for their sweet-hearts. This
about completes the furniture.
The Apache woman still has her tus, water jug, made of
woven willow splints, and daubed over both within and with-
out with native resin. She grinds corn much as the Pueblo
woman does, but has but one metate and one mano and no
grinding box. To make the meal finer, she regrinds it.
Flour is now purchased, not ground by the Apaches. Corn
pone is baked in or under the ashes, or in lard in a skillet.
A sort of pancake is also made of corn meal in which no
salt is used in the making, nothing except meal and water
is used. When thoroughly stirred it is baked in a skillet
held right side up. Mush is also made much as the white
women make it, except it is stirred with two sticks. A corn
bread and also a flour dough bread are also wrapped in
green corn husks and baked in the ashes, as is also grass-
seed occasionally. Corn smut is also eaten; on August 22,
1901, the writer saw one Apache, V-29, make a meal on
Apache 1'lant I'scs. 145
honey and boiled smut*. Also, green corn when not yet
in the "milk" is boiled and eaten cob and all. Walnuts are
mashed, kernels, hulls and all, and when mashed fine, the
women pour water over the mixture and boil it. They then
filter the product; the filtered material is white and tastes
much like milk. It is a very nutritious food. Green corn
is also roasted before the fire or in the husks under the
ashes, or boiled.
Also, at husking time, green corn is gathered and thrown
into a pile by itself. When the field is all gathered and
the ripe corn husked, a pit is dug and a large quantity of
wood thrown into it. On this stones are piled. The wood
is then ignited. When the wood has burned down to the
live coal stage, wet grass, twigs or corn husks are thrown
over it and the green corn, with the husks on, is hurridly
thrown on same. More wet grass or fodder is thrown over
the corn and about six inches of dirt heaped over the pile.
Just before closing the top, a quantity of water is poured
in to make steam. The cooking process is then let have its
course for twenty-four hours, when the dirt is removed and
the corn taken out. The husks are then stripped up and
tied together and the corn hung out on the cob to dry.
When dried it is shelled and stored in large storage baskets
or jugs for use when needed. The pit is left as a sort of
mound for future generations to speculate over.
The bean pod of a species of locust tree that grows in the
region, probably Robinia neo-mexicana Gray, or the mes-
quite bean, a tree that resembles our eastern locust tree
very much, is taken when quite matured and dried. The
pods and beans are then crushed on the metates to a fine
powder which is sweet and is called "sugar" by the
Apaches. The pounded-up pulp is mixed with water and
cooked or is eaten raw.
In gathering and preparing mescal tubers (mescal or ma-
guay plant, our Century plant (Agave americana) or a close
relative (cousin) of it, is the plant referred to, it having a
very large beet-like root) , the women go in a company to
* It ought to be stated that the corn smut (Ustilago maydis) is
used in the solid state only, while it is firm and white, otherwise the
reader may form a very erroneous concepton. Corn smut is eaten
as other fungi, such as mushrooms, are eaten. — M. R. Gilmore,
the hills where it grows, the best place being in the break-
country east of Canyon creek and in the Oak creek region.
Here they camp and proceed to the hills to collect the tu-
bers. There are usually six or eight women in the group
and it takes them about two days to gather a ton of tubers
and carry them to the camp (the beet-like root being
gathered just before the stem is run up by nature to go to
seed). When enough are gathered, a large pit is dug and
filled with dry wood. On this a large quantity of stones are
piled. The wood is then ignited and when it burns down
to live coals and the stones are a white heat, wet twigs, or
rushes or flags are placed on them to a thickness of about
a foot. The mescal roots are then hurled on the smoking
mass and wet grass and twigs placed over them and then all
snugly closed over with a foot or more of earth. A fire is
then kindled over this pile and kept burning. The cooking
process is let have its course for a whole day. The pit is
then opened and the tubers taken out and the mound left to
puzzle the world after the Indians will have disappeared
from it. The tubers are then packed on burros or carried
by the women to their tepees and stored for future use.
They taste like squash, except that 'they have a slightly
burned taste. The are good food. The Apaches also pre-
pare an intoxicating beverage, called tisivin, from the
"heart" or center of the unopened cluster of leaves of this
plant. This heart is cooked in the same manner as the tu-
ber, as described above. When it has been thoroughly
cooked for about fifteen days, the roots and heart are of a
semi-gelatinous consistence. They are then crushed on the
metates or in a vessel made for the purpose and the liquor
poured off into retaining vessels, where it is kept until fer-
mentation sets in, when they call together all their friends
and relatives, sometimes the whole tribe, and have a dance,
which often terminates in a drunken carousal.
In picking berries, the Indian woman goes to the woods
and picks them and brings them home. She then usually
sets them before her host without cooking them. There are
not many berries in the region.
There is a great variety of cactus in the region, ranging
from sour to sweet. The Indian women know when each,
kind ripens and they make long journeys to secure them,
J'lant Uses. 1 IT
The fruit is spiny, but fine eating when the spines are re-
moved. These the women remove by rolling the fruit in the
-sand or by rubbing it with a piece of buckskin. All kinds
of the fruit are eaten as we would eat an apple, except the
sweet kind, the fruit of the giant cactus (Cercus gigantea),
which is made into a kind of butter.
The women go in large numbers to gather pine (pinon)
nuts every fall. Sometimes a whole band will go. Once
the writer saw all the Apaches of the reservation from Car-
rixo westward scouring the Catholic buttes and Cherry
creek region west of the reservation for nuts. The nuts
are gathered in the cone which is either burned off the nuts
near where gathered or after the return home. In this
process of charring the cones, the nuts are roasted. The
nuts are next beaten out of the cones. Usually the cone
is burned or dried till the nuts fall out. These are collected
and stored in storage jars or baskets for future use. When
needed the quantity required is placed in an open tray and
live coals placed with them to further roast them. Then the
tray is shaken and lightly tossed to aid the parching process
and to keep the tray from burning. When sufficiently
roasted, they are taken from the tray and the charcoal and
ashes removed by tossing (winnowing) them in the wind.
They are then eaten after removing the "hulls." They are
also ground on the grinding slabs, hulls and all, and then
the pinon-nut-flour, thus made, is made into soups and also
baked like bread cakes, which is good to eat.
One of the yucca plants (Yucca baccata Torr, and also
Y. glauca Nutt.) that grows in the region has a pod on it
which looks something like a bean pod but much larger, re-
sembling a banana somewhat in shape. This pod is gath-
ered by the women and roasted before the fire or in the
ashes. The pod, not the seed, is then eaten, after the epi-
dermis is removed. It has a slightly burned squash taste,
but is relished by the Indians. The pod of this plant is also
dried, after it is split open and the seeds and seed-ribbon
are removed. It is then boiled when needed. When thus
prepared, it has a pumpkin flavor. The Apaches also use
the leaves of the Yucca baccata for strings, splitting the
leaves into the desired size of the strings. In earlier times
this yucca leaf was reduced to fiber and made into cloth,
ropes, cords, etc. The Y. ylauca leaf is also used as "moc-
casin strings," cords, and as counters in various games.
A certain acorn (Quercus undulata, var.), called chechil
by the Apaches, is hulled and the kernel then ground and
mixed with flour or meal in parts one to five and made into
bread. "Coffee" is also made out of this preparation, by
browning the acorns ; and they are also eaten raw.
Pumpkins are eaten much as we use them. The common
pumpkin when only half grown is also cut into slices and
cooked (boiled) seeds and all and then eaten without being
salted. Squash is also eaten in the same way.
Melons are raised and eaten ripe or green, rind and all.
The eating of green melons is the cause of much sickness.
The leaves of a certain gourd (Cucurbita perennis Gray?)
that grows in the region are ground up and used as "green
paint" in making sand paintings. Green corn is cut from
the cob and mashed to a pulp on the metates, as previously
noted. It is then often just salted and made into a cake
and baked in the ashes. The wedding cake, when one is
made, and the coming-out ceremonial "cake" are also made
of this mashed green corn, or from finely ground corn meal.
It is "sweetened" with a yeast preparation made from the
chewed root of Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers., very similar
to the way the Zuni, Hopi, and Navajos prepare the "cake"
for the same ceremonies. The dried root is preserved in
sacks for this use. In the preparation, a piece of the root
is chewed and kept in the mouth for a couple of days, a
virgin usually doing this stunt. The meal is then chewed
in the mouth with the chewed-up root, or in the "freshened
mouth" without it, to sweeten it. Often the meal is just
held in the mouth until the accumulation of the salvia forces
her to eject the mass, which is deposited in a containing ves-
sel. This is continued till enough meal is sweetened for
the "cake." The Apaches now also use sprouted corn and
partly sprouted wheat to produce this "sweetening." The
root of E. serphy Hi folia is also used in making tiswin and
tulapai, as will be mentioned later.
Walnut kernels and green corn are also mashed together
on the metates and baked in cake-form.
The roots of both Yucca boccata Torr. and Y. glauca Nutt.
are used as "soapweed." The roots are collected and taken
home and when needed they are pounded up into pulp and
put in water, which is soon a lather. Baths are then taken
in it. It is used especially for the hair. The hair is
shampooed in it, then combed with a stiff (Bouteloua gra-
cilis (H. B. K.) Lag.) blue grama grass comb, a wisp of
stiff grass tied in a bundle by a cord and the stiff ends used
as a comb, the other end often being used as a broom*. The
hair is then hung over the uplifted arm to dry in the sun,
after which it is combed and done up according to the cus-
tom of the Apaches.
The hay of the region is alfalfa and wild hay. There is
not much of the former and what there is, is put up some-
what in the ordinary way. The wild hay, Bouteloua
gracilis Lag., Eriocoma cuspidata Nutt., Sporobolus stric-
tus (Scribn.) Merrill, Epicompes rigens Benth; and other
grasses, grows in bunches as bunch grass and grasses that
fill little vales in the mountains and along the canyon sides.
The hay is sold to the U. S. Indian Department and for-
merly to the Fort and is cheaper than hay that is shipped
from Holbrook (?). When haying time comes, the In-
dians go to the hills to cut hay. As the hay is usually in
bunches and small patches it is cut by hand, usually by the
women with the old fashioned sickle and even with butcher
knives ; if a scythe is used, it is usually wielded by the men.
When a sufficient quantity of the hay is cut, dried and col-
lected, often being carried long distances by arm loads, it is
loaded on burros and pack horses and packed to the agency
or military post for sale ; there are but few wagon roads on
which to haul the hay. It is a picturesque sight to see a
long train of burros descending from the mountains laden
with hay. The year the writer was at the Fort, more than
200 tons were delivered by the Indians in this manner.
In the old times the seeds of these same grasses and
other grasses were gathered, ground, and made into bread.
The Apaches told the writer that they also mixed the
ground seeds with meal and water and made the mixture
into a mush, or a pone which they baked in husks or in the
* All the tribes of the Plains of my acquaintance made such hair
brushes from the stiff awns of Stipa spartea (needlegrass). — M. R.
In the making of baskets and water jugs, the Apache
women gathers a great quantity of willow withes or
switches of the younger growth of Salix irrorata Anders
and stems of a sumac (Rhus trilobata Nutt.?). These she
ties in bundles, which she keeps in a moist place till used.
When needed, she splits the withes into halves with her
fingers and teeth, beginning at the heavy end. Then she
scrapes them to remove the bark and to get them the prop-
er thickness; the sprouts are sometimes steamed to aid in
the splitting process. When a sufficient number is pre-
pared, the basket weaving is begun. A certain number of
stiff switch-sprouts are woven into a circle with the sticks
for a base or bottom. The unsplit sticks are then let pro-
ject in the vertical as ribs or framework around which the
split sticks are interwoven and intertwined, often so closely
as to make the receptacle practically water tight. Rib
sticks are added as needed with the enlarging structure,
and if the article is to be a jug, they are cut out as it nar-
rows-in. To finish the article, the rib pieces are often in-
terwoven as the finishing layer and the whole layer tied
down with buckskin or interwoven slender withes. Some-
times a strong withe or a wire is added to make it strong,
especially in the case of the carrying baskets. Ears are
also interwoven in loop-form on the opposite sides of the
article for the attachment of straps, if the article is to be
used for carrying purposes. In the making of the tus, or
wide-mouthed water jug, it is woven as carefully as pos-
sible and then gummed with warm pinon (Pinus edulis En-
gelm.) pitch both inside and out. A stopper for it is then
made of a bunch of grass or small brush, as needed. In
finishing the tus, attachments are woven in the opposite
sides, about at the top of the bulge, for the fastening of
the head strap used in carrying it. The tus vary in size,
the larger carrying ones holding about five gallons. A
large, unpitched, wide-mouthed storage jar is also made,
varying in size from a few gallons to a fifty gallon size.
The baskets vary in size and form according to use. The
principal kinds are carrying baskets, which will hold about
a sack of grain, and the smaller baskets made for sale.
Flaring trays of various shapes and sizes are also made in
large numbers.
Apui'hr Plant t'scs.
The gathering of the cattail flag (Typha latifolia L.) pol-
len for religious use is done by the women, though the
writer was advised that some of it was collected by the
members of the medicine fraternity. This pollen is called
hadn-tin or hoddentin by the Apaches and Tadatin by the
Navajos. It is used in every important ceremonial per-
formance. It is also sprinkled upon the surface of the
water before crossing a stream.
The women make tiswin or tulapai as ordered by their
husbands or by the band. This is an intoxicant made from
corn or fermented mescal stalk and root. If made from
corn, the corn is soaked, then placed under the sheepskin
or blanket bed and slept on to make it sprout. The
Apache bed is usually a little excavated place in the ground
to fit the hips over which is placed the bedding. The corn
is then dried, after which it is crushed on the metates into
meal. Then various perennial weeds and roots are added,
including that of the Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers., also a
small quantity of the root-bark of the "lignum-vitae" tree,
some loco weed, the peyote bean (the same part of the cac-
tus plant as is used in the Peyote Society ceremonies), and
also the juice of the jimpson weed (Datura meteloides DC.),
or the powdered root of that plant. The whole is then put
into five gallon coal oil cans, water added and the whole
boiled for several hours. The "white water" is then poured
off into empty cans and the residue recrushed on the grind-
ing slabs. This residue is then put into the "white water"
again and the whole reboiled. It is then set away and let
ferment for from sixteen to twenty-four hours when it is
ready to drink. The Indians claim that it is nutritious,
but as an intoxicant, it is proving a great detriment to the
Not only is this tulapai or tiswin an intoxicant but vari-
ous herbs, including the loco and jimpson weed are often
added to give the desired effect, although they undermine
the health. This drinking also causes indolence besides
the loss of the grain consumed. While drinking, fights
and immoral practices that otherwise would not occur are
indulged in. The drinking not only lowers the Indian's
resistence against disease, but the exposure often indulged
in while drunk brings on (or conduces to) pneumonia and
An Indian in one valley makes his wife take the corn the
family needs, sprout it, and turn it into tulapai. The day
it ferments he invites his male friends from far and near
to come and drink with him, and the women in the imme-
diate vicinity also partake of the liquor. The brawl lasts
throughout the night. Men and women get drunk and do
not know what they are doing. Besides indulging in im-
moral practices and fights, they lie in the night air often
entirely naked, for hours at a time so that consumption
and pneumonia often decimate the tribe as a result of such
exposures. The next day there is a tulapai drinking in
another valley and all the men go to it, while the women,
weakened by the previous night's brawl, are left at home
to do the farm work that their husbands should be doing.
The next day there is a drunk in another valley, and so on
throughout the revolving year.
Drinking mothers often give this tulapai, in large quan-
tities, to their children even when babies. As an example
of the effects of tulapai I may cite the instance of a woman
west of Fort Apache who gave her two weeks old baby
tulapai at one of their drunks in the spring of 1901. The
little one died from the effects before morning.
At Cibicue an Indian stabbed another in the bowel-region
with a butcher knife, and the writer had to put his intes-
tines back and sew him up. Another Indian stabbed an-
other nearly to death on Cibicue creek the same year.
Two chiefs also killed each other while drunk there some
years previous, and it was an attempt to restore these two
men to life that brought on the battle of Cibicue in an effort
to arrest the chief medicine man Nakaidoklinni, and so on.
The writer has seen more than 100 Apaches drunk on
tulapai at one time. There can be no more damaging thing
to their race. Unless stopped, consumption and kindred
diseases will in time end this race of once hardy people.
The writer is glad to note that the Indian Department is
using strenuous measures to suppress the tulapai traffic
and has special officers, both- white and Indians, for that
All the Apaches have fetishes and other things of like
Plant Uses. ir'::
nature. Some are arrow heads and relics from the ruined
villages of the region. Feathers, skins of birds and ani-
mals, claws, bear feet, shells and fossils are sometimes
used for this purpose. Carvings of parts of trees that
lightning has struck, the wood being considered sacred,
also scalps of people killed in the raids of the long ago,
rock crystals, etc., are used for the same purpose. Many
of these are alleged to keep their fetish power if rubbed
with blood now and then. Deer or human blood is usually
used. The wood carvings are often in effigy shape, though
in miniature. The smaller trinkets are often worn sus-
pended over the chest from a cord surrounding- the neck.
Claws, bear feet, and the like are often wrorn as beads sus-
pended from the neck. They are also often inclosed in a
buckskin sack and worn suspended over the chest or tied in
the clothing. The medicine men have different fetishes for
each special use. The Apaches believe that these fetishes
give power in the sphere in which the fetish is supposed to
control, even conferring supernatural powers to the medi-
cine man. There are fetishes controlling every undertak-
ing in life, also those that control sickness and death and
the mysterious powers of the universe.
The medicine bag is a little buckskin sack filled with
various powders, cat-tail flag pollen, berries, seeds, and
small trinkets. This bag is concealed somewhere about the
clothing. Its contents are sprinkled in prayer to the gods
of the universe and over altars to same, over people in the
dances, and over the sick in the medicine ceremonies. The
Apache thinks this "medicine" has the power to carry the
prayers of men to the deities and to bring about the result
prayed for.
The medicine accoutrements of the Apaches are their
fetishes, tokens, medicine bags and other things of a similar
or allied nature. Medicine hats and various forms of regalia
and the things of war, such as shields, tomahawks, bows and
arrows, which are now regarded as having medicinal value
though formerly used in war, also medicine staffs, effigies,
wooden gods, wooden lizards, wooden snakes, wooden frogs,
yucca lath wands, yucca lath playing sticks used in the
medicine game, yucca lath masked hats, the three dice-
sticks used in the Setdilth game, medicine hoops, medicine
canes, and many other things are used in doctoring the
sick. These things are considered not only as medicine ac-
coutrements, but are sacred to the Indians; and it is with
a great deal of reluctance and mental pain that any of them
will be parted with.
The Apaches are a much diseased people. The drinking
of so much Indian whiskey and exposure while drunk, filth
and sleepless nights at medicine ceremonies are breaking
down the race. The principal diseases are pneumonia and
tuberculosis in its various forms, pneumonia usually being
followed by consumption; tracoma and other eye diseases
and much- stomach trouble, which medicinal practices tend
to spread rather than cure.
As remedies for diseases, the Apaches also effect some
cures through the use of herbs and minerals. For pains
in the back, fits, faints, etc., the patient is rubbed with
scorching cedar and pinon twigs, or burning spruce twigs.
For stomach trouble, the root of the common reed (Phrog-
mites communis Trin.) and the root of a "calamus" plant
is used. The tea of sassafras bark is used as a blood reme-
dy. For gonorrhea and syphilis they take a tea concocted
from Ephedra nevadensis S. Wats, which colors the urine
white. For these same two diseases they take certain
quantities of the saline deposits that cover the muddy bank
of Carrixo creek, which seems to consist of sodium-magne-
sium chloride, sodium sulphate and possibly some potas-
sium iodine. They also use the bark of several herbs and
trees, among which are the bark of Populus tremuloides
and the stems of Ephedra nevadensis Wats, to cure ague,
fevers and gonorrhea. The bark and herbs are pounded
up, crushed into a semi-pulverulent condition, then made
into a tea and the concoction drunk in great quantities. In
veneral diseases the male genitalia is wrapped in the pul-
verized decoction, and the vagina filled with it. A splint
made of cedar bark is also sometimes used to splint frac-
tures of legs and arms. As a remedy for diseases, the
medicine game is also played, the dice-sticks being yucca
lath; and as a last resort the sand-painting, gunelpieya-
yavachai ceremonies are held, ground up charcoal, various
colored sand rocks and green leaves being the principal
paints used in making the painting. Following the said
Apache Plant Uses. 155
painting ceremonies comes the medicine dance, which is
the final act, as the patient usually dies soon thereafter.
Agave americana? and A. decipiens' Amaryllis family.
The mescal tubers of these plants are baked in a pit oven
and eaten, tasting much like slightly burned squash. A
fermented drink, called tiswin, is also made from the heart
and tubers of the same plants.
Agropyron repens Beauv. Blue Joint Grass. Grass
family. The seed of this plant was formerly eaten. The
grass is now cut for hay.
Allium bisceptrum Watson, var. Onion, Lily family.
Bulbs eaten, both raw and cooked.
Alnus tenuifolia Nutt. Alder. Birch family. The bark
is employed in dyeing deerskin and other skins a reddish
Amaranthus albus, A. blitoides S. Wats (Tumble weed),
and A. hybridus paniculatus (L.) Uline & Bray (Purple
Amaranth) . Amaranth family. The seeds of the first two
were formerly eaten, and the flowers of the last were used
as face paint.
Artemisia tridentata Nutt. Sagebrush. Composite-
Thistle family. Used as tea and seasoning.
Artemisia wrightii Gray. Thistle family. Used as food.
Asclepias galioides H. B. K. Milkweed. Milkweed fam-
ily. The children eat the first buds of this plant.
Astragalus diphysus Gray. Milk Vetch. Pea family.
The pea fruit is gathered and eaten both raw and cooked.
Berberis fremontii Torr. Barberry. Barberry family.
Used in the ceremonies, because of its yellow wood.
$Berula erecta (Huds.) Colville. Water Parsnip. Car-
rot family. Leaves and blossoms were occasionally eaten
in the old times. They were also used as medicine.
Bouteloua gracilis (H. B. K.) Lag. Blue Grama. Grass
family. Securely wrapped bunches of this grass serve for
several purposes. The stump end is used as a hair brush,
while the other end is used as a broom, when a brush is not
used for that purpose. The seed of this plant was also
eaten in the old times.
Castilleia Integra A. Gray, C. miniata Dougl., C. parvi-
flora Bong., and C. minor Gray. Indian Paint brush. Fig-
wort family. The bark of the root is used with other sub-
stances in coloring various kinds of skins, especially deer
ZCercocarpus parvifolius Nutt. Mountain Mahogany.
Rose family. The wood of this plant was made into bows,
and powdered charcoal, made from it, was used on burns.
Cereus gigantea and other Cereus species. Cactus fam-
ily. The fruit of these species, which is usually sweetish, is
collected and used as food, often being made into a kind of
Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. (Pigweed or
Narrow-beaked Lambs-quarter) , and C. incanum Watson
(Desert Lambs-quarter). Goosefoot family. The seed was
ground and used as food in the old times. The young
sprouts were also boiled with meat and eaten.
Chrysothamnus bigelovii (A. Gray) Greene. Rabbit
Brush. Thistle family. Seed ground and used as food.
Blossoms were formerly used in dyeing yellow.
Coreopsis cardamine folia Torr: & Gray. Thistle family.
Used in dyeing things a dark rich red.
$Cowania mexicana Don. Cliff Rose. Rose family. Leaves
used as medicine.
ZCroton texensis (Klotzsch) MuelL Croton. Spurge fam-
ily. A tea made from this plant is used for stomach trouble,
and as a purgative.
Cucurbita pepo L. Squash. Gourd family. Used as food
as previously described. The blossoms of the squash and
pumpkins were also eaten, being cooked with other things,
or baked as parts of certain kinds of cakes. Watermelons
are also highly prized by the Apaches, being eaten whether
ripe or green and eaten rind and all.
Cucurbita perennis Gray? Gourd family. The ground-up
leaves of this plant are used as "green paint" in making
sand paintings.
Cycloloma artriplici folium (Spreng.) Coulter. Winged
Pigweed. Goosefoot family. Flour was formerly made from
the seed of this plant.
Watura meteloides DC. Jamestown Weed, Jimson Weed,
Thorn Apple. Nightshade family, The juice of this plant
Apache Plant Uses. 157
and also the ground-up flower and roots are used as a disin-
fectant. The juice or ground-up root is put in tulapai to
make "heaven and earth meet," and the straight juice,
mixed with water and let ferment, is drunk for the same
purpose. The same effect is also obtained by eating the
root and blossom, whether fresh or dried. The powdered
root is a strong narcotic, and is used in the religious-medi-
cine ceremonies to produce a happy, prophesying state.
This plant is similarly used by the Navajos and Zuni. A
case of a half Piute-Navajo, Natannie, at Kayenta, Arizona,
getting drunk on the Datura root and being delirious for
four days is one which the writer and other white men had
to watch to keep the Indian from falling into the fire or
committing suicide.
SDithyraea ivislizeni Engelm. Spectacle-pod. Mustard
family. Drunk as a tea in some of the medicine ceremonies,
producing a sort of intoxication and "much talking," for
which effect it is drunk. It is also used as an external
medicine. The entire plant is pounded up, mixed with a
little warm water and applied externally for throat trouble
and for reducing swellings.
Epicampes rigens Benth. Grass family. Seed used as
food. Grass now cut as hay.
$Ephedra nevadensis S. Wats. Teamster's Tea; Mormon
Tea. Joint-fir family. A tea, made from the stem and
leaves of this plant, is drunk as a beverage. This same
tea is drunk as a remedy during the first stages of syphilis.
It is also used as a remedy for gonorrhea. It causes the
urine to be whitish, or milky in color.
The Navajos and Zuni also use the tea made from this
plant as a remedy for venereal troubles. The Navajos also
use it for kidney complaints. However, it is not given the
Navajo women as a remedy for venereal diseases, another
plant furnishing a remedy for these diseases in their case,
a remedy that makes them sterile thereafter, the Navajos
Eriocoma cuspidata Nutt. Grass family. Seed used as
food in the old times. The grass is now cut for hay.
tEnogonum jamesii Benth. Buckwheat family. Used
as medicine and in the medicine ceremonies, The plant is
also chewed to sweeten the saliva.
Euphorbia serpylli folia Pers. Spurge. Spurge family.
Used as a mouth sweetener, etc., as previously mentioned.
ZHelianthus annuus L. Sunflower. Thistle family. Seeds
were made into flour in the old times. This plant, with
other plants, is used as a remedy for snake bites. The
plants are crushed together on the metates and the ground
product is placed on the wound.
SJuniperus californica, var. utahensis (J. utahensis)
(Juniper) ; J. monosperma (Engelm.) Sargent (Cedar) ;
and J. occidentalis Hook (Cedar). Juniper family. A tea,
made of the leaves of the trees of this family, was used for
coughs and colds. The berries were also boiled and eaten.
The tea was also taken by women previous to childbirth,
it being supposed to cause muscular relaxation. Scorch-
ing juniper and cedar twigs are also rubbed on people, as a
remedy for fits.
Lactuca pulchella DC. Wild Lettuce. Chicory family. A
gummy substance from the root is used as chewing-gum.
The Navajos and Zuni also chew this gummy material as
Lavauxia triloba (Nutt.) Spach. Evening Primrose.
Evening Primrose family. The ground-up root was occa-
sionally used as food in the old times.
-Linum puberulum (Engelm.) Heller. Yellow Flax. Flax
family. The "juice of the berry" of this plant is used as eye
medicine, at times.
Lycopcrdon sp. Puffball. Puff ball family. Puff balls, just
before reaching the powdered state, and mushrooms are
gathered and eaten, but their preparation is unknown to
the writer.
$Malacothrix glabrata. Arizona Dandelion. Composite
family. Roots used as a blood medicine.
Mamillaria sp. Cactus family. After the removal of the
outer portion the inner part is used as food, and is good
VMentzelia pumila Torr & Gray. Stick-leaf. Loasa family.
A very common pest in the region. The powdered root is
sometimes used as medicine for constipation.
zNicotiana attenuata Torr., and N. palmeri Wild.? Wild
Tobacco. Nightshade family. Smoked in the medicine cere-
Apache Plant Uses. 159
monies. It was smoked more formerly than at present,
commercial tobacco taking its place.
Opuntia arborescens Engelm., and O. whipplei Engelm.
Cane Cactus. Cactus family. The spines on the fruit of these
plants are carefully rubbed off. The fruit is then usually
eaten raw, though it is occasionally stewed. It is also
sometimes dried for winter use.
*Pentstemon torreyi Benth? Bear-tongue. Figwort fam-
ily. Used as magic medicine.
Phaseolus angustissimus A. Gray. Wild Bean. Pea fam-
ily. The use of this plant was not learned.
Phaseolus vulgaris L. Bean. Pea family. Beans of all
kinds are eaten by the Apaches.
zPhragmites communis Tri. Common reed. Grass family.
The root of this plant is used as medicine for stomach
trouble, diaorrhea, and kindred diseases. The reed, be-
tween the joints, is used as pipe stems, and the reed stalk
is used as an arrow shaft when hunting small birds with
arrows. The reed between the joints is also used as a
cigaret, much as the Navajos use it. The hollow is filled
with tobacco and ignited. The smoker then puffs the smoke
in turn to each of the sacred regions.
Physalis fendleri A. Gray. Ground Cherry. Nightshade
family. The fruit of this plant is eaten both raw and
cooked, though not eaten as much as formerly.
-Pinus edulis Engelm. Pinon. Pine family. The nut of
this tree is eaten raw and prepared for use, as previously
described. The chewed leaves are used as a remedy for
venereal diseases.
SPolygonum lapathi folium L. Smart weed. Buckwheat
family. Used as medicine, much the same as the whites
used to use it.
Populus angusti folia James, and P. wislizeni (S. Wats)
Sargent. Cottonwood. Willow family. The buds of these
trees are eaten, or used as chewing-gum. They are also
similarity used by the Navajos and Zuni.
tPseudotsuga mucronata (Raf.) Sudw. (Douglas Fir),
and p. taxifolia (Spruce). Pine family. The pitch of these
two trees is used as gum, also in pitching tusses, etc., also
for coughs.
Psilostrophe tagetina (Nutt.) Greene. Thistle family.
A yellow dye is produced from the blossoms.
tPtiloria tenuifolia (Torr.) Raf. Chicory family. Said
to be a cure for rattle-snake bite. The ground-up powder
of the dried plant is applied to the bite, the wound being
first sucked to draw out the poison.
Quercus undulata Torr., var, and Q. gambellii Nutt.
Rocky Mountain Oak. Oak family. The acorn of the oak
is eaten, as previously described. The bark is also used in
tanning skins.
Rhus trilobata Nutt. Sumac. Sumac family. Used in
basket weaving. The berries were also eaten in the old
Ribes inebrians Lindl., and other Ribes species. Wild
Currant. Gooseberry family. The fruit is eaten both raw
and cooked.
Robinia neo-mexicana Gray. Locust. Pulse family. (Le-
guminosae) . The beans and pods are eaten, as previously
$Rumex mexicanus Weinn. Dock. Buckwheat family.
Used as a sore-throat remedy, the remedy being a tea made
from the leaves. The tea is also given to childless women
so they will become pregnant.
Sambucus racemosa L. Elder. Honeysuckle family. The
berries are eaten.
Salix irrorata Anders. Willow. Willow family. Willow
withes, tied together, are used in stirring mush and other
foods that are being cooked over the fire. The poles and
hoops used in the pole game are of willow. The three
dice sticks (throwing sticks) used in the setdilth game are
halves of green willow. The split withes are also used in
basketry, and tepee and wick-e-up thatching, as has been
previously mentioned.
ZSolanum elaeagni folium Cav. Bull Nettle. Nightshade
family, also S. fendleri A. Gray, of the same family. The
former is used as medicine, but how and for what purpose
was not learned. The latter (the native potato) is eaten
both raw and cooked.
Sporobolus striatus (Scribn.) Merrill. (Drop Seed
Grass), and S. cryptoandrus Gr. Grass family. Used in
Apache Plant Uses. 1H1
Svida stolonifera riparia Rydb. Dogwood. Dogwood
family. Use unknown to the writer, but probably con-
nected with the medicine ceremonies.
Triticum vulgar e L. Wheat. Grass family. The breads
made from flour have been previously mentioned, to which
the reader is referred.
ZTypha lati folia L. Cat-tail Flag. Gat-tail family. The use
of the Cat-tail flag pollen has already been given. The
flags are used in thatching the tepees and wick-e-ups.
Ustilago zeae. Corn smut. This smut is boiled and eaten.
Once the writer saw an Apache making a meal on smut and
wild honey.
SXanthium commune Britton. Cocklebur. Ragweed fam-
ily. In the old times the seeds of this plant were ground
and made into bread, usually being mixed with meal. A
blood medicine was also made from the roots and leaves of
this plant.
Yucca baccata Torr. (Datil), and Y. glauca Nutt. (Soap-
weed). Lily family. The uses which are made of these
plants have been previously given in detail, to which the
reader is referred.
Zea mays L. Corn. Grass family. The various uses made
of corn have been previously given.
Vol. 8, No. 4
A meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological Society was held at the
Milwaukee Public museum on Monday evening, May 20, 1928.
President Huron H. Smith occupied the chair. In the absence of
Secretary Charles E. Brown, who was returning from attendance at
the Conference on Midwestern Archaeology at St. Louis, Missouri,
Vice President W. W. Oilman was appointed to act as secretary.
Mr. Arthur P. Kannenberg of Oshkosh, a vice president of the So-
ciety, presented a very interesting paper on Indian Earthenware
Vessels in which the described particularly a series of these now in
the collections of the Oshkosh Public museum. This paper was
afterward discussed by the members present.
Mr. Roy S. Corwin gave an interesting illustrated talk on The
-Ohio Valley-Arterial Highway of Pioneers. Dr. Barrett presented
a report on the Conference on Midwestern Archaeology at St. Louis,
and President Smith a report on the meeting of the Central Section of
the American Anthropological Association, at Evanston, Mr. Ru-
dolph Boettger exhibited specimens collected from Muskego Lake
At the meeting of the Executive Board, held earlier in the evening,
there were elected as annual members of the Society Clarence Stark,
E. W. Dieffenbach, Karl Aichelen, Dr. E. G. Bruder, L. L. Greget,
Dr. N. P. Justin, Arthur Nolde, D. E Roberts of Milwaukee, and
Iran Otto of Fairwater. Governor Walter J. Kohler was elected an
honorary member. Princess Chinquilla, a Cheyenne woman, and
Albert Thunder and Mike White Eagle, members of the Winnebago
tribe, were elected Indian honorary members. Resolutions on the
death of Mr. William H. Vogel, a recently deceased vice president of
the Society, prepared by a special committee, the Messrs. Dr. A. L.
Kastner, Geo. A. West and Dr. E. G. W. Notz, were adopted. Mr.
West reported that Mr. Walter Schroeder had generously agreed to
place on the Hotel Schroeder at Milwaukee a tablet marking the
site of the Potawatomi Indian village once located there. This at the
request of the special committee, Messrs. C. E. Brown, Geo. A. West
and J. G. Gregory, appointed to urge the marking of this and other
local Indian villages.
The Messrs. Vetal Winn, Louis Pierron, Anton Sohrweide, and
Dr. E. J. W. Notz, were appointed to report on the condition of the
existing Milwaukee County Indian mounds, and the desirability of
preserving and marking those at present unprotected and unmarked.
The Messrs. Winn, Notz, Rev. Thomas M. Schmitz and Milo C. Rich-
ter were appointed a committee to report on the condition of the
mounds preserved in State Fair Park at West Allis. Mr. Robert P.
Ferry was authorized to make further improvements at Aztalan
Mound Park.
The directors again voiced their interest in the movement begun
by the History and Landmarks Committee, Wisconsin Federation of
Women's Clubs, to preserve the old U. S. Indian Agency House at
Portage. Messrs. Edward F. Richter, Chas. G. Schoewe and W. W.
Gilman were appointed a committee to cooperate in this worthy un-
dertaking. Appointments of several members and others to assist in
archaeological researches in several counties were made.
An invitation extended by Mr. Robert J. Kieckhefer to hold a meet-
Archeolog-ical Notes. 163
ing at this woodland preserve at Brookfield, on Saturday, June 15,
was accepted.
An invitation received from the Winnebago County Archeological
and Historical Society to attend the unveiling of a tablet on the site
of the Grignon-Porlier trading post at Butte des Morts on June 16,
was also accepted.
The Eighth Annual Meeting of the Central Section, American An-
thropological Association was held at Harris Hall, Northwestern Uni-
versity, Evanston, Illinois, on Friday and Saturday, May 10 and 11,
1929. Dr. Carl E. Guthe, of Ann Arbor, president of the Association,
conducted the meetings.
Of twenty-five very interesting papers presented at this meeting,
nine were presented by members of the Wisconsin Archeological
These were as follows: — Comparison of the Upper Palaeolithic of
Algeria with that of France, Dr. Geo. L. Collie; Plants Used by the
White Mountain Apache of Arizona, Dr. Albert B. Reagan; Notes on
the Natives of Africa, Dr. S. A. Barrett; Ethnobotany of the Winne-
bago Indians, Huron H. Smith; The Isle Royale Archeological Ex-
pedition, Geo A. West; The Algonquin in Iowa; Prof. Chas. R.
Keyes; Cartographic Symbols for Archeological Survey Maps, Charles
E. Brown ; Maps — New and Old of the Great Lakes Region, Dr. W.
B. Hinsdale, and Megalithic Monuments of Madagascar, Prof. Ralph
Mr. George R. Fox, director of The Warren Foundation, Three
Oaks, Michigan, is the very efficient secretary-treasurer of the Cen-
tral Section.
On the afternoon of Saturday, June 15, a field meeting of Milwau-
kee and other members .of the Wisconsin Archeological Society was
held at the woodland nature preserve of Mr. Robert J. Kieckhefer, at
Brookfield, in Waukesha County. Among those who were in attend-
ance at this gathering of archeologists were, Dr. A. L. Kastner,
Chas. G. Schoewe, Charles E. Brown, Huron H. Smith, Edward F.
Richter, Joseph Ringeisen, T. M. N. Lewis, Theodore T. Brown, Dr.
Frank Ehlman, Alfred R. Rogers, Edward Grobben, Irving McHenry,
Dr. William H. Brown, Frank Ames and Richard Phillip. An op-
portunity was given to view the fine log cabin retreat which is being
erected on the edge of this large woodland preserve and to visit the
Indian wigwams, tipis, and other structures erected, and the woodland
trails laid out by Mr. Oliver Lemere. A campfire supper was served
by Mr. Kieckhefer. The meeting was in every respect a most en-
joyable and interesting one. An old Indian camp site is located in
one of the Kieckhefer fields, which borders on the Fox (Pishtaka)
river. Near at hand are the well known Showerman Indian mounds.
The Winnebago County Archeological and Historical Society on the
afternoon of Sunday, June 16, 1929, unveiled a boulder monument on
the site of the old Grignon-Porlier fur-trading post, on the Overton
farm at Butte des Morts. A large company of members of the so-
ciety and of friends from Oshkosh and neighboring cities and vil-
lages were present during the very interesting ceremonies. Miss
Gene Sturtevant, corresponding secretary of the society lead the com-
pany in singing at the opening of the program. President Robert J.
Barnes introduced the speakers. Mr. George Overton gave a very
interesting account of the early history of the region and of the trad-
ing post which was situated on one of the fields of his farm on the
Lake Butte des Morts shore. Three young people of the Overton
family unveiled the monument. Following the unveiling Mr. Charles
E. Brown, secretary of the Wisconsin Archeological Society, delivered
an address on "Augustin Grignon, Fur Trader", in which he paid a
fine tribute to the memory of this most noted of French traders,"
whose influence during the early years of the nineteenth century ex-
tended from Green Bay to the Mississippi River," and whose very
interesting recollections the State Historical Society published. An-
other song, directed by Miss Sturtevant, closed the program. Many
of those attending the dedication afterwards ate their picnic suppers
together on the lawn of the hospitable Overton farm home. Here
Mr. Overton displayed a large collection of American trade imple-
ments and Indian stone implements collected from the site of the old
trading post. Some of those present, under the guidance of Mr.
Thomas Petford, made a visit to a number of plots of old Indian gar-
den beds in the pasture of the old Petford farm. Some of these were
reported to have had growing crops upon them when the owner's
father came as a pioneer settler to the region. The monument erec-
ted by Mr. Overton to mark the old post site is unique among boulder
markers in Wisconsin. It consists of a pyramid of large boulders
firmly cemented together on the top of which a large upright boul-
der has been placed. This bears an artistic bronze tablet. Mr. Arthur
P. Kannenberg was Mr. Overton's principal assistant in erecting this
fine monument which stands by the side of the Oshkosh to Butte des
Morts highway.
The Conference on Midwestern Archaeology arranged by the Com-
mittee on State Archaeological Surveys, Division of Anthropology
and Psychology, National Research Council, was held at Hotel Cor-
onado, St. Louis, on Friday and Saturday, May 17 and 18, 1929.
The meeting began with an open meeting of the Committee on
State Archaeological Surveys, at which various matters connected
with the surveys in different states were discussed. Papers were pre-
sented by Dr. Warren K. Moorehead, Dr. Greenman, Peter Brannon,
Dr. S. L. Barrett and W. C. McKern. In the afternoon a visit was
made to Monks Mound of the Cahokia Mound Group at East St.
Louis, under the direction of Dr. Moorehead. In the evening H. C.
Shetrone, director of the Ohio State Museum, gave an illustrated lec-
ture on "The Ancient Indians of the Mississippi Valley" in the audi-
torium of the Medical Society building.
The Saturday program included papers on "The Conservation of
Public Sites by Prof. Fay Cooper-Cole, on "The importance of Sys-
tematic and Accurate Methods of Investigation" by Dr. F. W.
Hodge, "The Values of Prehistoric Sites to the States in Which
They Lie", by Dr. Arthur C. Parker, and "The Human Interest of
Archaeology", by Dr. Clark Wissler. All of these papers were ful-
ly discussed. A banquet was served in the evening.
The arrangement of this fine meeting of American archeologists
reflects great credit on Dr. Knight Dunlap, chairman of the Division,
and on Dr. Carl E. Guthe, chairman of the Committee, which con-
sists of the Messrs. Peter A. Brannon, Amos W. Butler, Charles E.
Brown, Roland B. Dixon, Frederick W. Hodge, Chas. R. Keyes, A.
V. Kidder, Warren K. Moorehead, and H. C. Shetrone.
Perhaps the greatest good obtained from this Conference was not
the scholarly papers read, or the discussions which followed, but the
personal contacts which many archeologists from the Middle West,
the East, the South and West were thus enabled to thus make with
each other. Of the representatives from the Southern and Western
states many brought with them fine collections of interesting speci-
mens which they exhibited in their hotel rooms after the meetings.
Among the many who were in attendance, and who are not else-
where mentioned, were Dr. Calvin Brown and George Williams of
Mississippi, Dr. S. C. Dellinger, Harry J. Lemley and Jay L.
Archeologieal Notes.
Taylor of Arkansas, Dr. Franz Blom of Louisiana, Prof. J. E. Pearse
of Texas, E. E. Baird and Dr. F. P. Titherington of Missouri, P. E.
Cox of Tennessee, William Webb of Kentucky, Lawrence K. Fox
and W. H. Over of South Dakota, G. F. Will of North Dakota, Wil-
loughby M. Babcock of Minnesota, Geo. R. Fox and Dr. W. B. Hins-
dale of Michigan, H. K. Putnam of Iowa, Dr. Don C. Dickson of Illi-
nois, and Theodore Brown of Wisconsin.
On Friday, June 14, 1929 (Flag Day), a fine bronze tablet mounted
on a huge glacial boulder was formally unveiled on the site of a
group of four prehistoric Indian effigy and other mounds located in
the new Soldiers' Memorial plot of Forest Hill Cemetery, at Madison,
by the ladies of John Bell Chapter, D.A.R. Mr. Charles E. Brown,
director of the State Historical Museum, Madison, delivered the un-
veiling address.
These mounds are the remaining earthworks of a group of seven
formerly located here and which were first surveyed by Dr. A. B.
Stout, for the Wisconsin Archeological Society, on July 4, 1905. Aft-
er lying in a neglected state for years the preservation of these
mounds was urged upon the cemetery board by the landmarks com-
mittee of the Chapter, at Mr. Brown's suggestion and their restora-
tion and preservation secured. Of the effigies two are fine examples
of the panther type, one having a length of 121 and the other of 163
feet. A linear mound, in line with these, has a length of 115 feet.
A small wild goose effigy is to be restored. These mounds are beau-
tifully located for public inspection in a fine grove of tall oak trees.
On Saturday, July 8, a pilgrimage was made by a large number of
representatives of state and county historical societies to the old U.
S. Indian Agency House on the Fox River, at Portage. This was
conducted under the auspices of the Committee on History and Land-
marks of the Wisconsin Federation of Women's Clubs, of which Mrs.
Charles E. Buell of Madison, is the present chairman. The arrang-
ments for the meeting were made by a Madison committee consisting
of Mr. Theodore T. Brown, chairman, Mr. Burt Williams, Mrs. E.
H. Van Ostrand, and Mr. Albert O. Barton. A local committee, of
which Mr. H. E. Andrews was chairman, cooperated with the Madi-
son Committee.
The members of the pilgrimage gathered beneath the three great
elms on the Agency House lawn at noon and here a picnic lunch was
served. The program consisted of addresses by the following: —
Judge Chester A. Fowler, "Early Wisconsin History"; Burt Wil-
liams, "The Plan Proposed for Preserving the Old Agency House";
Dr. Louise P. Kellogg, "The Historic Significance of the Agency
House"; Col. Howard Greene, "State Landmarks", Charles E. Brown,
"The Present Need of Preserving Additional Historic Sites;" and H.
E. Andrews, "Early Life Within the Old Agency House."
The plan of various organizations for preserving the old Indian
Agency House, beneath whose roof Mrs. John H. Kinzie wrote "Wau-
Bun", is the most important historical undertaking now before the
people of the state.
The Michigan State Archaeological Society held a two-day meet-
ing at Three Oaks, on June 24 and 25, which was very well attended.
Among the many interesting papers presented was one by Mr. Ed-
ward Stevens of Kalamazoo who gave an account of a state archaeo-
logical map which he had prepared, and exhibited a section showing
the Indian village sites, mounds and trails of southwestern Michi-
gan. Dr. Alvin LaForge of Chicago presented a report on the Isle
Royale Archaeological Expedition, of which he was a member. Dr.
Carl E. Guthe gave an illustrated talk on "The Hidden Story of the
Indian". Mr. Geo. R. Fox, Mrs. Vina S. Adams of Battle Creek,
Robert Burgh of Three Oaks, Dr. H. T. Montgomery of South Bend,
Mr. L. Ben Reber of Royalton, Mr. Wilbur D. Marshall of Paw-Paw,
Mrs. Fred Dustin of Saginaw and Mr. Michael Williams also pre-
sented interesting papers.
On the second day of the meeting a pilgrimage was made to the
Warren Woods, the Warren Dunes, and to Indian village sites at
Glendora Corner, Painterville, Bear Cave and near Three Oaks.
The indoor meetings were held in the Chamberlain Memorial Mu-
seum. Mr. Geo. R. Fox was re-elected president of the Society and
Mr. Edward Stevens, secretary treasurer, Mr. Fred Edinger was
elected vice-president.
On Decoration Day, May 30th, the Geneva Lake Historical So-
ciety unveiled a metal tablet marker on the site of the grave of one
of the wives of the early Potawatomi chief Big Foot at Williams
Bay. Simon Kahquados, an aged chief of the Forest County band,
whose mother was a Williams Bay Indian woman, delivered the prin-
cipal address on this occasion. A large number of citizens and
others were present. Dr. Paul B. Jenkins deserves particular praise
for his activity in bringing about the marking of historical sites
about beautiful Lake Geneva. %
On Saturday, July 13, Mr. Charles E. Brown conducted the annual
excursion of University of Wisconsin Summer Session students,
nearly 150 participating in the pilgrimage. Two steamboats made
the circuit of Lake Mendota landing at the State Hospital grounds,
Morris Park, West Point and the University farm where features of
scenic, archeological and historic interest were visited. Dr. Louise
P. Kellogg, Mr. H. R. Briggs and Chief Albert Thunder, a Winne-
bago Indian, were the speakers at the several points visited. At
West Point the company were entertained by a quartette of Sioux
Indian singers who came from the pageant ground at Kilbourn for
this purpose.
New Publications
Mr. George A. West is the author of a monograph bearing the
title, "Copper :Its, Mining and Use by the Aborigines of the Lake
Superior Region", and which is published by the Milwaukee Public
Museum. Part 1 of this bulletin is devoted to a very interesting re-
port on the McDonald-Massee Isle Royale Expedition of 1928 of which
Mr. West and Mr. Geo. 11. Fox were the archoeologist members.
Part II is devoted to a consideration of "Prehistoric Copper Mining,"
and Part III to "Aboriginal Copper Artifacts". This bulletin is well
illustrated. The author acknowledges the assistance given in its pre-
paration by many fellow members of the Wisconsin Archeclogical
Society, and of other investigators in this interesting field.
Mr. West has been a devoted investigator of Wisconsin archaeolo-
gical history for many years. We expect to often refer to his report
in future issues.
The Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, New York,
has published a fine monograph on "Beads and Beadwork of the
American Indians", by William C. Orchard, being a study based on
specimens in that institution. In the introduction of this contribu-
tion the author says: — "Beads owe their origin to the desire by prim-
itive man for personal adornment; but so ancient are they that at-
tempts to trace their earliest sources have thus far been futile. So
Archeological Notes. 167
far as the New World is concerned, beads in a great variety of
shapes and materials have been found on prehistoric sites almost
everywhere, and some of them are undoubtedly of great age. It is
therefore quite evident that early aborigines of the Western Hemis-
phere were quite familiar with the use of beads for purposes of
adornment, in some cases as potent charms and in others as a medium
of exchange. But many of the uses to which beads have been put by
early man can only be surmised. Their use was and is worldwide."
Bulletin 86 of the Bureau of Ethnology is a monograph by Frances
Densmore on "Chippewa Customs." It is a very welcome addition to
our knowledge of the customs of the people of this numerous Ameri
can Indian tribe, and presents information gathered among these
Indians in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Canada. Chapters are devoted
to the results of a study of their history, totemic system, dwellings,
clothing, food, life cycle, dreams, Midewiwin, games, and industries.
Every member of the Wisconsin Archeological Society should secure
a copy of this report while it is available.
Professor Warren K. Moorehead is the author of a fine report on
"The Cahokia Mounds", this presenting an account of the explora-
tions carried on at this great group of Indian earthworks located in
the American Bottoms, near the city of East St. Louis, during the
years 1922, 1924 and 1927. The "Mound Technique" is by Dr. Moore-
head's able assistant, Jay L. B. Taylor. Part II of this report con-
sists of a paper on "The Geological Aspects of Some of the Cahokia
(Illinois) Mounds" by Morris M. Leighton, chief of the Illinois Geo-
logical Survey. Dr. Frank C. Baker has made a report on "The Use
of Molluscan Shells by the Cahokia Mound Builders." The Cahokia
report is published by the University of Illinois.
Among other recent anthropological publications is one on "Poly-
chrome Guanaco Cloaks of Patagonia", by S. K. Lothrop, printed by
the Museum of the American Indian. Lewis H. Morgan Chapter,
The New York State Archeological Association, has published a bul-
letin, "Notes on Eock Crevice Burials in Jefferson County at Point
Peninsula." The Green Bay Historical Society has printed a bulletin
on "Fort Howard (1824-1832). This is one of the last papers print-
ed by our late co-worker, Mr. Arthur C. Neville of Green Bay. A
University of Wisconsin Summer Session leaflet on "Insect Lore", is
written by Charles E. Brown. George B. Catlin has contributed to
the spring number of the Michigan History Magazine a paper on
"Michigan's Early Military Roads." The National Museum of Can-
ada, Ottawa, has issued a report of the activities of the museum for
1926. It contains anthropological papers by Harlan I. Smith and D.
Jenness. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale has published in the report of the
Michigan Academy of Science a paper on "Indian Mounds, West
Twin Lake, Montmorency County, Michigan".
Mr. T. M. N. Lewis has explored with interesting results the
Heger group of Indian mounds near Aztalan in Jefferson County.
Mr. M. K. Hulburt has made a re-survey of the Brooks group of
mounds near Reedsburg and reported on a number of village and
camp sites in Sauk County. Mr. J. P. Schumacher has reported on
certain village sites and burial places in Manitowoc, Kewaunee and
Shawano counties. Mr. L. R. Cooper excavated an effigy mound at
Morris Park. Mr. C. E. Brown has prepared a report on the exca-
vation of a grave at Crystal Lake and the excavation of a bird effigy
mound at Mendota. Mr. T. T. Brown is engaged in preparation of
trails maps. Dr. Gerend has supplied information concerning the lo-
cation and character of mounds and sites in Wood and Portage coun-
ties. Messrs. Geo. Overton and A. P. Kannenberg, are engaged in
surveys and investigations in Winnebago County. Rev. F. P. Day-
ton is continuing his researches in the region about New London.
Other members and friends of the Wisconsin Archeological Society
are sending reports of new discoveries and investigations to Secre-
tary C. E. Brown at Madison. Other members are requested to en-
gage in field work, as the opportunity offers during the summer and
autumn, and to send to him the results of their surveys and investi-
gations. Report forms will be supplied on request.
©ctofcet, 1929
Jfto. I
W. 9
©ttober, 1929
J?o. I
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec.
1103, Act, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jan. 28, 1921.
arcfjeologtcal g>ocfetp
Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing the study and
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
H. H. Smith
C. G. Schoewe
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand
A. T. Newman
Mrs. Theo. Koerner
W. W. Oilman
Dr. A. L. Kastner
A. P. Kannenberg
Dr. S. A. Barrett
M. C. Richter
Vetal Winn
R. J. Kieckhefer
E. F. Richter
L. R. Whitney
W. C. McKern
Mrs. A. E. Koerner
Geo. A. West
, G.M. Thorne
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. S. A. Barrett, J. P. Schumacher, W. G. Mc-
Lachlan, Rev. F. S. Dayton, C. E. Brown, W. C. McKern, T. L.
Miller, A. W. Pond, Geo. Overton, Frank Thomlinson, T. M. N.
Lewis and M. F. Hulburt.
MOUND PRESERVATION— W. W. Gilman, Dr. F. C. Rogers, Dr.
A. L. Kastner, R. J. Kieckhefer, Mrs. Jessie R. Skinner, Louise
P. Kellogg, Mrs. H. A. Main, R. A. Maas, J. W. Norris, Mrs.
F. R. Melcher, Dr. A. Gerend, and G. L. Pasco.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, Dr. G. L. Collie, A. C.
Neville, A. P. Kannenberg, E. P. Hamilton, William Horlick,
Mrs. H. A. Olson, Mrs. A. E. Koerner and R. S. Van Handel.
MEMBERSHIP— C. G. Schoewe, Dr. W. H. Brown, A. R. Rogers,
A. C. Cloos, Vetal Winn, C. G. Weyl, Mrs. Theo. Koerner, W.
P. Morgan, A. E. Koerner, Louis Pierron, C. Baerwald and D. S.
MAN MOUND PARK— M. F. Hulburt, E. A. Gilman and Miss Emma
AZTALAN MOUND PARK— R. P. Ferry, M. G. Troxell, and W. W.
PUBLICITY— A. O. Barton, Mrs. W. F. Bauchle, M. C. Richter, E. R.
Mclntyre and R. K. Coe.
BIOGRAPHY— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, C. G. Schoewe and H. H. Smith.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeological Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologrist" should be addressed to Charles E.
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Museum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thome, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce. Mil-
Vol. 9, No. 1, New Series
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in
Wiscnsin, Charles E. and Theodore T. Brown 7
Chief Simon Kaquados, Prairie Potawatomi Frontispiece
Archeological Map of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin.
Plate Facing Page
1. Pierce Village Site, at foot of Lake Koshkonong 26
Power Dam at Indian Ford.
2. Rock River below Indian Ford 40
The Mill on Bass Creek at Afton.
Prairie Potawatomi
Published Quarterly by the "Wisconsin Archeological Society
Vol. 9 MADISON, WIS., OCTOBER, 1929 No. 1
New Series
(Logan Survey)
Charles E. and Theodore T. Brown
From the southern extremity of Lake Koshkonong the
Rock River pursues a winding southwesterly course
through Fulton Township as far as the mouth of the Catfish
or Yahara River at Fulton, then it flows in a southeasterly
direction to the northwest corner of Janesville Township
and from there continues in the same direction as far as the
city of Janesville. In the southern part of Janesville it
makes a turn and flows west for a distance of about two
miles. From this point it flows in a southwesterly direc-
tion through Rock Township to the village of Afton. Here
its course changes and it flows in a southeasterly direction
to Riton. From this point, in the northeastern corner of
Beloit Township, it flows south to the city of Beloit in the
southeastern corner of this township. From the foot of
Lake Koshkonong to Beloit the distance along the river
bank is thirty-two miles.
The principal streams which merge their waters with
those of the Rock along this part of its course in Wisconsin
are the Catfish or Yahara which drains the beautiful Four
Lakes at Madison; and which enters the Rock at Fulton;
Three Mile Creek, which flows into the Rock at a distance
of a mile and a half north of Janesville, and Bass Creek
which flows into it at Afton. All of these flow into the
Rock on its western bank. Turtle Creek, which has one of
its sources in Delavan Lake, unites with the Rock at Beloit,
on its eastern bank. A small creek flows into the Rock on
its eastern bank about a mile north of Riton and a similar
brook enters it on its western bank at about the same dis-
tance south of this place.
The Rock in this part of Wisconsin, after ninety years of
occupation of its shorelands by white settlers, who have
placed these under cultivation or put them to other uses,
have drained its lowlands, and built cities and established
summer resort colonies, is still a very attractive stream. Of
the rather dense forests which once clothed its banks wood-
ed areas of considerable size remain at different places
along its course, and trees fringe its banks in other places.
In the rear of its bluffs and lowlands there formerly
stretched broad prairies with oak openings. South of Lake
Koshkonong and east of Indian Ford was a large prairie
to which early maps and settlers gave the name of Prairie-
du Lac. South of it was Rock Prairie.
The old Winnebago Indian name for the Rock was
E-neen-ne-shun-nuck, or "river of big stones." An early
Algonkian Indian name was Assini-sipi, or stone river.
Since this stream became known to white men it has borne
the names of "Kicapoue R.", "Stoney R." and "Rocky R.",
and other names. Louis Hennepin's map of 1683 names
the Rock as the "Seignelai R." and shows the Illinois located
north (east) of it.
The Catfish or Yahara River appears on some early maps
as the "Goosh-ke-hawn" (Koshkonong?), "Cos-ca-ho-e-
nah," and "River of the 4 Lakes."
Its Winnebago Indian name was Ho-wich-ra, "catfish."
The Winnebago Indian name for Turtle Creek is given
by Dr. N. P. Jipson as Ke-chunk-nee-shun-nuk-ra.* This
stream is described in the "History of Rock County" : — "A
stream flowing out of Turtle Lake in the northwestern cor-
ner of the town of Richmond in Walworth County, unites
near the west line of the town of Delavan with the outlet of
Delavan Lake, and the united streams form Turtle Creek,
which following a westerly course enters Rock County on
Sec. 13 in the town of Bradford, flows west and southwest
and empties into Rock River just below the State line at
* 2 Wis. Archeo., 3, p. 128, n. s.
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 9
To this information Mr. Robert H. Becker has added:
"This description of Turtle Creek tells nothing of the
beauty of this stream and the fertile valley through which
it flows. Near Beloit, where the Creek is quite large it is
especially beautiful, cutting deep into the limestone hills,
or, as it winds through broad rolling valleys, joined here
and there by brooks of clearest spring water."*
The length of this creek is about twenty-five miles.
A Dutch map of Marquette and Joliet printed by Pieter
Vander Aa, at Leyden, 1673, gives the name of the Rock as
the "Kicapoue R." It is shown as flowing from the western
shore of Lake Michigan directly west to the "R. Missipy."
The "Maskoutenten" are shown as occupying the lands di-
rectly north of the Rock, and the Kikabeux," Miamis and
"Illinoysen" those directly south of it.
Louis Hennepin's map of 1683 names the Rock as the
"Seignelai R." with the Illinois located north of it.
A French map of "Louisiana and Course of the Missis-
sippi," dated 1718, shows the "R. a la Roche" flowing from
the region of the "Mascouten or Fire Nation," west of Chi-
cagou," straight westward to the Mississippi instead of in
a southwesterly direction to that stream. On an English
map of 1720 the course of the river is the same and its name
is given as "Assenini or R. a la Roche." The John Senex
map of 1718-21 also gives this course and this name for the
Rock. On all of these maps the presence of a "Christal de
Roche" or "Christal Rock" is indicated south of the river,
not far from its mouth.
An English "Map of the Western Parts of the Colony of
Virginia," 1754, gives the name of "Assenisipi R." to the
Rock river. On Debrett's "Map of the United States of
America," 1795, the stream is called the "Rocky R." This
map and some other maps of this time show a range of hills
or mountains extending westward from near the foot of
Lake Michigan toward the mouth of the Rock. Thos.
Hutchin's "Map of the Western Parts (Etc.)" 1778, shows
the "Riviere a la Roche" flowing in its proper direction.
* 12 Wis. Archeo., 1, p. 7.
The name "R a la Roche'' or "Stoney R." appears on a
United States map of 1783. This map shows a "carrying
place" or portage between the headwaters of the Rock and
those of the Fond du Lac river. Another map of the same
date, engraved by Wm. Faden, carries the name "Rocky R."
and shows the Kickapoo located on its south bank midway
between its source and mouth. Other American and for-
eign maps of the years 1790 to 1820 carry the names "R.
Assenisipi or Rocky R.", "Stony R." or "R. Roche." On
the J. Warr. Jr., map, 1825, the name "Rock River" ap-
Some of the maps of the years 1796 to 1817 are curious
in that they show the Rock river as a rather insignificant
small stream. In at least one map it is shown as flowing
into the Illinois river.
The Rock River does not appear on Jean Boisseau's map
of New France, 1643, on Joliet's map of 1674, or on Lahon-
tan's map of the Longue River, 1703. It is apparently in-
dicated by a small stream on Hennepin's map, 1698. Sam-
uel de Champlain's interesting map bears the date 1632, two
years before Jean Nicollet's discovery of Wisconsin.
A considerable number of Indian trails connected the In-
dian camp and villages on the lower Rock River in south-
eastern Wisconsin with each other and with other similar
sites at a distance in every direction. These ancient trav-
elways were of two kinds, those which followed the course
of the stream from north to south, and those which ap-
proached it from various directions. The courses of some
of these aboriginal paths are preserved on the government
maps, and others on other early Wisconsin maps in the pos-
session of the Wisconsin Historical Society. The courses
of some others and which the pioneer settlers of this part
of Wisconsin knew and traveled, are not shown on any
known map.
One of the most important of the early trails of the lower
Rock River region in southeastern Wisconsin came from the
present location of Newville, at the foot of Lake Koshko-
nong. This trail followed down the east bank of the river
avoiding the marshy lands in the northeastern part of Ful-
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 11
ton Township, then following more closely the bank of the
stream to the site of the present settlement of Indian Ford.
For this place the Winnebago residents of this river had the
name of Ho-ru-tchka-ch, or "stream crossing." Here, in
the shallows, the Indians waded across the Rock to its west-
ern shore.
From Indian Ford settlement a trail ran down the. east
bank of the Rock to the present site of Janesville. This ap-
pears on Capt. T. J. Cram's "Map of Wiskonsin Territory/'
1839. A small remnant of this old east bank trail is pre-
served in a small tract of woodland near Newville.
On the west bank of the Rock a trail from the foot of
Lake Koshkonong traversed the high land, following the
curves of the river rather closely to Indian Ford and the
mouth of the Yahara River. From this point it continued
in a southeasterly direction to the site of the present city of
Janesville. Here it crossed the Rock at a ford, and contin-
ued in a southerly direction through the townships of Rock
and Beloit to the present city of Beloit. In Rock Township,
south of Janesville, this trail was in places from a mile and
a half to two miles east of the river. In Beloit Township
it followed the river rather closely.
Another trail, from the southwest shore of Lake Kosh-
konong, ran in a southwesterly direction over the southern
part of the site of the present city of Edgerton and on to
Fulton. Here the west bank trail united with this trail,
which crossed the Catfish River at Fulton and continued in
a southwesterly direction. In Section 9 of Fulton Town-
ship (in present Edgerton) a trail from the west shore of
Lake Koshkonong united with the Lake Koshkonong-Edger-
ton-Fulton trail.
A trail from the present site of Koshkonong Station on
the east shore of Lake Koshkonong ran southward across
the prairies to the present site of Milton, and from that
point in a southwesterly direction to the site of Janesville.
The portion of this trail which runs through Milton Town-
ship is shown on a map prepared by William C. Whitford and
published in the Milwaukee Sentinel, February 25, 1900.
He designates it as the "Army Trail." He shows two other
trails west of this one and leading southward across the
prairies from an Indian village site and the Thibault and
other French traders' cabin sites on the southeast shore of
Lake Koshkonong. The eastern of these two trails forked,
the east fork running in a southeasterly direction for three
miles and uniting with the Army trail. The western trail
ran to Janesville. All of these trails united with or inter-
sected a trail running from the northern end of Lake Kosh-
konong to the present site of Newville at the foot of the
lake. Just before reaching the foot of the lake, in Section
8, this trail forked, the northern fork crossing the Rock at
a ford at the foot of the lake, the other following southward
along the river bank as already described.
A trail from "Caramanee," an early "paper city" located
south of the mouth of the Catfish River at Fulton, ran west-
ward across Rock County to the Sugar River at Livingston.
It continued on to Monroe.
A trail from "Rockport," on the west bank of the Rock,
opposite Janesville, pursued a northwest direction across
Rock County toward the Madison lakes. Another trail
from the site of present Janesville ran across the Rock
County prairies in a southeasterly direction to the site of
present Delavan in Walworth County.
These trails and the trail from Janesville to Milton and
Lake Koshkonong, appear on Capt. Thomas J. Cram's "Map
of Wiskonsin Territory," 1839. The trail from Fulton to
Livingston is also shown on a map of Tanner's Wisconsin
atlas of 1844. This map shows the Delavan to Janesville
trail continuing westward from Janesville to De Munn's
trading post, "Centerville," on the Sugar River near Brod-
head in Green County. A trail from the east, from "Wau-
keeshah," also came to Janesville. It appears on Farmer's
map, 1830.
Beloit was a center for a number of trails besides the one
already noted. One trail ran from the west bank of the
Rock, above Beloit, in a northwest direction. In the south-
east corner of Section 17 of Beloit Township this trail
forked, the north fork running in a northwest direction to
Orfordville and on to the Sugar River. The south trail ran
in a northwest direction to the vicinity of present Brodhead
on the Sugar. These are shown on Tanner's map. Most
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 13
of these trails also appear on Aug. Mitchell's map of Wis-
consin and Iowa, 1838.
A trail from Fontana, at the western end of Lake Geneva,
ran to Beloit. This was the Chicago trail. Fontana was
the location of Chief Big Foot's Potawatomi village. Its
curving course was at different points from two to six miles
south of Turtle Creek.
At a distance of about three miles east of the present lim-
its of Beloit this trail was intersected by a trail running
west from the site of Delavan. This trail crossed the Creek
and ran in a southwest direction to the mouth of the Creek
in Beloit. These appear on Cram's map of 1839. A trail
also followed the north bank of Turtle Creek.
A trail from the southwest shore of Lake Kegonsa in
Dane County ran down the we^t bank of the Catfish River
to about two miles below Dunkirk where it crossed the river.
It continued down the east bank to Fulton where it again
crossed the river. Its course is shown on the Milwaukee
Land District map, 1840.
The Rock River was forded by the early Indians in a
number of the shallow places along its course. The exact
site of some of these river crossings is well known. One of
these was at the foot of Lake Koshkonong at the site of
present Newville. At Indian Ford the river crossing is re-
ported to have been at the river bend just north of the set-
tlement. The Indians are also said to have crossed at times
in the shallows just below the present highway bridge and
power dam.
There was a ford about a half mile below the mouth of
the Catfish River where a highway bridge was afterwards
erected and later removed. Another ford was located op-
posite the Parish and Shoemaker farms at the Four Mile
bridge, north of Janesville. At Janesville there were sev-
eral fords, "Rock Ford," the best known crossing, being near
the present Janesville to Beloit highway bridge, formerly
known as the Monteray bridge.
Another crossing was probably north of the mouth of
Bass Creek at Afton. At Beloit there were several cross-
ings of the Rock, and at least one of Turtle Creek. The ex-
act locations of these we have been unable to learn. One
was near the northern limits of the city.
A Dutch map, elsewhere referred to, evidently based on
the explorations of Marquette and Joliet, printed at Leyden,
in 1673, names the Rock the "Kicapoue." On this map the
"Maskoutenten" (Mascouten) are shown as occupying the
lands on one side, and the "Kikabeux" (Kickapoo), "Mia-
mis" and "Illinoysen" (Illinois) those on the opposite bank.
Hennepin's map of 1683 shows the Illinois located there.
Doubtless they had camps and villages along the Rock in
both Northern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin.
In 1^27 some of the Winnebago, who were at and near
Green Bay, moved to the Rock River. By 1742 half of the
tribe were located on this river. From that time on the
Rock River Band maintained its position on the Rock with
villages at Horicon, Hustisford, Watertown, Lake Koshko-
nong, Janesville and other places in Wisconsin, and others
in Illinois to as far south as Dixon. Dr. N. P. Jipson has
written an account of the history of the Winnebago villages
located between Lake Koshkonong and Dixon and which has
been freely drawn upon in preparing parts of this survey
Royal B. Way in his book, "The Rock River Valley,"
says: "The Winnebago Indians were the first settlers of
the county (Rock) . From the north line of the county near
the south end of Lake Koshkonong to the State line at Be-
loit, along the Rock River, an almost continuous line of In-
dian mounds, villages and camp sites testify to the fact.
Before 1835 and the advent of the white man the Indians
had left.
The Winnebagoes never had, however, unassailed posses-
sion of the county. The Sauk and Foxes and Pottawato-
mies claimed with them an ownership of the Rock River
country, while the Pottawatomies disputed the possession
of Rock County with them. The first treaty made by the
United States for any of the lands of the Rock River was
2 Wis. Archeo. 3, n. s.
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 15
made with the Winnebagoes, January 30, 1816, followed by
those of 1826 and 1833. The remaining part of the county
was secured to the United States by the treaty with the
Chippewa, Ottawa and Pottawatomie Indians at Chicago in
September, 1833. All doubt as to the title was removed by
the treaty with the Winnebagoes in 1838 in which that tribe
ceded all of their lands east of the Mississippi.
"The treaty of 1832 with the Winnebagoes secured to the
United States for settlement the western half of Rock
County, while that of 1833 with the Ottowas, Chippewas
and Pottawatomies secured the east half of the county."
The many Indian villages located along the course of the
Rock River between its source and its mouth made this
stream a rich field for the fur traders. The earliest of the
French traders came from the post at Green Bay, visiting
the Indian villages and gathering the furs and skins which
their inhabitants possessed. In later years British and
American traders operated over the same route. Some of
these traders came by canoe following a water trail up the
Fox river to Lake Winnebago, then going to the foot of the
lake and up the Fond du Lac river. At its source was a
portage or "carrying place" across which they transported
their goods to the head of the Rock river. Another route
was by way of the Fox and Wisconsin and from the latter
river by means of Pheasant Branch to Lake Mendota. In
wet years the waters of these two streams so closely ap-
proached each other that no portage between them was
necessary. The remainder of the route to the Rock was
through the Madison lakes and down the Yahara or Catfish
river to the larger stream. In 1778 Charles Gauthier de-
Verville made a journey over this course from Green Bay
to the Rock.*
One of the early traders on the Riviere Roche was Pierre
La Porte, a Canadian Frenchman, who worked for the old
American Fur Company for a great many years. Begin-
ning with the nineteeth century, and for a period before
that time, he had as his territory the Rock River running
* W. H. Colls., 10-72.
from a point just above where Janesville is now located."
"The great double bend about half way up the Ouisconsin
line was one of the camping spots or trading stations. The
mouth of the Rock River was the downstream terminal. On
a few occasions LaPorte traded up-stream along Rock River
and at the end of such trips he sold his furs at Green Bay."*
Capt. Thomas A. Anderson spent a winter in trading
with the Winnebago on Rock river, probably at the foot of
Lake Koshkonong, in 1802 and 1803. There were some
French traders located near him at the time.*
Two trading cabins were located on the shores of Lake
Koshkonong. One of these was located on the west shore
of the Lake on the Bingham farm on Crabapple point. Here
on a former Indian village site, Mr. Rufus Bingham in 1839
found the excavation, rotting timbers, and fallen stone of
an old trading cabin and its chimney. Nothing is known of
the trader, whom Rev. Stephen D. Peet supposes to have
been Le Sellier. This site is about three miles from the foot
of the lake.* On the east shore of the lake, about a mile
north of its Rock River outlet, was located until the winter
of 1837-38 the log cabin home of Joseph Thibault (Thie-
beau). Three other traders, Charley Poe, Elleck (Alex.)
Le Hear (Lemere) and Cavelle, occupied three other log
cabins in this first white settlement on the shores of the
lake. Thibault was an agent for the Milwaukee trader, Sol-
omon Juneau, who is reported to have made more than one
visit to the lake to see him. He was a Canadian, the earli-
est settler at Beloit. He had two Indian wives and three 01
four children.*
Joseph Thibault was the American Fur Co. trader at the
Winnebago village at Turtle Creek at Beloit for about a
dozen years before 1836.*
Other traders who supplied the Indians of the Rock River
villages with trade goods in return for their furs were
Shephen Mack, whose post in 1829 was at Bird's Grove, on
the Rock at the mouth of the Pecatonica River, in Illinois.
The Indians were very fond of him and he settled many
disputes between the Winnebago and Potawatomi. At
* A. B. Way, The Rock River Valley, 137.
*Wis. Archeo., 7, 78-79; 99-100.
* A. B. Way, The Rock River Valley, 141.
* W. H. Colls., 9-152.
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 17
Grand Detour on the Rock was the trading post of Pierre
Lasaliere (Le Sellier), a Canadian and long an employee of
the American Fur Co. His name is mentioned as one of its
employees at Mackinac in 1818-19. He made visits to the
Indians of the Rock and Wisconsin in the fur trade interests
as early as 1813. Near Dixon was located the trading post
of John Dixon, founder of the Illinois city which bears his
name. Other traders located not far distant from the Rock
were Jules de Munn whose trading house was on the Sugar
River near the site of the present city of Brodhead ; on the
shore of Lake Kegonsa at its Yahara River outlet the cabin
of the trader Abel Rasdall, and in Madison the post of the
French trader, Oliver Armel. De Munn was a near rela-
tive of the Choteaus, the noted company of St. Louis Indian
traders.* All of the later traders also traded with the Rock
River Indians.
In "The Antiquities of Wisconsin," published by the
Smithsonian Institution in 1855, Dr. Increase A. Lapham
devotes a chapter to a description of the "Ancient Works in
the Basin of Rock River and its Branches." He describes
and figures the group of mounds located on the Beloit Col-
lege campus, another group three-fourths of a mile north of
Beloit, those at "Indian Hill" at the mouth of the Catfish
River, the enclosure at Fulton, and mentions some of the
other mound groups formerly existing near the latter place.
Rev. Stephen D. Peet, in Prehistoric America (v. 2) fig-
ures and describes the principal mound groups in the Rock
River valley between Beloit and Lake Koshkonong. He pre-
sents a map prepared by James Wilson, Jr., C. E. of the In-
dian mound groups located along the Rock River and its
tributary, Turtle Creek, in the vicinity of Beloit. Twelve
mound groups are located on the Wilson map which appears
to have been carefully prepared. Dr. Peet's book was pub-
lished in 1895.*
In 1908 the Messrs. A. B. Stout and H. L. Skavlem pub-
lished in The Wisconsin Archeologist (v. 7, no. 2) their re-
port on "The Archeology of the Lake Koshkonong Region/'
* Lower Rock River Winnebago Villages, Wis. Archeo. 2-3.
* Papers first printed in The American Antiquarian.
This report contains descriptions of the mounds and vil-
lage sites at Newville, at the foot of Lake Koshkonong, and
which are within the river region covered by the present in-
Mr. H. L. Skavlem in 1914 published a description and
plat of the mound group at "Indian Hill" near the mouth of
the Catfish River. This is a correction of the survey made
by Dr. Lapham in 1850. (Wis. Archeo., v. 13, no. 2).
A report on the Indian mounds and village sites on the
banks of Turtle Creek was published by Robert H. Becker
in 1913. (Wis. Archeo. v. 12, no. 1). In 1919, Mr. Ira M.
Buell published a report, "Beloit Mound Groups," in which
he presented the results of a re-survey with illustrations of
the Indian mound groups on the banks of the Rock River
and Turtle Creek near Beloit. (Wis. Archeo., v. 18, no. 4).
He mentions the surveys made in previous years of some of
these groups by Lapham, Lathrop, Peet, Collie, Riner,
Riggs, Becker and Hyde.
A paper on the "Winnebago Villages and Chieftains of
the Lower Rock River Region" in Wisconsin and Illinois
was published in The Wisconsin Archeologist (v. 2, no. 3,
n. s.) in 1923.
Other references to Lower Rock River Indian history and
prehistory occur in the Wisconsin Historical Collections, in
other volumes of The Wisconsin Archeologist, and in the
several histories of Rock County. Both Mr. H. L. Skavlem
and the late Mr. W. P. Clarke have published descriptions
of Mound groups at Janesville, Afton and elsewhere in the
Rock River valley in past issues of the Janesville Gazette.
Black Hawk Village Site
(Cent. Sec. 7)
The site of the camp ground, occupied by the Sauk chieJ
Black Hawk and his warriors in 1832, is described by Geo.
W. Ogden in the History of Rock County, published in 1856 :
"We left Milwaukee in the month of September, 1836,
with an ox team wending our way westward for the Rock
The numbers correspond with those on the map cdioming
1. Black Hawk Village Site
2. Quarry Mound
3. Newville Cache
4. Rock River Village Site
5. Pierce Village Site
6. Newville Village Site
7. Riverview Resort Village Site
8. Ridgeview Village Site
9. South Bank Camp Sites
10. Oak Ridge Village Site
11. River Bend Shell Heap
12. Edgerton Camp Sites
13. Miller Camp Site
14. Devil's Oven
15. Brown Camp Site
1 6. Southworth Farm Village Site
17. Indian Ford Camp Site
18. Indian Ford Heights Camp Site
19. South Indian Ford Camp Site
20. Indian Ford Flats Village Site
21. Rainbows End Corn Field
22. Indian Hill Mound Group
23. Catfish Village
24 Stone Farm Village Site
25. Murwin Camp Site
26. Hubbell Village Site and Mounds
27. Beggs Camp Site
28. Northwest Sections Camp and Village
29. Four Mile Bridge Village Site
30. Parish Camp Site
31. Elmhurst Village Site
32. Three Mile Creek Camp Sites
33- Wixon Hill Site
34- Riverside Park Village Site
35. Sutherland Graves
36. Crystal and Hiawatha Springs Village
37- Stonehenge Camp Site
38. Broege Island Camp Site
39- Riverbank Camp Sites
40. West Bank Camp Sites
41. Pearl Street Cache
42. Round Rock Village
43- South Palm Street Camp Site
44- Spring Brook Mounds
45- Bailey Mounds and Corn Fields
46. Eastern Avenue Village Site
47- Kellogg Corn Field
48. West Janesville Mounds
49- Rulondale Camp Site
50. Afton Mound Group
51. Afton Mill Camp Site and Mounds
52. Holzapfel Camp Site
53- Antisdell Village Site
54- Mouth of Bass Creek Camp Site
55- Bass Creek Site
56. M. E. Church Picnic Ground Camp Site
57- River Heights Camp Site
58. Willard School Camp Site
59- Riverside Camp Site
60. Coates Camp Site
61. Woodstock Mounds
62. Oakley Farm Camp Site
63. Inman Camp Site
64. Rasmussen Camp Site
65. Rice Camp Site
66. Clam Shell Site
67. West Bank Camp Sites
68. Big Hill Camp Site
69. Poe Mound
70. West Beloit Camp Sites
71. Roth Mounds
72. The Oaks Camp Site
73- Yost Park Village Site* and Mound
74- Baldwin Mound
75- Weirick Mound Group
* Standing Post Village.
76. Beloit Country Club Camp Site
77. Henderson Effigy
78. U. S. 51 Camp Site
79. Adams Mounds
80. Water Tower Mounds
81. Beloit College Mound Group
82. Turtle Village
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 19
River Valley. We reached Rock River at the foot of
Lake Koshkonong. Here we concluded to stop and com-
mence our future home. My claim included the camp
ground of Black Hawk and from indications the Indians
must have remained several weeks living on clams, fish, wild
rice and game. We found heaps of clam shells, three or
four feet across and a foot deep. And even at the present
day (1856), I frequently run my plow through these heaps
of shells. This old camp ground covered nearly two acres.
The tent poles were then standing together with his flag
pole painted in a fantastic manner. These poles remained
standing several years. Here were several recent graves,
also one skeleton placed in a wood trough with another
turned over it, inside of a small pen laid up of small poles all
on the surface of the ground. I have plowed out at various
times large shells at least a foot and a half in length, shaped
like the periwinkle (undoubtedly sea-shells) but how they
came there is the question.
A large number of ancient mounds are here. I have,
however, leveled several of them with my plow and turned
out various relics, such as human bones, heads, pieces of
wampum, stone battle axes, etc. The Indians in consider-
able number remained around in this vicinity for several
years (after 1836) and even until very recently they have
made annual visits to fish and gather rice."
Mr. H. L. Skavlem describes this village site :
"At the south end of Lake Koshkonong the river is again
confined within its ordinary channel. Near the center of
Section 7, Town of Milton, the shore on the south side is low
and marshy for some distance back from the river.
It gradually rises to a dry and sandy plane. Back of this
to the south and east are moranic gravel ridges rising from
40 to 70 feet above and enclosing this almost level plateau,
forming a beautiful amphitheatre of several hundred acres.
Here is where the pioneers located Black Hawk's camp in
1832. Vestiges of the shell heaps mentioned by Mr. Ogden
are still discernible in the plowed fields and the mounds de-
scribed as being leveled by his plow can still be located."*
This village site, located south of the Rock River at the
foot of Lake Koshkonong, was an important one being sit-
7-1 Wis. Archeologist, 74.
uated on the Indian trail which ran down the east shore of
the lake, and which forded the river at this point. A fork
of this trail followed the south bank of the river.
There were Winnebago camps on this site for many years
before its temporary occupation by the Sauk Indians of
Black Hawk's band, in 1832. Small numbers of Winnebago
continued to camp here for some years after 1836.
Large numbers of stone, and some bone, shell, copper and
other implements and ornaments have been collected from
the fields of this site in past years, the character of some of
which appear to indicate that it was also occupied by some
Algonquian people before its Winnebago residents erected
their rush and bark covered wigwams here.
Among the specimens collected there were stone celts,
grooved axes, adz-celts, chisels, grooved hammers, mauls,
notched sinkers, balls, rubbing stones, grinding stones, flint,
blanks, arrow and spearpoints, knives, scrapers and per-
forators, of many different shapes, bone awls, flakers and
scrapers, copper knives and spearpoints, a hematite celt and
cone, pieces of cut antler, lumps of galena ore. A slate gor-
get, stone beads, shell disk beads and an oval shell pendant,
stone discoidal, fragmentary pottery pipe, rectangular cat-
linite pipe, sea-shell pendant, lead disk bead, bone tube, wam-
pum beads and two stone plummets. Some of these spec-
imens were in the collection of W. P. Clarke, the former
Milton collector. The unearthing by the plow of a cache of
several large sea shells has been mentioned. Burned hearth-
stones were scattered over the site. Potsherds were once
commonly found. Some of these were cord-marked and
crushed-rock tempered, some were unornamented sand-tem-
pered sherds, and others were ornamented with indented and
incised markings and made of shell and sand-tempered clay.
Years ago much more might have been learned from an ex-
amination of this site. Mr. Clarke found that both flint im-
plement manufacture and stone celt or axe making had been
engaged in on this site.
Near this site on a hill crest Messrs. Stout and Skavlem
found two conical mounds, and about 300 feet west of these
on a slight ridge another. Five hundred feet beyond were
* Wis. Archeo., v. 7, no. 2, p. 50.
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 21
two nearly leveled earthworks of the same class. About one-
quarter of a mile to the southeast, near the farm buildings
(N. W. % of S. E. 14 Sec. 7) were three linear mounds.
These mounds they have named the "Ogden Group."*
Quarry Mound
(NW. % Sec. 7)
A solitary conical mound, about 45 feet in diameter and 3
feet high at its middle, is located on a river field of the W.
Splitter farm near Newville. It is in a grassy pasture near
the marshy bank of the Rock River. This pasture is on the
west side of the new highway from Newville to Fort Atkin-
son. The mound is about 60 feet from the highway and 150
feet from the edge of a small abandoned limestone quarry.
It shows indications of having been dug into at its middle.
Of the results of this digging nothing was learned. We
mention this mound because it appears to have been missed
in earlier surveys of the archeological remains of this re-
Flint chips and fragments and some hearthstones were
found in this field which is very likely a camp site. Being
under sod other evidences of this could not be found. Some
flint implements and burned stones have also been found in
the cultivated fields on the opposite side of the road. In
times of high water the pasture field would be subject to at
least partial overflow.
Winnebago Indians camped along this shore in early
years of white settlement. The cabin of Joseph Thibault, a
trader, was located two miles north of this site on the east
shore of Lake Koshkonong.
Newville Cache
(NW. % Sec. 7)
A cache or hoard of leaf -shaped flint blanks was found
some years ago by Louis Pierce of Newville on the present
August Rutz farm, on the highway from Newville to Mil-
ton. These were found in a small area having been un-
earthed and scattered by the cultivation of the land. They
had probably been placed beneath the surface of the soil by
their former Indian owner to keep the material in good con-
dition for later use in implement making. A few speci-
mens from this deposit of blanks are in the collection of his
brother, W. S. Pierce, at Newville. These specimens are
about 2]/2 inches in length.
Similar caches of blanks and blades have been found on
many Indian village sites in Wisconsin. Several are in the
collections of the State Historical Museum at Madison.
Rock River Village Site
(SW. 14 Sec. 6 and NW. % Sec. 7.)
Mr. H. L. Skavlem has described this village site in The
Wisconsin Archeologist issue of April-June, 1908.*
"Here are abundant indications of an extensive aborigi-
nal village site and long continued occupation.
On the extreme edge of the steep river bank, which here
rises from ten to twenty feet abruptly above the water, are
extensive shell and refuse heaps several feet in depth and
extending along the edge of the river bank for several hun-
dred feet. Lake erosion of the river bank shows this "kjok-
ken modding" in some places to be over 3 feet in depth and
extending back and some distance up and along the sides of
the larger tumuli. Remains of shell heaps and the burned
stones of fireplaces are scattered over an area of at least a
hundred acres. Broken pottery, large quantities of flint-
arrow and spear points, spalls and chips, hammerstones,
stone axes, mauls, celts and gouges and numerous copper
spears, axes and knives, have been collected on these
grounds. Iron, brass and copper materials of trade origin,
appear to be of rare occurrence."
This village site begins north of the creek bed which
forms the eastern boundary of the Pierce Village Site. It
occupies the fields of the Morris Cooper (formerly Benja-
min Cooper) farm on both sides of the road, and extends
on to the more elevated lands of the Herman Krueger farm
beyond on the Lake Koshkonong shore. Mr. Skavlem's de-
scription applies more particularly to the latter part of this
On the Cooper farm the richest part of the site occupies a
level field about two city blocks in extent on the south or
river side of the road. It is elevated only a few feet above
the waters of the river. It extends from the hillside slope in
* 7 — 2 Wisconsin Archeologist, 73, 50-51.
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 23
the rear of the Krueger home westward to the line of sum-
mer resort cottages known as "Koshkonong Retreat" and
most of which face the creek bank.
Across this field and the adjoining lands formerly ex-
tended the group of eleven conical mounds described by Dr.
Arlow B. Stout in 1908 as the "Rock River Group."* Most
of these mounds have now been plowed out of existence or
removed. Two remain near the Cooper house and in the or-
chard west of it. One is indicated by a slight dark eleva-
tion in the Cooper river shore field, and one is located by the
side of the road (the Milton-Fulton town line) in a grove of
oak trees near the "Shadow Hill" shack of the Retreat cot-
tages. This mound is 24 feet in diameter and about 1% feet
high. An oak tree about one foot in diameter stands on its
top. Human bones were recently disturbed in digging a
hole for a telephone pole in the mound near the Cooper
Evidences of aboriginal occupation are abundant in the
river shore field. Hearthstones and flint refuse are abun-
dant. Here and there along the river bank and in the field
itself are traces of former clam shell heaps and pits of small
size. One appears to have encroached on one side of a for-
mer mound. The largest was located on the river bank
just east of one of the Retreat cottages. All of the former
shell heaps the plow has demolished and scattered.
Deer and other animal bones and pieces of turtle shell
were in some of these heaps. The part of this village site
in the Cooper field on the north side of the road also shows
traces of former shell deposits.
The number of flint implements, chiefly arrow and spear-
points, collected from the Cooper fields has been very large.
Mr. Morris Cooper states that in the past twenty-nine years
fully one thousand of these have been gathered here. Three
collections of these have been made one of which is the prop-
erty of Horatio Marsden at Albion and another remains in
his own possession. Of his collection about 250 specimens
are displayed in a frame in his house. Seven of these are
perforators of the simple stemless form and the balance ar-
row and spearpoints of the triangular, stemmed, notched
and barbed forms. Twelve are small triangular points. A
* 7—2 Wisconsin Archeologist, 73, 50-51.
fine notched spearpoint with a finely serrated edge is about
three inches long. Another is of about the same shape and
length without the serration. These points are made of
white, grey, bluish-grey, red, light brown, pink and flesh-
colored flint, fragments, and chips of which material are
scattered over the surface of the site. Three of the notched
points are made of light brown quartzite.
On October 17 we excavated a small refuse pit located
within a few feet of the "Koshkonong Retreat" cottages.
This was located on the river bank. This small pit about
three feet in diameter and two feet deep was entirely filled
with closely packed valves of partly decomposed clam shells.
This heap must have once extended above ground. Near it
small pieces of shell are scattered by the plow over an area
about sixty feet long and ten or more feet wide. Test pits
were dug elsewhere in this vicinity but no other shell depos-
its were encountered.
One hundred and fifty potsherds dug from or collected
from the surface of the western third of this site on October
11 and 12 are evidently fragments of vessels of both large
and small sizes. All are crushed rock tempered. Of these
sherds, the majority, are thick and made of brown clay.
Some are made of red clay, some of these are thick, others
thin. Some are of dark colored clay, surfaced on one or
both surfaces with red clay.
Of six rim pieces, four have straight and two outward
turned rims. Three thick brown clay rims show no orna-
mentation. One (brown ware) is surfaced on both sides
with red clay. Its rim is ornamented with small indenta-
tions and its outer surface with faint markings.
One piece (brown ware) is ornamented below the rim
with small elliptical diagonal indentations. One (thin red
ware) is unornamented.
Three sherds (dark brown clay) are ornamented with
rows of parallel incised lines unequal distances apart. One
shows twelve such lines.
Forty-one sherds (brown ware, and brown ware surfaced
with red clay) are ornamented with coarse or fine twisted-
cord impressions.
One sherd (brown ware surfaced on the outer surface
with red clay) is ornamented with two parallel rows of small
roulette impressions.
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 25
One sherd (thin, red clay) is ornamented with several
parallel rows of small oval indentations.
One sherd (brown ware) shows cord impressions and a
single incised line below them.
One sherd (thin, red clay), the best ornamented of the
lot, is ornamented with a series of twisted-cord impressions
above which is an incised curved line above which are sev-
eral parallel lines of small circular impressions probably
made with a hollow plant stem.
So far as known no perfect vessel has as yet been ob-
tained from the black, sandy soil of this field.
Test pits dug at a number of points on this village site
show that in places the village refuse (flint chips and frag-
ments, pieces of broken bone, shell fragments, etc.), the
relic-bearing layer, extends at least from three to four feet
beneath the surface.
The Lake Koshkonong west shore trail passed over or
near this site, which appears to have been an early Algon-
quian place of residence.
Pierce Village Site
(SE. % Sec. 1)
At Newville on the north side of the Rock River road on
the Henry Pierce farm is a very sandy cultivated field. In
this field, extending back from the highway, are four sand
ridges elevated but a few feet above the road. On the top
of these ridges evidences of aboriginal occupation are very
abundant. Hearthstones of all sizes are of very frequent
occurrence. Flint chips, flakes, spalls and fragments of
various colors and kinds of flint are very numerous. Nearly
three hundred of these were counted on the top of the most
westerly ridge within a radius of about thirty feet.
Although this site has been frequented by collectors for
the past twenty or more years and hundreds of flint arrows
and spearpoints, and many scrapers, perforators, knives
and some axes and celts collected we were able to gather
from the several wigwam and workshop sites on the three
ridges in less than an hour's search a number of flint blanks,
entire and broken, several arrowpoints, a scraper, several
rejects, several entire and broken hammerstones, flint peck-
ing hammers, broken flint nodules, an anvil stone, a red
sandstone smoothing stone, and two notched stone net
weights. A single cord-ornamented potsherd was also
These three low ridges are about 400 feet north of the
river bank. The most westerly ridge is separated from the
one east of it by a distance of about 175 feet, and this one
from the next east by a shorter distance. Each of these
ridges appears to have been occupied at some time by a wig-
wam, the west ridge probably by two.
On the east side of the road, in the NE. 1/4 Sec. 2, evi-
dences of former camp life also occur, though not so abun-
dantly, on several knolls or elevated spots in a field thinly
overgrown with grass and in use as a pasture. Such evi-
dences also occur on knolls and level places in a field adjoin-
ing this one on the west.
At the eastern end of this rich village site a brook flows
down to the river through a small marshy bed from a high
wooded ridge in the rear. The river bank is here steep and
The two net-weights found on the Pierce site are rather
unique. The largest, made of red sandstone, is 2% inches
in length and 1% inches in width and 11/4 inches thick. Its
surface is roughly flaked. Its two edges are notched by the
use of a pecking hammer. The other specimen, made of red
granite, is 21/4 x 1% x 11/4 inches in size. It is roughly
flaked, the notches at the two sides being made in the same
manner. They were found within a short distance of each
other. Several similar specimens have been collected here.
They may be part of a set or quantity of such weights.
The flint worked here is largely of greyish-white, buff,
and flesh (to pink) colors. Blanks of all of these, some
broken, occur here in fair numbers. All is Wisconsin ma-
terial and its source was probably not distant. Other flint
used in implement manufacture is of bluish-grey, white and
dark red colors. This is not as common. One rhyolite
(black) and one quartzite (buff) chip were found.
Mr. Geo. H. Sherman of Newville has in his collection five
pieces or lumps of galena or lead ore which he collected at
Plate 1
Indian Village and Cainp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 27
different times from the Pierce farm site. The largest of
these weighs 5 pounds and the smallest about one pound.
Mr. Sherman has in his collection of about one thousand
flint implements many which were found here.
Opposite both the Rock River and the Pierce village sites
there were when the first white settlers came to this region
large beds of wild rice which the Winnebago Indians then
encamped here gathered. Mussels were also abundant in
the river. Some of these the Indians dried for future use.
Both sites might be termed fishing villages, their inhabi-
tants depending on water products (fish, mussels, wild rice
and the edible roots of water plants) to a very considerable
extent for food. Both sites exhibit evidence of having been
occupied by an Algonkian people at an earlier date.
Neivville Village Site
(NE. 14 Sec. 12)
John Farmer's "Map of the Territories of Michigan and
Wisconsin," published in 1836, shows the location of a Win-
nebago village at Newville. This was on the south bank of
the Rock River a short distance from the foot of Lake Kosh-
konong, and on the trail leading from the lake down the
Rock. On a map of "Wiskonsin Territory/' 1837, the name
of this village is given as Tay-cheedah, translated as "mud
village." Of this village and the number of its inhabitants
during these years very little is known. Its chief or chiefs
were not sufficiently prominent to have won historical rec-
ognition. It was a good fishing locality and Indians con-
tinued to visit and to camp in this locality in numbers for
many years after the white settlers came to this region.
L. B. Carswell, who resided at the foot of Lake Koshko-
nong with his parents who settled in this locality in 1837,
stated that the lake was a great resort for Indians who
camped here often by hundreds. These were principally
Winnebago and Potawatomi. The Indians subsisted on
fish, game and wild rice. The wild rice was gathered by
means of canoes and after being hulled and winnowed was
stored for future use in sacks made of hides or rushes. The
lake had the appearance in the summer time of a large mea-
dow. The growing wild rice completely covered it and wa-
ter was scarcely visible. The water was uniformly only
four or five feet deep. The prairies and oak openings of
the locality were smooth and easily travelled. The prairies
were very beautiful. The Indians burned the prairie grass
every year.* Other old settlers state that fish were taken
by the Indians in several ways — by spearing and clubbing
them, and by pinning them in the shallows with a split,
forked pole.
The great number of stone implements and of other In-
dian artifacts collected in this region, on both banks of the
Rock, in the past ninety or more years, appears to bear
abundant testimony that as an Indian dwelling place this
locality goes far back into the prehistoric period, and that
Algonquian as well as Siouan Indians have occupied it.
On the William Aids place on the north bank of the Rock
a camp site is indicated by scattered hearthstones, ashy
areas in the soil, bits of mussel shells and flint rejectage.
Mr. Louis Pierce of Newville has collected a number of flint
arrowpoints here and other collectors have gathered others
and a few stone celts and grooved axes from these fields in
past years. In Newville itself a few burials have been un-
earthed in road construction and house building. Very lit-
tle exact information concerning these is now obtainable.
The Aids property is in the northern part of the northeast
quarter of Section 12. A Winnebago name for this locality
is Nee-ouitch, or foot of the lake.
At Newville Indian camp and village sites extend from
the Rock River bridge down the north bank of the Rock to
the bend of the river, a distance of a mile or more.
The first indications of a former Indian village site on the
north bank of the river were found in a small potato patch
on rather low black, sandy soil several hundred feet in the
rear of the Simon store in the village. At this place, within
a few feet of the river bank, aboriginal camp refuse consist-
ing of hearthstones, flint chips and spalls, blanks and pieces
of clam shell were abundant. Small sherds of cord-marked
and indented earthenware were also found. This site ex-
tends eastward to the main street of Newville but this por-
tion was occupied by weeds and tall grass and could not be
examined. It also extends westward along the river on
more elevated land into a barnyard adjoining the potato
* Hist, of Rock Co., C. F. Cooper & Co., 1908.
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 29
field. In past years a goodly number of flint points, sev-
eral stone celts and axes, and several native copper imple-
ments were gathered from this site.
Riverview Resort Village Site
(NW. 1/4 Sec. 12)
A short distance west of the foregoing site there is near
the river bank a picturesque small limestone and yellow
sandstone outcrop, where some quarrying has been done.
At its base runs a river road. On the grass-grown top of
this quarry flint chips and hearthstones also occur, these in-
dications extending into the cultivated field in its rear. Be-
yond the quarry flint refuse occurs in the road and in the
road bank. Here was located in the bank a small deposit of
partly decomposed and broken clam shell valves. These
were tightly packed in a small cavity or refuse pit, the de-
posit not exceeding eighteen inches in depth. This small
pit was excavated but disclosed only the clam shells.
Beyond this place the land along the river bank is rather
level and covered with sod. This common, over which are
scattered the cottages of the Riverview resort (most being
grouped at its western end) is about a thousand feet in
length and at different points from 60 to 80 feet in breadth.
On it are scattered oak and other trees. It is traversed by
the river road. Near its western end a spring-fed brook
runs from an adjoining field into the river. Throughout
the entire length of this common flint refuse and hearth-
stones of workshop and wigwam sites are exposed at inter-
vals in the road and in other places which are bare of sod.
These sites extend into the cultivated fields in the rear of
the resort. The river opposite the resort is about 400 feet
wide from bank to bank.
Collectors of Indian artifacts at Edgerton, Indian Ford,
Fulton and Janesville have gathered many flint implements
and a smaller number of stone celts, hammers, stone balls
and sandstone grinding stones here in past years. Among
the more interesting finds were a bone awl, small circular
clam-shell pendant and a copper spearpoint with a tapering
blade and long pointed tang. No potsherds were collected.
Ridgeview Village Site
(NE. % Sec. 11)
Beyond ^Riverview the lake bank is higher and the slope
of a wooded ridge parallels the shore line for a short dis-
tance. Among the oaks on this slope are grouped half-a-
dozen summer cottages. In a small sandy garden plot at
the eastern end of this resort flint refuse and hearthstones
of a former wigwam fireplace were exposed. Similar in-
dications of former Indian occupation are found at inter-
vals in the bed of the river road and the bank of the cottage
lots fronting on the road.
In the sandy road bank in front of the "Snug Harbor" cot-
tage, with flint chips and fragments, many pieces of a small
cord-marked earthen vessel were dug out of the bank. About
120 feet beyond this place the road cuts through a shell heap
which is irregular in outline. Its greatest length is about
50 feet and its width from four to twelve feet. This de-
posit of decomposed and broken clam shells mixed with
earth is in places about two feet in thickness. It is located
about twenty feet from the river bank and from ten to
twelve feet above the water. It is nearly opposite the last
of the line of cottages. We dug over parts of this shell
heap but without other results.
Beyond this point the wooded ridge turns toward the
north and then again to the west. Between its base and
the river shore there is a cultivated field from which a to-
bacco crop had just been cut and removed. In this field,
which slopes gently from the base of the ridge to the river
bank, indications of a former camp site occur. The east-
ern end especially, of this field was littered with scattered
flint rejectage and hearthstones. Several hammerstones and
flint blanks were among these. Local and other collectors
have found this field and several adjoining farm fields good
collecting grounds for flint points. The latter fields were
growing crops of clover and alfalfa and could not be exam-
ined. A narrow grassy common separates the southern
margin of all of these fields from the river bank. This
common the river road traverses. At a number of places
the top of the river bank is at least ten feet above the water
of the river. Here a line of large granite and other boul-
ders had been moved from the fields to the river edge of the
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 31
road. At the western limits of these fields a dirt road comes
down to the river from the Newville to Edgerton highway,
and unites with the river bank road. A short distance be-
yond this road camp site indications are also found.
On the shore near the southward bend of the Rock are
other summer resort homes. Here the land along the bank
is forested and covered with sod, giving no present oppor-
tunity for its examination. Beyond this place, south of Ed-
gerton, the higher river bluffs come down to the river bank
with farm lands on their top.
A seemingly favorite flint in use by the former Indian
residents of these north bank village sites between Newville
and the river bend is of an attractive bright red color. This
material, in the form of chips, flakes, spalls, fragments, bro-
ken blanks and small masses, is distributed over the length
of these sites. Other kinds of flint in use on these sites are
a flesh-colored, a dark bluish grey, and a grey and white.
The first of these is also of quite common occurrence. All
were very probably obtainable from Rock River or other
local sources. Flint implements made of these are in local
and other collections. Nodules of white flint occur in some
of the fields.
We collected from these sites a notched arrowpoint made
of red flint, a stemmed point made of the flesh-colored flint
and broken points made of this material, hammerstones en-
tire and broken, a small lump of hematite, and pieces of
clam shell valves. Potsherds found on the Ridgeview site are
some of them of a reddish color, and some of a blackish
color. Some of the latter are ornamented with cord im-
pressions and small indentations. All are tempered with
crushed stone particles. The pieces of a small broken ves-
sel found at "Snug Harbor" cottage are of a reddish color
and are ornamented with cord impressions. These are also
tempered with crushed stone.
Mr. D. Willard North has fragments of a large vessel
which in the year 1922 or 1923 he excavated from beneath
the roots of an oak tree standing about on the north and
south boundary line of Sections 11 and 12. This location is
by the side of the old trail from Newville to Indian Ford and
the mouth of the Catfish River. This vessel was of a dark
brown color, its surface paddled with coarse cord markings,
and with small elliptical impressions made with a small
cross-lined stamp or object, also with small circular nodes
punched out from the interior of the vessel. Some of the
sherds are nearly one-half inch in thickness. This pot ap-
pears to have been quite a large vessel, perhaps a kettle.
The clay is tempered with crushed stone.
Mr. North informed the writers that in the year 1918 he
found on the Richardson farm at Newville, the bones of an
Indian buried which had been exposed in the plowing of a
field. It was a full length burial. The site of this inter-
ment was a short distance west of the stone outcrop on the
river bank on that farm, and about 300 feet from the bank.
Mr. North has numerous flint implements from the vil-
lage sites on the north bank of the Rock at Newville.
Mrs. George Doty of Edgerton has a small collection
made by her son, Lawrence Doty, at Newville and elsewhere
at the foot of Lake Koshkonong about thirty years ago. This
small collection consists largely of arrowpoints of which
there are about one hundred. Of this number 50 are
stemmed points, 45 notched, 3 barbed, and 5 triangular in
form (more common in Northern Illinois) with truncated
or blunted barbs, one having serrated edges. There are a
number of flint blanks. The points in this collection are
made of red, flesh colored, pink, grey, white, and salmon col-
ored flint. One notched point is made of light grey quartz-
ite. One perforator is made of grey flint, another of grey-
ish quartzite. Both are simple, elongated leaf-shaped forms
lacking a stem. Two scrapers are both re-chipped arrow-
points. One is made of grey, the other of buff flint. The
only heavy stone cutting implement is a five inch celt.
Mr. Darcey Biggar, Louis Pierce, Edward Amerpoll, Hor-
ace McElroy, H. C. Son, W. P. Clarke, are among many oth-
ers who have collected from the sites at Newville in past
years. The total number of Indian implements collected
here must number in the neighborhood of 5,000 specimens.
In the Logan Museum at Beloit there is an arrowshaft
grinder which was collected here, and in the Geo. A. West
collection in the State Historical Museum, three flint perfor-
ators from Newville.
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 33
South Bank Camp Sites
(NW. 14 Sec. 12 and NE. 14 Sec. 11)
On the south bank of the Rock River indications of for-
mer camp and workshop sites occur along the river road
from near the Newville bridge westward to the Peek farm
at the bend of the river. Remains of these early Indian
homesites are here more difficult to locate than on the north
bank of the river because of woodland tracts, an orchard
and other conditions of the land which are unfavorable for
the making of a satisfactory surface survey.
Several visits were made to this locality. On one of
these occasions a deposit of flint chips and spalls, a small
workship site, was removed from the roadside bank oppo-
site the Charles Zebell farm. Other flint rejectage was
found in other places, in the river bank, along the road and
in gardens. In the course of years quite a number of flint
points and some stone celts and grooved axes have been
picked up by Newville and other collectors of Indian imple-
ments along this stretch of river road. In places in the cul-
tivated fields of the Peek farm wigwam hearthstones are
quite numerous. The excavation of several of these former
fireplaces produced only charcoal, and ashy soil. No pot-
tery fragments were found on these sites.
The flint in use in implement manufacture in this local-
ity is apparently the same as that which was in use on the
north bank sites. Two notched arrowpoints found during
our investigations are made of white flint, a broken point
and a portion of a knife are both made of flesh-colored flint.
The river road above referred to is a picturesque country
highway with scattered summer cottages between it and
the rather high river bank. Beyond the most western of
these cottages rather level cultivated fields extend to beyond
the river bend. In early days of white settlement small
groups of both Winnebago and Potawatomi Indians fre-
quently camped here.
Oak Ridge Village Site
(E. % Sec. 14)
The Rock River makes a big bend to the west opposite
the road and rather level river fields of this farm. At this
bend a large marsh extends inland in a southeasterly direc-
tion for a considerable distance. On the border of this
marsh on the Ulysses 0. Miller farm is a sandy knoll in
use during the summer of 1928 as a watermelon patch. Here
were found the scattered stones of a wigwam fireplace, flint
refuse and a broken flint blank. Some flint points have
been found here by the son of the farmer. Other likely
spots in the Miller fields from which numbers of flint points
have been collected were covered with grass and weeds and
could not be examined. Across the marsh from the farm
fields to the south is a woodland.
Indications of this former village site also extend on to
the Mrs. Will Earl and adjoining farms. From this site
Mr. Miller has made a very good collection of Indian imple-
ments. Other collectors have also visited and gathered
flint and other implements here. The manufacture of flint
implements was quite extensively engaged in. In re-
cently plowing a field on the Miller farm the plowshare cut
through a deposit of nearly a bushel of flint chips and spalls.
In former years it frequently happened that similar depos-
its were disturbed in cultivating some of these river bend
fields. Wigwam fireplaces and other hearths were also
thus disturbed and the burned stones scattered.
The old Indian trail from Indian Ford to the foot of Lake
Koshkonong passed over the Miller farm. A remnant of
this prehistoric pathway can still be seen in the woodland
north of the Miller farm house.
The Miller collection includes about 350 flint implements.
Of these the greater number are arrowpoints, largely of
stemmed and notched forms. A few are triangular in
shape. One exceptionally large (3% in.)spearpoint of the
"heart-shaped" form, with one broken barb, is made of
white flint. The arrowpoints are largely made of white
and grey flint, a few of reddish or other colored flint. Sev-
eral are made of light brown quartzite and one stemmed
spearpoint of blue hornstone. There are a small number
of scrapers and perforators, the latter all provided with
The heavier stone implements in this collection are a cen-
trally grooved stone hammer, a rude grooved axe, and a
number of stone balls. The only copper implement is a
small triangular arrowpoint. A small conical copper point
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 35
was also found here. A small disk pipe made of white lime-
stone comes from the sites at the foot of Lake Koshkonong.
Some shell-tempered potsherds are reported to have been
found on this village site. We were unable to recover any
specimens of this or other earthenware fragments during
our several visits to this site.
This site also extends on to the Hurd farm adjoining the
Miller farm on the west. On this farm, east of where the
C. M. & St. P. R. R. line crosses the Rock, Mr. Darcy Biggar
once collected a grooved stone maul weighing six pounds.
This site is in the SW. % of Section 14.
River Bend Shell Heap
(SW. 1/4 of the NW. 1/4 of Sec. 14)
A shell heap was formerly located on the A. Salisbury
farm on the north bank of the Rock in the big bend of the
river. When Mr. Darcy Biggar first noticed this refuse
heap years ago it had been deeply plowed by the owners of
the land preparatory to cultivating the field. He examined
the ground at the time but no Indian implements were
found upon or near it. This shell mound was low and of
small dimensions and was a mixture of the valves, broken
and entire, of river clams and earth. It was in appearance
similar to other refuse heaps once located along the Rock
River bank between this point and the foot of Lake Kosh-
konong. River mussels of, which there were formerly
many beds, worked in recent years by pearl hunters, appear
to have been a quite common article of food of the early In-
dian occupants of the Rock River.
This place is across the river from the Oak Ridge village
site elsewhere described. The north bank trail from New-
ville and Lake Koshkonong passed over it.
Edgerton Camp Sites
(N. 1/2 Sec. 15)
Camp and workshop site debris occurs in several culti-
vated fields on the north bank of the Rock overlooking a
bend of the river. These are about three-fourths of a mile
south of the southern city limits of Edgerton. The river
banks are high at this place, a number of cottages being lo-
cated on the river shore. The camp sites are on top of the
high banks at a distance of three hundred or more feet from
the water's edge. The flint worked at these wigwam sites
was of white, bluish grey, light brown and reddish colors.
Several small broken flint blanks and the base of a small
leaf shaped point were found. Of special interest is a small
flint pecking hammer. Indications of its use in implement
manufacture circle the edge of one of its faces.
The very weedy condition of the cornfields in which these
evidences occur prevented our making a larger collection.
Both east and west of these farm fields are ravines and
woodlands. Mr. Darcy Biggar has collected some flint ar-
row and spearpoints from a camp site located in the NE. 1/4
of Section 15.
The southern city limits of Edgerton are at different
points within a half mile or a mile north of the Rock River.
Two trails, coming from the northwest, ran across the site
of the present city in a southwesterly direction and united
just beyond its southwestern limits, then continued on to
the mouth of the Catfish River. In various collections and
in other hands are Indian implements found in past years
within the present limits of Edgerton, or near the city. The
exact locations from which some of these were obtained is
unfortunately unknown. The character of some of these is
such that they deserve to be mentioned despite this uncer-
tainty. These include an adz-axe made of greenstone, a
grooved axe with a pointed poll made of basalt, a fluted
stone axe made of grauwacke, and a bannerstone of the but-
terfly form made of hornblende schist, all of which are in
the Logan Museum at Beloit College. In the State Histori-
cal Museum there is a copper knife (A 2451) found near the
city. Also an iron trade axe cut out of the trunk of a large
white oak tree at Edgerton and presented by Matthew
Croft. Mr. H. C. Son has an antler point found near the
Within and near the city many specimens of such com-
mon Indian weapons and tools as flint arrow and spear-
points, and some stone celts and grooved axes have beei
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 37
Miller Camp Site
(NW. 1/4 Sec. 15)
Mr. Bert Cox of Indian Ford reports that a favorite camp
ground of the early Indians was on the Charles Miller farm
on the north bank of the Rock, in the northwest corner of
this quarter section. This site is a short distance northeast
of Indian Ford. The river trail passed over it. He has in
his collection some flint points, blanks and a knife collected
here. Flint chips and fragments and burned stones occur in
a field on this place.
Mr. Cox has a large polished grooved axe with a deep
groove and prominent ridges. This was found on the old
Wm. Bell farm, where the slaughter house stands. It
weighs 5 pounds. The Bell farm adjoins the Miller farm
on the east. Numerous indications of flint working, also
occur here. Mr. David Van Wart, a former Evansville col-
lector, had a flint hoe made of tan-colored flint which was
found on the Miller farm site. This implement was bell-
shaped in form and 8 inches in length. Its width at its
squared top was 2i/o inches and at the expanded base of its
blade 6 inches. Its curved cutting edge was polished
through long use. Hoes of similar form are of frequent oc-
currence in southern Illinois.
Devil's Oven
(NE. % Sec. 16)
Two small caves occur in the limestone wall on the river
bank on the William Wille farm. The larger of these is
known as "The Devil's Oven." This cave is near the top of
the sloping river bank at a distance of about 50 feet from
the water's edge. Its mouth is somewhat circular in out-
line, about 5 feet high and 6 feet wide at the floor. Its
length is about 18 feet. It becomes lower and narrower
within. Its floor is of earth and loose fragments of rock.
In an emergency it might shelter rather uncomfortably four
or five persons. This cave has a local reputation of having
been occasionally used by Indians in former years as a tem-
porary shelter. A short distance south of it is a smaller
The riverbank fields of the Wille farm were in pasture
and could not be examined. Some stone implements have
been found here in past years and it is probable that camp
and workshop sites occur here also.
Brown Camp Site
(SE. 1/4, NW. 1/4 Sec. 16)
On the F. T. Brown farm indications of a former camp
and workshop site were found in a level field between the
farm barn and the high river bank. Hearthstones, a bro-
ken white flint blank, and chips and spalls of white, grey
and red flint were scattered over a small area in this field at
a distance of about one hundred feet from the top of the
river bank. Mr. Brown, the owner of the farm, has also
found a few flint arrowpoints here.
Limestone outcrops along this bank of the river and ex-
tends from south of Cliff Lodge as far north as the William
Wille farm beyond the Brown farm. This stone has been
quarried in several places one of these quarries being on the
Brown and another on the river shore on the Wille pro
Southworth Farm Village Site
(NE. 1/4 Sec. 16)
An Indian village site is located on the Southworth farm,
formerly the John C. Kurd farm, on the eastern bank of the
third bend of the Rock River. Its southern limit is at a
distance of about two city blocks north of the northern lim-
its of Indian Ford. Its northern limit extends into the
southwest corner of the NW. 14 of Section 15. This site
is located on ground now under cultivation. It was partly
occupied by a large cornfield and partly by pasture fields
during the summer of 1928.
Along the river front of these fields for a distance of
nearly six hundred feet were scattered groups of hearth-
stones, flint fragments, chips, flakes, some flint nodules,
fragments of animal bones and of river mussel shells, and
occasional broken pebble hand-hammers.
From this site, in past years, numbers of flint imple-
ments, hammerstones, and some stone celts, hammers and
grooved axes have been collected. A pebble pipe, the stem
of a broken pottery pipe, a broken slate gorget, a bone awl
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 39
and several perforated shell disk beads were also obtained.
Messrs. Bert Cox, Darcy Biggar, D. Willard North and
other collectors have found these fields a good hunting
ground. Some sherds of twisted-cord marked and indented
earthenware are among other specimens gathered. We
collected during our inspections of this village site broken
hammerstones, flint blanks and a flint double-end scraper.
The flint in use in implement manufacture is largely of a
reddish color, with some chips and fragments of white
and bluish-grey flint. Years ago, when some of these fields
were first cultivated small heaps of flint chips were over-
turned by the plowshare in different places in these river
bank fields. Near the river bank were some shallow circu-
lar depressions, probably former provision cache pits.
Evidences of Indian occupation extend from 150 to 300 feet
or more inland from the river bank. The river bank along
this shore of the Rock rises from 6 to 15 or more feet
above the water the land sloping gradually upward toward
the east.
The Rock River trail passed over this farm on its way to
Indian Ford, according to early maps, a considerable dis-
tance back from the river bank.
The Rock River opposite this land is a very attractive
stream, and is 400 or more feet in width. The banks on
both shores are clothed with oak trees. On the opposite
shore, across from the northern part of the Southworth
farm, there is a limestone quarry.
Indian Ford
At this settlement on the highway from Edgerton to
Janesville there was an Indian crossing or ford of the Rock
River from the trail on its eastern bank to that on its west-
ern. The old Winnebago Indian name of this locality was
Nee-ru-tcha-ja, or "river crossing," also given as Ho-ru-
tchkach. Pioneer and other old settlers remembered num-
bers of both Winnebago and Potawatomi Indians crossing
the river in the shallows at this place, the women at times
rather heavily laden with bundles on their backs and shoul-
ders. They were on their way to Lake Koshkonong or to
points down the river. The early ford is reported to have
been just above the present highway bridge. Doubtless
there were other crossings. Even today the river bed is
shallow below the dam and may be crossed by means of
sand and gravel bars. One good crossing is about 300 feet
below the power dam.
On some maps both the names Indian Ford and Fulton
Center appear for the part of the settlement on the east
bank of the river.
From the highway at the base of the river bluffs on the
east bank the locality is quite picturesque. On the oppo-
site shore the river hills, now occupied by farm and other
houses slope down to the small settlement on this bank.
Mr. Bert Cox of Indian Ford has a collection of some five
hundred Indian implements. Some of his best specimens
were obtained from the village site on the old Stone (the
present Flom) farm, on the east bank of the river about a
mile southwest of Indian Ford. Others are from the South-
worth and other sites up the river. Of special note in His
collection are a perforated oval stone ornament or amulet
with a groove extending from the perforation to the top and
made of mica schist, and a polished black stone ball two
inches in diameter. Two stone celts are triangular in form
and from 3 to 4% inches in length. The smaller is polished,
the larger has a pecked surface. Three knives are made of
rhyolite, purple-brown quartzite and light brown quartzite.
These are from 21/2 to 3% inches in length. Six large
stemmed, notched and barbed spearpoints are from 3Va to
4% inches long. Five are made of flint and one of light
brown quartzite. A grooved stone axe has a blade short-
ened by frequent sharpening of its cutting edge. Some
flint scrapers, perforators and reamers are in this collec-
tion. A small lump of hematite is of interest.
Indian Ford Camp Site
(SW. 1/4 Sec. 16)
Within the part of the village of Indian Ford located on
the east bank of the Rock traces of a former Indian camp
site are exposed in a small garden field adjoining the M. F.
Krueger home on the south. In this field located between
the highway and the river bank hearthstones are most num-
erous in the southwest corner at a distance of about 50 feet
from the river bank. An unornamented crushed-rock tern-
Plate 2
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 41
pered potsherd, a flint blank, a flint pecking hammer and an
ordinary hammerstone were found here.
A short distance north of this field at the northern limits
of the village a brook flows into the Rock. The Indian site
probably covers the entire distance from this brook to the
Indian Ford bridge. All of it but this field is now occupied
by dwellings and barns of the village.
Several stone celts and numbers of flint implements have
been found in this part of Indian Ford.
Indian Ford Heights Camp Site
(SW. % Sec. 16)
On the west bank of the river at Indian Ford a camp site
is located on the D. Willard North property on the heights
overlooking the settlement and the river below. This is in-
dicated by the presence of a few scattered hearthstones and
flint chips and fragments in the garden south of the North
cottage. This site extends across the highway into the gar-
den of the Becker home. Here many flint arrowpoints
have been collected. It also extends over parts of a culti-
vated field along the top of the river bluff from the barn on
the North place northward to the Cliff Lodge resort.
Several examinations were made of the black soil of this
field after its tobacco crop had been removed. These re-
sulted in the finding of scattered hearthstones, chips and
spalls of light brown and flesh-colored flint and of white
quartz, two flake scrapers, a broken blue hornstone arrow-
point, a sandstone rubbing or smoothing stone, and a light
grey flint blank. Some small sherds of cord-marked pot-
tery were also found in the North garden.
This site probably extends beyond the Cliff Lodge resort.
South Indian Ford Camp Site
(SE. 1/4 Sec. 20)
From Indian Ford in a southwesterly direction the south
shore of the Rock for a distance of a mile westward to the
SE. 1/4, of Section 20 is hilly and covered with woodland ex-
cept where the hills have been denuded of trees. A number
of small ravines lead from the tops of these hills down to
river shore.
At one place along this stretch, just west of where a
brook enters the Rock, there is a small grassy flat between
the base of the hills and the river shore. This is about the
distance of a city block west of the present tourist camp
ground at Indian Ford. This small area was recently un-
der cultivation. It is known to have been an Indian camp
site, and quite a few flint implements have been found here
by collectors. Here, in a spot not entirely overgrown with
the grass and weeds which have again taken possession of
this former field, we found a group of fireplace stones, scat-
tered chips of white flint and a broken hammerstone. The
latter had probably seen secondary use as a fireplace
stone. Bits of clam shell valves were also found. The
river bank opposite this camp site is quite high. Opposite
this point the Rock is about 300 feet wide.
The river trail passed over the top of these bluffs.
Indian Ford Flats Village Site
(NW. 1/4 Sec. 20)
On the north (west) bank of the Rock south of the village
of Indian Ford the land along the river is quite level. Along
the shore south of the power plant at the dam a number of
summer cottages have been erected and the name "Sunny
View" given to this addition. In the rear of these is a
grassy pasture which rises gradually toward the Fulton
Adjoining Sunny View on the south is a large cultivated
field of the Schofield farm. In this field, bearing a crop of
corn at the time of our visit, the evidence of former Indian
occupation was abundant. Burned stones from wigwam
fireplaces and fragments, flakes and chips of flint were scat-
tered over the entire river frontage of this field and ex-
tended for a considerable distance toward its rear. Hearth-
stones of all sizes were more numerous here than on any
site along the river which we have recently examined. Small
fragments of clam shell valves were also scattered over
some parts of the field.
The flint employed here in implement making is of white,
grey, tan, flesh, and reddish colors. All or nearly all of it
could have been very conveniently obtained from some of
the gravel hills or gravel slides along the river between this
point and Janesville. The character of some of the numer-
Indian Village and Camp Sites pf the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 43
ous flint implements found on this site appears to show,
however, that some other flint was imported, coming from
greater distances. Flakes and chips of light colored quart-
zite show that this material was also in use in implement
manufacture at this village. Other artifacts found in the
course of a search of this site were pebble hammerstones of
different sizes and weights (some of them evidently broken
in use), sandstone smoothers, flake scrapers, flint blanks,
pieces of broken arrow and spearpoints and knives, flint
nodules and masses of white flint. No potsherds were ob-
tained although a number have been collected here by other
This village site extended over the adjoining grassy field
of "Sunny View,'' also into the woodland cottage resort of
"Rainbow's End," which adjoins the Schofield field on the
west. Mr. W. C. Schofield has a small collection of Indian
artifacts collected from this site. Mr. Darcy Biggar has
collected some twenty-five or thirty flint arrowpoints and
two or three flint knives from here. A grooved stone axe
has also been found. The river bank opposite this field is
from six to ten or more feet high and the stream opposite
about three hundred feet wide.
Rainbow's End Corn Field
(NW. % Sec. 20)
West of the Hansen cottage at Rainbow's End woodland
numerous Indian corn hills are to be seen near the river
shore. These are covered with sod and although they have
been trampled over by cattle the hills of the old planting
ground are still fairly distinct. The hills are not arranged
in rows but are scattered about here and there and are quite
close together. This cornfield covered about a third of an
acre of ground. Some of the hills are within a few feet of
the lake bank which is rather low. The Indians are re-
ported to have been still growing some corn here after the
first white settlers came to this part of Rock County.
Indian Hill Mound Group
(NE. 1/4 Sec. 19)
This interesting group of mounds was first described by
Dr. Increase A. Lapham.* It was replatted in recent years
* The Antiquities of Wisconsin, 1855.
by Mr. H. L. Skavlem (See Wis. Archeologist, v. 13, no. 2,
There are 28 mounds in this group, nine being tapering
linears from 74 to 205 feet in length, and the balance short,
straight linears, oval and conical earthworks.
This group is located on the bank of the Rock between the
Pratt pasture lands and the mouth of the Yahara or Catfish
River. The mounds are near the river bank in an open
woodland. This contains but little underbrush being in use
as a pasture and most of the mounds can be plainly seen
from the lakeshore path. Nearly all of the conical mounds
have been dug into by relic hunters and some of the linears
also. Although thus mutilated (the excavated holes being
left open) this group of ancient earthworks makes a fine
appearance on the green woodland sod beneath the fine oak
and other trees. In its arrangement, nearly all of the
tapering linears being located at right angles to the lake
shore with their heads toward the water, this group is more
or less unique among southern Wisconsin mound groups.
It deserves to be saved and preserved as a county park by
Rock County.
Brief accounts of the results of the exploration of a few
of the mounds have been published. At least one exhibited
evidence of human cremation. One was excavated by Mr.
Darcy Biggar years ago. In this conical mound he found
a flexed (?) human burial the bones being stained with red
ochre. With this burial were found two elliptical blue horn-
stone knives. One of these is 5% inches long and 2 inches
wide at its middle, and the other 5% inches long and 2 3/16
inches wide at its middle. They are fine specimens of this
class of implements. Dr. Lapham gave the name of "In-
dian Hill" to this locality.
Catfish Village
(NE. % of the SW. 14 Sec. 19)
At the mouth of the Catfish or Yahara River, where it
empties its waters into those of the Rock, was located the
Winnebago Indian village known as Catfish Village. This
location is one and three-quarters miles southwest of Indian
Ford and less than a mile south of Fulton.
This was a village site of some importance. Several
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 45
trails from the northeast, the north and the south centered
here. There was a ford across the Catfish at the village
and one across the Rock a short distance below the mouth
of the Catfish at the location of the later highway bridge.
The Catfish was the canoe route from the Four Lakes at
present Madison to the Rock. It was a stopping point for
Indians passing down the Rock from the Indian villages on
the shores of Lake Koshkonong by canoe or by trail.
Tradition and history appear to indicate that the Winne-
bago occupied this site for at least a hundred years before
the first white settlers arrived in this region. The Winne-
bago name, or one of their names, for the site was Ho-
winch, "catfish" The chief of the Catfish Village was Lit-
tle Priest (Little Chief), whose Indian name is given as
Hounk-kono-nik-ka. His knife and its sheath are pre-
served in the State Historical Museum. Whatever may
have been the number of its early Indian inhabitants there
were only two lodges with thirty-eight inhabitants here
when U. S. Indian Agent John H. Kinzie made his official
census of the Winnebago in 1829. Small numbers of these
Hochungara, as they called themselves, continued to camp
and to grow corn here for years after the whites appeared.
Their planting ground or "Indian garden" was on the river
flat on the north side of the mouth of the Catfish. This lo-
cality has long been known to the settlers and their descend-
ants by this name. The site of the Indian garden lies a
short distance beyond the wooded slope on which are located
the "Indian Hill" group of mounds. Several of these
mounds, now nearly leveled, intrude on the village site on
the elevated fields above the garden.
The site of the Indian garden is a tract of low, flat land
which has this year been under cultivation as a grain field.
A broad border of rank weeds lies between it and the waters
of the Rock, and a narrow strip of woodland pasture be-
tween it and the Catfish River at its mouth. The peaty
black soil of this field is subject to occasional (or frequent)
overflow. Scattered over its surface are numerous shells
of land and water snails. In its rear are brush and trees,
a wildwood tangle. No good description of this Indian
planting ground has been preserved. Doubtless the In-
dians also grew beans, gourds and squash here.
Although the principal part of this Indian village site was
on the elevated fields of the Jensen farm above and north
of the planting ground the aborigines also camped in, or on
the edge of the garden itself. In various places in this
field the burned stones of wigwam, and perhaps outdoor
fireplaces, flint chips, broken clam shells, bits of animal
bones, potsherds, flint blanks, and occasional stone imple-
ments are found. Local and other collectors have visited
this planting ground site for many years. From their ac-
counts it appears that fragments of earthenware vessels
were once numerous here and that many flint and other
stone implements have been gathered from this field.
The special interest to us were the considerable numbe
of fragments of earthen vessels scattered over a number of
places on its surface. Most of these were of small size,
probably broken up during the cultivation of the field. The
greater number of these sherds were made of light brown
clay and were tempered with crushed rock and particles of
sand. Several are of a grey color. To the outer surface
of one of these a light reddish slip has been applied.
Another grey sherd has had a light reddish slip or surfacing
applied to both its inner and its outer surfaces. One small
unornamented sherd is of a black color.
Among the ornamented sherds (rim and other pieces)
are ten belonging to as many different vessels. These are
ornamented with twisted cord impressions, the cords being
applied to the clay vertically, horizontally and diagonally
in different sherds. One bears both diagonal and horizon-
tal cord impressions, the latter being applied over the other.
In two instances cord impressions extend over the rim on to
the interior of the vessel. Twisted cords of several thick-
nesses, fine, medium and coarse, were in use in ornamenting
these vessels. Some of these sherds are further orna-
mented by indentations made with seeds (?) or with
pointed instruments, and arranged in single or double con-
centric rows. One sherd bears a small perforation as if the
vessel had been cracked and mended by tying through this
The thickest of the sherds recovered from this site is not
quite % of an inch thick, and the thinnest a little over 1/16
inch. Most appear to be sherds of vessels of small or med-
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 47
ium size. The patterns are well-known Algonkian orna-
mental patterns.
Two other specimens of special interest found on this site
are a pebble hammerstone (5 inches long, 3% inches wide
at its widest part, and 21/2 inches thick) made of a tough
crystalline rock and having abrasions at its pointed end,
one edge, and two sides, the latter being probably finger-
holds. This tool weighs two pounds.
An irregular boulder is somewhat conical in form, the
conical top being battered as if it had been employed as an
anvil. This weighed about five pounds.
A spearpoint, stemmed, is made of grey flint and is 2%
inches long.
To the east and south of Fulton the Catfish winds in beau-
tiful curves like a silver ribbon through an extentive area
of marshy meadows southward for a distance of a mile to
where its waters unite with those of the Rock River. At
its mouth is a small wooded island with another similar is-
land in the Rock just beyond it.
On the Paulson (Jensen) farm, which occupies the entire
eastern bank of the Catfish from the Fulton to Indian Ford
highway southward to the mouth of the river, evidences of
former Indian residence are found on a large part of the
cultivated fields bordering on the river marsh and on the
bank of the Rock and the Indian garden already described.
Along the Catfish this cultivated land, at its margin, is in
some places elevated as much as twenty feet above the
marshy meadows.
These fields we examined, finding on their surface numer-
ous scattered hearthstones, flint-workers' refuse, bits of de-
composed clam shells, burned and cracked animal bones,
jewel stones of the sheepshead perch, occasional pieces of
deer antler, fragments of plain and cord-marked pottery,
and other village site debris. Among the implements recov-
ered in our search were pebble hammerstones, flint blanks,
rude scrapers, arrowpoints and a rude or unfinished stone
celt. A curious sharply-pointed light grey flint point with a
deeply serrated edge was probably fashioned for use as a
fish spear or harpoon point. This is 3% inches in length
and one inch wide at its middle. It is of an elongated oval
or elliptical shape.
Vol. 9, No. 1
The flint employed in implement manufacture is of white,
light brown and flesh colors. Some white quartz, and
brown and bluish-grey quartzite was also in use. The lat-
ter is probably Waterloo quartzite.
The potsherds found on the part of the site along the Cat-
fish marshlands are plain or ornamented with twisted-cord
or other indentations. Some are sand tempered, some sand
and crushed quartz tempered, and some sand and shell tem-
Hundreds of flint points, scrapers, perforators and knives
have been gathered from the Paulson fields on this site by
local and visiting collectors in the course of the past thirty
years or more.
The best collection made from this village site is that of
Mr. Darcy Biggar, a former resident of Fulton, who began
to gather specimens from these fields during his boyhood.
His collection, recently presented by him to the State His-
torical Museum, includes quite a wide variety of interest-
ing Indian materials:
45 Flint blanks
2 Quartzite blanks
170 Flint arrowpoints
117 Small flint arrowpoints
32 Flint spearpoints
2 Quartzite spearpoints
76 Flint scrapers
40 Flint perforators and
17 Flint knives
1 Flint celt
5 Stone celts
1 Grooved stone axe
1 Stone ball
1 Copper wedge
1 Copper stemmed arrowpoint
1 Clay tube
1 Catlinite effigy pendant
3 Stone gorgets
2 Shell beads
1 Pottery pipe, broken
3 Stone pipes
Pieces of worked steatite
1 Lead disk bead
1 Bear tooth ornament
1 Elk tooth
Pottery fragments
Gun and pistol flints
Gun parts
Section of gun barrel
Lead musket balls
Galena lumps
Section of lead bar
Lead steelyard weight
Glass beads
Fragments of brass and cop-
per kettles
Silver button
Of the small flint arrowpoints sixty are triangular in
form. The flint scrapers present quite a variety of form.
Many are flint flakes or spalls one extremity or edge of
which has been chipped for such use. Others are oval, cir-
cular or triangular in shape. Others are broken arrow and
spearpoints which have been re-chipped for use as scrapers.
Fifty ornamented potsherds in the Biggar collection are
fragments of nearly as many different vessels, nearly all of
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 49
vessels of small or medium sizes. This earthenware was
nearly all of a dark brown color, some of it of a reddish
brown color. The majority of these sherds are shell-tem-
pered, some show no tempering material in the clay.
Forty-three rim sherds are as attractively ornamented as
any found on any Rock River site. No two of these are
alike in ornamentation. Most are ornamented with decora-
tive designs made by impressing thin twisted cords of short
lengths into the clay. These are arranged in horiontal, ver-
tical and oblique lines, or in combinations of these. In
some specimens these extend over the rim on to the interior
surface of the vessel. The cord-impressed decoration is in
some sherds varied by one or more parallel rows of indenta-
tions made with blunt-pointed implements, or very short
pieces of twisted cords. A small number of sherds are orna-
mented with trailed parallel lines with small circular or
other indentations made with round ends of plant stems or
sticks, fossils, or other objects. One sand-tempered sherd,
of red clay, has a cord-paddled surface with rows of circles
made with a hollow implement. Several sherds show small
drilled perforations.
Those who hold to the belief that the Wisconsin Siouan
Indians used crushed shell as a tempering material more or
less exclusively, and that cord-impressed decorative pat-
terns are confined to crushed-stone tempered Algonkian
earthenware, may find in this collection a need to modify
their ideas on this subject.
Mr. Harvey Pease of Fulton and other collectors have
also gathered many interesting specimens from the Catfish
Village site. A catlinite disk pipe, bone awls, stone bead
and a pottery disk are among these.
Several of the conical and oval mounds of the Indian Hill
group occur in the fields of the Catfish Village site. These
have been under cultivation for many years and have been
pretty well leveled.
In early days of settlement Indians also camped now and
then on the lands on the south side of the mouth of the Cat-
fish River. On this side of the river the fields are sod-
grown and in use as cattle pastures. They have been in
such use for many years. The digging of a few test pits
and examination of the river bank produced no evidence of
an earlier occupation, traces of which may, however, yet be
A few willow trees grow along the river bank which is
six feet high in one place and low and marshy in others.
Along the Rock River frontage of these fields the land is
also marshy. A broad marshy area lies west of the pas-
ture. At a distance of about 150 feet from the Catfish bank
is what appears to have been a low oval mound. Its out-
lines have been disturbed by the feet of cattle and other
causes. Its present length is 45 feet and its width 24 feet.
Maps of 1836 and later locate a "chalybeate" spring, or
spring with iron-charged waters, south of the mouth of the
Catfish. This the Indians are reported to have regarded as
a medicinal spring. There are a number of springs now in
this locality. South of the mouth of this stream was the lo-
cation of the early Rock County "paper city" of Caramanee,
plotted here by land speculators. The name is no doubt ob-
tained from that of the noted early Winnebago chief Kar-
The character of some of the implements recovered from
the Catfish Village site and other evidence at present avail-
able appears to indicate that this site has been inhabited by
Algonkian people before its later Winnebago occupancy.
Stone Farm Village Site
(SE. 1/4 and SW. 1/4 Sec. 19, and NW. 1/4 of Sec. 30)
This village site is located on the east bank of the Rock a
mile and a quarter southwest of Indian Ford. A part of it
lies directly across the river from the Catfish Village site.
This village site appears to have extended over the fields
and pastures along the banks of the river for a mile or
more. Only a part of this site, the northern and southern
ends, were in condition for examination, the balance of the
land being under a covering of thick grass.
For many years the old Stone farm, now the Ellingson
and Flom farm, has been a quite widely known collecting
ground. Mr. Biggar, Bert Cox, Mr. North, Horace McEl-
roy and others have visited this site in past years and been
rewarded by the finding of many interesting and some rath-
er unusual specimens. A Dr. McChesney collected thirty-
three flint arrowpoints during one visit to this site.
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 51
The most productive part of this site during our investi-
gations was in a tobacco field on the river bank, in the rear
of the farmhouse and barns. Here hearthstones from In-
dian fires were numerous. Broken flint blanks, and chips
and spalls of white, grey, brown and flesh-colored flint were
scattered about among the tobacco plants. In several
places in this field were quantities of broken clam shells.
We collected several broken pebble hammer stones, a single
stemmed flint arrowpoint and fragments of other points.
No potsherds were found.
The land along the river shore on this farm is rather level
for the entire distance. All of it except a narrow strip at
the southern end of the farm is, or has been under cultiva-
Beyond the southern end of this site a small creek enters
the river. On a small knoll on the south side of its mouth
the hearthstones of a wigwam fireplace were found. In this
pasture field, at a distance of about 300 feet back from the
shore a remnant (about 300 feet) of the river shore trail is
still to be seen. This is nearly a foot in depth in places, and
three or more feet wide.
Some Winnebago camped on the river bank on this site in
pioneer days. Mr. Geo. St. John of Stoughton reported
that in about the year 1888 an Indian burial was disturbed
in digging for the foundation of a cattle-shed on the Stone
farm. This site was about eight or ten rods south of the
east and west road to the river bank, among the present
farm buildings. It was four or five feet beneath the sur-
face of the ground. So far as known no implements or
other Indian materials accompanied this burial.
Mr. Darcy Biggar states that Mr. Stone in former years
pastured his hogs in the field at the northeastern limits of
this large farm. These rooted up the sod and the soil in
such a manner as to make collecting easy. He collected
nearly two hundred flint arrowpoints of a great variety of
forms from this site, also notched flint scrapers and some
perforators, a broken pipestone pipe, stone celt, quartzite
knife, flint saw and a broken gorget made of mica schist. A
son of Mr. Flom has a collection of flint arrowpoints from
this site.
The east bank trail passed over the old Stone farm. Op-
posite this farm there was a river ford to the west bank.
Murwin Camp Site
(NE. 14, Sec. 31)
A camp site is located on the James Murwin farm, south
of the Ellingson and Flom farm, on the east bank of the
Rock. Here a creek flows westward into the Rock. We
found here a few flint chips, hearthstones, flint nodules
and a single sherd of plain shell-tempered pottery. Mr.
Dell Murwin has a small collection of flint arrow and spear-
points obtained here.
Hubbell Village Site and Mounds
(Sees. 30 and 31)
Miss Minnie F. Hubbell informed us of the former exist-
ence of a group of isolated Indian mounds on the Alfred
Hubbell farm (SW. % Sec. 30 and NW. % Sec. 31), on the
west bank of the Rock River, at a distance of one and one-
half miles south of Fulton. One large mound was located
where is now the farm garden and another at the barnyard
gate, both near the Hubbell farmhouse. These have been
Other mounds, conical and linear in form were located in
a field north of the farm buildings, between the river bank
and the road to Fulton. All but one of these have been
completely destroyed. This conical mound, which must
have been of large size, now appears as a slightly elevated
earth heap near the middle of the field. It is at present
about 33 feet in diameter and li/2 feet high at its center.
This field is very level. The mound is situated at a distance
of about 200 feet east of the road and 300 feet from the
river bank to the north.
This site was covered, with grass at the time of our visit
to it on August 30 but scattered hearthstones, flint chips,
spalls and occasional flint pebbles were found all along its
northern and eastern margin.
South of this field and separated from it by a sparkling
spring brook which flows to the Rock from the west, is
another very level field, at this time in use as a pasture.
This is a part of the old Indian village site from which
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 53
many flint and stone artifacts have also been collected. This
village site has been referred to locally as an Indian "battle-
field." The very level fields of this site are bordered on the
south and west by a semicircle of hills and elevated land
once covered with forest.
Mr. Horace McElroy reported three tumuli on the Alfred
Hubbell farm, on Section 30, one mile south of the mouth
of the Catfish River.* Some flint implements and a stone
celt collected here were in his collection. The mounds are
probably those formerly located in the level field near the
The Hubbell family have a number of flint arrowpoints,
a large flint blank or knife, a portion of a broken stone celt,
and the blade of an iron trade axe from their farm. They
formerly also had a large grooved stone axe. Many other
stone implements were collected here by persons interested
in making collections. We* were unable to learn where these
Beggs Camp Site
(Cent. Sec. 31)
A camp site is located on the M. S. Beggs farm, south of
the Hubbell farm, on the west bank of the Rock. Here and
on the adjoining Farrington farm some flint points and
scrapers have been collected. This site is slightly over a
mile and a half south of the Catfish, as the river runs.
Northwest Sections Camp and Village Sites
(Sees. 6, 5, 9 and 10)
Up to as late as the 70's small groups of Winnebago In-
dians occasionally camped on the Rock River banks at dif-
ferent places on both sides of the stream in Sections 6, 5 and
9. In the cultivated fields in these localities hearthstones,
flint fragments and the finding of occasional flint arrow and
spearpoints indicate that Indian folk have camped on or near
some of these same spots in the distant past. One of these
sites is on the Reid farm in the S. of Section 5. On the
Hist. Rock County, 59
west bank of the river near where the north and south cen-
ter line of Section 9 meets the river bank Mr. Horace Mc-
Elroy about twenty years ago collected flint points and a
stone celt from a camp site. This was on the Pahl and
Diehls farms where camp site debris was scattered over cul-
tivated fields.
Cooper's History of Rock County (p. 59-60) mentions
this site, which was discovered in breaking up eleven acres
of land in 1908: "The writer and Mr. Horace McElroy
procured from this locality a large number of broken chert
spear and arrow heads, one stone axe and 110 knives, spear
heads and arrow points that were intact. These imple-
ments were made of a variety of differently colored cherts,
some hornstone, chalcedony, quartzites, and one arrow head
of agate, a material not found in this part of the country."
Another village site is located on the M. O. Connor farm
in the SE. % of Section 9 and the SW. 14 of Section 10. A
ravine or wash extending down to the Rock River separates
the two parts of this site which shows the usual indications
of a former Indian camp ground. Here Mr. C. C. Babbitt
of Janesville has collected flint arrowpoints, perforators, a
scraper, a small flint knife, pebble hammerstones and a
We were not successful in finding any potsherds here.
In the rear of the summer resort cottages on the Hack-
barth farm, on the west bank of the Rock, in the SE. 1/4 of
the SW. % of Section 10, the presence of fireplace stones
and flint chips and fragments furnish evidence of another
camp site. At this place the old Janesville highway crosses
the Rock over the old "Four-mile" iron bridge.
Four Mile Bridge Village Site
(SE. 1/4 Sec. 10 and NE. 1/4 Sec. 15)
This site is located on the eastern bank of the Rock River
on land forming a part of the Shoemaker stock farm. It is
opposite the Four Mile bridge crossing of the Edgerton to
Janesville highway. This highway, running in an east and
west direction at this point, cuts this site in two. The part
of this site located north of the road is on rather level
ground which rises gradually to the east to elevated ground.
This field was under cultivation when examined and but lit-
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 55
tie information could be obtained concerning its early In-
dian inhabitants. Flint rejectage was found in several
places, a broken hammerstone and several small pieces of
shell-tempered earthenware. Mr. Horace McElroy was
among those who have collected Indian implements here in
former years. A Mr. John Thompson is reported to have
collected hundreds of flint points and some stone celts and
axes here in about the year 1902 and later. A river road
runs northward along the river bank passing this site.
The part of the site lying south of the highway is in pas-
ture at this time and could not be examined for traces of
former Indian occupation. This land is similar in charac-
ter to that on the opposite side of the highway^
Parish Camp Site and Burial
(W. 1/2, NE. 1/4 Sec. 15)
An old Indian crossing of the Rock to the Shoemaker
fields on the east (opposite) bank was located opposite the
Ed. Parish "Riverside" farm on the west bank. There
were several springs here and small groups of Winnebago
Indians are reported to have erected their wigwams in a
fine oak grove located here, in early days of white settle-
About the fine spring at the southern end of this prop-
erty Mr. C. C. Babbitt and others have collected some flint
Mr. Babbitt states that flint refuse and other indications
of a camp site were formerly exposed on the slope between
the river bank and the Parish farm cottage. A single In-
dian grave was formerly located near the river bank south
of this point. This was exhumed by a man named Chapelle
and a stone pipe found with the burial. Every trace of this
burial place has been lost by the cutting away of the river
bank by the waters of the Rock.
Elmhurst Village Site
(SE. % Sec. 15)
A short distance south of the Parish site Three Mile
Creek, a clear and very attractive stream, flows from the
west through the northern part of the farm of Louis Ander-
son, called "Elmhurst," into the Rock River. The creek is
from fifteen to eighteen feet wide in places and its banks
lined with willow and other trees.
The soil of the level fields of the Anderson farm is clay.
These fields, once covered with rather heavy forest were a
very favorable location for an Indian village site. In pio-
neer days Indian dugout canoes were occasionally seen pass-
ing this place or drawn up on its banks.
Only a part (the central part) of the fields of the Elm-
hurst farm could be examined for traces of former Indian
occupation. Numerous fireplace stones were found scat-
tered over the entire river frontage of this particular field
and ashy areas indicated where these had probably been im-
bedded in the soil in shallow hearths until disturbed by the
plow and harrow. The sites of at least three former wig-
wams appeared to be thus indicated. Near these locations
the manufacture of flint implements had been carried on,
small areas disclosing fragments and chips of white, grey
and flesh colors. Here also were found a small notched
spearpoint made of flesh-colored flint, and parts of several
broken points. Nodules of white flint, entire or broken, lay
in several places. Several small fragments of cord-marked
pottery were also obtained.
Mr. Anderson had recently found here a dark bluish-grey
blade, a knife or spearpoint, five inches in length ; a notched
pink flint spearpoint, 4^ inches in length; a broad greyish-
white flint spearpoint with oblique notches, about 2% inches
long, and a light brown stemmed quartzite spearpoint about
2% inches long. During the past thirty years of his resi-
dence on this farm he has given away to friends many other
flint implements found here.
The south field of the Anderson farm we were unable to
examine as they were under grass on the occasion of our
visits to this place. This field, opposite the river bend, Mr.
C. C. Babbitt regards as the richest part of this village site.
Here the manufacture of flint implements was also carried
on and scattered hearthstones are numerous. Mr. Babbitt
has collected from this site in past years numerous flint ar-
row and spearpoints and some scrapers, pebble hammers, a
flaked stone celt, and a copper spearpoint. Mr. McElroy
also found this site a rich collecting ground. He collected
here a plummet made of porphyrtic syenite. Its tip is en-
circled by a shallow groove.
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 57
Across the Janesville highway from the Elmhurst farm
is the suburban residence plat advertised as "Sunshine
Three Mile Creek Camp Sites
(Section 15)
Camp sites occur at a number of different places along
the course of Three Mile Creek. One of these is on the Wil-
liam Hackbarth farm (SW. 1/4, Sec. 15), at a distance of
about a half mile west of the Elmhurst site. Mr. Babbitt
has collected here a grooved stone axe, hammerstones, and
flint points and scrapers, and other stone implements. This
site extends to both banks of the creek.
This creek is nearly eleven miles in length, having its
source in the northwest part of Center Township of Rock
County and flowing in an easterly direction through Leyden
Township and Janesville Township. At different places
along its course former camp sites are indicated. The im-
plements collected from these and other places are chiefly
flint points and several stone celts. Some of these were in
the former David Van Wart collection at Evansville.
Wixon Hill Site
(SW. 14 Sec. 14)
Across the Rock River from the Elmhurst site are wooded
river bluffs. One of these, Wixon Hill, has the local repu-
tation of having been a camp site of the Sauk Indian chief,
Black Hawk, during his northward flight with his warriors
to Lake Koshkonong, in 1832. On its top we found in a few
spots barren of sod numbers of flint chips indicating the
presence of a small workshop. The crest of this particular
portion of the bluffs is bare save for a small group of prick-
ly ash shrubs, some hop hornbeam trees and a single hickory
tree. A fine view of the surrounding river country is ob-
tained from Wixon Hill.
Riverside Park Village Site
(S. line of Sec. 14 and NE. 14 of Sec. 23)
What is probably the most important old Indian village
site north of the City of Janesville, in Janesville Township,
is located in the Big Bend of the Rock River, on the west
bank of that stream.
In this beautifully located recreation park of the City of
Janesville traces of former Indian residence were found on
the grounds of the park -athletic field. This field occupies a
large level grassy river flat and is now occupied by a base-
ball diamond, tennis courts, a park pavilion and a curving
river road. To the south of this playground are the high
hills of a municipal golf course, the sides of which are cov-
ered with forest trees. In the river bed, opposite the east-
ern edge of the athletic field, is a long narrow island bearing
a growth of tall willow trees, and with a luxuriant growth
of arrowhead about its shores and extending downstream
for a considerable distance from its point.
The rhizomes of this abundant plant of the water plan-
tain family furnished the water potato, a favorite food of
the Winnebago and of other Wisconsin Indians, being boiled
or roasted by them in the ashes of their fires.
The river bank along the eastern and northern edge of
the athletic field is elevated at different places from four to
fifteen feet above the water.
This village site was a favorite collecting ground of Mr.
Horace McElroy in past years. From the then cultivated
fields on this river flat he obtained in the course of his col-
lecting jaunts quite a large number of specimens, these in-
cluding many flint implements, pebble hammers, stone balls,
axes, celts and other artifacts. Some of his finest quartzite
points and knives were found here. It is to be regretted
that he is not alive to contribute such information as he pos-
sessed regarding his collecting experiences here.
Being under grass this site was in poor condition for ex-
amination during the year 1928. The evidences of aborigi-
nal residence found by ourselves were obtained in the then
thinly grassed strip of land between the river road and the
river bank, which is here fringed with a growth of ash, oak
and maple trees. Here, despite the thin sod, we recovered
quite numerous chips, flakes and fragments of white, grey
and flesh-colored flint, clusters of hearthstones, a large leaf-
shaped grey quartz blank, a flint pecking hammer, a rude
white flint scraper, a grey flint notched arrowpoint, and
parts of several broken points. One of the employes of the
park force informed us that he had frequently picked up
flint points on this field in the course of his labors. No
potsherds were obtained.
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 59
We examined the river banks south of this site to far be-
yond the south road entrance to Riverside Park but without
further results.
Sutherland Graves
(NE. 14 Sec. 34)
Several Indian graves were located on the Geo. S. Suther-
land farm at Black Hawk, just outside the western limits of
Janesville. Mr. Harry Young of Whitewater reported to
the Wisconsin Archeological Society in 1922 that two of
these had been excavated. With the human bones which
they contained were found a stone axe, a stone celt and sev-
eral flint arrowpoints. The Indian trail to Janesville
passed this locality.
Crystal and Hiawatha Springs Village Site
(SW. % Sec. 14)
This property, located on the eastern bank of the Rock
River, across the stream to the north of the Riverside Park
site, was formerly known as Burr Springs, and in an earlier
day, according to Mr. George Richardson of Janesville, as
Pope Springs, being so named for Anson Pope, the early
owner of this land. A portion of this property is at present
in use as a tourist camp ground. It is about a mile and a
half north of the city of Janesville.*
The Indian site at this place is on a rather narrow river
flat at the base of a range of high wooded river bluffs. The
land is posted as a Wild Life Refuge. At the eastern end of
this property a crystal brook flows from a spring (Crystal
Spring) at the base of the bluffs, through a small area of
marshy ground to the river bank. This spring Mr. Geo. S.
Parker of Janesville has kindly informed us was in former
years visited by a large number of Indians. He believes
their name for it to have been Mushawaba. This name Mr.
Daniel Shepard, a Wisconsin Potawatomi, translates as
meaning "rabbit man." He thinks that this designation may
have been given to it because of the transformation of an
Indian into a rabbit at or near this place. The spring was
very probably a "sacred or medicine" spring.
* Here the late Capt. Buckles formerly maintained a public picnic
In a small ravine or draw at the western end of the
tourist camp another fine clear spring (Hiawatha Spring)
supplies the campers with water. A former bottling works
building stands in the rear of the camp ground. Years ago
some deer antlers and other animal bones are reported to
have been removed from this spring or the brook which
flows from it. This may have been another "spirit" spring?
Midway between these two springs another brook (dry
during the summer of 1928) flows from the hills to the
The Indian camp site at this place extends over the whole
of the property, the evidence of the redman's former occu-
pation being now largely obscured beneath the sod. Traces
of it, however, are found here and there. Hearthstones and
and large flakes of white flint were found in the roadway
in front of the old bottling works building. Some distance
beyond the Hiawatha Spring flint chips were found in a
small cottage garden. At the northern end of the park in
a disturbed place in the rear of another cottage chips of
grey and flesh-colored flint were found and a fine barbed,
white flint spearpoint, 3% inches in length.
On a grassy flat south of the Crystal Spring brook white
flint chips and a pebble hammerstone were collected. C. C.
Babbitt has collected flint points near this place.
Many flint points have been picked up here in past years
by collectors. Mr. George S. Parker's country estate, Stone-
henge," lies a short distance south of this site, at the bend
of the Rock River.
North of the park the bases of high gravel hills come
down to the river bank. These are forested on their slopes
and tops, except at one place where there is a large gravel
slide. Among its pebbles and boulders are many rocks of
white and other flint which could have been utilized by the
natives for implement manufacture. These hills extend
along this bank of the stream for nearly a mile.
This village site may be the one referred to in the "Diary
of Aaron P. Walker/' an early settler of Janesville, as the
location of "an Indian village on the east side of Rock River,
about three miles north of the Janes' tavern, where a small
brook entered the river."
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 61
Stonehenge Camp Site
(NE. 14 Sec. 23)
A camp site is located on the cultivated fields of the Knut-
son and Cosgrove properties on the east bank of the Rock
just north of the city limits of Janesville. On the river
fields of both of these small "farms" scattered hearthstones
and flint fragments and chips occur and a few flint points
have been collected in the course of cultivating the fields. Mr.
C. C. Babbitt has collected some arrowpoints in the field ad-
joining the Knudson place on the south.
"Stonehenge," the beautiful country estate of Mr. Geo. S.
Parker, adjoins the Cosgrove place on the north. This es-
tate occupies a high wooded ridge with picturesque lime-
stone outcrops along its river bank frontage.
The Indian trail from the north to Janesville passed over
this property. A few flint arrowpoints, probably lost by
Indian hunters, have been picked up on the Stonehenge
bluffs and along the river bank. From "Stonehenge" a fine
view is obtained across the river of Riverside Park. Over
the river bluffs, a short distance west of Stonehenge are the
Crystal and Hiawatha springs elsewhere described.
Broege Island Camp Site
Indications of a former Indian camp site occur in a
cultivated field at the southern end of this island. Here we
collected a large oval pebble hammerstone, a granite ball,
a white flint reject and some stone chips and hearthstones.
Mr. Frank F. Broege, the proprietor of the Rock River
Service Station located by the side of the Janesville high-
way, opposite the island, states that in cultivating this site
quite a few flint implements have been collected by himself
and others.
This island in the Rock River at the northern limits of
Janesville, now largely overgrown with weeds and grass,
was in former years occupied by large trees. It is about
a third of a mile in length and four hundred or more feet
wide at its southern extremity. The soil is black, some-
what sandy and gravelly. It is elevated but a few feet
above the river. A road now connects it with the river
shore. The water between it and the river bank is being
gradually filled in.
The Winnebago name of this former camp ground is giv-
en as Weetch-chi-nuk, "island camp."
South of this island is Goose Island which by filling in has
now been attached to the river bank.
Riverbank Camp Sites
(E. % Sec. 23)
On the east bank of the Rock north of the City of Janes-
ville indications of former camp sites occur in cottage and
other gardens between the highway and the river bank. The
late Horace McElroy of Janesville had in his former collec-
tion a small number of flint arrow and spearpoints and sev-
eral knives collected along this shore, between Stonehenge
and the city limits.
In past years Indian burials have been disturbed in dig-
ging for gravel in the hills on the east side of the highway,
north of the city. As they were unearthed by the caving
of the walls of the pits but little attention was paid to them
by the men engaged in the digging.
West Bank Camp Sites
(Sees. 26 and 36)
On the west bank of the Rock River in the City of Janes-
ville the river banks are high. Indians camped on these
wooded bluffs, sometimes in considerable numbers, when
the first white settlers came to this region. Some stone
celts and axes and flint implements have been found on these
bluffs. This locality, lying east of N. Washington Avenue,
is now quite largely occupied by streets and buildings.
According to the early land survey map an Indian trail
from the west forded the Rock River in the southeast cor-
ner of Section 36, in the present limits of Janesville.
Mr. Horace McElroy reported the presence, years ago, of
three Indian conical mounds near the river in the northeast
corner of Section 26. Every trace of these appears to have
Pearl Street Cache
A cache or deposit of five blue hornstone knives of the
prized "turkey-tail" type was obtained in November, 1903 by
laborers engaged in digging a trench at the corner of Pearl
and Elizabeth Streets in Janesville. Three of these speci-
Indian Village and Camp Sites .of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 63
mens were in perfect condition and two were broken, only
parts of the latter being obtained. With them were found
the pieces of a broken brown hornstone knife. All were un-
earthed at a depth of nearly four feet beneath the surface
of the undisturbed prairie soil. No human remains were
found with the deposit although the ground was carefully
dug over. A slight discoloration of the soil suggested a pos-
sible burial.
The three unbroken knives were 5%, 5% and 6% inches
in length, and 1%, 1% and 1% inches in width at the broad-
est part of their long leaf shaped, pointed blades. Their
notched tangs were the short triangular stems of this very
graceful form of prehistoric Ohio and Indiana blue horn-
stone knife. Mr. W. H. Elkey, a former Milwaukee col-
lector, reported the finding of this cache to the Wisconsin
Archeological Society in 1903, Mr. Horace McElroy furnish-
ing the detailed information on January 30, 1907.
Mr. McElroy retained the three perfect blades in his col-
lection, the fragmentary ones being given to Mr. W. P.
Clarke of Milton, and the broken knife to the Milwaukee
A Mr. Kenyon, who resided at a distance of about fifty
feet from the Pearl Street corner, reported to Mr. McElroy
that when he built his home here there was a round mound
on the premises. This he removed to fill his yard. This
locality Mr. McElroy stated to be at a distance of about fifty
rods from the bank of the Rock River, on the west side of
the City.
Round Rock Village
(Near N. Line of Sees. 1 and 2)
The most important historic Winnebago village between
the Catfish Village near Fulton and the Turtle Village at
Beloit was the village located on the Rock River at Janes-
ville. The Indian name of this village was E-nee-poro-poro,
meaning "round rock or stone," taking its name from the
large stone outcrop in the river known as Monteray Point.
John H. Kinzie in his Winnebago Indian census of 1829-
1832 gives the name of this village as Round Rock and its
distance from his agency at Fort Winnebago as sixty miles.
He reports that at that time it contained two lodges and 31
inhabitants. Coming Lightning, Jump-ho-ha-ga, was its
chief. A few years later the number of Indians camping
here had largely increased.
This village was located on the north bank of the river in
the part of Janesville located along Western Avenue and
known in former years as Monteray.
Of this village site, which must have been occupied by In-
dians for a long period of time, the only traces which now
remain are a few flint chips and spalls which occur in a
few of the gardens and vacant spaces along Western Ave-
nue and River Street. This section of the city has long
been occupied by homes and other buildings. Mr. Horace
McElroy, the formerly well known Janesville collector of
Indian artifacts, knew this site well and mentions it in an
article contributed to the History of Rock County (C. F.
Cooper & Co., Chicago, 1908, p. 60). He states that many
stone implements have been collected here. Of these he
himself possessed several grooved stone axes and celts, and
many flint arrow and spearpoints. Other collectors state
that flint workshop sites, wigwam sites (marked by hearth-
stones, charcoal and ashy soil), occasional clam shell de-
posits and other village site debris were found in favorable
locations at various points back from the river bank along
nearly the entire distance of a mile or more from near Cen-
ter Avenue eastward to the bend of the Rock.
This part of the Rock River was in early Indian days,
and still is, a good fishing ground. In the broad bed of the
stream, opposite Western Avenue, there is an extensive
marsh area composed of arrowhead, cattail and other aqua-
tic growth. This extends from east of the Center Avenue
Rock River bridge as far east as the foot of Stone street.
Monteray Point, a picturesque narrow point, extends into
the river from near the north side of the Rock River bridge
at Center Avenue. An ice house building stands at its base.
Its narrow apex is a limestone and sandstone outcrop. At
its tip is a small cave about 20 feet in length, 10 feet across
at its mouth and about 8 feet high. This is excavated in the
light colored sandstone with a layer of limestone at its top.
The cave mouth is about 25 feet above the water. It has
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 65
been stated that years ago there were on the walls of this
cave some rude incised markings thought to have been In-
dian pictographic records. These have gone. The Winne-
bago name of this rock appears to have been E-nee-wa-kan-
junk, "medicine rock or spirit stone."
Opposite the "Big Rock" on Monteray Point was the In-
dian ford from the one bank of the river to the other. It
was early known as "Rock Ford," the rock serving as a
guide to the river crossing. Rev. H. Foote in discussing
this ford in 1856 said that the water in the river was then a
third lower than when the white settlers came in 1836.*
Many settlers and travelers coming over the Indian trail
from Beloit crossed the river at this ford. The rock itself
appears to have had some traditional sacred significance for
the early Indian inhabitants of this region, the exact nature
of which has not been recorded. In the State Hisotrical
Museum are eighteen flint arrowpoints found by W. H.
Prisk here at the "Rock Ford."
Mr. Levi St. John, who settled at Janesville in 1836, says
of the early Indian inhabitants of this vicinity: "At that
early day the Indians were quite numerous in this part of
Wisconsin. I have frequently visited their camps, gone
into their wigwams and bought honey and maple sugar from
them. At times as many as a dozen Indians have rode up to
my house armed with tomahawks, knives and loaded guns ;
and I have at such times thought how easy a matter it would
be for them to butcher my family, if they were so disposed.
It was reported from time to time that they intended to have
a general uprising. But they were always friendly to me
and I have traded a great deal with them. They learned to
.be quite shrewd in their traffic. If they had a large lot of
peltries or fish to sell, they would show only a few of the
poorest at first, then producing more, and so on until sold
South Palm Street Camp Site
Hearthstones were found on a small plot of cultivated
ground at the southwest corner of Western avenue and S.
Palm Street in Janesville. Others and a few flint chips and
* Guernsey and Willard's History of Rock County, 1856, p. 153.
** Do., p. 173.
fragments were found in gardens along Western Avenue
as far west as the Afton road. The S. Palm street locality
is one block north of the Rock River bank. Some flint ar-
row and spearpoints and a hammerstone or two have been
collected on the land in the rear of the R. F. Murphy home
on S. River Street.
Spring Brook Mounds
(Section 1)
Two Indian mounds were located on the edge of a very
steep gravelly bluff overlooking the Rock River and its wan-
dering tributary, Spring Brook, at the southeastern city
limits of Janesville. This locality was east of the bend of
the river and east of Main Street.
One of the mounds was a tapering linear earthwork
("tadpole"), with a length of 85 feet, its greatest width be-
ing about 24 feet, and its greatest height 61/9 feet. Its axis
lay "in a north by 30 degrees east direction, with the head,
or larger part to the northeast. The attenuated part is
about as long as the main body with an elevation of about
one foot and a width of five feet. The whole south side is
cut out by erosion. A depression in the center of the high-
est part indicates a partial excavation of the mound."
About 80 paces (240 feet) east of the "tadpole" mound,
and about 30 feet from the edge of the bluff there was a
round mound 55 feet in diameter and 31/2 feet high." Ex-
cavations recently made in this mound near its center re-
vealed several thin, irregular layers of charcoal. The mound
was constructed of sandy loam, similar to that of the sur-
rounding surface soil." These mounds were later destroyed
by workmen engaged in "stripping" the bluff to obtain ma-
terial for the Janesville Cement Post Co.
Mr. H. L. Skavlem described the mounds and published a
copy of his survey of them in the June 19, 1907 issue of The
Janesville Gazette.
The above information is quoted from his description.
Bailey Mounds and Corn Fields
(SE. %, NW. % Sec. 1)
Mr. H. L. Skavlem described and figured in the June 19,
1907 issue of The Janesville Gazette a group of three coni-
Indian Village and Camp Sites ,of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 67
cal mounds located on the level plain or bottom land just
south of Eastern Avenue, and about thirty feet west of
where this thoroughfare crosses the north and south center
line of Section 1 of Rock Township. They were between
Eastern Avenue and the C. M. & St. P. R. R. tracks. All
had been much levelled by long cultivation of the land. Dr.
J. W. St. John remembered when they were well preserved
Indian earthworks the largest perhaps 25 feet in diameter
and from 5 to 6 feet high. The other two were of consider-
ably smaller size. Mound No. 2 was located 20 paces
(about 60 feet) south of the largest mound (No. 1), and
mound No. 3 about the same distance south of No. 2. The
largest mound had been excavated years ago and some In-
dian implements reported found, presumably with a burial
or burials.
Some distance southwest of the mound group, in a strip
of woodland locally known as the "Bailey Woods," were
plots of Indian corn hills. These were on both sides of the
C. & N. W. R. R. tracks. Mr. Skavlem's plat shows two or
three separate plots of these, two being north of the railroad
tracks and one south of them. They were on gently sloping
land. Dr. St. John informed Mr. Skavlem that when the
first settlers came, in 1836, cornstalks were still standing on
some of these corn hills.
Eastern Avenue Village Site
(Sees. 1 and 2)
Another Indian village site was located along present
Eastern Avenue and adjoining city streets on the south
bank of the Rock River in the southern part of Janesville.
This site appears to have extended from the Monteray
bridge crossing of the Rock (present Center Avenue) east-
ward along the river bank to beyond the point where Spring
Brook flows into the Rock at the proposed Jeffris city park.
This part of the city is now occupied by the buildings of the
Chevrolet automobile factory and the homes of its employes
and others.
The land along the river in this part of the city is level
with hills some distance in the rear to the south. In gar-
dens and bare spots along the river bank flint rejectage and
hearthstones occur. When the prairie sod is removed from
some of the unoccupied grass lots and small tree and brush-
grown tracts further evidence of early aboriginal occupa-
tion is likely to be found. Mr. McElroy years ago collected
a few flint and some heavier stone implements here. Some
Winnebago camped on this bank of the river in the thirties
and later.
Other Janesville Implements
Numbers of Indian artifacts have been found in past
years at different places about the city, specimens lost or
left by their former Indian owners at the scattered points
where they were recovered in the progress of house build-
ing, garden making or in other ways.
Mr. Horace McElroy had in his collection a fine specimen
of long-bitted axe. This granite axe was lO1/^ inches in
length. It had a diagonal handle groove with a prominent
ridge below. He also had the head of a broken birdstone
with prominent eye disks. The exact locations of the find-
ing of these are unknown. Some of his flint implement*
are in the local Legion museum.
In the State Historical Museum there is a notched speai
point 10 inches in length which was found at Janesville.
Kellogg Corn Field
(Sec. 2)
Mr. M. S. Kellogg reported to the Wisconsin Archeologi-
cal Society in 1911 that a plot of Indian corn hills was for-
merly located on the land occupied by Kellogg's Nursery.
This location was in the Fourth Ward of the City of Janes-
ville. The corn hills were on the edges of an oak grove.
Every trace of this planting ground had been destroyed
about twenty years before.
West Janesville Mounds
(NE. % Sec. 3)
A short distance west of the City of Janesville, north of
the road to Afton, Mr. H. L. Skavlem located three small
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 69
round mounds, the existence of which he reported in 1907.
They were located between the river and the railroad track.
They were east of the creek, which flows in a southeasterly
direction into the Rock. On the north side of the mouth of
this creek traces of a small camp site were located. This is
in the NW. % of the SE.% of Section 3 of Rock Township.
A camp site is also located on the south side of this creek
in cultivated fields extending from the Janesville to Afton
highway to the Rock River bank. These fields could not be
carefully examined because, of the heavy crop of corn with
which they were largely occupied. This site is also in the
NW. i/4 of the SE. % of Section 23.
Between this place and Afton much of the land along the
Rock River bank is low and unfit for camp locations.
Rulondale Camp Site
(SW. 14 Sec. 10)
A camp site is reported to exist in a field located on the
bank of the Rock, on the L. A. Markham Rulondale Farm.
This field is situated between the river bank and the C. M. &
St. P. R. R. track. Between it and the Afton road, where
the farm buildings are situated, there is a marshy meadow.
At its southern edge a spring brook flows eastward into the
Rock. From this site a few flint implements have been col-
lected. The field was in pasture during the present sum-
mer and could not be examined.
Afton Mound Group
(SE. % of NE. % Sec. 28)
This group of twenty-two mounds was located about a
mile and a half north of the village of Afton. A survey of
it was made by H. L. Skavlem and Horace McElroy for the
Wisconsin Archeological Society, on June 1, 1907. Of these
mounds, which formed a rather compact group, five were
round mounds, two oval mounds, three straight linear and
seven tapering linear mounds, four mammal effigies and one
a bird effigy. They were located in a wooded pasture and
were all well preserved. The direction of all of the effigies
and of the linear mounds was to the southeast.
When we visited this site on July 20, 1928 there remained
of this fine group of prehistoric Indian earthworks only a
short straight linear mound and a remnant of another, all
of the other mounds having been destroyed in the operation
of the immense gravel pit of the Central Lime & Cement
Company of Chicago. The single remaining mound is situ-
ated about 50 feet in the rear of the Afton public school.
An effort should be made by the local school trustees to
preserve this last mound of a once great group of prehisto-
ric monuments.
Afton Mill Camp Site and Mounds
(SW. 1/4 Sec. 27)
On the north bank of Bass creek east of the Afton Mill in
the village of Afton is a cultivated field. This small field
lies between the creek bank and the C. & N. W. R. R. track.
Its soil is black and sandy and it is elevated about six feet
above the river at its highest parts. Flint chips and frag-
ments and hearthstones are scattered over several small
areas in this field where wigwams were probably once lo-
cated. An oval hammerstone was also found. Village
boys have found quite a few flint arrowpoints here. The
flint chipped here is from local sources (reddish, white,
light brown and flesh-colored). A single potsherd, sand-
tempered, and ornamented with cord-marked, indented and
trailed markings was also found here.
In an irregular line along the creek edge of this field ar
four and possibly five Indian mounds. The first of these
is about 300 feet east of the Mill, and about 50 feet fro
the water's edge. Eighteen feet east of it is another small
conical mound, and 20 feet beyond this a third small mound
of the same character. About 100 feet beyond this is what
appears to have been a slightly tapering linear mound. Its
outline has been greatly disturbed by long cultivation and
not much can now be made of it. Twenty feet beyond this
is another small conical mound.
All of these mounds have been long under cultivation.
Their present dimensions and heights are as follows :
No. 1 Diameter 30 feet, height 1V2 feet.
No. 2 Diameter 28 feet, height 2V2 feet.
No. 3 Diameter 21 feet, height 2V2 feet.
No. 4 Length about 125 feet, width 24 and 18 feet, height
to 2 feet.
No. 5 Diameter 15 feet, height 1 foot.
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 71
This group appears not to have been previously recorded.
We were unable to learn whether any of the mounds had
been excavated. East of the mounds is a piece of rather
low rough pasture land.
It is likely that this camp site extends along the river
bank west of the Mill into the gardens of a few of the
village homes.
Holzapfel Camp Site
(SW. % Sec. 27)
A camp site is also indicated on the Holzapfel land on the
opposite (south) bank of the Bass Creek in a small culti-
vated field where the usual indications of aboriginal occupa-
tion have been found. Potatoes had been dug and corn har-
vested on this field so that no examination of its surface was
Antisdell Village Site
(SW. % and SE. i/2 of Sec. 19)
From a village site on the Simon Antisdell farm on the
north side of Bass Creek, about two and a half miles west of
Afton, Mr. Horace McElroy collected many flint points and
some perforators. Considerable numbers of potsherds
were also found. A flint workshop was located in the
southeastern corner of this farm. An Indian camp site was
also located on the old Bartels (now the Gokey) farm on
Bass Creek above Afton. Here many flint points are re-
ported to have been found.
Mouth of Bass Creek Camp Site
(SE. 14 Sec. 27)
In early days of settlement the Winnebago Indians
camped at the mouth of Bass creek at Afton. The level field
at the mouth of this pretty stream is bounded on the east by
the Rock River, on the north by a river slough and on the
south by the creek bank. In its rear is the C. & N. W. R. R.
track. It was in use as a pasture and could not be exam-
ined for evidence of early Indian occupation. Wild tobacco
plants formerly grew here probably self-seeded from earlier
Indian plantings.
Tn the Rock River opposite this camp site is Inman Island,
an island reported to be about 12 acres in extent. This is-
rol. 9, No.
land the Indians also camped upon. It is approached from
the mainland by a ford across a gravel bar, the water be-
ing shallow there at this time.
This island is well elevated above the water and is prob-
ably not overflowed by the Rock except in years of very high
water. It is a very attractive place. On its shores are tall
elm, maple, ash and other trees. In its middle is a large
clearing carpeted with tall, soft matted grass. At its north-
ern edge are a number of large burr oaks which this year
are yielding an abundant harvest of acorns. Large grape
vines clamber over several of the trees. Here also are sev-
eral patches of the stately mullein. The greatest length of
this island appears to be about 600 feet. At various places
in the river bed in its vicinity are beds of river clams. This
locality is today and has long been a good locality for the
catching of catfish.
Bass Creek Site
(SE. 14 Sec. 27)
On the south bank of Bass Creek, near its union with the
Rock River, between the creek bank south of the road to Af-
ton, there is a small cultivated field. In this field hearth-
stones and scattered flint rejectage occur. Many flint im-
plements have been found here. This site is a short dis-
tance east of the Holzapfel site, of which it may be merely
an extension.
M. E. Church Picnic Ground Camp Site
(SW. 1/4 Sec. 26)
At this place the land along the west bank of the Rock
River is very level. At this picnic ground indications of a
former Indian camp site occur in a field near the river bank
which in 1928 had been recently plowed and sown with a
crop of winter wheat. The soil of this field is black and
sandy. Lying on its surface we found a stemmed arrow-
point, several flint blanks, hearthstones, clam shell frag-
ments and scattered flint chips. No potsherds were ob-
tained. The river bank at this place is high and fringed
with trees.
Indications of former wigwam sites also occur in the cul-
tivated fields of the Henbest farm both south and west of
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 73
the above site, these extending into the SE. 1/4 of Section 27
and the NW% of Section 35. In the latter locality Bass
Creek flows into the Rock.
Three Indian mounds were reported as existing in the
Henbest fields adjoining the Picnic Ground. These were
oval in form. They have been under cultivation for many
years. These are the mounds reported to the Wisconsin
Archeological Society by Mr. Horace McElroy in 1908.
They are in the NW. i/i of Section 35.
Indications of a camp site also occur in the river fields in
the S. of the NE. of Section 35.
River Heights Camp Site
(SE. % Sec. 3)
On the farm fields of the State School for the Blind, on the
east bank of the Rock at River Heights, southwest of Janes-
ville, traces of a small camp site were formerly to be seen.
A few arrowpoints have been collected here. These fields
were grass grown and could not be examined. They lie
high above the water. Traces of this camp site probably
extend into the farm grove pasture north of the buildings,
at a bend of the river.
In a small case in one of the school rooms of the institu-
tion is a lot of about a dozen flint points, blanks and knives,
some of which were probably collected here.
From the School for the Blind lands southward as far as
the Frances Willard country school building the river banks
are generally high and in cultivation and in pasture. In
some of the pastures and on the banks are scattered speci-
mens or small groups of young cedar trees, these adding
much to the attractiveness of the green pasture banks.
Here the river road is some distance east of the river bank.
Beyond (south of) the Willard schoolhouse it follows the
river bank more closely to as far south as the Afton Rock?
River bridge. In many places it is not more than 25 or 30
feet from the river bank. Along this stretch the river is
from 200 to 300 feet wide. Farm lands and occasional oak
groves lie along the entire course of this picturesque but lit-
tie traveled dirt road for over three miles. The banks of
the coffee-colored Rock are curtained with a fringe of trees.
In the river opposite the State School farm is a small wil-
low-overgrown island.
Willard School Camp Site
(NE. % Sec. 15)
Remains of a small camp site are scattered through a part
of a small field near the river bank on a farm which adjoins
on the north the yard of the tiny frame school building
which Frances Willard attended during her childhood.
Her early home (Forest Home, 1846-1858) is located about
half-a-mile north of this place, and is marked with a tablet
erected by the Rock County W. C. T. U.
The flint in use in implement making at this site is of grey
and light brown colors. A few flint blanks and arrowpoints
have been found here.
Riverside Camp Site
(SW. % Sec. 15)
Some flint arrowpoints have been collected in the south-
ern fields of the E. Zeaman "Riverside" farm. Here hearth-
stones and the scattered refuse of a small flint workshop
were found.
This farm is on the east bank of the Rock. The old river
trail passed over it.
Coates Camp Site
(NW. 1/4, Sec. 22)
Opposite the small Marion Coates farm a brook flows
down to the Rock River through a small ravine which the
river road crosses. In a cultivated field on the east side of
the road, south of the brook, evidences of a former camp
site occur. Other similar evidences (hearthstones and flint
chips) occur on the west side of the road in a cultivated field
south of the Coates farm house, also in another field of the
Emerson farm adjoining this on the south. This latter
field is a river flat bordering on a bend of the river. South
of this field is a small tract of woodland.
On this camp site, with scattered indications of the sites
of about three or four wigwams, the flint in use in imple-
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 75
ment fashioning is of white, grey and light brown colors. It
was very probably obtained from some local source. Here
we also found a broken white flint notched arrowpoint, the
tip of another, and two flake scrapers.
Farmer boys have collected a few arrowpoints here. The
river bank is low, with a fringe of trees along the edge of
the Coates field.
Woodstock Mounds
(NE. 14 NW. % Sec. 22)
The existence of a group of three conical mounds on the
Arthur Woodstock, formerly the J. Kilmer farm, was re-
ported by H. L. Skavlem, on May 19, 1907. The mounds
were then in a cultivated field. Two were 20 and one 24
feet in diameter. They were then from a foot to li/2 feet
high. Mr. Horace McElroy reported the same group in
Oakley Farm Camp Site
(SW. 14 Sec. 22)
A camp site was located on the T. J. Oakley farm, on the
edge of a cultivated field on the east side of the river road,
north of the farm house. Here hearthstones were found
grouped in two places, probably wigwam sites, with a few
flint chips and fragments scattered over the ground in their
vicinity. The flint was of grey and light-brown colors.
These sites are within about thirty -five feet of the river
bank. A few flint arrowpoints have been found here and in
the field south of the Oakley farm bulidings.
Inman Camp Site
(NW. 1/2 Sec. 27)
The river lands along the east bank of the Rock River
from the Afton bridge road southward to the bridge cross-
ing of the river on the south boundary line of Rock township
are for the most part broad and level areas with low hills
rising in their rear. None are elevated more than a few
feet above the river and some are so low as to be overflowed
in years of high water. Most of these fields are this year in
grass and in use as pastures for cattle. Groves of oak and
other trees occupy some areas and other fields are over-
grown with young trees and brush. Trees line the river
On the broad fields of the former Inman Estate running
southward from opposite the Afton bridge for nearly half a
mile along the river bank the indications of former camp and
workshop sites were found to be quite abundant. These fields
are not under cultivation this year but despite the growth
of grass and weeds with which they are covered hearth-
stones, flint rejectage, pieces of clam shells and fragments
of animal bones occur in a number of places not far from
the edge of the river bank where Indian wigwams were once
located. Other specimens recovered during an inspection
of these places were a granite hammerstone, several broken
hammerstones, broken flint blanks, a broken leaf -shape ar-
rowpoint, a small white flint core. In past years several
flint celts and numerous flint implements have been collected
from these fields. When they are again under cultivation
additional specimens are almost certain to be found. Search
was made in one of the fields for traces of a refuse pit
said to have existed here but no trace of it could be found.
Rasmussen Camp Site
(SE. % Sec. 27)
Brush overgrown fields of the Schuette farm separate the
Inman sites from a well marked camp site on the river bank
farm fields of Mr. C. L. Rasmussen. These fields are sandy
and well elevated above the water. Near the southern edge
of these fields, at a short distance from the river bank, In-
dian camp and workshop site refuse is scattered over the
surface of the ground. Here were found hammerstones,
sandstone rubbing stones, broken flint blanks and a bluish
gray flint notched arrowpoint. Mr. Rasmussen has a white
flint stemmed spearpoint, about three inches in length which
he found here in cultivating this land. This farm was for-
merly owned by H. Fessenden.
Adjoining this field on the south is a tract of pasture land
in which are a number of tall walnut trees, being the surviv-
ors of a former considerable number of such trees once lo-
cated here. This pasture land is sometimes overflowed by
the river.
According to old settlers in this locality an old Winnebago
Indian who employed his time in making splint baskets,
once lived on this land. His dwelling was a dugout, roofed-
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 77
over place in a bank at a distance of about 600 feet from the
river shore. This site is now marked by a group of young
poplar trees.
In the river opposite the Rasmussen fields is a small tree-
covered island which is subject to overflow in high water.
Rice Camp Site
(NW. 1/2, NE. % Sec. 35)
Beyond the Rasmussen site a camp site occurs on the Rice
farm and the Noyes farm adjoining it on the east. Here
hearthstones, flint refuse and clam shell fragments occur in
the river fields.
Clam Shell Site
(SW. % Sec. 36)
Less than a half mile beyond The Oaks site, between the
highway and the river bank, is a small field, the land areas
to the north and south of which are boggy, grassy pastures.
This field consists of very black soil and was occupied by
a corn crop. No evidences of a camp site were found here.
Scattered over its surface in a number of places are pieces
of partly decomposed and broken valves of river clams, the
probable refuse of clam hunting in the river by the Indians,
possibly of small shell heaps which the plow has scattered.
A battered and broken granite pebble hammerstone was
picked up in this field. The weeds and tumbled corn stalks
(partly leveled by a recent windstorm) prevented a more
careful examination of this field.
West Bank of Rock River
West Bank Camp Sites
(Sees. 2, 11 and 14)
On the west bank of the Rock indications of former camp
sites are scattered along the edge of the cultivated fields
along the river bank from the old Kellogg farm in Section 2,
at the northern line of the township southward through the
western halves of Sections 11 and 14, nearly to the "Big
Hill" opposite Beloit. These indications, consisting of
hearthstones and scattered flint chips, are widely separated
from each other. A few flint points have been found in
these places.
A narrow strip of pasture land lies along the river bank
along the edge of these fields. The river bank is in different
places from 6 to 12 feet high, the river from 200 to 250 feet
wide. The fields are very level and the soil black and sandy
in places.
Just north of the "Big Hill" a spring brook courses
through a flat to the Rock. Opposite its mouth is a marshy
area. Along the north bank of this brook are cultivated
fields. These were examined but no indications of former
Indian residence found here.
Big Hill Camp Site
On the top of this high hill on the west bank of the Rock
River, opposite Beloit, the Sauk chief Black Hawk is re-
ported to have camped during his northward flight from Ill-
inois in 1832.
This high hill rising several hundred feet above the river
is largely covered with a fine oak forest. It is now, through
the efforts of the Beloit Izaak Walton League chapter, be-
come a wild life sanctuary park.
There is at the southern end of this hill a place where
there is more or less of an open space. Here we examined
a number of bare places where the sod had been removed or
killed out, In these spots we found several hearthstones, a
small number of flint chips, two small leaf shaped, greyish-
white flint blanks, and a small grey flint scraper.
The presence of these specimens appears to indicate that
Indians have camped upon this hill long before the Sauk
warriors reached it. The Winnebago Indian name of Big
Hill was Cha-cha-tay.
"When the first agricultural settlers came into Rock
County, the tent poles and remains of the Indian camp fires
were still to be found in Black Hawk's Grove, and are re-
membered by some of these settlers, who are still with us.
They indicated a more permanent camp than that of re-
treating Indian foes."*
* Hist, of Rock Co., Guernsey & Willard, 1856, p. 20.
Indian Villag-e and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 79
Poe Mound
(NE. % Sec. 26)
Mr. Ira M. Buell in his report on the Beloit Mound Groups
*says of this mound on the west bank of the Rock River :
"Directly across the river from this group (the Adams
group in Beloit) , in the midst of a grove on the river bottom
and north of a little inlet is the site of a mound now obliter-
ated. This conical burial mound was small, less than twen-
ty feet in diameter and about one and one-half feet high.
This inconspicuous "hummock" when disturbed disclosed
seven burials, a central form encircled by four others and at
one side two skeletons, one lying partly upon the other.
These burials were close to the surface, the bones being un-
covered by the plough in grading the field. No other re-
mains were found."
West Beloit Camp Sites
In early days of white settlement groups of Winnebago
and of Potawatomi Indians frequently camped on the west
bank of the Rock River in West Beloit. A band of Winne-
bago, gathered here for removal, were encamped here when
Caleb Blodgett came to Beloit in 1836.* Others were here
in 1837 and other Indians camped here from time to time in
small numbers for many years afterward. A search made
by ourselves failed to locate any evidence of earlier camp
sites in likely places along the river banks between this lo-
cality and the Big Hill. In the city such evidence has beerft
destroyed by the erection of buildings and grading of
East Bank of the Rock River
Roth Mounds
(SE. 1/4 Sec. 1)
A brief description of these mounds on the Roth farm is
given by Mr. Ira M. Buell in his report on the "Beloit Mound
Groups," published by the Wisconsin Archeological Society
in November, 1919. The two short linear or oval mounds
located here he reports as being about 70 feet long, 35 feet
* Wis. Archeo. 18, no. 4.
* Cooper's History of Rock County, p. 24.
wide and 3 feet high. He says that they are among the
largest tumuli in the Beloit region. These mounds are lo-
cated on the brow of the river terrace. In the cultivated
field in the rear of the mounds are faint traces of several
other mounds. Flint refuse, scattered by the plow, indi-
cates the former location of a camp site here.
Mr. H. L. Skavlem in about the year 1902 aJ«o located
these two mounds on the Roth farm.
The Oaks Camp Site
(NW. % Sec. 11)
Adjoining the Yost Park summer resort settlement on the
north is a large grassy field not at present under cultivation.
Beyond this is another large field this year under a fine crop
of corn. This field we examined as carefully as possible. In
this field nearly all of the evidences of former aboriginal oc-
cupation are in the part nearest the bank of the Rock River.
A narrow strip of uncultivated land, not more than thirty to
thirty-five feet wide with a few scattered young oaks grow-
ing upon it separates the western edge of this field from the
low river bank. All along the edge of this field scattered
Indian fireplace stones are very common. Most occur no
farther than 50 feet from the edge of the field.
With them were found scattered chips and flakes of pink
and white flint, three broken pebble hammerstones and a
small rudely made white flint implement, probably a scrap-
er. No hearthstones were found more than about 100 feet
from the edge of the field. Doubtless this site extends into
the grassy field previously mentioned. Here the Indian
wigwams must have been located very near the river bank
as indicated by the scattered hearthstones. Arrowpoints
have also been collected here. The highway is here hun-
dreds of feet east of the river bank.
The Oaks Gasoline and "Tourist Rest" station is located
by the side of the highway, north of this camp site. Beyond
this is a bridge across the river.
Yost Park Village Site and Mound
(SW. 14 Sec. 11)
At this place, on the east bank of the Rock River, on the
John A. Yost farm and at Yost Park adjoining its fields on
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 81
the north was located the early Winnebago Indian village of
"Standing Post." Its location is given as about two miles
north of Beloit. Its Winnebago name is given as Ho-bo-sa-
che-nug-ra. U. S. Indian Agent John H. Kinzie gives the
number of its inhabitants in 1829 as seventeen, and Kaw-
ray-kaw-saw-kaw, White Crow, as their chief. According
to Dr. N. W. Jipson White Crow was also a chief of the Win-
nebago of Turtle Village at that time.*
Mr. Yost states that in cultivating the very level fields
along the river bank on his farm many flint implements and
one stone axe have been found in past years. These fields
were in pasture during the summer of 1928 and could not be
carefully examined. Scattered hearthstones were found at
different places in them. When his father settled here
these very level lands were covered with a forest. There
were two good springs on the river bank. Several former
Beloit collectors of Indian implements have obtained flint
arrow and spearpoints from the Yost fields.
Adjoining the Yost farm on the north is the Beloit sum-
mer resort settlement known as Yost Park.
On the side of the ridge on the east side of the highway
(U. S. 51) opposite the Yost farm house is the single short
linear mound described by Mr. Ira M. Buell.** He gives its
length as 80 and its width as 16 feet. He gives its location
as in the center of the SE. % of Section 11.
The preservation of this mound the Beloit Historical Soci-
ety should now endeavor to secure. Bur oak trees grow on
the ridge about the mound and it is crossed by a wire fence.
A small ravine lies south of it. Here are the Beloit Gun
Club grounds, now no longer in use.
Baldwin Mound
(SE. 14 Sec. 14)
Mr. Buell in his re-survey of the Beloit mound groups
found a single conical mound about 25 feet in diameter on
the edge of the terrace on the F. and H. C. Baldwin farm.
Two other mounds located here by Mr. James Wilson, Jr., in
1898 had probably been destroyed by the erection of the
* Wis. Archeo. 2, no. 3, n. s., 130.
** Wis. Archeo. 18, no. 4, 126.
farm buildings. This mound was excavated some years ago
but without the finding of human remains or implements ac-
cording to Buell.
Weirick Mound Group
(NE. 14 of Sec. 23)
These mounds were located on the W. C. Weirick farm on
the Rock River road, about three-fourths of a mile north of
the northern city limits of Beloit. Mr. Buell gives a de-
scription and plat of the group of fifteen mounds, five of
which were located on the terrace east of the highway and
ten in the river fields west of it. Seven of the mounds were
effigies, five were linear mounds, and three conical and oval
Some indications of a former Indian camp site were
found in the river fields near the mounds. Relic hunters
have dug into and mutilated most of the mounds of this once
fine group. One effigy mound was destroyed in construct-
ing the electric line right-of-way.
Of the mounds in the river fields twro linear mounds of a
group of three still exist on the Conrad Hansen, Joseph Ma-
son and William Wilford residence properties, opposite the
electric line station known as Ridgeway and near the B<
loit Country Club grounds. The finest of these, a taperii
club shaped linear, is on the Hansen property, and rui
from the electric line tracks to the front entrance of the res
idence. This mound is 126 feet in length, and 24 feet ii
width at its head, where it is about 3!/4 feet high. The oth<
mound runs diagonally across the Mason lot (south of tl
Conrad place), its head extending under the Wilford resi-
dence. A third mound was destroyed when the Earl Matsoi
house on the lot adjoining the Hansen place on the nortl
was erected. This was a linear of the straight type wil
rounded extremities. It had a projection on one side of th(
end nearest the electric line. The highway passes nej
these mounds. The other river field mounds of this grou]
were a short distance north of these.
Faint traces of a camp site were found in back yard!
along the river bank near these mounds. The Hansel
mound, being a fine specimen and conveniently located foi
inspection, should be marked with a metal tablet.
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 83
Beloit Country Club Camp Site
An examination was made of the grounds of the Beloit
Country Club along their Pleasant Street frontage for evi-
dences of former aboriginal occupation. Every dirt road-
way and bare spot was examined both on the top and at the
base of the ridge. There were many of the latter. On the
top of a knoll where dirt had been removed in making some
small road improvements a fine English gunflint was found
and near it a small number of white flint chips. Other chips
and fragments of the same material were recovered from a
bare spot at the base of the ridge a short distance beyond
this point. Additional chips were found in other places
where the sod had been disturbed. The knoll where the
gunflint was found is about 225 feet north of the clubhouse.
The other spots where evidence of flint working was
found extend northward as far as Henry Avenue. The
land along the edge of Pleasant Street is rather level, rising
gradually to the ridge (knolls) above. The trees on the
ridge and slope are oaks. The distance from the edge of
the street to the river bank is about 150 feet. Opposite this
land the river is at present about 500 feet wide.
I am informed that in former years many flint points
were found on this part of the Country Club grounds.
Hearthstones have been dislodged in a number of places on
and at the base of the ridge where wigwams were probably
once located.
Henderson Effigy
(SE. 14 Sec. 23)
This turtle effigy is on the terrace edge on the Henderson
property less than a half mile north of the Beloit city limits.
Buell gives an illustration and brief description of this
U. S. 51 Camp Site
Another Indian camp site is located in a small tract of
cultivated land on the Rock River bank on the east side of
U. S. 51 highway (Wisconsin 13 and 26) , being an extension
of Pleasant Street of the City of Beloit. This field, especially
along the river bank is rather low and doubtless at times
subject to overflow of the river. On a small rise of land in
* Wis. Archeo., 18, no. 4.
this field, at a distance of about 150 feet, scattered Indian
hearthstones were found, chips and fragments of white and
pink flint, a broken pebble hammerstone, a tiny fragment of
a pottery vessel and a well made white flint notched arrow-
point. These tell plainly of the former location of a wig-
wam at this place. A few chips were also found in another
small field recently plowed adjoining this field on the north.
This field was growing a crop of corn at the time of our in-
spection of it. William Acker, a Beloit collector, has a
stone celt which was collected on or near this site. This
specimen is oval in form and six inches in length. Near its
rounded cutting edge and poll its width is about 2% inches.
Just beyond this place are the Hansen and other mounds
visited on one of our previous visits to this vicinity. The
tourist camp ground maintained by the Beloit Real Estate
Board is opposite these mounds. These grounds were also
examined but without result, these being covered with a
tough sod. Yost Park lies north of these places.
Adams Mounds
This mound group "is at the north end of an 80 acre tract
now a part of the Fairbanks Morse Co. property (Pageant
Park)/' Buell gives a plat and brief description of it.
The group consisted of thirteen mounds. Three of the
mounds were turtle effigies, four conical mounds, and si
oval and short linear mounds.
Dr. S. D. Peet also presents an illustration of this grou
in his book Prehistoric America, II, (Fig. 162) . This is in-
correct and shows ojily seven of the mounds.
In 1920 one of the mounds of this group was destroyed :
"It happened at the location of the new Fairbanks, Mors
& Co. plant on the Riverside drive where the Leonard Con-
struction Co. is excavating. Shovels were scraping the sur-
face from a hillock when the mound suddenly collapsed
Digging deeper into the mound workmen uncovered a skel
eton, believed to be that of an Indian. The red man was
lying on his back, his knees drawn up over his breast almost
to his chin and his arms outstretched, the palms of his
hands up. There were no stone or copper implements in
the grave."*
* Beloit Daily News, Oct. 1, 1920.
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 85
In the Rock River, opposite the Fairbanks, Morse Co.
plant there is in the stream a very attractive large bed of
arrowhead (Sagittaria sp.) This floral "island" is long
and narrow, about two city blocks in length and at its wid-
est part about 150 feet across. The tops of the plants are
a foot or more above the top of the water. There is a bed
of these plants also along the Pleasant Street shore of the
stream. The Indians ate the root of this plant and if these
beds or any part of them were here in early days of Indian
occupation there was at hand an abundant food supply.
Some indications of a former camp site were found in
past years on the site of the Fairbanks, Morse Co. factory.
These included flint points and a small knife and several
pebble hammerstones. Mr. Theodore Dustrude of Beloit
has a stone axe and a flint knife which he picked up on land
along the switch track of the plant.
Water Tower Mounds
Buell mentions that some mounds formerly surrounding
the Beloit water tower have been destroyed. Vague out-
lines of several remain.
Beloit College Mound Group
In 1855 Dr. Increase A. Lapham published in The Antiq-
uities of Wisconsin Prof. S. P. Lathrop's survey of the
group of Indian mounds surrounding Beloit College and of
the road, an old Indian trail, which crossed the campus,
running between and also over some of the mounds. This
original map shows fourteen conical and five linear mounds.
Mr. Buell gives a rather full description of this group and
presents a plat of the remaining mounds of it as preserved
among the buildings on the campus today. This shows a
total of 21 mounds 14 of which are conical or round mounds,
1 oval, 5 linear, and 1 effigy (a turtle) mound. A fine tab-
let now marks this group. Some of the mounds have been
Logan Museum, in whose exhibition halls Dr. Frank G.
Logan, Dr. George L. Collie and Mr. Alonzo Pond have in
recent years gathered so rich a collection of the world's
archeological treasures, stands near this imposing group of
* Wis. Archeo. 18, no. 4.
prehistoric earthworks, the early wisdom of the permanent
preservation of which has inspired so many Wisconsin and
other archeologists.
We examined the ridge of the Beloit College campus along
Pleasant Street and especially the area about the Turtle
Mound. This ridge is about a half block east of the bank of
the Rock River. The top of the ridge is at least thirty feet
above the street. Opposite this place the river is about 200
feet wide.
Owing to the ridge top being largely in sod no evidence
of aboriginal occupation could be found. Some flint and
other stone implements have been reported as found here in
past years.
We also examined the east bank of the Rock (gardens and
lots) from the Portland Street bridge northward along
Fourth and Fifth Streets to Goss Addition and the cultivated
farm lands beyond, but with no results.
Turtle Village
The present site of the City of Beloit was the early site of
a large and important Winnebago Indian village, being the
largest of the historic Winnebago villages along the Rocl
River between the Illinois-Wisconsin boundary and the fool
of Lake Koshkonong. Concerning the history of the Tur-
tle Village there is much scattered information in the Wis-
consin Historical Collections, The Wisconsin Archeologisl
and the Rock County histories.
This village was located on the former bottom lands b<
tween the Rock River and the mouth of its tributary, Turtl<
Creek. North of it were high hills with broad prairie land;
on their tops.
Dr. S. D. Peet gives a description of this village : "There
was a council house and garden beds at Beloit. The gar-
den beds were situated on the bank of the Rock River, near
where the Northwestern depot formerly stood. The first
settlers raised their first vegetables on the spot where the
garden beds had been. There were corn fields on the bot-
tom of Turtle Creek, near where the athletic grounds are
present. A council house built of bark, forty feet square,
with poles in the center supporting the roof, stood near Tur-
tle Creek, where the road to Shopiere crosses the creek with
Indian Village and Camp Sites .of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 87
wigwams around it. There were trails which led to Rock-
ton and to Janesville, on each side of the river, and another
leading across the prairie toward Delavan Lake. One of
these crosses the campus through the group of mounds."*
Where the cemetery or burial places of this village were
located has not been recorded. Burials are reported to
have been unearthed at Beloit in the construction of streets
and buildings at various times since 1850.
The Winnebago Indian name for Turtle Village was Ki-
chunck, the name for Turtle Creek, Ki-chunk-ne-shun-nuck-
er-rah. U. S. Indian Agent John H. Kinzie in his Wiscon-
sin Winnebago census of 1829-32 gives the Indian popula-
tion of "Turtle River" (Turtle Village) as thirty-five lodges
with six hundred inhabitants. General Atkinson, who
passed through Turtle Village, then deserted, with his
troops in pursuit of the Sauk chief Black Hawk and his
warriors, on June 30, 1832, said: "It is a considerable
Winnebago town, but it was deserted."**
The early Winnebago chief of this village is reported to
have been Walking Turtle, or Karramaunee, an Indian of
considerable prominence among the Winnebago chiefs of
his time. Mr. P. V. Lawson in his monograph, "The Win-
nebago Tribe," presents a very full account of his life his-
tory.*** Karramaunee's calumet, 1832, a pipe of Siouan
type made of catlinite, lead-inlaid, is preserved in the Green
Bay Public Museum.
Kinzie's census shows that White Crow (Kaw-ray-kaw-
saw-kaw), the Lake Koshkonong chief, became its leader in
1829. In 1832, sub-Indian agent Henry Gratiot, designated
Whirling Thunder, "a man of great repute for his sagacity
in council," as chief of Turtle Village. His Indian name is
given as Wau-kaun-ween-wak, or Wau-kon-ge-weka. Little
Priest or Little Chief (Mor-ay-tshay-kaw), chief in 1829 of
the Catfish Village, was also identified with Turtle Village.
By the provisions of a treaty concluded with the Winne-
bago at Washington on November 1, 1337, that tribe ceded
to the United States the balance of their lands in Wiscon-
sin. Their removal followed.
* Prehistoric America, II, 1898, p. 391.
** West. Hist. Co., Hist. Rock Co., p. 331.
*** Wis. Archeo. 6, no. 3, pp. 150-152.
Their lands along the Rock they ceded to the Government
in 1832.
The Indian trader at Beloit was Joseph Thibault, a
French Canadian, and the agent of the Milwaukee trader,
Solomon Juneau. His log cabin trading post is reported to
have been located in 1836 "at the south end and west side
of what is now State Street.
He claimed to have been living in the general region
about twelve years. He was succeeded as trader by Alex.
Lemere, who occupied his post for the next eight years.*
In past years, when the City of Beloit was being settled,
considerable numbers of Indian relics, including flint imple-
ments, stone axes, celts, hammers, some stone ornaments
and pipes, and some copper implements and beads, were
found by residents and others on and near the site of the
Indian village and gardens. Very few of these remain in
private hands and a very small numoer appear to have
found their way into the collections of the Logan Museum
at Beloit College. There are several small collections in the
city but their contents are largely from other parts of Wis-
consin and from other states. A flint spade found here
years ago is 7% inches in length and 3% inches in width at
its widest part.
The museum of the Beloit Historical Society has not been
in existence long enough to have assembled any local Indian
Our survey permits the making of a count of the Indiai
mounds located in the Rock River Valley between the fool
of Lake Koshkonong and Beloit. This count gives the fol-
lowing figures :
Township Conical Oval Linear Effigy Totals
Milton 17 1 18
Fulton 18 2 14 34
Janesville 7 7
Rock 19 5 12 5 41
Beloit _ . 26 1 18 12 57
87 8 45 17 157
This total of 157 mounds does not include several mounds
on the Hubbel farm which have been destroyed and of
* Hist, of Rock Co., C. F. Cooper & Co., 1908, p. 128.
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 89
which no accurate record exists, or of several mounds on the
Roth farm north of Beloit of which Buell found faint traces
remaining. Nor does it include the so-called Waterworks
mounds in Beloit, a small group of which there appears to
have been no survey made before they were destroyed.
In making this count we acknowledge our indebtedness to
the Messrs. A. B. Stout and H. L. Skavlem who published a
report on the Lake Koshkonong mounds in 1908, to H. L.
Skavlem and Horace McElroy who surveyed and reported
on the Janesville and Afton mounds in 1907 and 1914, and
to Ira U. Buell, who re-surveyed the Beloit groups and
published a report on these in 1919.
The several largest mound groups along the banks of tne
Rock River between the foot of Lake Koshkonong and Be-
loit were the Rock River group at Lake Koshkonong with 11
mounds, the Indian Hill group at the mouth of the Catfish
River with 28 mounds, the Afton group at Afton with 22
mounds, the Weirick and Adams groups north of Beloit
with 13 mounds each, and the Beloit College group with 21
mounds. Of the 17 effigy or animal shaped mounds located
in these surveys in the five different groups which include
effigy mounds (in the Afton, Weirick, Henderson, Adams
and Beloit College groups) 7 are mounds of the turtle, 2 of
the bear, 2 of the panther, 2 of the mink, and 1 of the bird
type. Three are nondescript effigies.
kFor the past eighty years or more collectors of Indian im-
lements have made collections, small or quite extensive,
rom the numerous camp and village sites along the banks
of the Rock River between Beloit and the foot of Lake Kosh-
konong. Most of these collections have been either sold, or
given away, or been carried away to other states or other
parts of Wisconsin by their owners. Very little of the ma-
terial gathered from these sites or from the cultivated fields
along the river banks is preserved in Wisconsin museums.
This public loss appears to emphasize the need of establish-
ing public historical museums at Beloit, Janesville and Ed-
gerton where such collections and specimens can be assem-
bled in the future and saved for educational purposes.
The most widely known collector in this region was Mr.
Horace M. McElroy of Janesville. Most of the specimens
in his large collection were obtained from Indian sites with-
in and near the present limits of the city in which he re-
sided. Others were collected from sites as far south along
the river as Afton, and as far north as Lake Koshkonong.
He also obtained specimens from other parts of Rock Coun-
ty. Before his death Mr. McElroy sold many of his choic-
est specimens. His widow and some of his friends present-
ed what remained of his collection to the Janesville public
library in 1916. These specimens consisting of flint, quartz,
rhyolite, chalcedony and other arrow and spearpoints,
knives, scrapers and perforators are mounted in glass
frames. One frame, containing about fifty such artifacts,
is labelled "Rock River." Most of the other specimens are
from other regions and from other states. In the Rock
River frame are five of the broad, barbed spearpoints made
of white and grey flint. No catalogue of Mr. McElroy's
former collection appears to exist. Fortunately sketches of
some of his specimens were made during his lifetime and
these are available for study.
At Fulton collections of Indian artifacts were made by
Mr. Darcy Biggar, Mr. Harvey Pease and Mr. J. T. Thomp-
son. All were very active collectors. Mr. Biggar began to
collect specimens in his boyhood. Most of his collecting
was from the site of the Catfish Village at the mouth of the
Catfish River and from the old Stone Farm site on the op-
posite bank of the Rock. He also gathered specimens from
other sites along the Rock River banks as far north as New-
ville. His interesting collection was recently presented by
him to the State Historical Museum at Madison. Mr.
Thompson's collection was on exhibition in a case in the Ed-
gerton high school. It has recently been withdrawn.
At Indian Ford Mr. D. Willard North and Mr. Bert Cox
both have interesting collections made from local sites. At
Edgerton Mr. Harry C. Son has a collection made from sites
at Newville and Lake Koshkonong.
A collection made by George Doty, deceased, from this
same region is in existence.
One of the best collecting grounds along the entire lower
Rock River region in Wisconsin was at Newville. There in-
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 91
teresting collections were made by George H. Sherman,
Henry Pierce, Ulysses G. Miller, Edward Amerpoll of
Janesville, the late W. P. Clarke of Milton, and C. A. Ski-
breck of Stoughton.
At Beloit Theodore Dustrude has a small collection. A
collection made by C. C. Babbitt of Janesville is deposited in
the Oshkosh Public Museum. Miss Minnie Hubbell of Ful-
ton has a small number of specimens from a site on the
Hubbell farm at that place. Other less important collec-
tions and specimens are in the possession of various persons
residing on some of the river farms.
The Logan Museum of Beloit College has a comparatively
small number of lower Rock River region specimens in its
otherwise rich collections. Unfortunately none of these
have any definite data as to the exact locations where they
were obtained. Among them are a bannerstone of the but-
terfly type, made of hornblende schist, and collected at Ed-
gerton, a grooved stone axe of the pick type, with a battered
poll, found at Albion, and a sandstone arrowshaft grinder
found at Newville. Other Rock River specimens are a
fluted stone axe, an adz-axe, and five other grooved stone
Outside of those contained in the Darcy Biggar collection
the State Historical Museum has only a small number of
specimens from Rock River, Rock County sites. Among
these is a large flint spearpoint 10 inches in length. This
is from Janesville. There are a copper knife found at Ed-
gerton, and a copper perforator from near the Catfish Vil-
lage, and flint implements and potsherds, sinkers, hammer-
stones, and other artifacts from sites at Newville, Indian
Ford, Janesville and Afton.
A few Rock River implements collected by W. P. Clarke
are in the museum at Milton College.
After urging for some years the importance of engaging
in a survey of the prehistoric and historic Indian village
and camp sites located along the banks of the Rock River in
the region between the foot of Lake Koshkonong and the
Wisconsin-Illinois boundary, this very desirable undertak-
Vol. 9, No. 1
ing was at last made possible through the generous interest
of Dr. Frank G. Logan, who supplied the funds required for
a surface survey. Very little or nothing was known con-
cerning the location or character of any of these camp and
village sites. Survey field-work was begun during the
early summer of 1928 and continued to near the end of tHe
year. Some of the sixty-five camp and village sites and
other aboriginal remains located along the Rock River were
re-visited during the summer of 1929. As the funds avail-
able were not sufficient to engage in more than a small
amount of excavating such work must wait until some fu-
ture time. A condensed report of our researches is pre-
sented in this bulletin. A report on the sites along the Cat-
fish River between Lake Kegonsa and its mouth, at the Rock
at Fulton, is being held for future publication.
The results of our investigations show that some of these
village sites are Algonkian, some are Siouan, and some ap-
pear to have been occupied successively by representatives
of both Indian stocks. Some are contact sites. The pres-
ence of artifacts characteristic of both the Cahokia and
Hopewell cultures on the sites, and in some of the mounds
excavated by others, probably indicates an early residence
of some of these prehistoric Indians in the Lower Rock
River valley also.
We have the pleasure of realizing that through our efforts
much useful information concerning the early Indian inhab-
itants of the Rock River valley has been rescued from more
or less complete loss. We wish to strongly recommend the
permanent preservation and marking of some of the
mounds yet remaining at the foot of Lake Koshkonong, at
"Indian Hill" at Fulton, and along the Rock River highway
north of Beloit. The interest of the county board and of
the local historical societies and women's clubs should be
aroused in the great value of their preservation as historical
landmarks. Their loss would be greatly deplored by pres-
ent and future residents of the Rock River cities. Markers
should also be placed on the sites of the historic Winnebago
villages of the region, especially on the sites of those located
at Beloit, Janesville, Fulton and Newville. We hope to see
the archeological collections in the museums at Janesville
Indian Village and Camp Sites of the Lower Rock River in Wisconsin. 93
and Beloit greatly increased and made educationally useful
to the public. At Edgerton a public museum should be es-
We desire to express our thanks to the many good friends
who, in one way and another, have assisted, us in this work.
, 1930
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for In Sec
L103, Act, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jan. 28, 1921.
Utecorartn grcfjeological g>ocfetj>
Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing the study and
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
H. H. Smith
C. G. Schoewe Mrs. Theo. Koerner
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand W. W. Oilman
A. T. Newman Dr. A. L. Kastner
A. P. Kannenberg
Dr. S. A. Barrett
M. C. Richter
Vetal Winn
R. J. Kieckhefer
E. F. Richter
L. R. Whitney
W. C. McKern
Dr. E. J. W. Notz
Mrs. A. E. Koerner
Geo. A. West
G. M. Thorne
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. S. A. Barrett, J. P. Schumacher, W. G. Mc-
Lachlan, Rev. F. S. Dayton, C. E. Brown, W. C. McKern, T. L.
Miller, A. W. Pond, Geo. Overton, Frank Thomlinson, T.~M. N.
Lewis and M. F. Hulburt.
MOUND PRESERVATION— W. W. Gilman, Dr. F. C. Rogers, Dr.
A. L. Kastner, R. J. Kieckhefer, Mrs. Jessie R. Skinner, Louise
P. Kellogg, Mrs. H. A. Main, R. A. Maas, J. W. Norris, Mrs.
F. R. Melcher, Dr. A. Gerend, and G. L. Pasco.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, Dr. G. L. Collie, Mrs.
A. C. Neville, A. P. Kannenberg, E. P. Hamilton, William Horlick,
Mrs. H. A. Olson, W. F. Bauchle and R. S. Van Handel.
MEMBERSHIP— C. G. Schoewe, Dr. W. H. Brown, A. R. Rogers,
Vetal Winn, C. G. Weyl, Mrs. Theo. Koerner, W. P. Morgan, Louis
Pierron and D. S. Rowland.
MAN MOUND PARK— M. F. Hulburt, E. A. Gilman and Miss Emma
AZTALAN MOUND PARK— R. P. Ferry, M. G. Troxell, and W. W.
PUBLICITY— A. O. Barton, Mrs. W. F. Bauchle, M. C. Richter, E. R.
Mclntyre and R. K. Coe.
BIOGRAPHY— Dr. E. J. W. Notz, C. G. Schoewe and H. H. Smith.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeological Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologist" should be addressed to Charles E.
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Museum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thome, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Mil-
Vol. 9, No. 2, New Series
"Turkey-tail" Points, Charles E. Brown
The Chicago-Milwaukee-Green Bay Trail, Louise P. Kellogg 103
The Hopewell People _. -106
Indian Trade Beads 109
Urn Burials in Alabama 110
Cache of Indian Stone Adzes 112
Indian Overland Travelways 114
The Huff Mandan Village Site, Charles E. Brown 120
Brule River Copper Sources, John A. Bardon 122
Petroglyphs and Pictographs 123
Thunderbird Legend of the Post 128
Winneboujou 130
Archeological Notes _ 131
"Turkey-tail Point" at the Right
Courtesy of Ohio State Archeological
and Historical Society
Ct)e ^fsconstn arcfjeologtfit
Published Quarterly by the Wisconsin Areheolo^icnl Society
Yol. l> MADISON, WIS., JANUARY, 1930 \o. 2
New Series
By this fanciful name there have long been known to col-
lectors of Indian implements throughout the Middle West
a class of flint implements of very graceful form, and quite
generally conceded to be among the very best productions of
the prehistoric Indian flint worker. A specimen of these
implements is illustrated in the frontispiece of this issue
of The Wisconsin Archeologist.
The first published description of these very interesting
implements appeared in a monograph, "The Implement
Caches of the Wisconsin Indians", published in 1907.* A
part of this description is here quoted: "The points are
generally elliptical in shape and are provided with two
notches near one extremity, producing a short, angular or
rounded tang. [This tang is triangular or somewhat
lozenge-shaped.] They are generally considered to be best
adapted for use as knives, the tang being generally too
short and fragile in comparison with the length, breadth
and weight of the blade to permit of their being very se-
curely hafted for service as spearpoints.
"In almost every one of several hundred Wisconsin col-
lections in existence to-day, there are to be seen one or more
of these implements. Many of them are known to have been
found en cache, indeed it is an open question whether the
majority of them were not so obtained, the continual sell-
ing and exchanging going on among collectors and the fre-
quent carelessness of the finders being responsible for our
present inability to trace the facts of their original disposi-
"The material from which these implements are fash-
ioned is generally the bluish or grayish hornstone, identical
* The Wisconsin Archeologist, V. 6, No. 2. See also V. 20, No. 1,
p. 12.
with, or resembling that of the Wyandotte cave region in
[southwestern] Indiana. Some exhibit traces of brown
color mingled with the blue or grey. [Some are dark blue
in color or almost black.] All are admirable examples of
the flint chipper's art."
A description of the caches or deposits of these "turkey-
tail" points recovered up to that time, the year 1907, is
1. Cache of fourteen found in about the year 1878 on the
Bonn farm, in Section 31, Two Rivers Township, Manito-
woc County.
2. Cache of six found in Section 18, Ellington Township,
Outagamie County.
3. Cache of four found beneath a stump near Boltonville,
Washington County.
4. Cache of eight found in 1904 by Seymour Harris with-
in the limits of New Lisbon, Juneau County.
5. Cache of six reported found on the east shore of Pe-
waukee Lake, Waukesha County.
6. Cache of three found at the corner of Pearl and Eliza-
beth Streets, in Janesville, Rock County.
A few sets of these knives have accompanied interments
in mounds. A set of eighteen were obtained by Dr. Al-
phonse Gerend in the excavation of a mound located on the
edge of the Sheboygan Marsh, in Sheboygan County. These
were found near the right and left hands of a burial and
were wrapped in pieces of rawhide. Three of these imple-
ments accompanied a burial in a mound at Lisbon, Wauke-
sha County.
No attempt to plot the distribution of these notched blue
hornstone knives in Wisconsin has yet been made. This
may be possible with the cooperation of collectors of Indian
implements. We know that in eastern Wisconsin they range
at least as far to the north as the shore of Green Bay and
that at least one specimen has been found in Chippewa
County in northern Wisconsin. Their northward distribu-
tion in the Mississippi Valley counties remains to be deter-
mined. The secretary will be pleased to receive informa-
tion on this subject from members and friends located in
these and other parts of the state.
Concerning the distribution and frequency of occurrence
"Turkey-Tail" .Points. loi
of these blue hornstone implements in the neighboring
states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota
there is a deplorable lack of information. Published arche-
ological reports contain very little information concerning
them. We look to our brother archeologists in those states
to rectify this lack of data. By every right both caches of
these implements and single specimens should be quite nu-
merous in Indiana and Illinois. We should expect to find
them not uncommon also in southern Michigan and eastern
Iowa. Moorehead has figured a single specimen secured by
Harlan I. Smith in the Saginaw Valley, Michigan. He
states that this form "is peculiar to Indiana, Illinois, Michi-
gan, Canada, etc."* He also illustrates a specimen from
Tennessee. The finding of a cache of six in Christian
County, Kentucky, is mentioned. We would expect them to
be of not uncommon occurrence in these states south of the
Ohio River.
During the month of November 1929 the writer wrote to
Mr. H. C. Shetrone, director of the Ohio State Archaeologi-
cal and Historical Society, at Columbus, for information
concerning these interesting knives. To this communica-
tion Mr. Shetrone replied also enclosing outline drawings
of specimens of thes-e and several related forms in the col-
lections of the Ohio State Museum.
"These specimens, conforming to a very definite type and
made exclusively, insofar as I am aware, of the hornstone
or nodular flint, presumably from the Wyandot Cave region
of southern Indiana, are most intriguing. I had known that
their distribution is rather wide but I am surprised to find
them occurring as far north as Wisconsin.
"Whether or not they are peculiar to any given 'culture'
I have been unable to determine. This particular variety
of flint was used by the Hopewell peoples but I cannot say
that the specific type is theirs. The type is purely a double
pointed oval with or without notches, usually notched how-
ever. I consider the two specimens which you outline as
being identical, the only difference being that one has re-
ceived the notches.
"A number of caches of this interesting type have been
* Prehistoric Implements.
found in Ohio, the most notable being one of more than a
hundred specimens, ranging in size from three inches to
more than one foot, found not more than fifteen inches be-
low the surface in excavating for a basement near Chilli-
cothe, Ross County.* The place of the finding of this cache
was immediately adjacent to the Mound City Group, Hope-
well culture, but since they were unaccompanied by any
other objects there was nothing to indicate definitely affin-
ity with Hopewell. Their wide distribution, close conform-
ity to type and the fact that they are made from identical
or very similar nodular or concretionary chert or hornstone
is very striking.
"As of possible interest to you I am outlining several
specimens from the Chillicothe cache, and some others from
another cache found near Fort Ancient and constituting
absolutely the highest artistic development in flint-chipping
which we have observed here in Ohio/'
The Fort Ancient cache was one of forty-five specimens.
These differ in form from those of the Chillicothe cache and
those in the Wisconsin caches in that they have longer and
more substantial tangs, larger and deeper notches giving a
pronounced shoulder with a suggestion of a barb. The
edges of the blade from the base nearly to the middle are
nearly parallel or slightly curved. From the middle they
curve to the point. These also are narrower implements
than those commonly included under the head of "turkey-
tail" points. Their shape and stout tangs would permit
their use as spearpoints, which they probably were. Imple-
ments of this particular form also occur in Wisconsin.
From them it is only a step to the stemmed blue horn-
stone spearpoint. For the present at least we may conclude
that the blue hornstone disks (of which 8,000 were obtained
from one of the Hopewell Mounds) the double-pointed
hornstone knives, the "turkey-tail" knives, the notched
spearpoints, and the stemmed spearpoints, and perhaps
other implements made of this attractive material, can all
be traced, to the workshop sites of the same prehistoric
aboriginal people. It will be interesting to learn through
the future investigations of the archeologists of Indiana,
* Probably the Spetnagel Cache.
"Turkey-Tail" Points. 103
Ohio and Illinois just where these workshops were situated,
how the hornstone was obtained and transported, and who
these people probably were. Brother archeologists in many
states will be 'pleased to have this and other information
which should be procurable. Implements of various kinds
made of this fine and attractive material are very numerous
throughout the states of the Middle West.
To date no actual evidence, or only faint evidence, of the
manufacture of any blue or brown hornstone inplements on
Wisconsin workshop or village sites has been reported.
Several unworked or roughly worked nodules have been re-
covered. It would appear that most, if not all, of the speci-
mens must have been brought to this region in their already
finished state from centers of their manufacture, over well
known trade routes.
The largest blue hornstone "turkey-tail" knife as yet
found in Wisconsin, a specimen from the Ellington Town-
ship, Outagamie County cache, measures 9Vi inches in
length and 31/2 inches in width at the widest part of its
blade. It is in the H. P. Hamilton collection in the State
Historical Museum. Only the fine specimen in the Chilli-
cothe cache, measuring about 10% inches in length and
about 2% inches in width, exceeds it in size.
Louise Phelps Kellogg
An Indian trail from time immemorial ran somewhat
back from the Lake Michigan shore, connecting the three
historic places of Chicago, Milwaukee, and Green Bay. It
may have been there when heroic Tonty in 1680 wandered
through the woods of southeast Wisconsin on his retreat
from Illinois before the dreaded Iroquois. If so he and his
companions did not find it, but stumbled on half-starved
until rescued on the Sturgeon Bay portage trail by friendly
Indians. No doubt the trail was worn in 1684 when La
Durantaye, commandant at Green Bay, hastened to the aid
of the beleaguered garrison on what is now known as
"Starved Rock", on the Illinois River, near Ottawa. All
through the eighteenth century there was communication
between these three favored sites on Lake Michigan. Fur
traders and voyageurs came and went, war's alarm was
hurriedly carried from one place to another. During the
American Revolution, it was at one time feared that Gen-
eral George Rogers Clark would march north and capture
Mackinac. The fort at that place was transferred to the
island, where it has since remained ; detachments were hur-
ried to the mouths of the Milwaukee and Chicago rivers;
but Clark and his men never came nearer than Rock River,
and the British officers retained control of Lake Michigan's
shore until almost the close of the century.
It was not until the Americans in 1816 built Fort Howard
at Green Bay and rebuilt Fort Dearborn at Chicago, that
this trail became an important link in the military occupa-
tion of the Northwest, and troops, mail carriers, cattle
drivers, and others than Indians began to use it. Travel
by land was almost wholly confined to the winter months,
the communication in summer being wholly by boats. At
Fort Howard a soldier was detailed to make the long five
hundred mile round trip with mail to Fort Dearborn and
return. He went on foot with an Indian or half-breed com-
panion, carrying both mail and provisions on their backs.
The journey took a month in good weather and the mail-
carrier was often delayed by storms and bad weather be-
yond the customary time. It was a trip of great danger
since there were no human habitations except at Milwau-
kee, and later at Skunk Grove west of Racine until the
vicinity of Chicago was reached where Antoine Ouilmette
[Wilmette] cared for the weary travelers.
One such mail carrier has given his route on the trail ;
he said he saw the lake only at Two Rivers and Sauk River,
now Port Washington, and again at Gros Point, Ouilmette's
home. In detail the trail has been thus defined from Chi-
cago northward. Starting at the north bank of Chicago
River, now the end of the Michigan Boulevard bridge, the
trail ran north along the height of land, on about what is
now Rush Street to Chicago Avenue. Thus it turned north
northwest a mile to the present intersection of Clark Street
and North Avenue, then followed North Clark Street to
Ridge Avenue, Evanston. The trail then turned at Demp-
"Turkey-Tail" Points. 105
ster Street into Greenwood Avenue, thence north to Simp-
son Avenue, swinging in an eastward curve through Wil-
mette. From here it ran north through Kenilworth to the
Sheridan Road, which it followed almost to Lake Bluff.
There it turned northwesterly to three miles west of Wau-
kegan. Here the trail went due north and came into Wis-
consin on what is now United States Highway 41. This
road was followed to State Highway 50, five miles west of
Kenosha, thence it ran west a short distance then turned
north through what is now Franksville, passing five miles
west of Racine. Thence it continued north through Cale-
donia and Oak Creek, falling into what is now State High-
way 15 at about the present town of Cudahy. From here
the trail turned northwest, crossed Kinnikinnic Creek just
beyond Twenty-second Avenue, Milwaukee, here again co-
inciding with United States Highway 41. From this point
what is now Forest Home Avenue was followed to Lincoln
and Seventeenth Avenue, then to Vieau's post in the present
Mitchell Park. From Vieau's place the trail followed the
south bank of the river to Walker's Point, now South Water
and Reed Streets. There the Milwaukee River was crossed
either by swimming or later by -a ferry, and the line of
East Water Street was followed to Juneau's post at the
present East Wisconsin Avenue.
On leaving Milwaukee those who followed the trail kept
quite near the east bank of Milwaukee River up as far as
the present Grafton or a little beyond. Thence they turned
northeast to the lake shore at w^hat is now Port Washing-
ton. From there the height of land was followed as far as
Manitowoc Rapids, keeping near but not exactly on United
States Highway 141 and following that from the Rapids all
the way northwest to Green Bay.
The trail which was worn deep by the moccasined feet
of many Indians and white travelers was not a straight
road, it wound in and out about obstacles or water courses
and took its leisurely way along. After American settlers
began to come in, they shortened the trail at many points,
cutting across curves and straightening links in the old
trail. In 1832 Congress passed a law to build a military
road between Fort Dearborn and Fort Howard, but this did
not become much of a road until 1838. Even then wagons
could only go as far as Milwaukee and that only in the most
favorable time of the year.
The Wisconsin Society of Chicago has begun to mark this
old trail and the early road which succeeded it with mark-
ers a mile apart. A number have been set beside the road,
and before long the entire road from Chicago to Green Bay
will be carefully followed by these historic markers.
In an address on "Mound Areas in the Mississippi Valley
and the South" delivered by him at the Conference on Mid-
western Archaeology, held at St. Louis, Missouri, on May
18, 1929, Professor Warren King Moorehead, said of the
Hopewell people and the so-named Hopewell culture:*
"As to the origin of the Hopewell culture, I might offer a
theory. Years from now, when explorations throughout
the Mississippi Valley shall have been completed, more com-
petent observers will probably solve the question of origins.
My hypothesis may not be correct, although I desire to have
it recorded. It cannot be set forth very briefly.
"I have never believed that the Hopewell people origi-
nated in the lower Scioto valley [in Ohio] . There is no evi-
dence that they dominated Kentucky to the South, which is
a buffer state between the Tennessee-Cumberland and the
Ohio. The Kanawha valley has not been explored, but such
specimens as are available indicate a considerable diver-
gence from pure Hopewell. The Muskingum in eastern
Ohio is probably Hopewell, or closely allied to it. No Hope-
well objects were carried down into the South so far as we
can ascertain. There may be some in Kentucky, but I am
speaking generally, keeping in mind preponderance of evi-
dence. Trade objects at Hopewell indicate a knowledge of
the South, and that is more recent than the Southern works.
"Far up in the Northwest have been found a few monitor
or platform pipes, log burials occur in the Liverpool district
(Illinois), human maxillaries worked into ornaments, and
grizzly bear tusks — favorite Hopewell trophies — and some
other objects. It may be, as claimed by some, that this in-
dicates an offshot of Hopewell in southern Illinois, eastern
The HopeweU People. 107
Iowa, or central Wisconsin. With due respect to my dis-
tinguished co-workers who differ with me in this matter,
permit me to state that while objects may have been intro-
duced through barter, or small colonies sent out by the home
village, I do not believe that that is the correct solution.
"My theory is to the effect that a certain band or tribe of
Indians — probably very early Algonkin — reached or origi-
nated in eastern Iowa. One branch may have worked up
into Wisconsin. The other proceeded eastward through
Illinois and Indiana to central Ohio. The objection to the
southern theory of origin lies in the fact that the ceramic
art so prominent in the South is not in evidence to any ex-
tent in the Hopewell tumuli ; that is, they have found a few
pots, but in the scores of mounds explored from whence
they (Putnam, Mills, Shetrone and I) took hundreds of
burials, it may be said that pottery is practically absent.
On the Nettler farm in 1927 in one tumulus we found con-
siderable pottery, six or seven typical Hopewell axes of cop-
per, cut human jaws, etc. This is the region where it is
now claimed there was distinct Hopewell development.
"Mr. Charles C. Willoughby, who has given some atten-
tion to the subject, is of the opinion that the solution to this
mound problem lies in a complete study of symbolism, and
that there were very highly developed mound cults regard-
ing which, at present, we know little or nothing. He has
not perfected his study of the earthwork and cosmic sym-
bols as evidenced in copper, on bones, or presented by the
earthworks themselves. All of us join in the hope that at
some future time he will undertake this important investi-
"I have purposely omitted the great Cahokia group from
my remarks. It is in a class by itself. It is distinctly
southern. Five seasons spent at that place in extensive
work have not yet produced the mortuary edifice of these
people. It is the largest known village north of Mexico,
being, by actual tests, about six miles in extent. That so
large a population made use of one or more structures for
the interment of their distinguished dead no one doubts.
Until this discovery is made, it is impossible for us to pre-
sent conclusions worthy of the name concerning the Caho-
kians, for, obviously, we cannot study art unless we possess
art objects.
"I have said nothing as to the origin of mound building
in general in our country. That, as writers say, is another
story and too lengthy to be inserted here. One might re-
mark, however, that Mrs. Nuttall has found seven distinct
comparisons between early Toltec art and our Etowah finds.
Whether this is a mere coincidence, or whether it indicates
that the Etowahans worked their way gradually from cen-
tral Mexico to Georgia, is problematical.
" A chief objection to this theory lies in the fact that it is
some 1500 miles from the last tumuli of central, northern
Mexico to the first mounds of size in eastern Texas. Indi-
ans, familiar with mound building, would scarcely traverse
1500 miles and leave no remains. Yet how are we to ex-
plain [the presence of] the monolithic axe, idol heads,
plumed serpent, seated figures, and other similarities?"
In discussing Professor Moorehead's paper Professor
Fay-Cooper Cole said : "I agree very heartily with Dr.
Moorehead on the desirability of the study of skeletal mate-
rial. However, we must not depend too much upon such
studies for this reason: that if we go to any ethnological
situation — in California, for instance — we find a very simi-
lar culture spread over a large number of tribes and groups.
If we consider our ethnological field in general we find a
similar culture will spread over diverse physical groups.
It is quite evident from the little work we have done in Illi-
nois that there are several physical types in this culture
area. While it is important to study skeletal material, the
results obtained do not necessarily affect cultural history."
Indian Trade Beads. 109
The Museum of the American Indian has published a
monograph by William C. Orchard on "Beads and Bead-
work of the North American Indians." It covers this very
interesting subject very fully and is finely illustrated. Of
"Trade Beads" the author writes : "Early explorers in all
parts of the world found beads of glass, porcelain, and
metal so acceptable to the aborigines of the lands in which
they traveled, that a flourishing industry was established in
Venice for the manufacture of glass beads, in the early part
of the 14th century, and probably before. Among these
aboriginal peoples the Indians of America were no excep-
tion, for they at once recognized the value of beads as a
medium of exchange through which to express their estheti-
cism and soon developed an art which has nowhere been
"The variety of beads most commonly used as gifts and
for trade was known as seed-beads, a flattened globular
form ranging in size from about a sixteenth to an eighth
of an inch or more in diameter.
"The colors are of almost unlimited range. A preference
prevailed, however, for bright red, blue, yellow, green and
opaque white. Intermediate shades were acceptable, but
were used sparingly in comparison with others. Beads of
clear, colorless glass, commonly known as crystal, and black
beads, were also used. The seed-beads were used chiefly
for covering surfaces with fanciful designs, rather than for
stringing as necklaces. Larger varieties of many forms
were introduced for which other uses were found. These
consisted of spherical, ovoid, tubular, and various bizarre
shapes and sizes ; indeed they are in such great variety that
only a representative selection can here be considered."
He describes and figures a number of varieties of glass
beads such as "star" or "chevron" beads, Moorish beads,
corn kernel, and polychrome beads. He also discusses the
trade values of beads such as were established by the Hud-
son's Bay Company for their Indian trade.
At the Conference of Midwestern Archaeology, held at
St. Louis on May 18, 1929, Mr. Peter A. Brannon of the
Alabama Anthropological Society presented an interesting
account of urn burials in Alabama.*
"The custom of placing the dead in pots at interment is
said to have been a Choctaw culture indication ; if so, these
people extended their influence as far east as the source of
the Alabama River. The traditions of these people say they
put the bodies out on pole racks or brush arbors when death
occurred, and then when the flesh had sufficiently decayed,
they gathered up the bones and buried them. The finding
of a group of vessels suggesting that they were all placed
in the grave at the same time corroborates these traditions.
"Recent finds of pottery washed by the rains of early
spring (1929) from their original deposit place, at a site
known in later years as Autosse, in Macon County, indicate
these people as having been far above their later descend-
ants, as far as their cultural status went. The vessels are
of a heavy earthenware, shell tempered, glazed with charred
grease, and some of them of a capacity of eight gallons.
One recent day's work by five members of our Society re-
sulted in the taking out of eleven of these fine pots, all in a
perfect condition. A number in fragments, beyond recov-
ery, were also found. These had no skeletal remains in
them and do not indicate a use other than economic. I be-
lieve that they were used to store walnut oil, a commodity
much prized in this section.
"Less than thirty days ago, Edgar M. Graves, Dr. P. R.
Burke and Howard H. Paulin of Montgomery located in a
cache-like arrangement twelve urns, every one covered with
a bowl, and all containing skeletal remains. The largest is
twenty-six inches in diameter, about two feet deep, and had
in it eight skulls and the larger number of the bones of
these skeletons. Several were adults but there were also
children and babies. Several of the other pots or urns had
more than one skeleton in them. The smallest is just eight
inches in diameter, but in it was the complete skeleton of a
* Bull. Nat. Research Council, No. 74.
Urn Burials in Alal>;mi:t. Ill
baby. The arrangement of the group of vessels may have
been intended to represent a constellation. The vessels were
very close to the surface, in fact plowing had carried off
the cover of one of them.
"The first indication of this kind of an arrangement of
vessels noted in this state was on this same stream, Pint-
lala Creek, but nearer the mouth than those found in April
of this year. Several years ago we found nine urns grouped
around a central zone. In this case a vault-like placing had
been attempted. A hole about twenty-five feet in diameter
was apparently first cut in the solid red clay. Into this was
poured quartz gravel, then periwinkle and river mussel
shells from the kitchen middens or refuse piles, and into
this ashes.
"The vessels after arrangement were surrounded with
layers of gravel, shell and ashes, and then covered with clay.
This had been hardened by burning, indications of fires on
the pile being very evident.
"Frequently interments in the earth alone accompany
those within the pots and are apparently contemporaneous.
In most cases these are flexed; that is, bent up with the
knees under the chin and sometimes with the elbow over the
head. Occasionally, bark or wood slabs were used in cover-
ing vessels, and in casing the loose burials, though usually
an attractive bowl was used to cover the vessels. Burial-
urns are nearly always of a thin, poor quality of earthen-
ware, and suggest that they wrere made altogether for this
purpose, and rarely served any previous economic need.
The bowls which we find serving as covers are nearly al-
ways works of art, many having the ornamentation on the
inside of the lip. No bowls and few pots have handles.
Whenever a vessel does have handles, it is more apt to have
six than four. In no case have we ever found a burial urn
with legs.
"The conventional roll-forward and loop-back serpent
scroll design, and the design in some manner suggesting the
rising sun, are the most common from central Alabama,
while the woodpecker and the hand and eye are found most
common in our Moundville culture.
"Mr. Clarence B. Moore, of Philadelphia, first noted our
urn burials. Those most prominently figured by him are
located at Durants Bend on the Alabama River. In recent
years, most of our finds have been in Lowndes County at a
site passed by DeSoto in September, 1540, and noted by one
of his chroniclers as "an old abandoned town." No evi-
dences of European contacts have ever been suggested in
connection with urn burials indicating that the custom was
obsolete here before the explorers passed through."
At Prairie du Chien in a hog yard, which occupies a part
of a former Indian village site, probably prehistoric, a cache
or deposit of three stone adzes was recently found. Two of
these large implements were each nearly a foot in length,
the third was broken in two, only a half of it being recov-
ered. The two perfect adzes each weigh about three pounds.
They are long and narrow implements with a flat lower sur-
face or base, and a ridged, slightly curved back. One ex-
tremity is pointed and the other ground to a cutting edge.
They are triangular in section. In their form they are like
other implements of this character which have been found
in the state and are preserved in Wisconsin museums.
Doubtless they were once mounted, or intended to be mount-
ed, on stout wooden handles. These adzes are considered
by archeologists to have been wood-working tools and were
probably used in shaping timbers, shaping and excavating
dugout canoes, and in performing similar woodworking
tasks, with or without the aid of fire. The smaller speci-
mens could be best employed in the fashioning of both up-
right and horizontal mortars, sap troughs, wooden bowls
and similar utensils.
In 1903 Mr. H. A. Crosby published in The Wisconsin
Archeologist the first known description of specimens of
this class of Indian stone implements. He described nine
of these adzes these being found on Indian sites located at
different places in Racine, Sheboygan2, Columbia, Richland2,
Vernon, Wood and Waupaca counties, a rather wide dis-
tribution in southern Wisconsin.* Illustrations of two of
these implements were given. The specimens described
* V. 2, No. 4, 91-93.
Cache of Indian Stone Ad/cs. 113
were from six to eighteen inches in length. The largest
was obtained on the old Richland City village site, in Rich-
land County.
Since the publication of this paper, twenty-seven years
ago, additional examples of these implements, in large and
small sizes, and occasionally broken, have been found on
Indian sites in Waukesha, Rock, Dane, Dodge, Sauk, Win-
nebago and Crawford counties. Mr. Joseph Ringeisen, the
well-known Milwaukee collector, at a recent meeting of the
Wisconsin Archeological Society, exhibited a series of six
of these triangular adzes, all being especially fine speci-
mens. The largest of these, 16 inches in length, was ob-
tained in Sumpter Township, Sauk County. The others
came from Richland Township, Richland County; Pewau-
kee Township, Waukesha County; Fox Lake Township,
Dodge County; Omro Township, Winnebago County, and
Vernon Township, Waukesha County. The smallest was
about seven inches in length. Mr. Ringeisen also exhibited
three adz-celts at this time, one of these, a most unusual
form, having a groove across its back between the middle
of the implement and its poll. This specimen and another
ungrooved adz-celt were found lying together on an Indian
site in Norway Township, Racine County. Doubtless these
adzes were implements in fairly common or at least occa-
sional use at many early aboriginal villages and the recov-
ery of many more is to be looked for in coming years. Mem-
bers and friends are requested to report the finding of such
specimens to the secretary's office.
It will be interesting to learn whether such implements
also occur in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and
Minnesota. We request our members and friends in those
states to be on the lookout for them and to report them in
order that more information may be available concerning
their distribution. Photographs, sketches, measurements,
weights, and other descriptive and historical data should be
Mr. W. J. Wintemberg of the National Museum of Can-
ada, Ottawa, mentions the finding of a number of broken
specimens on a site in eastern Canada.* These are very
* 1928 Report.
similar to our Wisconsin specimens in form. These he says
seem to have been from about 8 to 10 inches long. He has
not seen adzes of the same type anywhere else in eastern
Canada. He was interested to learn of their occurrence in
In a paper presented at the Geography Conference of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club in April 1929, Dr. W. B.
Hinsdale, an honorary member of the Wisconsin Archeo-
logical Society, presented a very interesting paper on
"Trade and Lines of Overland Travel of the Michigan In-
dians." From this paper, with the author's kind permis-
sion, we take the liberty of extracting some information
which our members may find of particular interest. We re-
gret that the entire paper may not be re-printed.
In his paper, which is accompanied by a map, the author
describes the course of some of the important overland In-
dian trails of the region lying east of the Mississippi River
and which lead to or through the State of Michigan, one of
these the well-known Chicago-Green Bay-Sault Ste. Marie
trail, also passing through the State of Wisconsin.
One of the most important of these old aboriginal trails
had its beginning on the shore of the Gulf of Mexico, on
the northwest coast of Florida. From this place it ran
northward through the country of the Muskhogean tribes
in Georgia, crossed Tennessee, then crossed Kentucky to
Cumberland Gap. It crossed the Ohio River and passed up
the east side of the Scioto River in Ohio. From the head-
waters of this stream it passed on to the Sandusky River
and up its west side to Sandusky Bay of Lake Erie. In
Kentucky this trail was the famous "Warriors Path" of
early American history. A main trail from the Georgia
coast united with this trail in eastern Tennessee. "Over
these lines, many of them, went Michigan copper and back
came shells from the Gulf".
The Potomac Trail from the shore of Chesapeake Bay
passed through Maryland and West Virginia to the Scioto
in Ohio crossing the Allegheny Mountains on its way. Its
course is in part followed by the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
Indian Overland Travelways. 115
road. From the point where this trail reached the Ohio
River a trail ran northward to the shore of Lake Erie.
"A most important line of travel coming into Michigan
and now paralleled by great arteries of commerce, was the
Great Trail, probably so designated because of its special
importance in Indian and pioneer affairs. Its eastern
branches came from the country around Chesapeake and
Delaware Bays. It connected with two or three branches
as it bent around the west end of Lake Erie, and the Sauk
or Chicago Trail. It was a continuous path between the
tidewater and the Great Lakes. Over it, in prehistoric and
historic times, traveled men, savage and civilized, upon mis-
sions of vital importance in their domestic and political af-
fairs. For uncounted years, moccasin-footed Indians, then
Indians upon ponies, soldiers mounted and on foot, pioneers
with ox-teams and travelers in stage coaches, all upon some
mission or other, war, adventure, trade, chase, exploration,
home-seeking, passed over this trail. From the East the
trail came to the junction of the Monongahela and Alleg-
heny Rivers, which form the Ohio where Fort Pitt and
afterwards Pittsburg were built." From this point the
trail extended to the Ohio border, then continued almost
due west and forded the Tuscarawas at the site of old Fort
Laurens. Then it ran in a westerly direction to Mohican
Johns Town. A few miles west of this place it bent north-
westerly, passing Sandusky Bay of Lake Erie to Perrys-
burg at the Maumee Rapids. One branch extended west
from this ford of the Maumee, turned northwest and en-
tered Michigan, where Morenci is now situated. It con-
tinued northward and joined the main Chicago trail. The
main trail bent north to where Toledo is now located.
"The Shore Trail, as it is known historically, followed the
southern shore of Lake Erie, going east from the various
Michigan trails that converged at Toledo. It paralleled the
Great Trail to Sandusky Bay where the two met and
parted. The Shore Trail then led on to Erie, Pennsylvania,
and to Buffalo and Niagara, New York. In western New
York the same kind of branching of the main trail that
existed at its western end made connections with various
points in the Iroquoian territory. The direct Iroquois trail
followed down the Mohawk River to the Hudson. There
were trails leading from the Hudson River to Massachu-
setts Bay. The Shore Trail led through bloody country ; the
country that had been held by the unfortunate Erie or Cat
Tribe, who were virtually exterminated by the Five Na-
tions, their own relatives. The highway from Cleveland
and other cities of the Lake Erie shore followed closely the
old Shore Trail."
"The Mohawk Trail was an extension of the Shore Trail
connecting the middle west with the Hudson and points
east. Not only were there trails to New England but there
was, for instance, a branch of the Mohawk Trail in west
central New York going to the old Iroquois town, Tioga, in
northern Pennsylvania where the Chemung joins the Sus-
quehanna. It was the gateway towards the Chesapeake and
"The Sauk or Chicago Trail. There was a trail connect-
ing Detroit with the Sauk town at the confluence of the
Rock with the Mississippi in Illinois. The old road from
Detroit to Chicago follows this route to a point near La
Porte, Indiana. It deflects around the head of Lake Michi-
gan and leads on through Chicago to the wild rice fields of
Green Bay, the Lakes of Wisconsin and far away to the
copper mines of Lake Superior. Article 6 of the Treaty of
Chicago, August 29, 1821, states: The United States shall
have the privilege of making and using a road through the
Indian country, from Detroit and Fort Wayne, respectively,
to Chicago.' As a matter of fact what has been referred to
as the Sauk or Chicago Trail was only a small section and
finally a branch of a two-thousand mile thoroughfare. Un-
der the name of the Montreal Trail we mention a branch
which crossed the Detroit River and went through Canada
to Niagara Falls and Montreal. That part of this long path
that extends through Michigan is now known as Trunk
Line U. S. 112.
"Montreal Trail. According to maps of John H. Eddy,
1816, and Thomas Hutchins, 1778, a road, which undoubt-
edly had been a very old trail coming from Montreal and
following the Chicago Trail from Detroit, branched off
from Fort St. Joseph and led south to the Tippecanoe River
in Indiana to Prophet's Town and Quiatanon upon the Wa-
bash. From this village there was water communication by
Indian Overland Travel wa vs. 117
way of the Wabash, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to New
Orleans, the total distance being given by Eddy as 1,871
Besides the long trails here described the author also
gives the courses of several of the more important trails of
the State of Michigan, among these being the Saginaw
Trail, the Grand River Trail, and the "Territorial" and
"Pottawatomie" Trails.
In discussing incentives to travel the author says: "At
what stage in culture men became traders and engaged in
commerce is a question that anthropologists may not have
settled, although it is probably true that they became trav-
elers and hunters before they traded. One of the differen-
tiating traits between the prehuman and human stage was
the development of cultures. The wants of animals are
fully gratified with food and life-preserving shelter. Man
wants more. He has acquired desires for something besides
food and protection from heat, cold and storm. Early in
his quest for what nature did not supply immediately, he
looked for materials to be wrought into implements. Later,
he began to give the products of his hands a kind of em-
bellishment, that is, a neatness in form and finish. He ac-
quired a fancy for colorful flint and stone. This may have
been the beginning of the aesthetic sense, although it is
probable that, earlier, such sense was manifested by per-
sonal adornment. A simple arrow head will illustrate.
There was a necessity for such a tool or weapon which a
rough chert nodule near home would satisfy; but later the
workman strove to have his arrow look pleasing to the eye,
as well as adapted to the hand, after it was finished, so he
went afield searching for materials with texture and color
that had the desired qualities. He began to travel for other
purposes than the securing of food. He made contacts with
others in distant parts who had something he wanted and
took with him something that those others would take in
exchange. They "swapped" ; the beginnings of barter, the
first step in commerce."
"It is not necessary here to discuss the beginnings of
commerce, because the aborigines of the region under sur-
vey were sufficiently advanced to be engaged in it, however
acquired. It may be stated that there were three major in-
centives to primitive travel. There was the hunt for food
quest, there was war, and there was the search for mate-
rials to be used in the industrial and decorative arts. Of
course, these three factors often worked together, as when
upon expeditions of hostility, the warriors had to hunt for
subsistence. In case a war party was victorious, trophies
varying from prisoners to accoutrements were brought
back. The New York Iroquois, for instance, ranged as far
as the Black Hills. Returning, victorious with captives and
spoils, they lost implements along the path or fragments of
choice pipestone; at least such an explanation would ac-
count for the occasional finding of artifacts made of ob-
sidian and catlinite in the southern parts of the state. The
illustration may show how foreign specimens may have be-
come scattered about. Copper from the Lake Superior
mines traveled as far as the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts.
Shells from the Gulf have been found in a great many
Michigan burial grounds, and it would appear that the In-
dians had a peculiar and reverential fondness for them
when they were made into ornaments and implements.
Artifacts that must be regarded as intrusive and obtained
either by trade, raids, or brought by sojourners from a dis-
tance, are found in our fields. The numerous occurrences
in ancient graves of articles made of materials not natural
to the vicinity is proof of the extent and variety of early
commerce on all of the continents."
"What has been said must have convinced the reader that
the Indians traveled considerably, and that communication
was more developed than is, perhaps, commonly supposed.
The Indian had no draft animal except the dog, no wheeled
vehicle, but he was strong and inured to outdoor life, and
traveled long distances both by canoe and on foot. As with
the waterways he used the trails in war, in trade, in the
hunt, and for various other purposes, from local visiting,
we may suppose, to general wanderlust. In the course of
events some trails became specialized as war trails, or hunt-
ing routes, and these uses, linking up with the general geo-
graphical and cultural situation, were important thereafter
as determiners of the social process.
"The Indian was not in all cases the first or only one to
locate the paths. Deer and buffalo also had the habit of
Indian Overland Travelways. 119
filing through the forest and across the openings. 'With an
instinct no less shrewd than that displayed on the highland
trail, the buffalo and the Indian found with great sagacity
the best crossing-places over the streams of America.'
Many of our substantial and costly bridges are built over
streams at places the Indian had located as the most fea-
sible crossings. By trial and error, the large ruminants
and Indians chose the best possible paths, avoiding obstruc-
tions and mire, and selecting hard ground, not failing, by
almost uncanny cunning, to come out at a point aimed for.
These were not blazed trails. Blazing was a white man's
invention. The Indian had other and just as unfailing
signs for picking the way as if he had blazed.
"Many of our present roads follow these ancient high-
ways. Those that do not follow the points of the compass,
that turn and slant by diagonals and wind with curves for
long distances are generally pursuing the courses of the old
trails. The stages of change have been about as follows :
the Indian's narrow foot-paths, 'cleared road', corduroy
road, dirt road, gravel pike, cement highway; although a
few went through the stage of 'planking.' '
In the closing paragraph of his paper the author says:
"The trails which they made were involved in their decline
and our rise. The native tribes had thus prepared helps for
their own subjugation when the subduers arrived. They
had covered the entire country, like a prodigious spider-
web, with a network of trails through the forests and moun-
tain passes and across the plains, connecting village with
village, running to hunting grounds and bodies of water
whence many derived the large part of their food supplies.
Along these foot paths, with or without resistance, the In-
dian himself frequently acting as guide, the white intruders
pushed their way into the new country. The streams which
served them so well became tracks for the conqueror also,
when the Indians' tool, the canoe, had been borrowed. Had
it not been for these threads in the wilderness labyrinth,
in Michigan as much or more than elsewhere, white occu-
pancy would have been prevented or slowed down for many
years. It was by the Red Man's own methods of communi-
cation that he was compelled "slowly and sadly to climb the
distant mountains and to read his doom in the setting sun."
During the past summer the writer was given the oppor-
tunity of visiting under the guidance of Mr. George F. Will,
well-known archeologist, and Mr. Russell Reid, curator of
the State Historical Museum of North Dakota, a consider-
able number of the old Mandan and other Indian village
sites located along the Missouri River near Bismarck.
Among these sites was the one which Mr. Will has de-
scribed as the Huff Mandan site and which is located on
the steep bank of the Missouri near the settlement called
Huff.* This site was visited and surveyed by Mr. Will and
Dr. H. J. Spinden in 1919. This is Mr. Will's description
of it, which in his report is accompanied by a map :
'This site proved perhaps the most interesting of any
visited, especially because it is in the best-preserved con-
dition of any of the ancient sites, never having been plowed
or materially disturbed. Some of the other nearby sites
may have been presented as interesting and unusual fea-
tures, but they are now so nearly obliterated that it is im-
possible to tell. The map made showed many features
which differentiated this site from any of the others, the
most prominent feature being its almost perfectly rectang-
ular shape. The rectangle lying along the high bluff over-
looking the river is well outlined by a wall and ditch, still
of considerable depth, with a number of regularly placed
bastions. The river side is protected only by the very pre-
cipitous bank. An area of about twelve acres is enclosed
within the wall, making this perhaps the largest enclosed
site we have found. Most of this site is owned by the North
Dakota Historical Society.
"A coulee cuts into the bluff a short distance beyond both
the north and south ends of the site. A bastion occurs at
each corner as well as those at regular intervals along the
three sides. Within the wall the ground is now compara-
tively level, although the house rings are easily distinguish-
able. Apparently the site has drifted in with sand and dust,
as very little trace of occupancy can be found without dig-
ging well down beneath the present sod. The house rinj
* Anthro. Papers, The Am. Mus. of Nat. Hist., B. XXII, pt. VI.
Huff Mandan Village Site. 121
are spaced much further apart than usual and seem to be
laid out more or less in lines or rows with linear areas that
might pass for streets. Pottery found here seems to re-
semble strongly that from Fort Rice, and the Schermer
and Glencoe sites, although it was much more difficult to
find in quantities since none of the area had been plowed.
In connection with the unusual features of this site, it is
interesting to recall its traditional importance. Supposedly
this is the site of the first village built by the culture-hero
chief, Good Furred Robe, when the Mandan reached this
vicinity. One Mandan tale relates that the site was laid
out with straight lines, the houses more or less in rows, to
imitate the laying out of a field of corn, all as directed by
the chief. A number of the oldest stories are also connected
with this and the Eagle's Nose sites."
Within this enclosure are 104 hut rings and a number of
refuse heaps. This Huff site was of particular interest to
the writer because of a general resemblance which it bears
to the prehistoric stockade — protected enclosure known as
Aztalan and located on the bank of the Crawfish River near
Lake Mills in Wisconsin. Both the Huff enclosure and that
at Aztalan are U-shaped earthworks with the open side
resting on a river bank. The river-front of the Aztalan
earthwork was protected by a double line of upright tim-
bers. The Huff site may have been similarly protected al-
though there was not the same necessity here for such pro-
tection since the Missouri River banks are here high and
very precipitous. Future exploration of the site will deter-
mine this. A prominent feature of the protecting earthen
walls of both enclosures are the bastions or curved enlarge-
ments which project from the walls. Dr. Lapham's survey
of the Aztalan enclosure, made in 1850, shows eight of
these projections along the north wall of the earthwork,
sixteen along its west wall, and eight along its southern
wall. The Huff site is a smaller enclosure than that at
Aztalan. Its greatest length, measured from the river bank
to near the railroad tracks is only about 700 feet, and its
greatest width 600 feet. This enclosure has four bastions
along its north wall, three along its west wall, and four
along its south wall.
Another North Dakota enclosure, the Schermer Site, also
described and figured by Mr. Will, also possesses these en-
largements along its walls. 'This site is one of those in
which bastions play a part in the fortifications. A wall and
ditch seem to have surrounded the whole site except along
the bench edge and the wall projects at intervals into well
made bastions." The Molander and Greenshield sites, and
perhaps others, also have walls with bastion projections.
These interesting resemblances of the Huff and Aztalan
enclosures may be merely accidental but they offer food for
serious thought.
The Astor Fur Company prospected for copper and silver
all along the south shore of Lake Superior in the early days
of Wisconsin history. In about the year 1820 they seem to
have paid particular attention to this exploration work.
The Indians had been getting copper from the Brule, in
Douglas County, in extreme northwestern Wisconsin early
in the eighteenth century and carrying it as far east as
Montreal. The traders there ascertained its source from
the Indians and an expedition was organized to prospect for
the mineral along this rushing stream. This the Jesuit
Relations mention.
In the early seventies another period of copper prospect-
ing developed in the Lake Superior country. Gen. George
B. Sargent, father of William C. Sargent, now of Duluth,
headed a party of Eastern men in the copper exploration
of the South Range. Associated with them was the noted
geologist, James G. Percival. A promising location for cop-
per was found on the Brule River, about nine miles up-
stream from its mouth, and where the river crosses the
"Range." Here there is a belt of amygdaloid, carrying na-
tive copper. The rock formation is the same as that of the
famous Calumet and Hecla of the northern Michigan dis-
trict. The mine appears on a map as the Percival Loca-
tion. Considerable prospecting was done, and much good
copper was found, but the market price of the metal de-
clined and for the lack of ready funds, the project was dis-
Brule River Copper Sources. 123
In 1890 another Boston company prospected these same
lands, and for practically the same reasons exploration was
discontinued. Native copper can be picked up around the
old shafts, and it can be seen in the Brule River at about
the contact of the sandstone and the trap rocks. If the
price of copper metal ever goes back to where this copper
can be mined profitably, there is no doubt but that paying
mines could be located on this South Range, which is really
the western extension of the Michigan copper belt. All of
this territory is now interspersed with farms and summer
homes. Many of the summer homes are very beautiful and
are owned by people of extensive means, the owners being
from all parts of the United States.
Benjamin G. Armstrong mentions the possession of na-
tive silver by Indians of the Lake Superior region in the
forties, some or all of which must have come from localities
or Indian workings along the Brule River.
In a monograph published by the University of Califor-
nia, Julian H. Steward, describes the known "Petroglyphs
of California and Adjoining States", the adjoining states
being Nevada, Utah, Arizona and Lower California.* The
author explains in his introduction that the nucleus of his
material "is the accumulation of many years at the Depart-
ment of Anthropology of the University of California and
is largely the contributions of private individuals." This
data has been greatly added to by other contributions and
extended correspondence.
In Part II of his admirable contribution to our knowledge
of American Indian pictography the author presents a gen-
eral consideration of his subject. This we take the liberty
of quoting in part for the information of our own co-work-
ers and for such other interested persons to whom this
monograph may not be accessible, or readily accessible.
"The practice of making petroglyphs and pictographs is,
or has been, world-wide. There is not a continent which
does not have abundant examples of petrography. In
America there are countless sites outside our area. They
have been found in all parts of the United States, in Can-
ada, and in Mexico, and groups are described from all of
the regions of South America. Most of these groups are
petroglyphs but this is to be expected in view of the greater
perishability of pictographs."
"As a rule, all examples of petrography are extremely
crude. From the point of view of art and execution they
are vastly inferior to ceramic, textile or other decorative
arts. It is only in such regions as Central America, where
stone sculpturing reached a high perfection, that they are
really good. Here, however, stone sculpturing was a spe-
cialty and the elaborate, nicely finished carvings can hardly
be designated as 'petroglyphs'."
Mr. Steward presents a discussion of petroglyphs and
"It is probably unfair to put too much emphasis on petro-
glyphs as products of art. In the first place, the difficulties
of marking rough rock surfaces with sharp boulders pre-
clude any high degree of finish. In the second place, the
kind of figures represented and the localities in which the
groups are placed show clearly that artistic merit was sec-
ondary in the mind of the creator. Elaborate figures con-
sisting of circles, wavy lines, rake designs, and a multitude
of other indescribable geometric elements with human, ani-
mal, and possibly plant representations worked in as parts
of the designs; total lack of symmetry and not infrequent
superimposition — all with a general absence of care in exe-
cution, can scarcely be regarded as attempts to give aes-
thetic pleasure. The usual remoteness of these groups from
habitation sites is a further indication that they were gen-
erally not intended for the scrutiny of the community at
"The technique of making petroglyphs is usually simple.
A comparatively smooth and even rock surface, usually
vertical, is chosen and the characters are formed by peck-
ing with a hammerstone. Small boulders showing unmis-
takable evidence of such use are frequently found in asso-
ciation with petroglyphs. Sometimes rubbing is also em-
ployed. Most figures show clear evidence of hasty or care-
less execution. Straight lines are seldom straight, wavy
IVtroylyphs and Viet o.^ra phs. 125
and zigzag lines are uneven, circles are rarely true, and the
few attempts at symmetrical figures fall far short of true
balance. Anyone who has attempted to make a petroglyph,
however, knows that it is a laborious task, and that consid-
erable pains are rewarded by very unpleasing results.
"Petroglyphs are with few exceptions simple linear fig-
ures. Geometric designs while often complicated in their
combination of elements are generally simple in detail.
They are seldom more than body, arms, legs, and head ; and
while the general impression is good, details and nicety of
finish are lacking. For this reason few quadrupeds can be
identified. Mountain sheep are characteristically repre-
sented by a crescent-shaped or roughly oval body of solid
pecking with four "pins" of legs, and a shapeless head.
Ears are usually omitted but the long, recurving horns of
the ram are clearly represented. Deer (or elk) may usu-
ally be distinguished by their antlers. But to venture a
guess concerning the identity of other quadrupeds is ex-
tremely hazardous. Humans are likewise crudely done."
Of these he writes : "Pictographs as a rule are superior
in form to petroglyphs. Lines are straighter, symmetry
greater, and general execution is superior. We have no evi-
dence of the method employed in making them, but assume
that some kind of a simple brush was used.
'The colors comprise red, black, white, yellow and orange.
»lue and green have been reported from Modoc county,
California, but are rare. Red is by far the most common
color in all areas. Black and white are next in importance
in Modoc county, the Santa Barabara-Tulare county re-
gions, and north eastern Arizona. We cannot definitely
state the ingredients used since few analyses have been
made of the pigments. Red, however, is probably often
haematite or ocher and possibly cinnabar ; black is charcoal
or some manganese compound; white may be lime; yellow
is probably ocher. Many mortars containing traces of pig-
ment show that the paint was probably mixed with grease
and ground in these."
In order to ascertain the relationships of the petrographs
of the California and adjoining regions the author has
analyzed the component designs, which make up the bulk
of the petrographs, into fifty elements. Of these design
elements those which are found to be generally distributed
include concentric circles, wavy or zigzag lines, human fig-
ures, the sun disk, quadrupeds, mountain sheep, hands,
human or bear tracks, spirals, snakes, stars, and dots. By
means of a series of maps he shows the frequency and dis-
tribution of each of these within the entire area.
Other elements are found to occur in certain parts of the
entire area, thus connected circles and netting, circle chains,
bisected circles, connected dots, circular and rectangular
gridirons, sheep's horns, cross-hatchings, angular meanders,
bird tracks, rain symbols, outlined crosses and concentric
diamonds are found in petroglyphs in the Great Basin and
Lower California; parallel zigzags in southwestern Cali-
fornia; lizards, spoked wheels, two-edged saws, ladders,
herringbones and rake designs in California, and dotted
lines, cogged wheels, human figures, pelts, many-legged in-
sects, centipedes and others in the Santa Barbara and Tu-
lare regions. In Utah and Arizona representations of liz-
ards, birds and Jtachina-like figures .are found. Of scat-
tered distribution in southern California and Arizona are
designs representing mazes, the horned toad, horned hu-
mans and men on horseback.
In discussing the meanings and purpose of petroglyphs
and pictographs the author says: "The meaning and pur-
pose of petroglyphs and pictographs can only be ascertained
through careful study of the art and symbolism of present
Indian groups and a comparison of these with pictographic
elements." He points out that "many attempts have been
made by various authors to deal with this vexing problem.
Some explanations are guesses which fall within the bounds
of probability. Others are theories of extreme absurdity
and have not the least iota of truth." "Innumerable at-
tempts have been made to ascertain the meanings from
Indians living at present in the regions where they occur.
These have invariably met with failure. The Indians dis-
Potrog'lyphs and 1 Mcto.^ra plis. 127
claim all knowledge of their meaning or origin. This can
hardly be due to reticence for intelligent Indians have them-
selves made efforts to ascertain something about the in-
scriptions with no success.
"We know that petrography was done by Indians. And,
as pointed out, even the oldest petroglyphs probably do not
date back more than a few thousand years at the most.
Most of the groups are probably made by the ancestors of
present day tribes living at or near the regions of the
"Since design elements and style are grouped in limited
areas, the primitive artist must have made the inscriptions
with something definite in mind. He must have followed a
pattern of petrography which was in vogue in his area. He
executed, not random drawings, but figures similar to those
made in other parts of the same area. The elements of de-
sign, then, must have had some definite significance which
was the same over wide areas.
"We can probably never know precisely why many of the
petroglyphs and pictographs were made. But we can guess
that many of them were made for some religious or cere-
monial purpose.
Attention is called to a custom of certain Pacific Coast
tribes in which boys and girls made pictographs during
their puberty ceremonies. These represented animals and
objects seen by them in dreams. Other petroglyphs prob-
ably had to do with the hunt, or with the magical increase
of game. Other realistic figures "were possibly clan sym-
bols, individual guardian spirits, or shamans powers."
Some petroglyphs are "perhaps of Basjket Maker culture
which dates back to 1500 to 2000 B. C. Some are evidently
Cliff Dweller or early Pueblo culture and some others of
Apache or Navajo origin."
"Underlying the petrography of the areas discussed in
this paper there was undoubtedly an older and more wide-
spread development of this art. In widely separated parts
of both North and South America are found innumerable
groups of both petroglyphs and pictographs. The wide-
spread petroglyphs are frequently strikingly similar to
those in our areas. The most common designs are curvi-
linear and many are indistinguishable from those in Area
Ao (Great Basin). Human representations, sun disks, con-
centric circles, and wavy lines are found everywhere. Ani-
mal representations are also widespread, and vary only
with the local species. Hand prints, bear tracks, and bird
tracks occur throughout the United States.
"The relation of our area to other areas can be deter-
mined only by a study of those areas. It may be that many
of the geometric figures, particularly the curvilinear, are
the natural result of crude conventionalization of symbolism
and hence in separated areas represent many cases of inde-
pendent origin with totally different purpose and signifi-
"The Indians believe that thunder is the voice of an im-
mense invisible bird that comes at times to warn them that
the Great Spirit is displeased with something they have
done, and that it always comes when the country is already
storm-vexed, as the time is then opportune to add its voice
to the naturally saddened feelings of the people, thereby
making its presence more effective. The lightning they be-
lieved to be flashes from the eyes of this enormous bird,
and when the storm is fierce and the flashes vivid it is taken
as a warning that their bad deeds are many and that their
retribution must be great. When one is killed by the fluid
they believe it is a judgment sent by the Great Spirit
through the agency of this mysterious bird.
"They call this bird Che-ne-me-ke. When they see dis-
tant flashes of lightning and do not hear the voice, as they
believe, of this great bird, they know it is at a distance, but
still believe it is teaching a lesson to distant people and will
soon be with them. But should a storm pass by without th<
voice and the flashes coming near they they are happ:
again, for they feel relieved, believing that the bird is not
angry with them. They firmly believe this bird to be ai
agency of the Almighty, which is kept moving about to kee]
an eye on the wrong doings of the people. When a tree is
stricken and set on fire, the lesson which it wishes to impart
Thunderbird Lr^vml of tin- Post. 129
has been given and the rain is sent to prevent the fire from
destroying the country.
"There is a point of land in this part of the country that
the Indians call Pa-qua-a-wong — meaning a forest destroyed
by the great thunder bird. I have visited this place. It is
now almost a barren. The timber which was once upon it
having been destroyed by lightning the Indians believed
that the storm bird destroyed this forest to show its wrath,
that they might profit by the lesson. A hunting party of
Indians was once caught on this barren in a thunder storm,
and took refuge under the trunk of a fallen tree, which had
been burnt sufficiently on the under side to give them shel-
ter. One of the party, in his hurry to get out of the rain,
left his gun standing against the log. The lightning struck
it, running down the barrel and twisting it into many
shapes, and destroyed it, and the owner of this gun was
thereafter pointed out by the whole band as the person upon
whom the storm bird desired to bestow its frowns. (Ben-
jamin Armstrong, Early Life Among the Indians.)
Pa-qua-a-wong was the Chippewa Indian name for the
locality on the Chippewa River, in Sawyer County, known
as The Post, and where an Indian trading post and Indian
settlement was for many years located.
It is interesting to note how, even among the Christian
Indians of our Wisconsin reservations, this superstitious
belief in the thunderbird, or a flock of these storm birds,
persists. Last year a prominent Potawatomi was asked
whether he had noticed a thunderstorm which passed dur-
ing the night. He replied that he had, and that he greatly
regretted that he had had no Indian tobacco at hand to offer
to the thunderer.
Some spherical stones obtained from a Winnebago Indian
were said to be thunderbird eggs or arrows, and were be-
lieved by him to be a protection against lightning strokes.
Similar thunder stones were collected among the pagan
Winneboujou, the blacksmith, was an all-powerful mani-
tou. His forge was near the Eau Claire Lakes, in northern
Wisconsin. He used the highest flat-topped granite peak
for his anvil. Here he shaped the mis-wa-bik, or native
copper of the Brule River region, into various useful weap-
ons and implements for the Chippewa Indians. He was es-
pecially skillful at shaping the strong copper spear points
and fishhooks required for the catching of the giant sen-e-
sug-ge-go, or speckled trout, which abounded in the clear
spring waters at the Lake Superior mouth of the Brule.
Much of Winneboujou's forging was done by moonlight
and the ringing blows of his pe-wabik (iron) hammer were
heard by the Indians even as far down the shore of Lake
Superior as the Sault Rapids. These booming noises yet
echo down the Brule Valley and the Lake region, especially
on clear, moonlight nights. The glow of his forge fire often
lit up the entire sky.
The sound of the smith's great hammer was considered
"good medicine" by the Chippewa, and was held in great
awe by the visiting Sioux. An Indian, hearing the noise
became possessed with industry and strength.
Winneboujou's summer home was on the Brule near its
source because it was necessary for him to keep an eye on
Ah-mik, the Beaver, a rival manitou, who might, if not
watched, slip across the o-ne-gum (portage) to the St. Croix
River, and then, by the way of the Mississippi River, reach
the Gulf. (Chippewa Myth)
Archeological Notes. 131
October 20, 1929. President Huron H. Smith conducted the meet-
ing. There were sixty-five members and visitors in attendance. Mr.
John G. Gregory delivered an address on "The Milwaukee Indian
Villages". The speaker described in a very interesting way the sev-
eral Potawatomi Indian villages located in an early day in the east,
south and west sides of the city. These he stated it was proposed to
finally mark with tablets for the information of present and future
residents of the city. His address was discussed by the Messrs. West,
Brown, Schoewe and other members present.
Mr. W. C. McKern presented a report on recent archeological in-
vestigations and publications in other states. Secretary Charles E.
Brown reported on the meeting of the Executive Board, held earlier
in the evening.
Mr. William H. Spohn, Madison, had been elected a life member
of the Society. Annual members elected were Mrs. Rudolph Kuehne,
Sheboygan; Albert H. Griffith, Fisk; Harvey W. Radke, West Bend;
L. 0. Winterhalter, Maywood, Illinois, and W. C. Congdon, Logans-
port, Indiana. W. S. Dunsmoor, a junior member, became an annual
member. Charles Lapham, Milwaukee, a former annual member, was
elected an honorary member. The deaths were announced of Mr.
Arthur C. Neville, Green Bay; Mr. Rudolph Kuehne, Sheboygan, and
Mr. John M. Wulfiing, St. Louis, charter members of the Society.
It had been decided to unveil the marker on the Fourth and W. Wis-
consin Avenue Potawatomi village site on the morning of October 29.
This tablet, presented by Mr. Walter Schroeder, has been placed at
the entrance of Hotel Schroeder. Mr. Gregory had been selected to
give the unveiling address.
Tablets had been erected during the summer on a group of mounds
located in Forest Hill cemetery at Madison, and on the site of the
Grignon-Porlier fur-trading post at Butte des Morts. A movement
was progressing to preserve the old U. S. Indian Agency House at
Portage. Mr. C. E. Broughton had caused the erection of a tablet on
an Indian village site at Adell, Sheboygan County. A field meeting
of members of the Society had been held at Mr. Robert J. Kieck-
hefer's Pistaka farm preserve at Brookfield Corners, Waukesha
County, on Saturday, June 15.
Exhibits of archaeological specimens were made by C. E. Brown
and C. G. Schoewe.
November 17, 1929. This meeting was held at the log cabin of Mr.
Robert J. Kieckhefer at Pishtaka Farm, at Brookfield. There were
forty members and several guests in attendance. Mr. John G. Greg-
ory, the speaker of the occasion, gave a talk on the "Early Indian
Inhabitants of Milwaukee County" describing the chiefs and redmen
which the earliest settlers found occupying the land. His account was
very interesting and contained much information not recorded in
county histories. Mr. Vetal Winn made a preliminary report on the
condition of some Indian mounds located in Milwaukee and at West
Allis. Mr. Arthur P. Kannenberg reported that he had undertaken
a study of the Indian earthenware vessels of the state, the Oshkosh
Museum agreeing to pay the expenses. The report to be published
by the Society.
President Smith informed the members that the meeting was prac-
tically a house warming of Mr. Kieckhefer's fine log cabin retreat.
Mr. Kieckhefer, being called upon spoke briefly expressing his
pleasure at the number and enthusiasm of those in attendance. At
the meeting of the Executive Board, held before the opening of the
regular meeting, Mr. Kieckhefer was unanimously elected a member
of the Board.
Mr. T. M. N. Lewis and Mr. Milton K. Hulburt were elected mem-
bers of the standing committee on Survey, Research and Record in
recognition of their recent activities in survey and exploration work.
Exhibits of specimens were made by Mr. Paul Joers and Mr. Ru-
dolph Boettger.
December 23, 1929. Meeting held in the trustee room of the Mil-
waukee Museum. There were thirty members present. President
Smith occupied the chair. Mr. Ira Edwards gave an illustrated lec-
ture on "The Making of Maps," being an account of the methods
employed by the U. S. engineers in making coast surveys.
At the meeting of the Executive Board at which directors Smith,
West, Brown, Kieckhefer, McKern and Koerner were present, Mr.
W. H. Pugh of Racine was elected a life member and Mr. Arthur C.
Soergel of Elgin, Illinois, an annual member of the Society. Mr.
Smith announced the names of various members who were to be in-
vited to engage in the study of various classes of Indian implements
occurring in the state. Secretary Brown proposed that the site of the
next early Milwaukee Indian village to be marked be that of the so-
called Lime Ridge village located in an early day at 21st and Cly-
bourne Streets, Milwaukee. This matter was referred to the special
committee of which Messrs. West, Gregory and Brown are the mem-
January 20, 1930. Meeting held at the Milwaukee Museum. Pres-
ident Smith opened the meeting. There were sixty-three members
and visitors present. Mr. George A. West gave an illustrated lecture
on "The Ancient Cave Dwellings of France", describing particularly
those near Toulouse visited by him during the early part of the past
year. Mr. Joseph Ringeisen exhibited an exceptionally fine collection
of nine stone adzes and adze-celts.
At the Executive Board meeting held at the City Club Mr. McKern,
chairman of the special committee consisting of the Messrs. Gilman,
Dr. Kastner, Drs. Notz and Thome, appointed to consider plans for
the entertainment of the Central Section, A. A. A., presented a tenta-
tive report of his committee. Mr. George Flaskerd of Minneapolis
was elected an annual member of the Society. Dr. Barrett stated
that the Milwaukee Museum welcomed the cooperation of the Society
in entertaining the Central Section.
The Michigan State Archeological Society held its winter meeting
at the University Museum at Ann Arbor, on Friday, January 24.
Papers of interest to the members were presented by Dr. W. B. Hins-
dale, Edward J. Stevens, Harry L. Spooner, Melvin R. Gilmore, Fred
Dustin and Dana P. Smith. A visit was made to the exhibition rooms
of the museum.
Other Items
Mr. Alonzo Pond has returned to Algiers to continue his hunt for
remains of Aurignacian man in that country. Mr. George R. Fox has
been conducting archeological researches in the Bahamas and else-
where. Mr. Theodore T. Brown has succeeded the late Mr. Arthur
C. Neville as superintendent of the Neville Public Museum at Green
Bay. This is the seventy-fifth anniversary year of the State Histori-
cal Museum of Wisconsin. Dr. Louise P. Kellogg has been selected
ArclK'olog-ical Notes. 133
to edit a new edition of "Wau-Bun". Col. Fred T. Best is the chair-
man of the committee appointed to prepare for its publication.
An announcement has been received of the publication of our late
friend Mr. Harry Ellsworth Cole's book, "Stagecoach and Tavern
Tales of the Old Northwest." The Arthur H. Clark Company, Cleve-
land, are its publishers. "The Old Northwest was settled in the days
before railroads, when every pioneer provided his own transportation
and every cabin offered hospitality. Soon stagecoaches began to ply
over the first primitive roads and certain frontiersmen adopted the
profession of innkeepers — others of bandits. In these early taverns
and along these first roads occurred many amusing and tragic inci-
dents, rich with the flavor of pioneer life and racy with the humor of
the quaint personalities of the time/'
tl, 1930
. 3
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103,
Act, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jan. 28, 1921.
Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing the study and
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
Charles G. Schoewe
R. J. Kieckhefer Dr. A. L. Kastner
W. W. Oilman Mrs. Theo. Koerner
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand W. C. McKern
A. P. Kannenberg
Dr. S. A. Barrett A. T. Newman Vetal Winn
H. H. Smith E. F. Richter Dr. H. W. Kuhm
Dr. E. J. W. Notz L. R. Whitney T. L. Miller
Geo. A. West
G. M. Thorne
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. A. L. Kastner, J. P. Schumacher, W. F.
Bauchle, Geo. F. Overton, M. F. Hulburt, T. M. N. Lewis, Dr. E.
J. W. Notz, 0. L. Hollister, Dr. F. G. Logan, T. T. Brown, Dr. B. T.
Best, S W. Faville, Col. R. S. Owen, G. L. Pasco.
MOUND PRESERVATION— Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand, Frank Weston,
Dr. Louise P. Kellogg, Dr. Orrin Thompson, Mrs. F. R. Melcher,
Col. Howard Greene, Rev. O. W. Smith, M. G. Troxell, H. W. Cor-
nell, W. P. Morgan, Dr. E. G. Bruder, A. H. Griffith.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— L. R. Whitney, Col. Marshall Cousins,
Mrs. Arthur C. Neville, Geo. A. West, W. M. Babcock, R. N. Buck-
staff, Prof. J. B. MacIIarg, Dr. P. B. Jenkins, Rev. F. S. Dayton,
A. P. Kannenberg, Mrs. May L. Bauchle, B. M. Palmer.
MEMBERSHIP — Louis Pierron, Paul Joers, A. R. Rogers, Arthur
Gerth, Dr. W. H. Brown, Rud. Boettger, A. P. Cloos, Dr. H. W.
Kuhm, Mrs. Anna F. Johnson, K. Freckman, Geo. Wright, Mrs.
Hans A. Olson, Carl Baur, C. G. Weyl.
D. S. Rowland.
PUBLICITY— J. G. Gregory, A. O. Barton, E. R. Mclntyre, R. K. Coe.
BIOGRAPHY— H. H. Smith, G. M. Thome, C. E. Brown.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeolog-ical Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologist" should be addressed to Charles E.
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Muesum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thome, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Mil-
Vol. 9, No. 3, New Series
Barbed Stone Axes, Charles E. Brown 139
The Kohler Museum 143
The Largest Copper Knives, Theo. T. Brown 145
Dr. Louise Phelps Kellogg 147
The Bear Dance of the Ouray Utes, Albert B. Reagan 148
A Fluted Handled Celt 150
Fraudulent Indian Implements 151
The Central Section Meeting 152
State Archeological Survey, 1920 154
Gerard Fowke 157
Hopewell and Cahokia Cultures in Wisconsin, W. C. McKern 160
Archeological Notes 162
Rudolph Kuehne Frontispiece
Michigan Barbed Axes Facing Page 140
Wisconsin Archeologist
I'ublisluMl Quarterly by the Wisconsin Archeoloftical Society
Vol. 1> MADISON, WIS,, APRIL, 1»30 No. 3
New Series
Charles E. Brown
The stone axes designated by Michigan archeologists as
"barbed" axes are distinguished from other forms of
grooved and notched axes in having a poll or head which is
conical or "peaked" in outline and in having more or less
prominent projections or "barbs" both above and below
the handle groove. A few specimens have a poll with a
flattened or rounded top (not "peaked") Some of these
singular axes are merely deeply notched at the edges (they
possess no groove) while others are encircled by a well
fashioned groove. This groove varies in depth in differ-
ent specimens, being rather shallow in some and of fair
depth in others.
Some of these axes have a quite prominent ridge or ele-
vation above and below the handle groove. These ridges
separate the poll and the axe blade from the groove and
undoubtedly helped greatly to hold the wooden handle more
firmly in place. The blades of these axes are generally
broad, narrowing gradually toward the curved or nearly
straight cutting edge. Some possess blades which narrow
rapidly toward the bit and are thus somewhat triangular
in outline. The surfaces of the blades of some are flattened
but most are elliptical in section. The character of the
blades of some of these axes indicates that they were oc-
casionally or frequently re-sharpened by grinding.
The largest and best collection of these barbed axes is
that of Mr. M. E. Hathaway of St. Johns, Michigan. But
few of the specimens in his collection are polished. They
are as a rule well made and smoothly finished. The smal-
lest specimen in his collection measures 5% inches in length
and 3% inches in width at its widest part, below the handle
groove. It is a pretty well polished axe. Its weight is
17 ounces. The largest axe, a rather remarkable specimen,
is 10 inches long, and is 5 inches in width at its widest
part, just below the handle groove. Its weight is three
pounds and ten ounces. Some of Mr. Hathaway's most in-
teresting and best specimens the writer has had the pleas-
ure of examining, this through his kindness.
These barbed axes are made from a variety of rocks,
among them being granite, syenite, porphyry, greenstone
and diorite. Quite a few of the specimens show marks of
use on their polls and blades.
The number of these axes which have been found in
Michigan is small when compared to the very large number
of stone axes which have been recovered in that state.
Mr. Hathaway has sixty specimens in his own collection
at St. Johns. His collection was begun in the year
1890. Seventy other specimens are in the hands of other
collectors, original finders and museums in southern Mich-
igan. It is estimated that not less than 160 specimens
have been found to date. All, so far as known, have been
recovered from fields and Indian camp or village sites.
None are reported from mounds or graves. No cache or
hoard of two or more has been reported. Mr. Hathaway
has never seen a typical barbed axe from any other state.
The specimens in the Hathaway collection were collected
from the following closely grouped southern Michigan
counties :
___ 5
The area of distribution of barbed axes in southern
Michigan is rather restricted. It may be roughly outlined
as extending from near Bay City at the head of Saginaw
Bay of Lake Huron westward through Midland County and
into Mecosta County. From Mecosta County, its now
known western limit passes southward into Moncalm, Ionia
and Eaton counties. From Eaton County it continues
eastward into Ingham County, and then northward through
Hathaway Collection
Plate 1
Barbed Stone Axes. 141
Shiawassee County to Saginaw County. Clinton County
lies near the center of the area of distribution described.
Mr. Hathaway believes that the manufacture of these axes
centered in Clinton County. Most of his own specimens
were collected within a triangle located between St. Johns,
Pompeii and Pewano in Clinton County. Eaton and Ing-
ham counties adjoin Clinton County on the south. Isabella
County was the known farthest northern range of
the barbed axe, but two specimens have since been obtained
by Mr. Hathaway from Wexford and Missaukee counties,
two tiers of counties farther north.
Mr. C. V. Fuller of Grand Ledge, Michigan, a well known
archeologist, who has been an ardent collector of Indian
implements for sixty years, says of these barbed axes in a
letter bearing the date of March 2, 1930:' "Of the stone
axes classed under the head of barbed forms I have col-
lected some fifteen specimens all told during the past fifty
years and I have seen eight or ten more in the hands of
finders. My opinion is that they were put to the same uses
that the less elaborate forms were. My specimens were all
found in the counties of Eaton, Clinton, Ionia and Gratiot.
These counties adjoin each other. More of them have
been found in Clinton County than in any other, so far as
I have been able to learn. Most of Mr. Hathaway's speci-
mens were found there. They are not found to any ex-
tent south of the Eaton County line. I have seen two speci-
mens that were said to have come from Ohio. There is a
collection numbering two hundred axes in the Pioneer Mu-
seum at Lansing, Michigan, which were collected in the
southern part of the state and there is not one barbed axe
in the lot. Yes, they show use and many appear to have
been re-sharpened. I have seen several that have been
broken and then used for some other purpose such as for a
maul or hammer stone. I have seen others with one or
more of the barbs broken off and also with the poll broken.
The fractures showed age, as if broken in use.
"There are several collections in this part of the state in
which there are one or more barbed axes, all local finds.
Several of these barbed axes that have come under my ob-
servation have knobs or barbs on the flat side of the blade."
My own attention was first drawn to these interesting
axes about thirty years ago when engaged in a study of
some of the heavier stone cutting implements of the Middle
West states. The first specimens of which I then obtained
a knowledge were in the collections of Rev. James Savage
of Detroit and of Mr. Fuller. Prof. Warren K. Moorehead
has figured three of the Savage specimens in his book "Pre-
historic Implements", published in 1900. Two of these he
also illustrates in his other book, "The Stone Age in North
America", (Vol. 1, Fig. 275). These, he states, were found
in Washtenaw and Jackson counties in southeastern Michi-
gan. These counties lie south of Ingham County elsewhere
mentioned. A double-bitted barbed axe, also in the Savage
collection, comes from Lenawee County, south of these coun-
ties, in the southeastern corner of the state. (See Moore-
head's Fig. 274.)
Some stone axes, single specimens, which approach the
barbed axes in form but lack the prominent barbs of these
implements have been found in Maine and Connecticut and
in the Miami Valley in Ohio. (See Moorehead's Figs. 249,
254, 258, 260, and 265) A few Wisconsin axes also bear a
general resemblance to them.
It appears to be evident that the barbed axe is a local
type largely confined in its distribution to a more or less
limited area in southern Michigan where it was probably
Developed, manufactured and used by some prehistoric In-
dian people. We may hazard a belief that it is an Algonkin
artifact. It is not a Hopewell or Cahokia culture type.
To a recent issue of "Indian Notes", the quarterly publi-
cation of the Museum of the American Indian, New York
City, Marshall H. Saville has contributed a paper in which
he illustrates and describes some of the very interesting
stone ceremonial axes of western Mexico.1 He describes
four distinct types of these figurine axes from as many dis-
tinct areas, each probably the product of a different pre-
historic axe cult. Briefly described these are: 1. axes
"with animal heads and more or less sickle-shape cutting
edges", 2. axes with animal heads and ordinary curved cut-
ting edges, 3. axes carved in human form, and 4. axes with
a face worked on one side of the poll. He also mentions
several other distinct Mexican ceremonial axe forms occur-
1 V. 5, No. 3, July 1928.
The Kohler Museum. 143
ring in other culture areas. He concludes his paper with
the following information : "The writer knows of but two
other culture areas in ancient America where unusual axe
forms are encountered : these are the Antilles and Ecuador.
In the Antilles especially are many one-utilitarian axes in
a bewildering variety of bizarre shapes. In Ecuador, how-
ever, the axes seem to have been utilitarian, while many of
the Antillean examples must have been purely ceremonial,
revealing a cult of the axe in the West Indies. Into this
category the monolithic axes treated in a former paper
would be included."
There is reason to believe that the rather abundant
fluted stone axes of southern Wisconsin, the long-bladed
adze-form axes not so common in the same general region,
the ridged-blade axes, also apparently a Wisconsin prod-
uct; the pitted blade axes of northern Illinois; the Keokuk
type axes of eastern Iowa, the Missouri axes having a
groove extending over the poll to the handle groove; the
barbed axes of southern Michigan, and the twist-grooved
long-bladed actinolite axes of the Pueblo region are all the
products of prehistoric Indian axe cults. They are utili-
tarian implements but probably also ceremonial in charac-
ter. The knobbed gouges of Ontario and the bevelled-edge
celts of New York may be the distinctive implements of
other prehistoric cutting implement cults.
The Rudolph Kuehne collection one of Wisconsin's rich-
est and most valuable private archeological collections has
been acquired by the Kohler family of Kohler, Wisconsin.
It will form the nucleus of a future public museum at
The donors, Governor and Mrs. Walter J. Kohler, Her-
bert V. Kohler and the Misses Evangeline Kohleri Marie
C. Kohler and Lillie B. Kohler, purchased the collection
from Mrs. Emma Kuehne, widow of Rudolph Kuehne, the
well-known pioneer jeweler-archeologist of Sheboygan.
Included with the purchase is a natural history collection
About 70 of the Keokuk type axes have been found to date in
Iowa. — C. R. Keyes.
of largely local material and Mr. Kuehne's library of scien-
tific magazines and books.
"Only the indefatigable industry and painstaking care of
a watchmaker such as Rudolph Kuehne, could have made
possible so fine a collection of Indian artifacts," Governor
Kohler asserted, in commenting upon the first step in the
direction of the establishment of a future public museum
at Kohler. The Governor had been a life long friend of
Mr. Kuehne and because of his great personal interest in
him encouraged the generous deed which preserves this
valuable collection of archeological and other specimens to
the people of Kohler and of Sheboygan County, within
whose boundaries it was almost entirely collected by its
former owner.
Mr. Kuehne, a member of the Wisconsin Archeological
Society who died on March 11, 1929, began assembling his
collection some thirty-five years ago, when conditions for
gathering specimens were favorable. He lived near several
former Indian village sites on the banks of the Black River
south of Sheboygan and he was among the first to appre-
ciate fully the opportunity there offered to engage in a
study of the life and customs of their former inhabitants.
For many years he continued to visit regularly these ab-
original sites and to place in his collection his numerous
finds of stone, copper and pottery and other artifacts. He
also visited frequently a similar site at old New Amsterdam,
on the Lake Michigan shore near Cedar Grove. He also
made collections in other parts of Sheboygan County.
Besides a fine group of pottery vessels, some of them
found entire and others restored with great care, the
Kuehne collection contains a very considerable number of
native copper implements and ornaments, and some fine
fluted stone axes. One of the latter is without a doubt the
finest specimen of its class as yet found in the state. It
was collected near Cedar Grove.
Among the copper implements in the collection are 555
fishhooks, 88 spearpoints, 24 knives, 17 perforators, awls,
needles, arrowpoints, axes, chisels, harpoon points, a spud,
scraper, crescents, bangles, earrings, beads and other speci-
mens. The collection of flint implements is very large and
includes specimens of a wide range of form and purpose.
The Largest Copper Knives. 145
Stone ceremonials and ornaments include 23 gorgets, 10
pendants, 6 banner stones, 2 boat stones, a tube and a cone.
There are a number of pottery and stone pipes. There are
bone awls, needles, harpoons, flakers and other bone imple-
In the 'collection of earthenware are 5 large vessels, 8
medium size pots, 4 small pots, a miniature vessel, and 12
other vessels were in progress of restoration at the time of
their owners death. The restoration of others remains to
be undertaken. There are besides no less than a thousand
potsherds nearly all showing ornamentation.
Milwaukee archeologists and collectors especially fre-
quently visited Mr. Kuehne at his Black River summer
home during his life time and always spent considerable
time with him on the sites which were his constant study.
All are pleased that his valuable collection has been pre-
served in his home county through the interest and genero-
sity of his friends, the members of the Kohler family.
When installed in a proper museum building at Kohler it
will become a monument to his interest in Wisconsin
archeological history and of permanent educational benefit
to the general public.
The largest socketted native copper knife which has
come to our attention is in the collection of Mr. M. E. Hatha-
way of St. Johns, Michigan. This fine copper artifact we
have recently had the opportunity of examining. It was
found, its owner states, by John Sheridan in Section 20,
Fulton Township, Gratiot County, in central Michigan.
The long slightly curved blade of this knife is 11 inches
in length and its socketted tang or handle 2% inches in
length, making its total length 13% inches. The handle
is about one inch in width at its end and 1% inches in width
where it unites with the blade of the knife. The widest
part of the blade (one-half inch beyond the socket) is about
1% inches. From this point it curves gradually to the
point or tip of the blade. At a distance of 5 inches be-
yond the socket the width of the blade is one inch. The
back of the blade of this knife has a slight median ridge,
an uncommon feature in copper knives. The color of this
fine knife is a very dark green, almost black.
We may wonder to what particular use so large a knife
may have been put by its aboriginal owner. Possessing
a socket it may once have had a wooden handle or have
been fastened to the end of a wooden shaft. If employed
as a weapon it was a formidable one. The socket does not
have a rivet hole.
A large socketted copper knife in the H. P. Hamilton col-
lection in the State Historical Museum at Madison has a
length of 11% inches. It was found in Section 24, Pitts-
ville Township, Brown County, Wisconsin. One of the
largest known copper knives of any type was in the collec-
tion of the late James G. Picketts, a former member of the
Wisconsin Archeological Society. This specimen measured
171/2 inches in length. It is probably with the other cop-
per specimens of this collection in the Oshkosh Public Mu-
seum. It had a pointed tang. It weighed 11 ounces.* Mr.
Geo. A. West has described a curved-back copper knife
found in Fond du Lac County which is 12*4 inches long.**
This is in the Milwaukee Museum. There are in the Logan
Museum at Beloit and in the State Historical Museum six
other large straight and curved copper knives which have
lengths of 9, 9%, 9%, 10-13/16, 10% and 12 inches. The
latter, a straight knife, is in the Hamilton collection pre-
viously mentioned and was found on Plum Island, Door
County. A curved knife in the same collection, described
as possibly a sword or sickle, measures about 20 inches
from tip to tip. This remarkable specimen was found at
Oconto, Oconto County.
We may look for the future finding of other large copper
knives in both Wisconsin and Michigan.
* The Native Copper Implements of Wisconsin, Wis. Archeologist,
v. 3, no. 2.
** Copper Its Mining and Use. Bull. Milw. Pub. Mus., v. 10, no. 1.
Dr. Louise Phelps Kellogg. 147
At the recent Chattanooga, Tennessee, meeting of the
Mississippi Valley Historical Association ; Dr. Louise Phelps
Kellogg, for years a leading member of the staff of the
State Historical Society of Wisconsin, received the great
honor of being elected president of the Association, she be-
ing also the first woman to hold that office. Dr. Kellogg is
recognized from coast to coast as one of the leading investi-
gators and writers in the field of American history. She
is the leading authority in her own special field, early Wis-
consin and Old Northwest history. She is the author of
many papers, reports and books on these interesting sub-
jects. She has spoken on them also before various organi-
zations in nearly every part of Wisconsin and in adjoining
and other states. In recognition of her scholarship she
was in 1927 honored by the University of Wisconsin, her
Alma Mater, with the degree of Doctor of Letters.
Dr. Kellogg has been for years an honored and greatly
beloved member of the Wisconsin Archeological Society.
She has long been a member of some of its active commit-
tees, she has spoken or read papers at many of its meetings
held at Milwaukee, Madison and in other cities, has par-
ticipated in all of its field meetings and pilgrimages, and
taken an active and helpful interest in all of its surveys and
explorations, its Indian landmarks preservation work, its
museum's organization movement, and in all of the other
important and valuable work which this state society has
in the past thirty years of its existence undertaken, or-
ganized and carried on for the educational benefit of the
public, and which from Wisconsin have long been adopted
and are now being carried on in other states.
Always willing and never too busy to lend a helping
hand and wise counsel we are proud of Louise Phelps Kel-
logg and of what she has done for her native state. We
are greatly pleased that through this great honor now con-
ferred upon her another well-won eagle feather has been
added to the chaplet of one of Wisconsin's most distin-
guished daughters.
Albert B. Reagan, Ph. D.
The notched oak drumsticks are again being rasped
over the tub-drums in northern Ute land, in the Uintah
Basin, about Ouray, Utah. It is the beginning preparation
for the annual "Bear Dance," so-called because the Utes
assert that the bear originated the ceremony in the long
ago. It is always held at about the time the bear comes
from his hibernation in the early spring. It was formerly
in the nature of a courting dance, but sociability and gen-
eral good feeling appear now to be its chief characteristics,
a ceremony in which the whites join with the Utes and all
have an enjoyable time.
Preparatory to the dance a level plot of ground of about
100 yards in diameter is inclosed by a six-foot "fence" of
upright poles, between which brush is woven horizontally.
The door is on the east side of the inclosure, while a large
drawing of a bear dancing with a woman is hoisted on the
west side. Under this within the inclosure the musicians
are seated on zinc sheets over a hollow space (cave) in the
ground which is said to be connected with the bear and
through which the rasping of the drumsticks over the tub-
edge (or some other upturned hollow thing that will act
as a reinforcer of sound) they produce a sound "like the
sound made by the bear." And the song sung is a glis-
sando on downward progressions which also gives an imi-
tation sound like that made by the bear.
When dancing the men gather on the north side of the
inclosure, within it, and squat on the ground against the
fence, and the women squat on the south side likewise.
Then when all is ready the musicians begin to sing, and as
soon as the song "has warmed up to a sufficient pitch,"
they begin to keep time by rubbing an angled stick side-
wise over the notched sticks which are placed slantingly on
the tub-bottoms (or the notched sticks are themselves rub-
bed over the edge of the tub-bottoms), producing a rein-
forced, ear-grating sound.
After the first song on the final day, after a week
of preparation and rehearsing, a speech — prayer service is
The Bear Dance. 149
conducted by the chief of ceremonies. The women then
choose their male partners by approaching and waving
their hands toward the one of their respective choice, all
being togged out in their best finery. Preparatory to the
dance the men and women then line up facing each other
in column abreast, the women in one column, the men in
the other. The members of each column hold hands, one
column taking two or more steps forward and the other a
like number backward to the time of the music, then vice
Thus is the dance kept up till the final "set," which is to
be an endurance test. In this last act some of the partici-
pants hideously paint themselves, even as though blood was
dripping from their jaws, suggesting the ferocity of the
bear. At this juncture a man and a woman chase each
other around the inclosure, and if anyone laughs at them it
is the custom to appear ferocious, running toward the per-
son and pretending to scratch him. The dancing here also
changes. The line of women approaching the line of men
attempts to push it backwards, often pushing it across the
inclosure against the fence. At other times it is changed
to a single couple's partner dance in which the partners
hold each other in a position similar to that taken in our
waltzes; the step, however, is the same as before. If a
dancer falls from exhaustion or because of a mistep in this
act, a medicine man or the leader of the dances "restores
the dancer." Taking one of the notched drumsticks as a
wand, he collects the evil spirits on it, then sends them to
the four winds : he lays the stick first on the fallen dancer's
feet, then across his hips, then across his breast, then across
his back, and lastly on his head. He then holds the notched
stick toward the sky and passes the rubbing stick (or rub-
bing bone) upward over it as" though he were brushing
something from the drumstick into the air, some two or
more of these treatments being necessary before the man
rises and resumes dancing. Unless this is done it is be-
lieved some misfortune will befall him. Thus is the dance
kept up till all the participants quit of exhaustion.
After the close of the endurance fete, the chief <of cere-
monies takes a cup and as he dances he holds it heavenward
as a thank offering to his gods and as a prayer for rain.
A feast is then set out to all, after which they return to
their respective homes, believing that the gods will bless
them and give them a bountiful crop.
In studying the fluted stone implements of Wisconsin we
have seen in addition to the quite numerous grooved stone
axes which are thus ornamented, several fluted celts and
one or two fluted stone hammers. Recently Dr. A. Gerend
has brought to our attention the first handled fluted stone
celt or spud which we have ever seen. This unique imple-
ment was found on the bank of the Little Eau Pleine River,
in Wood County, Wisconsin. This implement is 6% inches
in length. Its rectangular blade is 3 inches in length and
about 2% inches wide. The handle or lower part of the
implement is about 3% inches long. It is narrower than
the blade being about 2 inches wide where it connects with
the former and 114 inches wide at its rounded end. A shal-
low groove separates the blade from the handle.
On the blade of this implement there are three narrow
vertical flutes which extend from the rounded cutting edge
of the implement to a transverse flute or shallow groove
extending across the base of the blade above the handle
groove. Of the narrow vertical flutes or grooves one ex-
tends down the middle of the blade and one is located on
each side of it, at the edge of the blade. All of these flutes
are quite distinct though very shallow.
The implement is made of a hard close-grained rock.
Its upper surface is convex and its lower surface flat. The
presence of a groove indicates that it may have been bound
to a wooden handle and used as an adze, in which case it
might well be classified as an adze-celt.
A few handled celts of this general form have been found
in Wisconsin none of these, however, are ornamented with
Fraudulent Indian Implements. 151
Last year the Wisconsin Archeological Society appointed
a special committee to assist local archeologists and col-
lectors in detecting fake Indian implements and in appre-
hending and punishing such offenders. The committee
consists of the members Joseph Ringeisen, Jr., Edward F.
Richter and George A. West, all being residents of Milwau-
kee. All are old members of the state society and expe-
rienced in the judging of fraudulent implements. Collec-
tors and others desiring the assistance of the committee are
requested to communicate with Mr. Ringeisen at his office
at 606 Third Street, Milwaukee. Return postage or ex-
press must be paid by persons submitting specimens. On
their receipt the chairman will call a meeting of his com-
mittee and will thereafter render without charge a report
to the collector or person submitting the specimen or speci-
mens. A copy of this report will also be placed in the So-
ciety's files for future reference.
For many years the state society has been very active
in exposing makers of and dealers in spurious Indian im-
plements. Through its efforts members of the notorious
Robinette family of Flag Pond and other places in Virginia,
the once very troublesome makers of inscribed tablets and
fake coppers and ceremonial objects in Michigan, the re-
cent Kentucky manufactury of pipes, discoidals, and cere-
monials and ornaments, a collector-dealer at Clarksville,
Tennessee and other makers and venders of fake artifacts
were exposed. In 1911 the Society caused to be enacted
a state law making the manufacture and sale of fraudulent
antiquities of any class within the state an offense punish-
able by fine or imprisonment or both. This law other states
have copied.
The committee has the power to cause the arrest and
punishment of offenders. Its appointment and the serv-
ices which it will render to persons interested in archeolo-
gical studies should be appreciated by the public.
The Central Section, American Anthropological Society,
held its ninth annual meeting at the Milwaukee Public Mu-
seum on Friday and Saturday, May 9 and 10, 1930, the
Wisconsin Archeological Society and Museum acting as
hosts to the enthusiastic gathering of archeologists, eth-
nologists and historians from the states of Ohio, Indiana,
Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Kentucky,
Alabama and Wisconsin, who attended the sessions.
At the opening session, held in the trustee room of the
Museum, Mr. Geo. A. West, president of the board of trus-
tees, and a past president of the Wisconsin society, deliv-
ered an address of welcome to which Dr. Ralph Linton,
president of the Section, responded. The program of this
session included interesting papers by Dr. Wm. M. Mc-
Govern of Northwestern University, Willoughby M. Bab-
cock of the Minnesota Historical Museum, and by Dr. Ber-
thold Laufer and Henry Field of the Field Museum of
Natural History. At the afternoon session papers were
read by Dr. A. T. Olmstead, of the University of Illinois,
Dr. M. J. Herskovitz of Northwestern University, and Mr.
Henry Field. Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole, chairman of the Divi-
sion of Anthropology and Psychology, National Research
Council, Washington, D. C., presented a tentative plan for
the anthropological section of the Chicago World's Fair.
On the evening of that day the visiting anthropologists
and their ladies were entertained by the Milwaukee mem-
bers of the Wisconsin Archeological Society at a dinner held
in the banquet room at the Hotel Schroeder, about one hun-
dred persons being present. President Charles G. Schoewe
presided. After the dinner Dr. S. A. Barrett, chairman of
the Society's committee, in an interesting address, in which
he fully explained its history, awarded the Lapham Medal
to the Messrs. Dr. Ralph Linton, Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Mr.
Joseph Ringeisen, Jr., and Mr. W. C. Kern. All of the
recipients were pleasantly and agreeably surprised at re-
ceiving this honor. Dr. Guthe, chairman of the Commit-
tee on State Archaeological Surveys, delivered an address,
in which he presented a very interesting report of the
The fVntral Section Meeting. i:.:1,
progress now being made in archeological survey and ex-
ploration in many states. It was shown that seventy-five
organizations and institutions located in thirty-four states
were now engaged in archeological investigations. This
report was received with great enthusiasm.
At the session held at the Milwaukee Museum on Satur-
day morning papers were presented by Charles R. Keyes
of Iowa, F. M. Setzler of Indiana, W. S. Webb of Kentucky
University, Peter Brannon of Alabama, and A. K. Fisher
and W. C. McKern of Milwaukee. Discussions followed
each paper. Dr. Cole and Mr. Shetrone pointed out the
desirability of revising the names being given by local ar-
cheologists to the Indian culture areas now being created
in different states. Some of these were being named after
obscure and little known regions. Some would probably
prove to be sub-cultures.
At the business meeting Mr. H. C. Shetrone, director of
the Ohio State Museum, was elected president of the Cen-
tral Section, and George R. Fox, director of the Chamber-
lain Memorial Museum, Three Oaks, Michigan, was re-
elected its secretary-treasurer. The Secretary's report
showed the Section to have about 107 members.
In the afternoon the Wisconsin Archeological Society
took the visiting and local members on a pilgrimage to the
Dewey Mound Group at Vernon Center, Waukesha County.
President Schoewe was in personal charge of this interest-
ing feature of the two day's meeting. In the evening a
meeting of the Committee on State Archeological Surveys
of the National Research Council was held at the Hotel
'Schroeder in which the Messrs. Dr. Carl E. Guthe, Dr. Fay-
Cooper Cole, H. C. Shetrone, C. R. Keyes, C. E. Brown and
Peter Brannon, participated.
Among the Milwaukee and state members of the Wiscon-
sin Archeological Society who attended the sessions and
dinner were Charles G. Schoewe, Geo. A. West, Dr. A. L.
Kastner, Dr. S. A. Barrett, W. W. Gilman, Dr. P. B. Jen-
kins, Dr. E. J. W. Notz, L. R. Whitney, Dr. W. H. Brown,
C. R. Keyes, W. M. Babcock, Mrs. Theo. Koerner, Mrs.
Vina S. Adams, G. R. Fox, T. T. Brown, R. N. Buckstaff,
Jos. Ringeisen, Jr., Chas. E. Brown, L. R. Cooper, Dr. R.
Linton, W. C. McKern, Dr. G. L. Collie, N. E. Carter, Edw.
\Y I S( '( )XS I X A K< 'H E( >L( >< '. I ST.
Richter, A. K. Fisher, T. L. Miller, H. H. Smith, J. G.
Gregory, and E. G. Wolff.
The Central Section was organized at a meeting held in
Milwaukee in 1911. It has since then held meetings in
the states of Ohio, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. Mr.
Babcock delivered an invitation to the Section to hold its
1931 session at St. Paul. Mr. Fox invited the members to
meet at Three Oaks, Michigan.
The State Survey was organized in 1911 the Wisconsin
Archeological Society receiving an appropriation from the
state legislature for that purpose in that year. For two
years thereafter it was thus possible to organize and to pay
the expenses of field parties which were dispatched to va-
rious parts of the state to conduct field work. Since that
time it has been necessary to further the work of the survey
almost entirely through the interest and activity of mem-
bers who have also very generously defrayed their own
The field work undertaken by the Society begins in April
or May and continues until about the middle of November.
Those who contribute to this department of the Society's
program give to this work parts of their summer vacations
and such other time as they can spare from their occupa-
tions and homes during the spring, summer and autumn
months. To all members and others who may desire to
engage in such work for the state the Society furnishes
printed or written instructions and printed blanks for the
making of their reports. These reports are turned in to
the secretary's office, or, if not, are called for at the end
of the year. Each year a considerable number of non-
members also contribute reports or information to the State
records. The Society also receives some welcome assist-
ance each year from persons engaged in the surveys of va-
rious state and University departments. The State His-
torical Museum places its own records at the Society's dis-
posal. From the manuscripts of the State Historical So-
ciety valuable archeological and historical data is frequently
State Archeological Survey, 1929. 155
The deaths of recent years of such active and enthusiastic
field workers of the Wisconsin Archeological Society as the
late Harry E. Cole, Dr. Louis Falge and P. V. Lawson, and
the removal from the state of such devoted former assist-
ants as G. R. Fox, C. E. Buell, Dr. A. Gerend, Robt. H.
Becker and Geo. H. Squier, and the inactivity through ad-
vancing years of such men as H. L. Skavlem has noticeably
retarded the Society's survey work. The former assistance
given by Dr. G. L. Collie and Alonzo Pond has not been avail-
able because of the transfer of the major activities of the
Logan Museum of Beloit College to foreign fields. The So-
ciety has found it necessary to continually recruit and train
new volunteer workers.
Only a limited number of the Society's 300 active mem-
bers are actively interested in, or in a position to devote
even a part of their time to conducting even a small amount
of field work. Other members not participating in explora-
tion work are serving well in other departments of the So-
ciety's work such as the organization and management of
Wisconsin museums (every one of the larger and many of
the smaller of which are under the direction of a member
of the Wisconsin Archeological Society), in the preserva-
tion and marking of the Indian landmarks of the state; in
keeping the general public informed of the Society's plans
and activities, in giving public lectures on our own and
allied subjects, and giving courses in anthropology and In-
dian history at some of our educational institutions.
Of twenty-five members of the Wisconsin Archeological
Society who engaged in field work in the state during the
year 1929 fifteen have turned in reports of researches or in-
formation otherwise obtained to the secretary. The most
active of these field workers were the Messrs. Milton F.
Hulburt of Reedsburg; T. M. N. Lewis, Watertown; J. P.
Schumacher and Theodore T. Brown, Green Bay, and Ar-
thur P. Kannenberg, Oshkosh. Contributions were also
made by Geo. F. Overton, Butte des Morts ; Franklin Thom-
linson, Plum City; Rev. Francis S. Dayton, New London;
Carl F. Richter, Oconto; Don S. Rowland, Madison; S. W.
Faville, Lake Mills; C. G. Weyl, Fountain City; W. F. Yahr,
Fredonia, and Dr. H. W. Kuhm, Milwaukee. The follow-
ing non-members also contributed to the Society's files :
W. H. Ferber, A. G. Hall, Carl Marty, J. V. Satterlee,
Felix M. Keesing, J. A. Bardon, C. A. Achtenberg, H. G.
Dyer, Donald Hansen, E. T. Mariner, W. H. Reiter, A. A.
Griebling, Dell Priest, Fred Zuehlsdorf, S. G. Bradt, B. M.
Apger, J. M. Hamel, H. L. Hoard, W. W. Bartlett, and C. S.
These reports cover certain Indian earthworks, occupa-
tion sites and other features in the counties of Ashland,
Adams, Bayfield, Barren, Buffalo, Columbia, Chippewa,
Crawford, Dodge, Dane, Door, Douglas, Forest, Fond du
Lac, Green, Grant, Jefferson, Kenosha, Kewaunee, Lincoln,
Langlade, Milwaukee, Monroe, Oconto, Oneida, Ozaukee,
Outagamie, Pierce, Sauk, Sheboygan, Shawano, Vernon,
Waukesha, Waupaca, Waushara, Washington and Winne-
bago, — 37 counties. These are records new to the state
records. They include 50 Indian mounds in seven differ-
ent counties and in eight different groups, one enclosure,
75 village and camp sites, eight workshop sites, one lead
smelter, copper sources, one quartzite working, four cook-
ing and other pits, three cemeteries, two single graves, one
spirit stone, two stationary rock mortars, two plots of gar-
den beds, one trading post site, four caches of flint and
heavier stone implements, one pictograph, four spirit
springs, one sugar bush, one rock shelter, and about 50
trails and river fords. A total of 210 new records for the
state. When the reports of several other members have
been received this number will be considerably augmented.
In addition to these new records a very considerable
amount of information concerning archeological evidences
previously reported from various counties has been received
and filed.
Mr. Milton F. Hulbert has done especially noteworthy
work in Sauk County. He has prepared an excellent map
of the trails, village sites, mounds and other features of that
county, locating a considerable number of these not pre-
viously recorded. Mr. Lewis has excavated mounds in
both Jefferson and Sauk Counties. Mr. Theodore T. Brown
has mapped the known trails of the state for the State His-
torical Museum.
Gerard Fowke. 157
It is desirable that during- the year 1930 as many of the
members of the Society as possible engage in research work
in Wisconsin. The necessary printed blanks and instruc-
tions for such investigations may be obtained from Secre-
tary Charles E. Brown and all reports and information
should be filed with him. The new handbook for archeolo-
gical field work prepared by the Committee on State Archeo-
logical Surveys, of the National Research Council will then
be ready for distribution.
The ever increasing demand of the general public, state
schools, and tourist and summer resorters for information
concerning the prehistory and recent Indian history of dif-
ferent section of our state makes it more important than
ever that the surveys and explorations of the Society should
continue with all possible momentum. Members who file
reports or information with the institutions with which
they are identified are requested to also favor the Wiscon-
sin Archeological Society with copies of these. Thus the
Society's records will always be complete and duplication of
work be prevented. Promises of cooperation in survey
and exploration work during the year have already been
received from various members and other interested per-
sons. Others are requested to communicate with Secretary
Brown at Madison.
A recent issue of the Ohio Archeological and Historical
Quarterly* contains a biography of the late widely known
American archeologist, Gerard Fowke. The account there
given of his ancestry and early life is very interesting. For
many years Mr. Fowke was one of the leading archeological
field investigators in the United States. The character of
his exploration and survey work was such as to earn the
praise of such former leading anthropologists as Dr. William
H. Holmes, Dr. Cyrus Thomas, Dr. W. J. McGee, Dr. William
C. Mills and others.
* V. XXXVIII, No. 2.
Vol. 9, No. 3
Mr. Fowke's interest in archeological investigation ap-
pears to have been begun in the seventies, when he was
teaching school in Ohio, "his vacations being spent along
the Ohio River and in the mountains of Tennessee." The
list of his archeological and geological achievements in the
years from 1881 to 1928 is far too long to be presented in
this brief article. In those years he conducted surveys
and explorations of mounds and other Indian remains in
the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia,
Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana,
Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Indiana, Illi-
nois, Michigan, New York, Wisconsin, Minnesota and other
states. He also conducted investigations in Japan and Si-
beria, British Columbia, Mexico and Guatemala and the
Hawaiian Islands. In 1881, he made an examination of
the country along the lower Wabash and Arkansas rivers,
and along the Missouri between Kansas City and Omaha.
Among his notable undertakings were extensive re-
searches carried on in the aboriginal flint quarries at Flint
Ridge, Ohio (1884-85) ; in the flint deposits in Union
County, Illinois (1886) ; a reconnaissance along the west-
ern shore of Lake Huron, the northern end of Lake Michi-
gan and the southern shore of Lake Superior, and down the
Mississippi River to St. Louis (1887).
In 1891, he was engaged in an examination of the James
River Valley. He excavated a large communal burial
mound in Orange County, "Virginia, (1891) and located shell
mounds along the Tennessee River (1893).
In 1901 he published his "Archeological History of Ohio,"
a book which probably did more to advance the scientific
standing of American archeology than any other similar
book of its time. In 1903, he explored 200 caves, also ab-
original flint and hematite quarries in Indiana, Illinois, Mis-
souri and other states. In 1904 he was engaged in arrang-
ing the archeological exhibits of the Louisiana Purchase Ex-
position at St. Louis. At that time the writer made the
personal acquaintance of Mr. Fowke and was so fortunate
as to be able to accompany him and the well known patrons
of Missouri archeology, Mr. David I. Bushnell, Sr., Judge
Douglas, Pierre Choteau, Dr. P. D. Peterson, J. M. Wulfing
and Dr. Henry M. Whelpley, on several visits to the Ca-
Gerard Fowke.
hokia Mound region, the flint quarries at Crescent, Mis-
souri, and other sites of archeological interest.
In 1905, Mr. Fowke excavated mounds at Montezuma and
East St. Louis, Illinois. In 1906 and 1907, he examined
numerous mounds along the Missouri River. In 1912, he
excavated mounds in Guatemala. He examined numerous
caves, village sites and burial places in the Ozark region
in the years 1918 and 1919. In 1920 he was engaged in
archeological researches in the Hawaiian Islands, and in
1926 in investigations in Ohio, Kentucky, Louisiana and
New Mexico. His widespread investigations were con-
ducted at different times under the auspices of the Bureau
of American Ethnology, the American Museum of Natural
History, Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, Ohio Archeo-
logical and Historical Society, Missouri Historical Society,
and the St. Louis Branch of the Archeological Institute.
"Aside from the scientific interest attached to his work,
he had little inclination for indoor life and was continually
making pedestrian tours into regions remote from ordinary
lines of travel, in the effort to observe and study natural
features. It is a moderate estimate to say that he walked
a hundred thousand miles in open country, traversing por-
tions of nearly every state between Canada and the Gulf of
Mexico from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Plains; and
he probably knew more from actual observation about the
eastern half of the United States than did any one else.
"Compelled before the age of fifteen to depend entirely
upon his own efforts for a living, too restless to remain
long in one place, Fowke had but little opportunity to pro-
cure an education. But from boyhood he was an omni-
vorous reader of everything he could comprehend, possessed
a tenacious memory, was a close and accurate observer, and
thus managed to pick up considerable information on va-
rious subjects. However, his desultory reading and ramb-
ling life made his knowledge more satisfactory, mentally,
than profitable, financially. He could never adapt him-
self — and never wanted to do so — to the restraints which
were essential to success in any line of business or profes-
sional life. It was equally irksome to him to follow the
plans or instructions of those who held erroneous ideas in
regard to conditions as they existed, or to the proper meth-
ods of securing the best results. Had he been more com-
plaisant and diplomatic, less contumacious and determined,
his field of research would have been wider but his life
would have been less satisfying."
A little anecdote which Mr. Fowke once told the writer
about himself illustrates one of his characteristics. He
was visiting a collector in his office in the lower Wisconsin
River valley, who had in his cabinet a number of Indian
copper implements. These the owner was convinced were
"tempered," and despite all of the arguments to the con-
trary which his visitor advanced his belief was not to be
shaken. Finally, despairing of being able to enlighten this
stubborn collector, Gerard Fowke drew from his pocket
the large and heavy pruning knife which he nearly always
carried and with a sharp blow cut deeply into the copper
implement which he held in his hand. Then amid the vio-
lent exclamations of the owner he made his escape by the of-
fice door.
The bibliography of Gerard Fowke's reports, papers and
articles on archeological and geological investigations, as
given in the Ohio Quarterly, is a long one, including 59
items. Various manuscripts await publication.
W. C. McKern
In a recent issue of the Wisconsin Archeologist*, Profes-
sor W. K. Moorehead is quoted** in regard to the distribu-
tion and possible place of origin of the Hopewell and Caho-
kia cultures. He suggests that Iowa may eventually be
shown to be the center of Hopewell development, and that
diffusion may have carried the culture north into Wiscon-
sin and east as far as Ohio from this center. On the sub-
ject of the Cahokia culture, he is content with the mere
statement of its southern origin, an opinion to which every
student at all acquainted with the relevant data will prob-
ably subscribe.
* V. 9, no. 2, 106-08.
** Report of St. Louis Conference on Midwestern Archeology.
Hopewell and Cahokia Cultures. 161
I note with personal satisfaction that Professor Moore-
head tentatively accepts the local interpretation of a west-
ern Wisconsin culture as Hopewellian in basic type. His
full acceptance of this classification could not be expected
until he has had opportunity to examine specimens and
data. It is confidently . anticipated that Professor Moore-
head's opinion will concur with that of the other leading
archeologists of the Middle West, who have examined the
evidence upon which the Hopewell classification is based
ind who, without exception and without reservation, have
conceded the accuracy of our interpretation.
Professor Moorehead's statements, as quoted in the
irticle, refrain from any direct reference to our classifica-
tion of the dominant culture at the Aztalan site as Cahokia.
I am fully aware, however, that he is skeptical regarding
the occurrence of Cahokia culture so far north of its pre-
sly conceived northern boundaries, and is withholding
judgment until he may carefully examine the specimens and
other data collected at the well-known Wisconsin site. Un-
til that opportunity is afforded him, he could not be expected
to correctly pronounce judgment. As stated regarding our
[opewell data, those Middle Western archeologists who
lave examined the Aztalan materials, and who are convers-
ant with Cahokia culture data, have agreed unreservedly
with the local interpretation.
The question of trade specimens does not apply to the
culture assignment problems of either of these two Wis-
consin cultures. It is not the occasional occurrence of a
specimen of Hopewell or Cahokia type that has influenced
our classifications. Iroquois specimens are not infrequently
found in the province, and yet I never subscribed to the un-
warranted conclusion that an ethnic group with Iroquois
culture, as such, inhabited primitive Wisconsin. With re-
gard to the local variants of Hopewell and Cahokia cultures,
the data governing classification can not logically be ex-
)lained on the basis of trade specimens. Both Cyrus
'homas and the Milwaukee Public Museum investigators
found entire groups of mounds producing conclusive evi-
dence that they were erected by representatives of an eth-
nic group with a pure culture strikingly foreign to all
other known local groups and possessing a dominant com-
plex of specific Hopewell traits.
It is admitted that a much richer variant of the culture
is found in Ohio, and it is suggested that the Ohio form
represents a highly specialized local development of a simp-
ler, widely distributed basic culture, of which the Wiscon-
sin form is another, less specialized development. The
suggestion that the center of this basic culture may have
been in Iowa, offered by Professor Moorehead, is most in-
teresting and should contribute materially to a wide sup-
port, by all interested students, of investigations contem-
plated and in operation in Iowa and adjacent states, includ-
ing Wisconsin.
As in the case of the Hopewell sites, Aztalan was at one
time inhabited by an ethnic group possessing a pure, for-
eign culture ; but this culture was dominated by a complex
of specific Cahokia traits. These not only include a highly
developed type of pottery which is utterly distinct from and
superior to other woodland wares, and possesses characteris-
tics easily recognizable, but such elements as truncated pyra-
midal mounds, stone and pottery ear-spools, disc-shaped shell
beads, type agricultural implements of chipped stone, per-
forated shell implements, a distinct type arrowpoint, and
many of lesser importance. These do not occur sporadic-
ally but are typical of the site, as has long been recognized
by local students.
The specifically interested student need not await publi-
cations covering these finds precedent to determining the
accuracy or fallacy of our deductions; after all, publica-
tions are designed to serve those who can not see the actual
subject matter, which should be examined first-hand where
possible. If evidence is needed, it is available, on request,
to anyone sufficiently concerned to visit the Milwaukee Pub-
lic Museum.
Anlirological Notes. 163
On February 17, 1930 a meeting of the 'Society was held at the
Milwaukee Museum at which fifty members and visitors were pres-
ent. President Smith occupied the chair. Secretary Brown reported
on the business conducted by the Executive Board at its meeting held
earlier in the evening. At this meeting Mr. Bernard M. Palmer of
Janesville was elected a life member and Mr. Emil J. Schaefer of
Milwaukee an annual member. President Smith announced the ar-
rangements which were being made by several committees appointed
by the directors for the Central Section, A. A. A. meeting. Mr.
Charles G. Schoewe spoke of the plans for the proposed pilgrimage
to the Dewey Mounds. Mr. W. C. McKern gave a lecture on "Ex-
plorations in Southwestern Wisconsin" which he illustrated with lan-
tern slides. He presented an account of the recent excavations of
mounds and burial places conducted by the Milwaukee Museum in
La Crosse, Vernon, Trempealeau and Crawford counties. He de-
scribed and illustrated some of the characteristic artifacts of the
Wisconsin Siouan and Hopewell cultures. Among the Siouan arti-
facts were disk pipes, arrowshaft grinders, short triangular flint
arrowpoints, large elligtical flint knives, "snub-nosed" scrapers, and
pottery vessels having scalloped rims and loop handles.
Mr. Ringeisen exhibited a fine 9 inch flint spearpoint found at
Spooner, Wisconsin.
Secretary Brown announced that the annual joint meeting of the
'Society and of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences would be held at
the University of Wisconsin at Madison, on April 10 and 11. Mem-
bers were urged to attend this meeting. Titles of papers to be pre-
sented were to be handed to the Society.
The Wisconsin Archeological Society held its annual meeting at
the Milwaukee Public Museum on Monday evening, March 17, 1930.
President Smith conducted the meeting. There were sixty-five mem-
bers and visitors in attendance. Secretary Brown presented his an-
nual report giving an account of the meetings held during the past
year and of the various activities such as archeological field work,
mound preservation projects, museum organization, publication, etc.,
in which the Society and its various members had been engaged.
Treasurer G. M. Thorne presented a report on the membership and
finances. Both reports were adopted.
A nominating committee consisting of the Messrs. Ringeisen, Kas-
tner and Barrett brought in its report. There being no other nomi-
nations these nominees were regularly elected. President, Charles
G. Schoewe, vice-presidents, Robert J. Kieckhefer, W. W. Gilman,
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand, Dr. A. L. Kastner, Mrs. Theodore Koerner,
W. C. McKern, A. P. Kannenberg; directors, Dr. S. A. Barrett, H. H.
Smith, Dr. E. J. W. Notz, A. T. Newman, E. F. Richter, L. R. Whit-
ney, Vetal Winn, Dr. M. W. Kuhm, T. L. Miller, G. A. West. Charles
E. Brown was elected secretary and G. M. Thorne, treasurer.
Mr. G. A. West delivered an illustrated address, "An Archeologist
in Britany", in which he described the interesting ancient stone and
other monuments of that part of France. Mr. Smith exhibited a
copy of the Society's Lapham Medal which was to be awarded to
several of the archeologists attending the Central Section meeting.
Secretary Brown announced the election of N. A. Enting, Milwau-
kee and E. F. Rintelman, Mukwonago, annual members. Mrs. H. A.
Main had been elected an honorary member. President-elect Schoewe
spoke briefly of the history and activities of the Society. Mr. E. J.
Schaefer showed a film of the 1928 celebration at Lake Geneva.
At the close of the meeting .Mr. Arthur Gerth exhibited a number
of fine flint and quartzite implements and Mr. Joseph Ringeisen, Jr.,
an unusually fine fluted stone axe.
The annual Joint Meeting of the Wisconsin Archeological Society,
the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, and the Mid-
west Museums Conference was held in the auditorium of the Biology
building, University of Wisconsin, at Madison, on April 11 and 12,
1930. The meeting was very well attended. Thirteen of the thirty-
six papers in the program were offered by the Wisconsin Archeolo-
gical Society. These were presented by Dr. Louise P. Kellogg, Dr.
Albert B. Reagan, Mrs. May L. Bauchle, Milton F. Hulburt, E. R.
Mclntyre, George Overton, Will F. Bauchle, Theodore T. Brown, John
G. Gregory, M. E. Hathaway, George R. Fox, Rev. Paul B. Jenkins
and John B. MacHarg.
The annual dinner was held on the evening of the first day of the
meeting in the Old Madison room of the University Memorial Union
building. Following the dinner Dr. S. A. Barrett gave an illustrated
address on "Tamest Africa".
The Midwest Museums Conference held a meeting of its own during
the Joint Meeting at which the business of the Conference was dis-
cussed by Mr. Babcock, Mr. Buckstaff, Mr. Brown and Dr. Barrett.
Mr. Willoughby M. Babcock was elected president of the organiza-
tion, Mr. Ralph N. Buckstaff, vice-president and treasurer, and Mrs.
May L. Bauchle, secretary. T. E. B. Pope, Theodore T. Brown. Mrs.
Ruth M. Shuttleworth, Rev. F. S. Dayton, E. K. Putnam and A. C.
Burrill were elected members of the board of directors.
President Charles G. Schoewe conducted the meeting of the Wis-
consin Archeological Society held at Milwaukee on Monday evening,
April 21, 1930. The meeting was very well attended seventy-five
members and visitors being present, Among these were a number
of Oneida and Winnebago Indians. Secretary Brown announced the
election to membership of Mr. Herbert E. Kraft, Milwaukee; Rich-
ard Adams, Reedsburg, and Mrs. Vina S. Adams, Battle Creek, Michi-
gan, annual members. The death of Dr. Frederick C. Rogers, Oco-
nomowoc, a charter member and former officer of the Society, was
announced. The President's appointments of members of standing
committees were read. These are printed on the beginning pages of
this issue of the Wisconsin Archeologist. All members of the Society
were urged to attend the meeting of the Central Section, American An-
thropological Association, to be held in Milwaukee on May 9 mid 10.
Special invitations to attend were to be sent to all.
The program consisted of an illustrated talk by Huron H. Smith
on "Among the Oneida Indians", this being an account of his ethno-
botanical investigations among these Wisconsin tribesmen during the
summer of the past year. Mr. Emil J. Schaefer exhibited two very
interesting Winnebago films prepared by himself, these bearing the
titles, "The Winnebago Powwow at Pittsville", and "The Winnebago
Harvest Dance at Kilbourn".
At the close of the meeting Mr. Joseph Ringeisen, Jr., exhibited
some interesting stone implements found near Port Washington, and
Mr. Paul Joers a pipe and flint points and an Indian pin and bone
A brief account of the meeting of the Central Section, American
Anthropological Association, which was held at Milwaukee on Friday
Archeological Notes. 165
and Saturday, May 9 and 10, is printed elsewhere in this issue. It
was a fine meeting and those members of the Wisconsin Archeological
Society who were able to attend were given the opportunity of meet-
ing brother archeologists from other Midwest, Southern and Western
states. For the birth of this now very active interstate organization
the Wisconsin Archeological Society is to the largest part responsible,
two of its members, Dr. Barrett and Mr. Brown, proposing the plan,
and the organization meeting being held in Milwaukee, nine years
ago. Both men have since served as presidents of the Association
and have always been very active in its councils.
By invitation of the Wisconsin Society of Friends of Our Native
Landscape a Regional and Rural Planning Conference was held at
the State Capitol building at Madison on March 27-28. Among the
other organizations and state departments participating in this gath-
ering by means of their officers or other representatives were the
Wisconsin Federation of Womens Clubs, Daughters of the American
Revolution, State Historical Society, Wisconsin Archeological So-
ciety, the State Highway Commission, the State Conservation Com-
mission, State Department of Agriculture, State Land Office, 'State
Horticultural Society and several departments of the University of
The purpose of the conference was to coordinate the work of all
organizations in the state whose functions have a bearing on the
benefication of its lands, parks and highways, and the preservation
of its historic and scenic landmarks.
A movement is on foot to make a historical museum of the first
capitol building at Leslie. "At present there is nothing aside from
the old structure resurrected some years ago to hold the interest of
thousands of visitors who come here each summer." It is pointed
out that in the cities in the vicinity there are scattered about many
pieces of old furniture and other furnishings and specimens which
would be available for converting the interior of the old building
into a shrine of unusual interest. An association is being formed in
three southwestern Wisconsin counties to undertake this very desir-
able work.
We are not fully informed at this time as to what further progress
has been made in the effort of the history and landmarks committee
of the Wisconsin Federation of Women's Clubs to acquire for the
state and permanently preserve the old U. S. Indian Agency House
at Portage. In this undertaking a number of state societies and or-
ganizations have manifested an enthusiastic interest. Mrs. C. E.
Buell of Madison, chairman of the committee, has done some excellent
work for the project by having a state committee consisting of promi-
nent men and women residents of Portage, Madison and Milwaukee
appointed to undertake the preservation of the Agency House. We
await the successful carrying out of their plans.
The department of anthropology of the University of Chicago has
undertaken the making of a "pictorial survey" of the Indian arti-
facts of the Middle West states. Mr. F. M. Setzler of Chicago is en-
gaged in this work which proposes to gather photographs and notes
such as may be available to all American archeologists and enable
the University to undertake researches tending to the unifaction of
all information bearing on Indian cultures of this area. The Wis-
consin Archeological Society has not yet formally invited to co-
operate in this undertaking. Mr. Setzler has been engaged in ex-
amining the collections and records of the Milwaukee museum.
At Janesville a movement has been started by the local Associa-
tion of Commerce in response to the suggestions of the Wsconsin
Archeological Society to mark with metal tablets a number of places
of Indian historical interest in the city. These include the site of the
Round Rock village and Rock Ford and the old Indian village sites
and camp grounds in Riverside Park; on Goose Island and in "Black
Hawk" Park.
We trust that this will inspire our friends at Beloit to erect similar
monuments on the early sites of Turtle village and Standing Post
village and perhaps permanently preserve and mark some of the
Indian mounds still remaining along State Highway 51 near the city.
Rock County should endeavor to secure and preserve as a county
historical park the site of the historic Catfish village and Indian Hill
mound group at the mouth of the Yahara River near Fulton and
Indian Ford. At the latter town a marker should be placed to mark
the location of the early Indian ford of the Rock. All residents of
Rock County should take an active interest in bringing about these
now very desirable public undertakings. All of these sites are
described in a recent Rock River report of this Society.
The Hudson Women's Club are marking a group of three mounds
located on a bluff on the lake shore. This property a Mr. Birkenoe
has presented to the city of Hudson for a park.
Bulletin 86 of the Bureau of American Ethnology is a monograph
on "Chippewa Customs" by Frances Densmore. All members of the
'Society should secure a copy for their libraries. The material pre-
sented was collected at White Earth, Red Lake, Cass Lake, Leech
Lake, and Mille Lac Reservations in Minnesota, and the Lac Court
Oreilles Reservation in Wisconsin, and the Manitou Rapids Reserve
in Ontario, Canada.
The Committee on State Archeological Surveys, National Research
Council has issued a "Guide Leaflet for Amateur Archeologists," the
intention of which is to encourage systematic study of our fast van-
ishing Indian remains. Copies of this leaflet may be obtained through
the Madison office of the Wisconsin Archeological Society.
For distribution at this year's Summer Session of the University
of Wisconsin there have been printed by the State Historical Museum
two leaflets, "Indian Star Lore" and "The Birds of the Campus".
The latter is of interest to persons interested in folklore because of
chapters which it contains on "Bird Beliefs of the Pioneers" and
"Indian Bird Lore."
A recent issue of the Green Bay History Bulletin is devoted to an
article on "Green Bay Plays Important Part in Early Newspaper
History", by Abigail B. Robinson.
Mr. Charles E. Brown has published "Wigwam Tales", a booklet
collection of about fifty selected Indian short stories for the fireside
and camp fire. These stories are chosen from the best myths and
legends of many American Indian tribes. They are particularly
dedicated to the use of storytellers at boys and girls summer camps.
Cost 50 cents. Address 2011 Chadbourne Avenue, Madison. The
author has previously printed similar booklets of "Paul Bunyan
Tales" and "Cowboy Tales".
Julp, 1930
Jto. 4
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103,
Act, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized Jan. 28, 1921.
(ffltecontfm glrcfjeologtcal
^fliltoaukee, Mi*
Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing the study and
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
Charles G. Schoewe
R. J. Kieckhefer Dr. A. L. Kastner
W. W. Oilman Mrs. Theo. Koerner
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand W. C. McKern
A. P. Kannenberg
Dr. S. A. Barrett
H. H. Smith
Dr. E. J. W. Notz
A. T. Newman
E. F. Richter
L. R. Whitney
Geo. A. West
Vetal Winn
Dr. H. W. Kuhm
T. L. Miller
G. M. Thome
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. A. L. Kastner, J. P. Schumacher, W. F.
Bauchle, Geo. F. Overton, M. F. Hulburt, T. M. N. Lewis, Dr. E.
J. W. Notz, O. L. Hollister, Dr. F. G. Logan, T. T. Brown, Dr. B. T.
Best, S W. Faville, Col. R. S. Owen, G. L. Pasco.
MOUND PRESERVATION— Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand, Frank Weston,
Dr. Louise P. Kellogg, Dr. Orrin Thompson, Mrs. F. R. Melcher,
Col. Howard Greene, Rev. O. W. Smith, M. G. Troxell, H. W. Cor-
nell, W. P. Morgan, Dr. E. G. Bruder, A. H. Griffith.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— L. R. Whitney, Col. Marshall Cousins,
Mrs. Arthur C. Neville, Geo. A. West, W. M. Babcock, R. N. Buck-
staff, Prof. J. B. MacHarg, Dr. P. B. Jenkins, Rev. F. S. Dayton,
A. P. Kannenberg, Mrs. May L. Bauchle, B. M. Palmer.
MEMBERSHIP — Louis Pierron, Paul Joers, A. R. Rogers, Arthur
Gerth, Dr. W. H. Brown, Rud. Boettger, A. P. Cloos, Dr. H. W.
Kuhm, Mrs. Anna F. Johnson, K. Freckman, Geo. Wright, Mrs.
Hans A. Olson, Carl Baur, C. G. Weyl.
D. S. Rowland.
PUBLICITY— J. G. Gregory, A. 0. Barton, E. R. Mclntyre, R. K. Coe.
BIOGRAPHY— H. H. Smith, G. M. Thome, C. E. Brown.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeological Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologist" should be addressed to Charles . E.
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Muesum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thorne, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Mil-
Vol. 9, No. 4, New Series
Pottery Smoothers, Charles E. Brown • 171
Archbishop Messmer 174
Oliver Lemere 175
Indian Implement Manufacture by Halvor L. Skavlem 177
Some Village and Camp Sites in Northern Michigan, C. E. Brown
and M. F. Hulburt 180
Plant Games and Toys of Chippewa Children, T. T. Brown 185
The Battle of Kings Mountain Anniversary Celebration, Ray
Jacobs 187
Ancient Cities of Northeastern Arizona, Albert B. Reagan 188
Pottery Smoother, State Historical Museum
Pottery Smoother, State Historical Museum
Cije Wisconsin 8rcf)eolosi8t
Published Quarterly by the Wisconsin Archeological Society
Vol. » MADISO1V, WIS., JUL.Y, 1930 No. 4
New Series
Charles E. Brown
It appears desirable that some attention should be paid by
archeologists and collectors of Indian stone implements to a
class of artifacts, which, although seemingly not particu-
larly numerous in Wisconsin are represented by one or a
small number of specimens in nearly all of the larger pub-
lic and private collections in the state. These have long
been designated by collectors as "spindles" or "pottery
slicks." The first name is not particularly significant, be-
ing probably applied to them because of the shape of some.
The second name, which is in more general use, indicates a
belief in their use as smoothing tools. Professor Moore-
head appears to have favored this latter theory. In his book,
"The Stone Age in North America", he presents a plate in
which four of these interesting implements are shown.* Be-
neath this plate is the printed text, "Stones used in smooth-
ing pottery, kneading clay, etc." Doubtless Mr. Moorehead
possessed very good reasons for this belief. Unfortunately
for the student he does not give these in this volume.
These "pottery smoothers" may be described as oval or el-
lipical in form, and oval, elliptical or somewhat rectangular
or square in section. Some have rather sharply pointed
extremities, others have slightly rounded ends. They ap-
pear to range in length from about 3 to 8% inches and from
less than an inch to l1/^ inches in diameter or width at their
middles. A typical specimen is shown in the frontispiece
of this issue of The Wisconsin Archeologist.
It may be desirable to briefly describe a few of the
specimens of this class of implements which are within
reach at this time. An example in the collections of the
* Fig. 689, p. 293.
Neville Public Museum at Green Bay was found on an In-
dian village site at The Cove at Sturgeon Bay, in Door
county, Wisconsin. This rather fine specimen is made of
limestone. It is elliptical in form, both extremities being
pointed. Its length is about 7% inches and it 3 diameter
at its middle about 1% inches. Mr. John P. Schumacher
collected this implement. In the Schumacher and Ducha-
teau collections in this very active Wisconsin museum
there are at least half a dozen other implements of this
class all of which come from village sites in the Green Bay
region. Descriptions of these may be furnished in a fu-
ture article.
In the Henry P. Hamilton collection in the State His-
torical Museum there are three very good specimens, one
of these (A5638) being the largest specimen of which there
is a present record. This imp^ment was obtained from a
village site in Gibson Township, Manitowoc County. It will
be noticed (sea Frontispiece) that in this specimen one part
tapers more acutely to a point than does the other. Its
length is 8% inches and its greatest width 1% inches. Its
upper and lower surfaces are flattened and its sidss rounded,
giving an oval section. It is made of schist and its weight
is 7 ounces.
A second specimen (A5640) is also elliptical in form with
pointed extremities. It was obtained from the extensive
village sites at Two Rivers, from which so very many of
this noted collector's choicest artifacts of many classes were
collected in past years. Its length is 5% inches and its
greater diameter 1% inches. Like the foregoing specimen
its upper and lower surfaces are flattened for their en-
tire length and its sides rounded. These surfaces show the
effects of weathering some of the otherwise smoothed lime-
stone of which it is fashioned being scaled or worn off. It
weighs 8 ounces, being heavier though of smaller size than
the other specimen.
A third example (A5639) was also originally elliptical in
form, a small piece of one end being broken off but again
rounded by use or otherwise.
All of its surfaces are flattened for their entire length,
giving a rectangular section. It is made of limestone and
its weight is 3 ounces. Its length is 4% inches and its
Pottery Smoothers. 173
greatest width 15/16 of an inch. It was also collected from
the Two Rivers sites.
A fourth specimen, preserved in the collections of the
State Museum (A1982), comes from a village site at Big
Suamico, in Brown County. This specimen, also ellipical in
form, is made of a harder stone than "any of the others, prob-
ably diorite. Its upper and lower surfaces are flattened and
its sides slightly rounded. Its length is 4 inches and its
greatest width % of an inch. One extremity is injured as
in the foregoing specimen. Its weight is 3 ounces.
Another small specimen was collected by J. A. H. John-
son near Chetek, in Barron County. It was oval in form
and section with rounded ends. This specimen was made of
white quartz. Its length was 4 inches and its greatest di-
ameter l1/^ inches. Its weight cannot be given as it has
for some years been in other hands in a neighboring state.
These descriptions will illustrate the character of this
class of interesting prehistoric Indian artifacts. Whether
or not they were employed as tools by our aboriginal potters
in the smoothing of the surfaces of their earthen vessels
during their manufacture remains to be determined. Fa-
voring this theory are their generally flattened surfaces,
their light weight and nature of the stone of which some
or most specimens are made, and the absence on their sur-
faces of any marks showing rough usage.
The pointed ends of some would be useful in ornamenting
a green vessel with indentations and trailed decorations.
No one will perhaps deny that they would not prove to be
very convenient tools for the aboriginal potter. The finding
of all or most of these Wisconsin specimens on well known
village sites, on which large quantities of earthenware ves-
sels were evidently manufactured, may lend further support
to this at present rather accepted theory of their use.
Similar stone implements have been found in Illinois, In-
diana and no doubt in other states. We shall be pleased to
have our co-workers in Wisconsin and archeologists and
collectors in other states correspond with us concerning sim-
ilar specimens in their collections, and to the end that some
time a more complete monograph on this subject may be
Archbishop Sebastian G. Messmer, head of the Milwau-
kee Catholic archdiocese, died while on a visit to his former
home at Goldach, Switzerland, on Sunday, August 3. He
was eighty-three years of age at the time of his death,
and is said to have been in point of years the oldest Cath-
olic archbishop in the United States. Before going to
Goldach the Archbishop visited Rome, where he had an
audience with the pope. He also attended the Passion Play
at Ober-Ammergau.
Archbiship Messmer was for nearly thirty years a mem-
ber of the Wisconsin Archeological Society, being one of its
oldest members. During past years Secretary Brown ex-
changed occasional letters with him in matters of interest
to the Society in whose activities in preserving antiquities,
conducting researches and organizing and assisting Wis-
consin museums he manifested a deep interest. When
asked to contribute to any need of the Society he always
willingly did so. When the Salzmann Museum was or-
ganized at St. Francis Seminary by the late Fathers Drexel
and Metzdorf, and other former St. Francis members of the
Society, he contributed towards the purchase of specimens
and collections and lent other assistance, At least one
member of the Archbishops household was then also a mem-
ber of the Society. Through his kindly assistance the
membership of other priests of the Catholic Church was se-
IA the death of this prince of the Church the Wisconsin
Archeological Society mourns the loss of another devoted
friend. The fine portrait of him printed in a recent issue
of the Milwaukee Journal shows what a fine kindly gentle-
man the Archbishop was. His friends outside of his own
church were very numerous. Archbishop Messmer was
also for many years an officer and devoted member of the
Wisconsin Historical Society.
Oliver Lemere. 175
Oliver Lemere, whose home for several years past was at
Madison, died at Starved Rock State Park, in Illinois, on
Friday, August 1, after a very short illness. He had gone
to the Park but a short time before with the plan of there
contributing to the recreation of summer visitors.
Lemere was a member of the Wisconsin Winnebago tribe
and a descendant of the famous Indian daughter of Chief
Four Legs of the early Doty Island village, Hopokoekau,
"Glory of the Morning". His boyhood home was on the
Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska. His great grand-
father, Oliver Armel, a Frenchman, had an Indian trading
post at Madison, within a short distance of the present cap-
itol building, when the first white settlers arrived there in
1837. Angel Decora, the noted Indian girl artist, was his
cousin and grew to girlhood as a member of his father's
family. Between them there always existed a strong fam-
ily attachment.
Lemere received his education at the former Indian
school at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He was a man of excep-
tional intelligence and fine manners and presence. His
first appearance in Madison was in about the year 1914
when he spent a summer in the city as assistant to Dr. Paul
Radin, then engaged in his Winnebago researches for the
American Bureau of Ethnology. In the succeeding years
he made frequent visits to the city making the acquaintance
of many of its leading citizens.
Being exceptionally well informed on the ethnology, tra-
ditions and history of his people Lemere was during these
years able to give much valuable assistance to both the
Wisconsin Historical Society and the Wisconsin Archeologi-
cal Society. Of the latter he was at the time of his death
an always very helpful member. None of its Indian mem-
bers has ever stood higher in its councils than Oliver
Lemere. To many of its members he was very well known.
He was highly regarded by a host of other friends in Wis-
During these years Lemere supported himself by giving
lectures in the city schools of Chicago, and before service
clubs, historical societies, Boy Scouts and Y. M. C. A. or-
ganizations and other bodies in Wisconsin and elsewhere.
He frequently appeared in the programs of the Friends of
Our Native Landscape and the Wisconsin Archeological
Society. One summer he was engaged in giving a course in
woodcraft at Culver Military Academy, and in another he
was employed as a guide at the Wisconsin Dells. Governor
Fred R. Zimmerman during his administration appointed
him to a temporary position as a guide at the state capitol.
He also acted as Indian custodian for a time of the Frost's
Woods wild life sanctuary at Madison.
Lemere was not only a lecturer and entertainer, he was
also skilled in the arts of the Indian silversmith and wood-
carver. In the State Historical Museum and in other mu-
seums are specimens of his silver work and other valuable
ethnological material obtained through him.
In 1928 in collaboration with Mr. Harold B. Shinn of
Chicago he published a book, "Winnebago Stories", and
which has had a good sale. Some years previous to this he
assisted the late Dr. N. J. Jipson of Chicago in the prepara-
tion of a dictionary of the Winnebago language. The Wis-
consin Archaeological Society has at different times printed
folktales obtained through him. A large number of other
Winnebago myths and legends collected by him for Dr.
Radin await publication by the American Bureau of Eth-
He was at one time an officer of the once very active
Society of American Indians. He stood high in the regards
of both the educated and other Indians of his own and other
Oliver Lemere leaves behind a fine family of eight boys
and girls. One of his sons, Francis Lemere, now connected
with the Wisconsin Dells Indian pageant, is a vocalist of
more than local note.
In closing these brief notes of the useful life of a dear
friend we can only express the wish that his fine, gentle
spirit may rest in eternal peace in the spirit world of his
Winnebago warrior forefathers.
Indian Implement Manufacture. 177
The extraordinary achievements of Mr. Halvor L. Skav-
lem of Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin, in the manufacture by
Indian methods of chipped flint and pecked and ground stone
implements are recounted in a fine monograph prepared by
Alonzo W. Pond and recently published by the Logan Mu-
seum of Beloit College. In the preface of this bulletin,
"Primitive Methods of Working Stone Based on Experi-
ments of Halvor L. Skavlem,"* the author says:
"In September, 1912, Mr. Halvor L. Skavlem was walk-
ing through the cornfield back of his summer home at Lake
Koshkonong looking for arrowheads, axes and other relics
of Indian handiwork as he had done many times a day for
several years. On this particular occasion he found a
broken celt and asked himself, "If I were an Indian how
would I sharpen this broken celt?" Nearby he found a
piece of chert and began to answer his own question by
striking the celt with it. The details of this experiment are
told later in this paper. It is sufficient here to note that he
sharpened the celt with it and continued his experiments
with most satisfying results. Arrowheads were his next
problem and his success in shaping them was equal'y
"It was the good fortune of the writer to call on Mr.
Skavlem three or four days after these first attempts at the
primitive manufacture of stone implements. The writer
was at that time a student in high school but he had the
pleasure of following Mr. Skavlem's work close1 y from the
first series of experiments to the present time. It is in
fact due to Mr. Skavlem's enthusiasm and teaching that the
writer has followed the study of archeology in America,
Europe, Africa and Asia for the past seventeen years. As
no one else has had the opportunity to be as closely con-
nected with Mr. Skavlem's work as has the writer, it is
natural that he was asked by Dr. Frank G. Logan and Dr.
George L. Collie of Logan Museum to prepare this manu-
* Bulletin, V. 2, No. 1.
script on Mr. Skavlem's experiments. "Mr. Skavlem is now
eighty-four years old and is still making arrowheads with
the same skill and rapidity he showed fifteen and more
years ago. The writer appreciates the confidence Mr.
Skavlem has manifested in allowing him to prepare this
paper and he has submitted all parts of it for the experi-
menter's approval."
Mr. Pond presents his well-written descriptions of Mr.
Skavlem's notable experiments in six chapters bearing the
titles :— "Observations in Primitive Stone- Working", "Mak-
ing Flaked Implements", "Flint Fracture by Man and Na-
ture", "Making Pecked and Ground Implements", The Skav-
lem Axe and Tree Cutting" and "Relation of Material to
Types, Classes and Techniques". Several pages at the end
are devoted to conclusions and a number of others to a
very complete and useful bibliography. The monograph is
finely illustrated with sixty-four plates showing all of the
stages of Mr. Skavlem's experiments and of their interesting
As copies of Mr. Pond's monograph can be purchased
through the Logan Museum by members of the Wisconsin
Archeological Society and others desiring to possess copies,
and as other copies of it may also now undoubtedly be ob-
tained from all of our leading Wisconsin and other libraries
it is unnecessary that much more be written about the very
helpful character of this bulletin and the verv use-
ful information contained in its well printed near-y 150
pages. We may, however, print something concerning the
subject of the monograph himself. "Halvor L. Skavlem
belonged to a pioneer Norwegian family of Southern Wis-
consin. In his boyhood the Indians lingered in his neigh-
borhood. Their artifacts and other evidences of their
former occupancy were then numerous. Naturally of an in-
quisitive mind, young Skavlem began to ask himse'f how7
they made these stone utensils. In his later life, after a
long study of the matter, he began making Indian tools as
he believed they were made originally. He became very
skilful and adept in the fashioning of stone."
"Since September, 1912, when Mr. Skavlem first started
making arrowheads and axes with the tools of primitive
man his summer home on the site of Kaw-ray-kaw-saw-
Indian Implement Manufacture. 179
kaw's (White Crow) village at Carcajou Point on the shores
of Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin, has been a gathering place
for hundreds of visitors eager to see how the Indian made
his weapons. These visitors have come from all parts of
the United States and Canada and many of them have
written articles for publication about the "charming old
arrowmaker of Lake Koshkonong." One of the most in-
teresting of these articles is "The Arrow-Maker" by Charles
D. Stewart, which appeared in the Atlantic Monthly for
June, 1923."
Mr. Skavlem, as well as Alonzo W. Pond, Dr. Frank G.
Logan and Dr. George L Collie have been active members
of the Wisconsin Archeological Society for many years. In
the passing years many members of this Society have sat
on the hospitable porch of the Skavlem home at Carcajou
Point. Here in a number of boxes he kept his flint and
stone-working tools consisting of stone breaking and flaking
hand-hammers, stone and flint pecking hammers, bone and
antler flakers and sandstone grinders and other tools re-
quired for his experiments. Here also was a supply of flint
and other stone, raw material obtained from neighboring
stone heaps or sent to him by friends from aboriginal stone
quarries and other sources. Here, on request, he was always
willing to demonstrate and explain every step in the aborigi-
nal manufacture of an arrowpoint or an axe. Many dis-
tinguished American archeologists and ethnologists have
been among his visitors. Several years ago a group of
members of the Central Section, American Anthropological
Society, then meeting at Beloit, made a special pilgrimage
to his Janesville residence to observe his experiments.
Numerous photographs and several movie films of him at
work have been made and numerous newspaper articles and
several magazine articles written about him and his work.
He has never commercialized the results of his experiments,
no one has ever been able to purchase even an arrowpoint
from him. In Eastern and Western museums are specimens
or series of specimens of his manufacture all of which he
has freely donated as contributions to archeological. science.
Mr. Skavlem is in addition to his extensive archeological
* Pond, pp. 7, 12-13.
knowledge, a naturalist of distinction. He has often been
referred to as the "John Burroughs of Lake Koshkonong."
His knowledge of the flora and fauna of his home region
is profound. His valuable collection of native plants is in
the herbarium of the University of Wisconsin and a large
collection of 'mounted birds and skins in his Janesville home.
His library is large and valuable. He is the author of sev-
eral survey reports published by the Wisconsin Archeologi-
cal Society. He was an active member of the old Wiscon-
sin Natural History Society and is one of the oldest living
members of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences and of the
State Historical Society. No Wisconsin scientist of the
present day has a larger circle of friends who respect him
for his scientific knowledge and contributions in various
fields of scientific research and investigation than Halvor
L. Skavlem of Lake Koshkonong. To many a now success-
ful investigator like AlonzoW.Pond, he has been the boyhood
or young manhood inspiration.
C. E. Brown and M. F. Hulburt
During the early part of the month of August, with Mr.
Theodore T. Brown, superintendent of the Neville Public
Museum, Green Bay, we made an excursion into the
northern Michigan peninsula (Hiawatha Land) the purpose
of which was that of a camping and sightseeing tour rather
than of an archeological expedition. However, in the course
of our travels some archeological sites were encountered.
From these small collections were made and some field notes
and photographs taken.
The first of these sites visited was located on the Green
Bay shore of Lake Michigan several miles north of the vil-
lage of Cedar River, in Menominee County. This village
site is on the west side of Highway 35, opposite the Menom-
inee County Park. The part of it lying east of the road,
between the highway and the bay shore is overgrown with
brush and trees and therefore not in condition for exami-
nation. On the west side of the highway about 450 feet
Northern Michigan Village and Camp Site's1. 181
of this site is exposed in a series of shallow sand blows
paralleling the road in a pasture. Here we found clusters
of hearthstones in six different places, each doubtless mark-
ing the former location of an Indian wigwam. None of
these clusters of burned and broken stones had been much
scattered by the wind or other causes and all were on or
very close to their original sites. Digging in the vicinity of
several of these exposed small areas of burned and ashy
soil and bits of charcoal no doubt marking the original sites
of household fireplaces. On these wigwam sites were
places where flint nodules had been broken and worked, the
chips, flakes and spalls of this material being scattered over
the surface of the soil. The flint worked here was of a
bluish white color and of a white and dark bluish (nearly
black) color. A few white quartz flakes and fragments
were also found. Near these places were also pieces of
broken bones of the deer, bear and other animals. The
specimens recovered from this site in the course of an hour's
search of its surface were a small triangular point nicely
fashioned of white flint, blanks and rejects of the kinds of
flint above mentioned, a scraper, nearly square in form made
of bluish-white flint a stemflake scraper with a rounded
blade, two pebble hammerstones showing signs of use, a
small conical muller or grinding stone, pieces of a broken
unfinished celt, the canine tooth of a bear, unperforated,
and a notched pebble net weight. This site is one of the
farthest north that these sinkers have been reported on
this side of Lake Michigan to date, Manistique is the other.
Pottery fragments were mostly found in small areas near
the hearth sites where small and medium-sized vessels had
broken and disintegrated. These sherds were of two kinds,
one tempered with crushed shell and the other with crushed
stone. Some of this earthernware was made of a reddish
clay, and some of it of a dark-colored clay surfaced on
both sides with reddish clay. Several rim-pieces have
straight, up-turned rims ornamented on top and on the sides
with small indentations. One shows twisted-cord impres-
sions. Deer Creek flows into Green Bay a short distance
north of this site. Doubtless the site itself will be later
found to extend quite to the mouth of the creek. Because
of its location near this county park this village site is un-
doubtedly much hunted over for arrowpoints by visitors to
this park. Many were in the vicinity on the Sunday after-
noon when we arrived here. Mr. John P. Schumacher, the
Green Bay archeologist, has in past years also collected some
specimens here. A short distance north of the creek there
is a place on the east side of the highway on which is a
sign bearing the legend "Old Indian Garden."
White Fish River Village Site, another Indian village site
which we visited, is situated on the east bank of the White
Fish River on a farm owned by G. M. Berquist in Delta
County. This site is located a short distance northeast of
the highway bridge crossing the river. It is a sandy field
ten or more acres in extent, elevated from 10 to 30 feet
above the flat land along the river bank and from 150 to
to 200 feet distant from the stream. Some large stumps
indicate that this site was covered with pine trees. A short
distance beyond the northern limits of this village site
there is a fine spring which the early aboriginal occupants
of this place must have appreciated.
From this site we collected ten flint scrapers, square,
circular and snub-nosed in form, a stemmed spearpoint made
of white flint, a notched spearpoint made of grey flint, one
stemmed and two notched arrowpoints made of grey flint,
broken flint blanks, a notched white quartz arrowpoint, a
small piece of native copper, probably part of an implement,
and a pebble hammerstone.
Flint chips and fragments and animal bones and burned
stones are scattered over small areas in different parts of
this site in such a manner as to indicate the former location
here of at least four or five Indian habitations. A portion
of this field is grass-grown and the site may extend over
this land also.
The stone worked here by the Indian arrowmakers we
found to be a greyish-white flint (the most common), a
white flint, white quartz, flesh-colored quartzite, brown
chalcedony, and a grey silica.
No potsherds were found near any of the wigwam sites
but fragments of a single medium-sized vessel were found
in the sandy bank at the edge of the site. This vessel was
made of dark colored clay surfaced on both sides with red
clay and tempered with crushed white quartz. It is orna-
Northern Michigan Village and Camp Sites. 183
mented with roulette markings, its lower surface marked
by treatment with a cord-wound paddle.
The White Fish River is about 250 feet wide opposite
this site. It is a fine, clear stream. To the north is a large
tamarack swamp. It flows southward to the head of Little
Bay De Noc. Mr. Schumacher has also collected from this
village site.
Manistique Camp Site. At Manistique we found a camp
and workshop site near the bank of the Manistique River in
a small plot of sandy ground directly in the rear of Sell-
man's fish dock. The backyards of several city lots adjoin
this site. The flint used in arrow manufacture on this site
is of a lustreless light-grey color. Chips and flakes of it
were very numerous and among these were found a broken
pebble hammerstone and a single small triangular flint ar-
On the opposite bank of the river, between it and the
Lake Michigan shore are extensive sand dunes some of these
being partly covered with vegetation and pine and other
trees. We spent several hours in searching the sandy areas
on and at the bases of these picturesque dunes for Indian
sites' which we felt must be there, but with no result.
In the public library at Manistique there is a small col-
lection of largely local archeological material. There are in
this collection about one hundred flnt arrow and spear-
points, blanks, a curved knife, several scrapers (bunts), a
hoe blade, a notched pebble sinker and two grooved stone
axes. The points are largely made of grey chert. The
largest spearpoint, a stemmed point made of grey flint, is
about 61/2 inches long and its blade about 3 inches wide.
A pebble pipe comes from the Dehtin farm at Indian Lake.
There formerly was a single copper spearpoint in this col-
In the museum of old Fort Mackinac on Mackinac Island
there is an archeological collection consisting of flint points,
celts, axes, a gouge, gorgets, bannerstones, and a pipe.
Densmore's Beach Site. At this Lake Michigan shore
resort at St. Ignace there are evidences of a village or camp
site. This we could not examine as most of the site was
under sod. Some flint chips were found on the tourist
camp ground of the resort. Mr. G. E. Densmore, son of the
proprietor, has a small collection of local material in which
are a slate gorget, a small hemisphere, an unfinished gorget,
three celts, three unfinished celts, a small rectangular cat-
linite pipe, two iron trade axes and about forty flint arrow
and spearpoints and blanks.
Some copper beads are reported to have been found in a
"mound" with a burial on the adjoining Miller summer resi-
dence site.
Sault Ste Marie. Mr. F. R. Vigeant who is the pro-
prietor of the large and fine curio store in this city has a
small collection of Indian implements on exhibition in a case
in his establishment. In this collection are a grooved stone
axe, six stone celts of ordinary forms, a small rectangular
stone chisel and a considerable number of flint arrow and
spearpoints. Most of his specimens are from Chippewa
County. Mr. Vigeant, who is very well informed, says
that Indian implements are not particularly common in the
surrounding region.
We examined a considerable number of likely looking
sandy areas in the region from Munising to Keweenaw
Point but were unable to find traces of former Indian habi-
tation at any of these. At Ontonagon there is a large sandy
area which stretches from the north limits of the city to
the tourist park. An examination made of this region lo-
cated only a single camp site where hearthstones were in
evidence and where white quartz had been chipped. As we
were somewhat limited as to time we were unable to call on
any of a considerable number of archeologist and collector
friends who reside in the fine cities and villages of this fair
country of crystal lakes, innumerable inviting streams, pine
and hardwood forests, and iron and copper mines. Some
day we shall adventure there again.
Plant Games and Toys of Chippewa Children. 185
Theodore T. Brown
Frances Densmore in her recent report on Chippewa In-
dian customs describes some interesting flower games and
toys of the children of this tribe.* Some of these we take
the liberty of quoting for the interest of our members and
'The leaves of the pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea L.)
formed a favorite plaything. The native name for the
plant means "frogs leggings". If the older people were
gathering berries the children filled the pitcher-shaped
leaves with berries or sand and used them in various forms
of childish play.
"The gathering and stringing of certain red berries
formed an interesting pastime. The fresh red berries were
pierced with a sharp instrument and strung on nettle-fibre
twine. After they were dry the husks were removed by
rubbing with the hands. No other berries and no beads were
combined with them and four or five strands were usually
worn around the neck.
"Little snowshoes" were made of the needles of the Nor-
way pine. In making a little snowshoe the point of the
pine needle is bent over and inserted in the socket of the
needle at its base, forming a loop which somewhat resembles
the frame of a snowshoe. Many of these are interlaced and
worn in a necklace.
"Large flat lichens were cut from trees and etched in pat-
terns resembling those on woven-yarn bags. These were
used by little girls in their play, being placed on the walls
in imitation of the yarn bags in the wigwams.
"In more recent times bright-colored autumn leaves were
used by the children to represent letters, and the children
"played post office", receiving these "letters" and pretend-
ing to read them.
"Leaves were selected with distinct markings which they
read as words.
* Bull. 86, Bur. of Am. Ethno.
"The little girls made miniature mats from rushes and
were encouraged to take the bark from small birch-bark
trees and make rolls similar to those used for wigwam cov-
ers ; they also made little birchbark utensils similar to those
made by their mothers.
"Ducks were made of bulrush roots and were floated on
little pools of water.
"Dolls — The simplest form of representing a human being
was by means of a large tuft of needles of the Norway pine.
This tuft was cut squarely across the end and about halfway
up a part of the needles were cut across, suggesting the
length of the arms, or perhaps a shawl hanging from the
shoulders. A bit of wood was left at the top of the tuft
suggesting the head. These little figurines were placed up-
right on a piece of zinc or in a large tin pan which was
gently agitated. This motion caused the figurines to
tremble in a manner suggesting an Indian dance and even
to move back and forth, according to the skill of the per-
son manipulating the tin on which they were placed. Dolls
were also made of green basswood leaves and of bright
autumn leaves with little splinters of wood.
"Figures of men and women were made from a portion of
the root of bullrushes that is below the water. This was
partially dried and made into figures by tying it with bass-
wood fiber, after which the figures were thoroughly dried
and could be handled without breaking.
"A step higher in development were the figures of men
and women cut from the inner bark of the slippery elm."
Dolls were also made of grass, willow bark and birch-
Miss Densmore's list of the plant games and toys of Chip-
pewa Indian children is by no means complete. These chil-
dren play other games and have devised other toys with
seeds, wild fruits, leaves, stems, bark and flowers which
remain to be described.
The Battle of Kings Mountain Anniversary Celebration. 187
Ray Jacobs
"That the Sesqui-Centennial Celebration of the Battle of
Kings Mountain to be staged on the battleground on Octo-
ber 7, 1930, will eclipse in every particular all previous cele-
brations of the anniversary of the conflict, is conceded.
The nations chief executive, President Herbert Hoover, has
accepted an invitation to be the guest of honor and the
principal speaker. Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd,
the noted antartic explorer, Sir Ronald Lindsay, British
Ambassador to the United States and many other notables
have been invited to attend. The governors of North and
South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee are all
closely identified with the coming celebration, representing
as they do, the states which furnished the soldiers who here
defeated the British. The governors of the other original
thirteen states have also been invited and are expected to
be in attendance." *
In this battle, designated as "the turning point of the
American Revolution", the companies of American moun-
taineer riflemen, "the Back Water men", from the states
before mentioned, surrounded and destroyed on the crest of
Kings Mountain, in York County, South Carolina, a British
force under one of General Cornwallis' most able lieuten-
ants, Colonel Patrick Ferguson, sent to subdue and capture
the patriot commands.
"In one hour on the afternoon of October 7, 1780, the
whole course of America's history had been changed. A
volunteer army, untrained and undisciplined had completely
defeated Colonel Ferguson's well-drilled militia and his
trusted guard of British regulars. Not a man of the enemy
had escaped; those who were not killed or wounded were
prisoners. According to the official report of Colonel
Campbell and his associate officers, Ferguson's losses were
206 killed (Ferguson himself was killed), 128 wounded and
600 taken prisoners. The American losses were 28 killed
* The Battle of Kings Mountain, Helen Deane Chandler, 1930.
and 62 wounded."* The opposing armies were nearly equal
in strength.
The destruction of Ferguson's expedition was a sad blow
to Cornwallis. "He had hoped to step with ease from one
Carolina to the other, and from those to the conquest of
Virginia; and he had no choice but to retreat." This re-
treat lead to his surrender to Washington at Yorktown.
The Battle of Kings Mountain is of particular interest to
citizens of Wisconsin because the manuscript records of
that fight, some eighteen bound volumes, are in the pos-
session of the Wisconsin Historical Society. "Dr. Lyman
C. Draper, secretary of the Society in its early days, spent a
life time, commencing at the age of 15, studying this famous
battle. The result of his studies, research and visits to the
battlefield and its environs was an exhaustive history of the
Battle of Kings Mountain, published originally by Peter G.
Thomson, of Cincinnati, in 1881. Unfortunately the Thom-
son plant was burned shortly after the book was printed
and all but about two hundred copies were destroyed along
with the copy, proofs and plates. Hence for years it was
impossible to secure a copy of Draper's except at collectors
prices which made it prohibitive from the standpoint of the
average student. Recently, however, a reprint, an exact
duplicate of the original edition in every respect, including
the illuminated binding, has been issued by Dauber & Pine
Bookshops, Inc., New York City."
Albert B. Reagan
Many people have read with interest the unearthing of
the ruins of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico and especially
that of Pueblo Bonito by the National Geographical Society.
The Mesa Verde ruins in Colorado and those in the Gila and
Salt river valleys of southern Arizona have also been of in-
terest. On the mesas and in the valleys and canyons of
northeastern Arizona there are prehistoric communities
with equal mysterious interest.
Some men of science say these towns and small-house
ruins, which are as numerous over the whole region as farm
Ancient Cities of Northeastern Arizona. 189
houses dot central Iowa today, were built in the Stone Age.
Others say they existed 4,000 years ago.
The whole area is an aggregation of ruins. Their builders
had a high degree of engineering skill. Huge trees were
transported to the villages from forests often sixty miles
away and great masses of stone, in places, were brought
from far off quarries. Irrigation canals, dams and reser-
voirs, probably some of the oldest known to the civilized
world, are also found here and there in this region. And
think of the enormous labor of constructing such works
with stone implements and of carrying the excavated earth
away in wicker baskets! Furthermore, to render the clay
bed of the canal impervious, it was first puddled and then
by means of burning brush and wood, it was burned to a
terra cotta consistency. Moreover, the course of the canals
now may be traced, centuries after they have been filled
with sand and vegetation, by means of small black pebbles
placed along the inner banks by the inhabitants, in the
belief, held by the Zunis now, that they assist the motion
of the currents, due to a mistaken idea of cause and effect,
suggested by the sight of stones rolling in running brooks.
They grew great quantities of corn, some tobacco and
cotton, and they also raised beans as well as two or three
varieties of squash. They had also domesticated the turkey
and had developed the art of basketry and pottery to per-
fection. Indeed, in places in the region one may walk for
miles and find the sandy surface more or less mixed with
pieces of broken pottery. The paint is still on them, and
is not in the least faded, though they have been exposed
for centuries.
The towns often consisted of a central citidel or "temple"
building, sometimes in circular shape, surrounded with clus-
ters of dwellings, sometimes contained within the walled in-
closures, which, in turn, were surrounded by thatched huts. In
each city was also (one or more) other large public edifices,
usually oval in form, twenty to fifty feet in diameter, and
conjectured to have been a place of worship. Stones and
adobe were used as the building material; and the main
earth walls and the walls of the outer buildings were often
formed within a framework of timber and wattled cane and
brush. Thus their architecture, like their pottery, were
obtained from original basket types. The small-house
groups were similarly made, usually of a single tier of
masonry-built rooms, oriented in an east and west line, ac-
companied by frailer constructed inclosures, each of which
was the camp, refuse-dump site.
The relics taken from the exhumed buildings and tombs
include pottery, stone implements, turquoise and other
stones held in esteem, shells and shell ornaments, and human
and animal remains. A few fragments of cotton cloth have
also been preserved from decay, and considerable yucca-
leaf woven work and several specimens of basketry.
The stone axes and other implements are particularly nice
in detail and finish. Some of the implements show a degree
of ingenuity not found among any tribe in the region nowa-
days. Many articles of personal adornment show that the
mysterious race was entering that transition period which
borders on the metalic and stone age. Many of these arti-
cles are shells and a few metals. Skillfully inlaid articles
were made by these people by first coating a shell, or other
article with a black cement, obtained from the gum de-
posited by insects on greasewood twigs, and other gums,
and then imbedding mosaic fragments of turquoise and
shells in the matrix thus formed. After the surface had
been rubbed down, smooth it made an ornament of merit.
The same gum from greasewood was made a lacquering for
preserving the color of basketry.
Many rock inscriptions have been found on the rocks
throughout this region. They are purely of a religious
significance, showing characteristic attitudes of the people
at certain festivals, and apparently disclosing nothing of a
narrative or historic nature. They give no idea of the
ordinary manner of dress or of the textile fabric employed,
but show the festive gown to have been a long robe, richly
Apparently, religion was the main purpose of life among
these people. Each action appears to have been vested with
a significance of its own, even the location of the public
structures being determined by certain mythological indi-
cations. They worshipped the sun, and had lodge rooms.
Sacrificial stones have been dug up in some spots, but the
nature of the sacrifice has not been determined. Like all
Ancient Cities of Northeastern Arizona. 191
nature worshippers, these people endowed each object with
its spirit counterpart, and either buried or burned the indi-
vidual's belongings beside his body, that they might ac-
company him on his spirit journey. Likewise, the burial
urns were "killed" by cracking or perforating their sides
in order that the soul might escape.
The ruins divide themselves into three major groups, the
Fort Apache-Montezuma group, the Black-Mesa-Segi Can-
yon series, and the Canyon de Chelly group.
The first group includes the ruins in the White Mountain
Apache country, in the vicinity of the Roosevelt Dam and
in the canyons that descend southward from the Mongollon
Range to Salt river, among whose hundreds of ruins are the
famed Fort Apache Cave, and Montezuma's Castle and the
equally wonderful Montezuma's Well and ruins. In the sec-
ond group are the renowned ruins of Snake House, Betata-
kin, and Keetseel in Segi Canyon, besides hundreds of
smaller ones. And the Canyon de Chelly group in the
chiseled in, thousand-foot deep, narrow De Chelly canyon
and its sister Del Muerto Canyon, comprise hundreds of
ruins (some estimates put them at more than a thousand),
among which is the famed White House.
The Fort Apache Cliff Cave
This cave consists of a series of chambers, halls and
rooms, running back northward many feet beneath the
mesa cap, eighty-five feet above the valley floor, north of
the river. Moreover, to reach the entrance one must climb
a notched-tree-ladder, a hazardous thing to do unless one is
used to climbing such ladders. Furthermore, as the cave
is tortuous, those who enter it carry a roll of binding twine,
many candles, and also flashlights. The twine is tied at the
entrance and let line the passages traversed so that on the
return it can be followed back to the entrance. To make
the return more safe the lit candles are also placed at reg-
ular distances and in conspicuous or dangerous places along
the passages.
This cave seems to have been used by the ancients as a
burial place, and when first visited the floors of several of
the rooms were covered with human skeletons. In one of
the rooms they were found to have been placed in a circle on
the cold damp floor of stone, as if they might have gath-
ered there for mutual protection during some catastrophe,
all perishing there; and a short distance apart from them
also lay the frame of their medicine man, leaning against
the wall opposite the entrance to the room, his chin resting
on his breastbone, apparently just as he had died.
Many museums and private parties have secured fine col-
lections from this cave.
Montezuma's Castle and Montezuma's Well and Its Ruins
Beaver creek, a branch of the Rio Verde in Arizona, pos-
sesses a limpid stream of rippling water, a boon to that arid
region. This life-giving stream is arched over and fully
shaded by cotton woods, aspens, juniper, walnut, ash, and
sycamore trees, making the place a virtual paradise. On
the right bank of this stream above the line of green, three
miles from old Camp Verde, there is perched the wonderful
Montezuma's Castle, known, also, as Casa Montezuma.
It is an awe-inspiring prehistoric cliff-dwelling, standing
against the cliff, under an overtowering arch. It is con-
structed in a natural recess in the side of a limestone cliff.
Its base is three hundred and forty-eight feet from the edge
of the stream and about forty feet above it. It is five
stories high, exceeding twenty-eight feet in height. .The
outer walls lean slightly toward the cliff, and are strongly
but symmetrically curved inward. Some of the rooms are
smoothly plastered and smoke-blackened ; the plaster bears
finger-marks and impressions of the thumb and hand. The
rooms are ceiled with willows laid horizontally across
rafters of black alder and ash. Upon this is a thick layer
of reeds placed transversely and the whole plastered on top
with mortar, forming the floor of the room above. The
roofs are made in the same manner. The buildings show
evidence of long occupancy in prehistoric times. Its origin
is unknown.
Montezuma's Well is equally as interesting and more awe-
inspiring than the castle. It is situated in the summit of a
low mesa on Beaver creek, about nine miles north of Camp
Verde. It is a large depression, in the form of a well or
tank. Within the depression, the upper part of the "bowl,"
are well preserved remains of several cliff-dwellings. The
Ancient Cities of Northeastern Arizona. 193
bowl is full of water to a certain level and never changes.
However, it gets disturbed at certain intervals, like the
ancient pool of Bethsaida. This mysterious and interesting
phenomenon has given rise to many folk-lore stories about
this well and its bubbling waters.
White House
This ruin is overhung and blocked-in by large rocks in
Canyon de Chelly in the northeastern part of northeastern
Arizona. It is a double village, one part being at the foot
of the canyon wall, the other upon a shelf in the wall above
this one. The upper one is fifty feet above the floor of the
canyon and can be reached only by ladders. Both are built
of small, thin sandstone, laid in mud mortar. The front
of the upper village measures one hundred and forty-six
feet; the depth, forty-seven feet, and the height eighteen
feet. The rooms are small, and the windows less than a
foot square. A circular native "church" still shows. The
whole ruin is whitewashed with gypsum, from which it gets
its name "White House."
Kinna Zinde
This is a well preserved ancient house, situated on a
promontory, overlooking the flats to the northward, about
thirty miles north of the station of Chambers on the
Santa Fe Railway, in Arizona. Though in the open, it is
still in a good state of preservation, its stone walls rising
high above the foundation. It is constructed in the shape
of a somewhat modified circular tower. Flooring indicative
of two stories is visible, and the poles of an old ladder by
which there was formerly communication from one story
to another are still in place, the poles being notched for the
insertion of rungs. This ruin was, no doubt, a lookout-
summer home for the people who farmed the adjacent
valley fields.
Snake House
This is a cliff-house on the Arizona side, near Oljeto,
Utah, the home of a forgotten people. Who these people
were no one knows. Why they departed their village and
where they went we know less. The ruin is along the
southeast face of a cliff and in two massive caves, one at
each end of the ruin. The east cave is about one hundred
feet deep — back into the cliff, and probably twenty feet
wide. It seems to have been a large council hall. It is
smoked from end to end and has much pottery debris on its
floors. No sign of Brooms now remains. The cave at the
west side (end) is forty feet wide at the entrance, runs
back forty feet, and then has two sets of additional rooms
running back into the cliff from it. The north room is
walled in now and was used as a bin. Part of the wall that
inclosed the south room also shows. Parts of walls also
show in the main cave room. In addition, it is inclosed
(shut in) by an outer wall. Along the wall between the
two caves are the remains of an open village that was prob-
ably twenty-five feet wide. Many of the rooms are still
intact with roofs still on them. Some are flat roofed.
Some are built in half -beehive style against the wall. All
are small and all have very small doors. Above the west
end of the outer village is a large drawing of a huge snake
forty feet in length in zig-zag, with twenty-one joints. Its
head is two-thirds as big as a plate and in that shape. The
whole drawing is white. Several other snake drawings also
show on the walls. The snake clan of a tribe, probably
the snake clan of the Hopis, evidently lived here. The ruin
receives its name from the snake drawings on its walls.
Batatakin and Keetseel
These are sister ruins in Segi Canyon. They are sim-
ilarly constructed, also containing about the same number
of rooms, originally.
As we proceed up the canyon there suddenly looms up
before us the ghost city of Keetseel, as Betatakin had
previously flung itself upon our view. It is placed on a
shelf against the canyon walls above the tree tops, under a
marvelous, overtowering arch of stone. There are one
hundred fifty-four rooms in it, but no one is walking its
streets and alleys. A huge log, thirty-five feet in length,
spans a gap. The village walls are of rock; the mortar,
adobe clay. The roofs are flat and made of adobe cement.
There are no chimneys, but a porthole in the roof acted
as a smoke escape. If windows, they are all very small an
Ancient Cities of Northeastern Arizona. 195
never had any glass in them. None of them are large
enough for one to stick his head through. The doors are
all so small one would have to get on his knees to crawl
through them. Many house rooms have no doors at all ex-
cept a square hole in the flat roof. Several of the buildings
are two or more stories high. Ladders have to be used to
get to this village from the valley. Also, only by ladders
can the doors on the roofs be reached.
Untroubled through the ages this village has sat there
serene, watching the coming and going of suns and the ever
changing years. It is a dead city. Who lived there can
not be conjectured. What happened to them or where they
went we know less. Their laughter, their crying, and their
wailings are no more. They left no records but rock pic-
tures and the peculiar paintings on their pottery. These
we can not read. Mute, the village, its pottery, and its
rock pictures welcome us in dead silence. In awe we gaze
upon this city. Untroubled it sits before us waiting the
slow disintegration of time.
. 10
September, 1930
J?o. I
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(Wtecorartn Srcfjeologtcal g>odet|>
#ltltoauUee, Kite.
Incorporated March 23, 1903, for the purpose of advancing the study and
preservation of Wisconsin antiquities
Charles G. Schoewe
R. J. Kieckhefer Dr. A. L. Kastner
W. W. Gilman Mrs. Theo. Koerner
Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand W. C. McKern
A. P. Kannenberg
Dr. S. A. Barrett A. T. Newman Dr. H. W. Kuhm
H. H. Smith E. F. Richter T. L. Miller
Dr. E. J. W. Notz L. R. Whitney Geo. A. West
G. M. Thorne
National Bank of Commerce, Milwaukee, Wis.
Charles E. Brown
State Historical Museum, Madison, Wis.
STATE SURVEY— Dr. A. L. Kastner, J. P. Schumacher, W. F.
Bauchle, Geo. F. Overton, M. F. Hulburt, T. M. N. Lewis, Dr. E.
J. W. Notz, 0. L. Hollister, Dr. F. G. Logan, T. T. Brown, Dr. B. T.
Best, S W. Faville, Col. R. S. Owen, G. L. Pasco.
MOUND PRESERVATION— Mrs. E. H. Van Ostrand, Frank Weston,
Dr. Louise P. Kellogg, Dr. Orrin Thompson, Mrs. F. R. Melcher,
Col. Howard Greene, Rev. O. W. Smith, M. G. Troxell, H. W. Cor-
nell, W. P. Morgan, Dr. E. G. Bruder, A. H. Griffith.
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS— L. R. Whitney, Col. Marshall Cousins,
Mrs. Arthur C. Neville, Geo. A. West, W. M. Babcock, R. N. Buck-
staff, Prof. J. B. MacHarg, Dr. P. B. Jenkins, Rev. F. S. Dayton,
A. P. Kannenberg, Mrs. May L. Bauchle, B. M. Palmer.
MEMBERSHIP— Louis Pierron, Paul Joers, A. R. Rogers, Arthur
Gerth, Dr. W. H. Brown, Rud. Boettger, A. P. Cloos, Dr. H, W.
Kuhm, Mrs. Anna F. Johnson, K. Freckman, Geo. Wright, Mrs.
Hans A. Olson, Carl Baur, C. G. Weyl.
D. S. Howland.
PUBLICITY— J. G. Gregory, A. O. Barton, E. R. Mclntyre, R. K. Coe.
BIOGRAPHY— H. H. Smith, G. M. Thorne, C. E. Brown.
These are held in the Trustee Room in the Public Museum Build-
ing, in Milwaukee.
During the months of July to October no meetings are held.
Life Members, $25.00 Sustaining Members, $5.00
Annual Members, $2.00
Junior Members, $ .50 Institutional Members, $1.50
All communications in regard to the Wisconsin Archeologrical Society
or to the "Wisconsin Archeologist" should be addressed to Charles E.
Brown, Secretary and Curator, Office, State Historical Muesum, Madison,
Wisconsin. G. M. Thorne, Treasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Mil-
Vol. 10, No. 1, New Series
Pine, Beaver and North Lakes, Charles E. Brown 7
Waubaunsee, Potawatomi Indian Frontispiece
Map of Pine, Beaver and North Lakes 9
Potawatomi Chief
Lewis Portfolio, 1835
Ctje Wisconsin 3lrtt)eologt0t
Publish tMl Quarterly by the Wisconsin Archeological Society
Vol. 10 MADISON, WIS., SEPTEMBER, 1930 No. 1
New Series
Charles E. Brown
Three Wisconsin lakes unsurpassed for scenic beauty, in
the midst of a woodland and prairie region as attractive
as the lakes themselves, lie either wholly or partly within
the boundaries of the recently incorporated Village of
Chenequa, in Waukesha County. These are Chenequa or
Pine Lake, the largest of the three, Beaver Lake, and North
Lake. The Chenequa group of lakes are in the midst of
the famous Kettle Moraine region of Wisconsin, so called
because of the "deep hollows or kettles which pit much of
its surface, these kettles or pot-holes being due to the melt-
ing during the glacial period of buried ice blocks, or to the
building of morainic ridges which enclose undrained de-
The Chenequa Lakes are among the larger of the thirty-
six large and small old Indian lakes which are the aquatic-
jewels of the Waukesha County country-side, in southeast-
ern Wisconsin. Waukesha County, has been for many years
famous in America for its beautiful lakes and health-giving
springs. The Chenequa Lakes are in the fore-front of
these lakes. Near them are other lakes of great charm
and interest. Immediately to the west of them is the Ocon-
omowoc Group of lakes, — Okauchee, Oconomowoc and La-
Belle. To the south are the shimmering lakes of the Na-
shota Group — Nagawicka, the Nashotas and the Nemahbins,
and beyond these are the smaller Genesee lakes. Silver and
Golden lakes lie a short distance northwest and southwest
of the latter. Pewaukee, the largest of the Waukesha lakes,
The Physical Geography of Wisconsin, Lawrence Martin.
(Chenequa Lakes)
Map Index
The names and numbers correspond with those shown on the map.
1. Trail Village Site
2. Chenequa Springs
3. Niedecken Point Site
4. Swallow Point
East Shore
5. The Island
6. Anchor Point Site
7. Randall-Koehring Point Site
8. Gibson Site
9. Brumder Site
10. West Bay Site.
West Shore
11. Vogel Bay Site
12. Dorner Point Site
13. Interlachen Site
14. Chenequa Country Club Site
15. Mud Lake Site 16. North Lake Site
lies a few miles to the southeast, and Keesus a short dis-
tance to the northeast. The Muskego lakes are in the
southeastern corner of the county, and the Mukwonago
lakes at its southern boundary.
The Government survey of Pine Lake was made by Mullet
and Brink, during the months of July and August, 1835.
The general description of Merton township given by them
is as follows: "This township is rolling, poor second rate
land, timber white oak, black oak, ironwood, lynn (bass-
wood) hazel, thorn, prickly ash, grape-vine. Soil-sand and
gravel. In the east part of the township there can be some
good selections made. In the west part the land is rather
broken and poor therefore of little consequence." Garrett
Vliet ran the subdivision lines later in the same year. Wil-
liam R. Williams, Deputy U. S. surveyor, made a survey of
the island in the lake on May 18, 1852, giving its area as
1 1/100 acres.
The following description of Pine, Beaver and North
lakes is quoted from that given by Messrs. E. A. Birge and
Chauncey Juday in "The Inland Lakes of Wisconsin".*
"This lake district lies in and adjacent to a sag or break
in the large kettle moraine that has already been mentioned.
The existence of the gap or sag is emphasized by the fact
that two parallel streams flow through or across the course
of the moraine ridge. North of Beaver and North lakes
the line of the moraine is marked by a distinct ridge several
kilometers wide, whose trend is east of north. It rises more
than 30 m. above the adjacent country and fully 60 m. above
the level of the Oconomowoc-Waukesha lake district. "Pine
Lake. The basin of Pine Lake consists of a large pit with
an elongated north-south axis. Some of the pits, which
are so characteristic of the surrounding land, are connected
with the main one, thus forming bays which contribute to
the irregularity of the coast line. The regularity of the
basin is broken by an island situated toward the east side
and a little north of the center of the lake. Its area is
about 0.8 ha. (^ a.).
"The water level seems to be falling gradually which is
due apparently to a general sinking of the level of the
* Bull. XXVII, Wis. Geol. & Nat. Hist. Surv., 1914.
I'iiic, Ueavrr and North Lakes. 11
ground water in the vicinity. The level of the water is gen-
erally below the point of overflowing and it is only in ex-
ceptionally wet seasons that there is any overflow. The
lowering of the lake level protects the bases of the cliffs
from the action of the waves. In seasons with an average
amount of precipitation the water level is half a meter or
more below the bases of the present cliffs and the water's
edge so that a band of beach covered with gravel and cob-
blestones is found between the bases of the cliffs and the
water's edge. When the lake stood at a higher level, the
waves actively cut the cliffs ; some of the headlands on the
west side, for example, have been worn back several meters.
"Another evidence of the activity of waves and currents
is shown in some shoals which lie about 200 m. (655 ft.)
off shore at Pine Lake. They are covered with boulders and
appear to be remnants of higher elevations which were cut
down by the removal of all of the finer morainal material.
"The amount of material used for beach structures is
small in comparison with the quantity removed from the
cliffs. This is due to the shape of the basin occupied by the
water. The sides are so steep that a large amount of ma-
terial has been used in constructing the marginal shelf. In
spite of the large amount used for this purpose, enough has
been worn from the cliffs to build bars- entirely across some
small bays, and others are now in the process of being
spanned by bars or spits.
"Also, the point of land on the east side toward the south-
ern end of the lake has a long, submerged spit extending
southward from it, and the island about the middle of the
east side, has a similar structure at its north end.
"Where the shores have a comparatively gentle slope the
beach is subject to modification by the action of ice and long
stretches of ice-ramparts are found in such localities.
The water of the lake is derived chiefly from springs and
from seepage from Beaver Lake. When the water rises
high enough it overflows into North Lake; but sometimes
there is no overflow for a considerable period of time. The
lake also loses some of its water by seepage toward the north
and west."
The length of Pine lake is slightly over 2 1/4 miles, its
greatest width slightly over one mile, Its maximum depth
is about 90 feet. Its area is nearly 700 acres. Its elevation
above sea level is given as 315 feet.
Beaver Lake. "The lake is fed chiefly by springs and
during dry seasons there is no stream overflow. But dur-
ing seasons of abundant rainfall the overflowing waters
make a stream of considerable size. Apparently the outlet
stream has cut down its channel about a meter so that the
level of the lake is now lower than it was originally.
"The basin of this lake consists of two large pits which
are nearly equal in area. A little above the present water
level, there are several arms extending out from the main
depression which give the basin a scalloped appearance. If
the water were one or two meters higher, these arms would
form bays and thus make the coast line very irregular. At
present the immediate shores are about equally divided be-
tween steep, kame slopes and the low flat or gently sloping
arms. At the heads of the latter, however, there are steep
cliffs. Considerable cliff cutting has been done in the past,
but at present, the cliffs are protected by ice ridges at their
bases. The waves in summer are unable to remove all the
terraces formed by the ice in winter so that wave action is
limited to the shore drift. This working over of the shore
drift keeps a belt of clean cobble stones just under the edge
of the water.
"Fronting nearly all the low shores are fairly high ridges
which have the graceful curves of bars. The irregular ar-
rangement of material in some of the ridges indicates that
they were built largely or wholly by the ice."
The greatest length of this lake is slightly over one mile,
its greatest width not quite three-fourths of a mile.
North Lake. "The basins occupied by North lake represent
two pits formed, apparently, by two separate blocks of ice.
The two basins are unequal in size, the west one being much
smaller than the east one, and they are separated by a nar-
row ridge whose average height above the water is about
half a meter, at ordinary levels. This ridge is pierced at
only one point and that is where the stream flows from the
east into the west basin.
"More than half the shore of North lake has a steep slope,
rising abruptly to a height of 10 m. or 12 m. (33 ft. to 40
ft,) . This applies particularly to the eastern basin where the
Pine, Beaver and North Lakes. 13
shores are high along the east, south and southwest portions.
The north end is bordered by an extensive swamp. Most of
the immediate shore of the west basin is low, but a short
distance back from the lake except at the north end, it rises
to nearly or quite the height found along the east basin.
"Practically all of the steep shores of the lake are being
eroded, but this action is not progressing vigorously owing
to the small size of the basins and to the fact that the water
now stands at a slightly lower level than formerly. Ice-
push terraces are a prominent feature of the beaches and
they also aid in protecting the cliffs from cutting. Through
the action of vegetation in summer and ice in the winter,
the swamp at the north end of the east basin is gradually
encroaching upon the lake. At one point the old shore line
lies many meters behind the present one, with swamp be-
tween them. Marl is a conspicuous constituent of the
beaches of the west basin. It is white in color and appears
in the form of gravel passing into sand. On the southwest
side of this basin there is a terrace several scores of meters
in width which is composed of successive ridges of this
"The two most prominent ice ridges at present are situ-
ated respectively at the northeast corner of the east basin
and at the outlet, i. e. at the northwest corner of the west basin.
"North lake receives the waters of two branches of the
Oconomowoc river and of Mason creek. These streams
drain extensive tamarack swamps situated north of the lake
and their waters have the usual brownish color which is
characteristic of peat stained water. The waters of the
lake possess this same color. There are some strong springs
toward the south end of the east basin which doubtless rep-
resent chiefly the seepage from Beaver and Pine lakes. The
west basin possesses no springs and the only water received
by it is the overflow from the east basin. The Oconomowoc
river leaves the west side near the north end."
The length of North lake (east basin) is one and one-third
miles, its greatest width three-fourths of a mile. Its eleva-
tion above sea level is given as 309 feet.
A small body of water, Mud lake, lies midway between
the south end of North and the north end of Pine lake, a
creek connecting it with the two lakes.
The Mascouten or Prairie Potawatomi, who formerly in-
habited Waukesha County and other southeastern Wiscon-
sin counties, are a division of the Potawatomi tribe, the
other division being the Forest Potawatomi, whose place of
residence is the forests of northern Wisconsin, Michigan
and southern Ontario. The Prairie Potawatomi are the In-
dians referred to in the writings of the Jesuit fathers as
"The Fire Nation" and "Maskoutench." These Indians are
reported to possess some traditions which place their origi-
nal home with other Algonkian tribes on the Atlantic sea-
board, probably in New England. In some of their legends
they mention the Delaware Indians as their neighbors and
Later they were locrted in Central New York. In 1641
they were on the shores of Lake Huron. From this sta-
tion they moved into Michigan, the Mascouten occupying
southern Michigan. At the close of the seventeenth century
they were in Indiana and northern Illinois and had gone
around the lower end of Lake Michigan as far as the Mil-
waukee river, or beyond. They appear in Wisconsin his-
torical records as early as 1670, when one of their villages
located near the portage between the Fox and Wisconsin
rivers was visited by Father Allouez and in 1673 by Father
"In the middle of the eighteenth century they entered into
a confederacy with the Kickapoos and Sacs and Foxes, with
the avowed purpose of exterminating the surviving rem-
nants of the old Illinois tribes. This done, they divided the
conquered domain. This domain up to the year 1790 was
grazed by great herds of the American bison or buffalo.
Their squaws cultivated some corn but the savage bands
lived mostly on the spoils of the chase. Their hunting trails
extended from grove to grove and from lake to river.
"The Potawatomi hastened their downfall by accepting
the leadership and guidance of the British agents at Maiden,
Canada, who only espoused their cause in order to reap the
profits of the fur trade. These agents supplied their savage
Skinner, Bull. Milw. Pub. Mus. 6-1.
J'ino, Beavei' and North L<nl«'s. 15
minions with rum and rifles, encouraged the Indian raids on
the white settlements for the purpose of plunder and rapine
and were instrumental in inducing the Potawatomi to join
the hopeless confederacy of Tecumseh and the Prophet, who
vainly sought to unite the scattered bands and stem the tide
of white immigration. With the death of Tecumseh at the
battle of the Thames and the termination of the British in-
fluence in the west, the Potawatomi soon surrendered what
little domain was left to them, ceded all their lands away
by treaty, and in 1838, were removed beyond the Missis-
sippi river." *
The Wisconsin Potawatomi at a treaty held at Chicago
on September 26 and 27, 1833, ceded all their lands to the
United States. They were permitted to remain for three
years before removing to a reservation provided for them
on the -Missouri river in Iowa. In 1846 they ceded these
lands for a reservation in Kansas. Some of the Wisconsin
Potawatomi did not go to Iowa and roving bands of these
camped in Waukesha County for quite a number of years
afterwards. Some other Potawatomi returned to the state.
At the present time several hundred Potawatomi are liv-
ing on small homesteads provided for them in Forest Coun-
ty, and a small group near Arpin in Wood County. Some
of these are descendants of southern Wisconsin Prairie
Further information concerning the history of this very
interesting Wisconsin tribe may be obtained from "The
Potawatomi" and "Lake Geneva and Lake Como", two pub-
lications issued by the Wisconsin Archeological Society ; the
Wisconsin Historical Collections, three bulletins published
by the Milwaukee Public Museum, and The Handbook of
American Indians.
The lodges of the Waukesha County Potawatomi were
round in form, about ten feet in height and from 12 to 20
feet in diameter, the wooden framework being covered with
matting, bark or skins. Mats made of reeds sometimes lay
on the floors. In the center of the lodge was the fireplace,
* Elmore Barce, The Land of the Potawatomi.
a cavity scooped in the ground and lined with stones. In
an early day they probably covered their lodges with buffalo
hides. The occupation of a new lodge was a matter of con-
siderable ceremony, including a feast given by the owner.
The men were all good hunters and fishermen and general-
ly kept their families well supplied with meat and fish.
They had interesting customs connected with the hunting
of the deer and bear, and with the trapping of the muskrat
and beaver. Fish were speared, shot with the bow and ar-
row, caught with fishlines and seines, and trapped with fish-
traps built with boulders across streams. Pewaukee lake
was a particularly noted fishing ground. Fish were split,
smoked and sun-dried for later or winter use. They were
stored for use during the winter season in shallow pits or
caches dug in the ground and lined with leaves or bark.
There were corn fields near all of their more permanent
villages, those at Waukesha and Mukwonago being particu-
larly extensive. According to Solomon Juneau the Indians
at the latter village produced as much as 5,000 bushels in a
single year. Corn was planted in large hills, the same hills
being used year after year. The Indians also grew at their
planting grounds beans, pumpkins, gourds and tobacco. A
favorite dish of the natives was tassimanomin, made by
boiling together corn, wild rice and fish, and seasoning it
with herbs and berries. Maple sugar took the place of salt
in their cooking.
Before their contact with white men the Potawatomi made
pottery vessels of several shapes and sizes, mixing the clay
with crushed stone and baking them in a hot fire. Frag-
ments of some of these and a few unbroken vessels have
been obtained from their former village sites. They also
made and used wooden bowls, mortars, spoons and ladles.
They used dugout canoes which they hewed out of bass-
wood and other logs. Some'of these have been recovered
from the bottoms of southern Wisconsin lakes and streams.
They made woven bags of wild hemp, nettle, basswood, cedar
and other fibres. These the Wisconsin and Kansas Pota-
watomi still continue to make. The weapons of the Indians
were the wooden war club, the spear and the bow and ar-
row. They were fond of sports. At Mukwonago and Mil-
Pine, Beaver and North Lakes. 17
waukee a favorite sport was pony racing, these races being
often of a wild and exciting character.
The Waukesha County Potawatomi * "buried" some of
their dead above ground, the corpse being wrapped in a
blanket and seated on the ground. With it were placed a
pipe, tobacco and food. The burial was then surrounded
with an enclosure of branches to protect it from wild ani-
mals and birds. Sometimes the corpse was tied to a tree
trunk, or placed in the limbs of a tree. Other burials were
made in shallow graves and covered with logs or stones.
These several types of burial may have been those of differ-
ent tribal clans. Well-known burial places were at Wau-
kesha, Mukwonago, Pewaukee and Big Muskego, and small-
er cemeteries elsewhere in the county.
Alanson Skinner has recovered in recent years much in-
formation concerning the social life, material culture,
mythology and folklore of the Prairie Potawatomi of Wis-
consin and Kansas.*
In 'The Potawatomi" the late Publius V; Larson has re-
corded the history of both divisions of this once numerous
Old settlers of the Town of Merton and of adjoining Wau-
kesha townships, some of whom were interviewed on this
subject years ago, all stated that Indians were still quite
numerous in the region of the Chenequa lakes in the late
thirties and early forties and continued to camp or pass
through the lake country for many years afterwards.
John H. Hall, one of these stalwart pioneers, who settled
in Merton township in 1842, stated that at this time : "This
land was accessible by Indian trails. Indians of the Pota-
watomi and Menomonie tribes were numerous, and all kinds
of game was plentiful."
"Mrs. Abner Dayton, daughter of James and Barbara Gib«
son Rea, came to Merton township with her parents in 1843
Mrs. Dayton well-remembered the Indians having a camp
* Bulls., Milw. Pub. Mus. 1924_27.
* Wis. Archeologist, 19_2, 1920.
near her home." Other old settlers, now dead, had similar
stories to relate about the Indians who were always friend-
ly and to whom they occasionally gave food, clothing and
Mr. Christ. Schwartz (N. C. Schwartz), a resident of
Chenequa, states that in his boyhood, in about the year 1869
and later, groups of Potawatomi from Pewaukee lake came
to Pine lake to spear and trap muskrats. There were some-
times as many as fifty Indians, men, women and children,
in these groups. They erected their lodges in the sheltered
hollow on the south shore of Beaver lake, south of the high
knoll upon which the Interlaken hotel buildings now stand.
This hollow is situated between the highway, which follows
the old Indian trail, and the lake shore. These lodges were
built of poles leaning together in the form of a cone and the
wooden framework was covered with skins, cloth and blan-
kets. Such lodges were quickly erected and as quickly taken
down again when necessary. There were at times ten or a
dozen such dwellings in the hollow. They but seldom re-
mained here for more than a week or two, then moving on
to North lake or Okauchee lake.
The nearby muskrat hunting ground of the Indians was
in Tuley's (Wilson's) bay of Pine lake in a reedy marsh
extending from opposite the Chenequa hotel property south-
ward across the bay to the wooded Niedecken point. Their
muskrat spears were long pointed and barbed iron rods in-
serted in or bound to a stout wooden handle. They speared
the rats through their houses, seeming to know just where
they were. Muskrats were prepared for eating by skin-
ning and roasting them in the fire, or by cooking the meat
in kettles. Some of the meat -was cut into strips and dried.
These Indians had no ponies. They had a number of dogs.
The last Indians to camp at this end of Pine lake on the
Beaver lake shore came in the year 1881.
Mr. Charles Rudberg, whose father, John 0. Rudberg,
settled on the northeast shore of Pine lake in 1842, says that
the Indians came from Pewaukee lake over the trail now
followed in a general way by the highway on the east side
of Pine lake and running between Pine and Beaver lakes.
In his father's time they passed over this trail, going and
coming, in numbers in both the spring and the autumn. He
Pine, Beaver and North Lakes. 19
does not remember that they had any guns. They used the
bow and arrow in hunting.
The Indians at some time or other camped on nearly
every sheltered point and bay on the shores of Pine and also
upon the shores of Beaver and North lakes of the Chenequa
lake group. Mud lake was a muskrat hunting and trapping
ground. They were chiefly Prairie Potawatomi (Mashko-
tens) with occasionally a few Menomini or Chippewa among
them. These Potawatomi appear to have chiefly come from
the Indian villages at Pewaukee and Waukesha, 6 1/2 and
10 miles distant by trail, or from the nearby smaller village
site at the head of Nagawicka lake. Some were from Pike
lake at Hartford. Others came from even greater distances.
Family or larger groups of Menomini came to or through
the region from their villages at Menomonee Falls fourteen
or more miles to the northeast or from the "Wild Marsh"
camp south of it. Some Indians were always moving over
the trail toward Milwaukee or westward to the Four Lakes.
Groups of Winnebago Indians also occasionally passed over
the Chenequa trails on their way to the Rock river and Lake
Among the Potawatomi chiefs who visited the Chenequa
region was Kewaskum (Kiwaskum, "goes-back-on-his-
tracks") who had a village at Pike lake, Monches of the
Oconomowoc river village, and Leatherstrap of the Wau-
esha village.
So far as the early settlers noted there was but little dif-
ference in the dress of the families or groups of Potowa-
tomi. Some of the men were attired in buckskin shirts,
long leggings and moccasins. Some wore shirts, trousers
and other cloth garments obtained from the settlers or from
stores or trading posts. Their headgear was often a piece
of colored cloth or a handkerchief bound around the head.
Some wore a strip of fur in place of a hat, a piece of otter-
skin ornamented with a single feather or bits of ribbon.
Some had trade blankets. In summer some of the men wore
only a breech cloth. The women wore cloth waists and
skirts and buckskin moccasins. Some wore buckskin gar-
ments, often with fringes. Silver brooches and bead neck-
laces were their common ornaments. Some of the women
carried on their backs babies strapped to cradleboards.
Most bore bundles of spare clothing or camp equipment.
Some carried kettles. Some had a few ponies and these
were often heavily laden. Some of the hunters carried
guns, these being flint-locks, and of a poor quality.
John Shawano, Nawquakeshik (Noon Day), great-grand-
son of Waika or Wakusha, at present living in Forest Coun-
ty, states that the Chenequa lakes were a part of the hunt-
ing grounds of the Potawatomi of his Waukesha village.
They were very particular about their hunting territories
and would never permit any other tribe to trespass on them.
This may have been true before the white settlers came to
this region. The Menomini certainly also hunted about the
lakes in the early forties.
No one remembers seeing any Indian log canoes on Pine
lake, yet the Potawatomi must have had them as they did
on Pewaukee, Nagawicka and North lakes.
Wild animals were numerous in the regions about the
Chenequa lakes when the first white settlers came. Deer
were everywhere to be seen. Bear were occasionally killed.
Among the smaller animals were the wolf, wild cat, musk-
rat, otter, mink, raccoon, skunk, woodchuck, weasel and
squirrel. Wild fowl were abundant both in the woods and
on the waters of the lakes. The lakes were filled with fish.
The early Wisconsin maps, up to the year 1839, give no
names for the lakes of the Chenequa group. A "map of
Wiskonsin Territory, 1839", prepared by Capt. Thomas J.
Cram, government topographical engineer, gives the name
of Gay lake to Pine lake, Peekor to Beaver lake, and Ahko
to North lake. Lake Keesus is here named Meeshel lake.
Where he obtained these names is unknown. Farmer's
map, 1848, doubtless copying Cram, gives the name of Gay
lake to Pine, and Peekor to Beaver.
The name Gay is probably derived from the Prairie Pota-
watomi word que (quay), woman, or the Chippewa word
ikwe or akwe. Peekor, the name given to Beaver lake, may
be a slight distortion of the Winnebago word pee ka, signify-
ing "good", or "beautiful". The Potawatomi word for bea-
Pine, Beaver and North Lakes. 21
ver is mak or muk, and the Chippewa word amik. Ahko,
the name given to North lake, is the Potawatomi word for
doe (ako).
On a "Map of the Milwaukee Land District, 1840", the
name of Pine lake appears as the name for that lake. This
name also appears on the Milwaukee Land District Map of
1846, Nagawicka, Pewaukee and Oconomowoc lakes being
the only other northern Waukesha County lakes which bear
any names.
Dr. Increase A. Lapham may be credited with having
first given the attractive name of Chenequa to Pine lake.
In his book, "Wisconsin", published by P. C. Hall at Mil-
waukee in 1844, he says : "Pine Lake, lies immediately north
of Nagowicka, two miles long, three-fourths of a mile wide,
five and a quarter around, and has an area of six hundred
and ninety acres; being exactly the same as Nagowicka.
The Indian name is Chenequa or Pine, given in consequence
of a few pine trees having been found on a small neck of
land or island in this lake."
North Lake (or Shunakee) lies north of Pine Lake in
the town of Warren, is one mile and a quarter long, three
fourths of a mile wide, and has an area of five hundred and
eighty-one acres. The Oconomowoc Creek passes through
this lake.
Labraugh (Beaver) Lake lies half a mile east from Pine
Lake into which it discharges its waters. It is eighty-three
chains long, sixty-nine wide, and occupying an area of four
hundred and twenty acres."
Indians of both the Prairie Potawatomi and Menomini
tribes had camps and villages at Milwaukee in 1836, and
Winnebago villages were not far away. He may have had
his lake names from any of these. Although in Prairie
Potawatomi territory, Pine lake was visited by Menomini
Indians who had a village at Menomonee Falls and camps
elsewhere in Menomonee township only a dozen miles away
to the east, also by groups of Winnebago, who were on
friendly terms with the Potawatomi and occasionally wan-
dered through the region. The Potawatomi word for pine
is shquak and the Chippewa word jingwak. The pronun-
ciation and spelling of both words is sufficiently like Chene-
qua (the name given by him to Pine lake) so that Dr. Lap-
ham may readily have derived his spelling of the name from
hearing either of them spoken. The Menomini word for
pine is aska.
A distinctive feature of Pine lake are the group of pine
trees on the Island and several other groups of the same
formerly and still existing on its eastern shore. These the
Potawatomi always remembered, and it is but natural that
they should have named this lake for them.
Rev. E. P. Wheeler, an authority on Wisconsin Indian
names, thinks that the name Chenequa may have been de-
rived from the Potawatomi word gih chih in nah quak",, or
"big tree grove". John Blackhawk, an authority on the
language and customs of his tribe, thinks that the name
might have been derived from the Winnebago word chenu-
kra, or "the village".
Huron H. Smith, the ethno-botanist, states that the word
Chenequa means "Indian woman" or "Indian maiden", and
the word is a Chippewa rather than a Potawatomi one.
"Chene" is an abbreviation of "inishinabe", meaning Indian
and pronounced "shini" or "shunay". Ikwe or akwe is the
word for woman.
The Potawatomi of the present day give to the lake the
name Shquak mbes, or Pine. lake.
Lapham gives the Indian name of North lake as Shuna-
kee. This name Simon Kahquados, chief of the Potawatomi
group near Blackwell and Laona in Forest County, believes
to be a shortening of the name Shanakoonebis, meaning
"south cloud water". Shanakoo was a Potawatomi chief
whose village was at this lake. John Blackhawk says that
the name may have been derived from the Winnebago word
chunaka, or "the blue one".
The name Labraugh given by Lapham to Beaver lake
John Blackhawk suggests may be a slight distortion of the
Winnebago word "lubra" or "rubra", meaning beaver.
There is no doubt but that the Prairie Potawatomi, Me-
nomini and Winnebago all had names for the Chenequa
Pine, Beaver and North Lakes. 23
Trail Village Site.
An Indian camp site is plainly indicated on the James A.
Friend property on the northeast shore of Pine lake. Evi-
dence of this former occupation by the aborigines, consist-
ing of burned and broken stones from wigwam fireplaces
and chips and fragments of grey and white flint, the refuse
of former implement manufacture, occur in the gardens
of the late Jacob E. Friend; on a piece of level land which
stretches from the James Friend residence on a prominent
knoll in its rear down to the lake shore. A portion of this
field had been fall-plowed during our first visit to this site
and no doubt camp refuse had been thus turned under, but
a considerable number of hearthstones of fist-size and
smaller were found scattered over limited areas in several
parts of this field. The former sites of at least three wig-
wams appeared to be thus recognized. Near these places
the flint refuse and a small piece of red pipestone were also
found. Doubtless many other hearthstones have been re-
moved from this site during the years of its cultivation. If
other parts of this tract, now under sod, are again plowed
other lodge sites and refuse should be disturbed.
This site has long been known to collectors of Indian im-
plements. Mr. Christ. Schwartz is among those who have
collected here. From these and other sources we learn that
there have been recovered here a considerable number of
flint arrow and spearpoints of various forms, several flint
knives, a number of flint scrapers, a flint perforator, several
pebble hammerstones, a stone celt or hatchet, and two
grooved stone axes, one of these with .a blade much worn and
shortened through long use and re-grinding. No potsherds
have been found by ourselves or reported found here by
others. These remain to be collected. They certainly
should occur, especially if this camp site is a fairly old one,
as it appears to be. Its early Indian inhabitants may, how-
ever, have employed bark or wooden vessels in their domes-
tic arts.
Years ago scattered deer and other animal bones were
seen here, also scattered mussel shells. Some of the bones
had been split to obtain the marrow. If there were any
refuse pits in connection with this site they have not been
This land, from the east and west road at its northern
limits southward to the creek joining Pine and Beaver lakes,
formed the estate of the late Judge M. F. Tuley. The por-
tion of it occupied by this camp site was in former years a
flat covered with forest trees. The fotawatomi claim this
as a former camp site. They certainly camped here in small
numbers in early days of settlement, spearing and trapping
fish in the stream conecting Pine and MucT lakes, and hunt-
ing deer and other game in the surrounding country. This
locality was a sheltered one and otherwise favorable for the
location of an Indian camp. South of it extending along
the lakeshore is a high wooded ridge upon which is the J.
V. Quarles home, in its rear is the elevated ground of the
James A. Friend property, and west of it another promi-
nent ridge upon which stands the residence of Robert E.
Friend. A fork of the old Indian trail between Pine and
Beaver lakes, on its way to the creek crossing between the
head of Pine and Mud lake, touched or crossed this village
On the shore of Indian or Outlet bay, at the base of the
ridge upon which the Robert E. Friend residence is located,
is a path reported to be a remnant of an old lake-bank trail.
This can be traced from this point along the bay shore
northward for a distance of several hundred feet to where
the Friend garage is located. This continued northward to
the shore of Mud lake.
Chenequa Springs.
On the Pine lake shore at the base of the high wooded
lake bank a short distance north of the Chenequa Springs
hotel are several fine springs. These springs the Pota-
watomi knew and used when encamped in the vicinity.
Their name for these is reported to have been Tkepmbes, or
"springs at the lake." A spring on the Rudberg place a
short distance west of the house was also known to the In-
dians. It appears in the Waukesha County atlas of 1873
as a mineral spring.
Pine, Beaver and North Lakes. 25
Game was very plentiful in former days on the north-
east shore of Pine lake. The early settlers killed many
deer and now and then a bear. Mr. Christ. Schwartz and
Mr. Charles Rudberg both speak of the great numbers of
passenger pigeons. Their flights in the spring of the year
continued all day long, flight after flight. In returning in
the autumn they roosted in the woods, feeding on the abun-
dant acorns. Forty years ago Mr. Schwartz shot numbers
of them from the top of the hill upon which the Chenequa
Hotel stands. Flocks of the beautiful wood duck as well
as of other ducks were numerous. Muskrats were numer-
ous in the marshes. Raccoon were frequently shot. On the
George Vits place beyond the Tuley log cabin was a small
marshy area. Here Mr. Schwartz shot many partridges in
a poplar thicket. Fish were very abundant, the Indians
occasionally spearing them. In Tuley bay and extending
across to Niedecken point was a marsh in which the Indians
speared and trapped muskrats. This has been elsewhere
Niedecken Point Camp Site.
In the forties and fifties a few Potawatomi occasionally
camped on this wooded point on the south shore of Tuley's
bay. Here the creek outlet of Beaver lake, flowing through
farm and pasture lands of the John 0. Rudberg estate, en-
ters Pine lake. This end of the once marshy bay was an
excellent muskrat hunting ground. The Indians erected
their lodges on the lands near the mouth of the creek.
This site must also have been occupied by redmen long
before the pioneer whites came to this region. The farm
field adjoining and near the creek has yielded many flint
arrow points in past years. Evidence of flint working
(broken nodules, spalls, flakes and chips of white and grey
and other flint) were also to be seen here. Mr. Christ.
Schwartz found a Siouan-type red catlinite pipe in the field
on the south side of the creek. .Mr. Louis W. Jacobson has
a blue hornstone knife found on this site. Other artifacts
collected here are a stone celt, flint blanks, a stemmed flint
scraper, a copper spearpoint with a socket, a bone awl, a
fragmentary mussel shell pendant, a glass bead .and an iron
harpoon point. Several small fragments of a pottery ves-
sel are made of reddish clay, tempered with crushed rock
and unornamented.
In a small garden near the Niedecken home we found
scattered fireplace stones, a pebble hand-hammer, a broken
flint blank, and numbers of flint chips and spalls.
Niedecken point is a picturesque gravel knoll, at its high-
est part fifty or more feet above the waters of the lake. On
its top are a stand of cedar and other trees. The Niedecken
home stands on another attractive knoll.
Swallow Point.
Adjoining the Niedecken property on the south and ex-
tending along the Pine lake shore is a fine oak woodland.
The land rises gradually from the lakeshore, sloping to the
east, and is rolling in character. It is a part of the John 0.
Rudberg estate. It is an extension of the old Indian camp
site at the mouth of the creek at Niedecken point. Here
the Indian women in early days of settlement gathered
acorns, the supply being generally abundant. At the south-
ern extremity of this woodland tract is Swallow point, a
high rounded point occupied by several summer residences.
This point was years ago known as Leuthstroms point being
the place of residence of Dr. C. A. Leuthstrom, a widely
known specialist in chronic diseases. Mr. Christ. Schwartz
reports that an Indian burial was disturbed when a ditch
was dug at that time on the Leuthstrom, now a part of the
Anna M. Cudahy property. These bones a son of Dr. Leuth-
strom re-buried. No particulars concerning this burial ap-
pear to be available. Other Indian burials are said to have
been made here but these have not been found.
The Island.
In Pine Lake, at a distance of over six hundred feet west
of Swallow point, is a pear-shaped island owned by the Pine
Lake Yacht Club. This picturesque island is a hog-back
rising out of the lake with a group of pine and other trees
growing on its top and sides. Its northern end is produced
in a long narrow point, its southern extremity rounded.
Its general direction is northeast and southwest. Its length
is given as about seven hundred feet and its greatest width
as about two hundred feet. Some of the deepest water of
Pine lake (79 to 84 feet) lies off the west shore of this
Pine, Beaver and North Lakes. • . 27
island. Between its eastern shore and the mainland its
depth is 50 feet in places.
This island, once known as Sands island, belonged in the
seventies to Josiah J. Sands, who had an estate on the main-
land at Anchor point the next point south of Swallow
(Leuthstrom) point. The Indian name for this island is
given as Shquak mineshe, taking its name from the pine
trees. Some flint points have been collected on this island
and picked up along its shore, the latter being probably
washed up from the lake. Years ago an Indian burial was
also unearthed on this island. Particulars concerning its
character are not obtainable.
Anchor Point Camp Site.
Another former Indian camp site was on the old Sands
estate on the shore of Sands bay lying north of Anc